Mill Creek, PA New Enterprise, PA 717-483-6940 814-766-2364 John Yoder, Mgr. Ken Bupp, Mgr. The result* you may achieve with your HarveatoreS System depend* primarily upon your management a kill* and may vary from auccaoaAil reaulla achieved hu others. Any application In a particular forming operation require* the advice of qualified exports and la subject to limitation* of good management, weather or other conditions present at the Individual location. Itarvcstore la a registered trademark of A.O. Smith Harveatore Products, Inc. -if* \»' "«' ?.*" V* . * % ' 'jr «L Nelson Hershey (center) and sons Brian (left) and Clifford (right) in front of their newly-constructed 25x60 Harvestore® structure. Penn Jersey representative Dick Enck promised it would be built for first cutting - and it was! CALL US - WE CAN BUILD ONE FOR YOU! NOW SERVING ALL OF MARYLAND AND DELAWARE PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAND, PA • 717-354-4051 Pslrhopc, PA 814-267-3308 Joe Simpson, Mgr. * NewvlUe, PA Columbus, NJ 717-776-3397 609-298-7136 Maynard McCullough, Mgr. Charles Van Mater, Mgr. In Maryland 800-384-4082