Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 14, 1994, Image 105
Limousin Show In June ENGLEWOOD, Colo. Lim ousin enthusiasts across the east ern United States are gearing up for the Eastern Regional Junior Ag Students, Faculty Receive Recognition (Continued from Pago CS) Senior Award. She has been active in many campus activities while working part time and maintaining I 3.4 grade point average. average. Employed at the Chevy tcmational. presented a University Chase Country Club in Montgom- Maryland Alumni check to ery County, she designs, plants, Fred R. Shank of Rcston, Va., pre and maintains the ornamental beds Sl^c f lt UMCPCollcgeof on the golf course. Cul st Alumm Chapler - . David A. MiU« of Braddock $925 check represents a grant to Heights (Frederick County), a past be used for career nctwork events president of the University ot Agncuiture stu- Maryland Alumni Association In- 06,1,5 al buy, sen, trade on rent through the • Laura S. Showell of River dale, (Prince George’s County) was named Outstanding Graduate of the Institute of Applied Agri culture, a two-year program. PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM sf DAIRY. mm A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Limousin Show and Southeast' For the first timc, theSdutheast Summer Classic Open Show June Summer Classic Open Show will 17-19, 1994, in Murfreesboro, be a Level II Medal of Excellence Tenn. Point Show endorsed by the North Showell is an ornamental horticul ture major with a 3.96 grade point ® KU CONSmUCTKW EQUIPMENT Route 206 North, P.O. Drawer E Newton, NJ 07860 (201) 383-3370 Outside NJ 1-800-545-1278 Toll Free NJ (Parts) 1-800-382-9207 JD FINANCING AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS ■ FAX; 201-383-5786 1987 JD 7SOB w/ROPS, 2250 Mrs. 1988 JD 450 G. 6 way blade $35,000 1990 JD 450 G, WT,JBDBs. 6 way. 600 hrs $50,000 1992 JD 550 6 hrs $58,000 WHEEL LOADER BACKHOES 1988 JD 3 lOC cab. 4X4, 2400 hrs. 1992 JD 310 D w/cab, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, 700 hrs $47,500 1974 JD 410 w/cab 1977 JD 410 cab. rebuilt engine 1988 JD 4IOC cab. 4x4, 3400 hrs. 1986 JD 4158, 4x4, ROPS, aux. plumbing $18,500 1987 JD 410 C w/cab, ext. dipper, 2280 hrs $32,500 1967 JD 500, good condition 1984 JD 51 OB w/cab. 2450 hrs 1985 JD 5158 with cab & side shift Backhoe aux. Plumbing MF 50A w/loader w/cab. Bros MDL. 5PV735,84” Vibratory Roller 512,500 Heavy Equipment Eoader P arts, Inc. BD 2, Box 2230, Route 22, Grentville, PA 17028 (717) 469-0039 (800) 446-0505 ■{Si CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT $42,000 TRAIL KING TRAMAC MUSTANG $35,000 $10,250 $14,000 $37,000 Want To Buy $8,500 $20,500 John Deere $18,500 Equipment - Any Model $B,OOO American Limousin Foundation (HALF).* Dr. Bdb McGuire, Au burn, Ala. will make the selections in the open point show. Frank Jackson of Bentonvillc, Ark. will judge the junior show where junior Limousin breeders will exhibit in classes for steers, heifers, and showmanship. In ad dition to competing with steers and heifers in die livestock arena. 1986 Case 450 C Crawler, w/6 way Blade, 1280 Hr., U/C Excellent $19,500 1986 580 Super E Tractor, Loader, Backhoe With Extendahoe'With Cab & Air, Nice $lB,OOO Mustang 342 Diesel, GP Bucket $8,500 89 Case 1155 E w/New Sprocket & Roller & Pins & Bushings, In Excellent Condition 532.500 - We Buy & Sell Financing Or Lease Purchase Available AA Equipment 1797 Robart Fulton Hwy., Quanyvllle, PA 17566 717/529-2512 No Sunday Calls CRAWLER LOADER 1978 JD 555 w/9300, backhoe... 1980 JD 555, ROPS, 4&1 bucket HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS 1988 JD 490 D Long Stick, 28” Pads, New U/C 1989 JD 490 D, 1600 Mr 5...... 1990 JD 590 D, long & wide. 2300 hrs $69,000 1987 JD 790, Clean, New U/C, aux. plumbing $65,000 1986 JD 70 w/blade, long stick 1988 JD 70D w/bladc, long stick, 2315 hrs. Toyota skid steer loader buckets RM Demco Sprayer, like new, 3 pt. 21* Boom JD 603 Rotary cutter 3 Yd. 444 E Material bucket, new New York Rake Mfflßßheels & blade Stanley MB 550 hammer Stanley M 8125 hammer, low hrs 1968 Mack R Tractor 237/5 Speed 1988 25 Ton Rldgid Eager Beaver Trailer 1972 Eager Beaver 18HA $5,500 Mighty Mover Landscape Trailer, 2 axles, long bed... 51,200 ATTACHMENTS (1) 93A Backhoe... (2) 9300 Backhoes Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 14, tW-C9 juniors will be competing in quu; bowl competitions and enjoying volleyball and barbecue. Sponsored by the Southeastern Limousin Breeders Association, the shows will be held at the Mid dle Tennessee State University Livestock Center. For more information on the Eastern Regional Show, contact Paul Robbins at NALF, (303) 220-1693. JD 544 B, Nice w/Falr 1987 Kawasaki 3800 Hr. In Excellent Condition $49,900 ‘ 843 Bobcat Diesel, GP Bucket, Nice Condition $ll,BOO JD 3130, New Rubber On Front, New 18” Rubber On Rear, Nice Condition Rubber $19,500 $23,500 $16,000 $51,000 $55,000 $30,500 $32,000 POR $l,OOO ....$7OO $2,400 $1,600 $5,500 $3,550 $5,500 $9,000 53,500 $4,500/ea