AS-Lancastv Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1994 -r%Oi-D Perfection Ninety years ago. on May 5. 1904. Denton True "Cy" Young made baseball history by pitching the major leagues' first "perfect game " For the uninitiated, that means no player on the opposing team ever made it to first base no hits, no walks, no runs, nothing Young led his Boston team to a 3-0 victory over Philadelphia that day and he went on to win more games (511) than any other pk. pitcher He's also the only pitcher to win 200 or more games in both leagues Little wonder that / former Commissioner of Baseball Ford Frick thought of Cy (for cyclone) Young y in 1956 when he inaugurated an annual iV . award to honor the best pitcher in baseball. The greater the obstacle the more glory in overcoming it. Jean Moliere e* One teaspoon of fresh herbs equals 1/2 teaspoon dried. EA RTHWISE National Herb Week is a great time to think about herbs in the garden as an answer to pest control Aphids shun chives and gar lic Tansy and mint discour age ants Fleas hop away Irom fennel and tansy; try planting some around the doghouse or Fido's lavontc patch of shade House- VI I Makes Hies avoid basil, chamo- T I jJI cup. down on unwanted house (fly) guests. tm/ME w>wier National Herb Week Hfrb Buttfr 1 tablespoon any fresh herb (OR Ilf teaspoon dried) 1 stick butter, softened Thoroughly combine the minced herbs and butter Store in refrigerator in tightly sealed, labeled con tainer Use on fresh or frozen vegetables, or boiled new potatoes Chervil, chives, parsley, and thyme aic especially nice. Or try your favorite combinations CATTLE 287.. PDA ..Compared to last Tuesday'i maiket.sL steers 1.00 lodrer, cow steady. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 128S/14S0 lbs. 71.25-73.60, Choice 1050/1460 lbs. 69.00-72.75, few 75.75, Select 63.00-69.50. HOLSTEINS; few Choice lS35’/1465 lbs. 61.35-63.10, few Select 58.75-61.60, Standard SO.OO-57.25. HEIFERS: few Choice 1030/1405 lbs. 71.85-74.10, Select 60.00-66.00, Standard 52.00-56.00. COWS: few Breaking Utility and Commercial 45.00-47.00, one 55.50, Cutler and Bon. Utility 43.00-47.75, Can ner and Low Cutter 40.00-44.75. Shells down to 35.00. BULLS; few Yield Grade Na 1 1645/1765 lbs. 63.75-66.75, No. 2 1300/2380 lbs. 50.00-57.85. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers: Medium Frame No. 1 840/1000 lbs. 60.0065.50, few 290/450 lbs. 71.0073.00; Heifers; Medium Frame No. 1 400/700 lbs. 59.00-66.00, few 270/300 lbs. 71.00, Urge Frame No. 2 710/930 lbs. 51.5055.00; Bulls; Large Frame No. 1 425/730 lbs. 64.0070.00, 3< OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECAST *tBP Northeast; Sunny and warm: rain north, then warm and dry. cold and clear west and coast Southeast: Showers, cool, sunny and hot west, showers and warming, cold north Midwest: Rainy and warm. then clearing, turning cooler with showers north and east Northwest: Rainy and mild, turning colder, heavy ram, snow mountains, then sunny and warm, showers north. Southwest: Cold, rain, snow mountains: then clearing and warm, hot desert. Mercer Livestock Auction MERCER, PA April 26, 1994 A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! NOW RECEIVING MARKET HOGS FOR 220-260 LB. TUESDAY 6:30-10:00 AM FRIDAY 6:30-10:00 AM ALL MARKET HOGS MUST BE SCHEDULED ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE SOUTHSIDB PORK PACKERS 717-454-6761 1-81 To Exit 39, 309 North to Hazleton First Right After Mack Dealer, Second Right on Wyoming Street A Hazle Pork Pocking Company Affiliate Medium Frame No. 1690/900lbs. 350/650 lbs. 63.0072.00. CALVES 82..VEALERS; Standard and Good 75/110 lbs. 50.00-60.00, Utility 40/80 lbs. 20.0045.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Na 1 Holstein bolls 110/125 lbs. 100.00117.50,90/105 lb*. 120/10145.00, Na 2 80/120 lbs. 80.00117.50; couple Na 1 Holstein heifers 100 Ibe. 225.00, few No. 2 85/95 lbs. 150.00185.00. Few Beef cross bulls and heifers 90/95 lbs. 115.00190.00. HOGS 20S..Barrows and gilts steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 240/260 lbs. 42.75-43.35, couple lots to 45.00, US 1-3 230/270 lbs. 41,25-42,35, US 2-3 230/280 lbs. 39.004050. SOWS; US 1-3 410/560 lbs. 33.0040.00. BOARS: one 665 lbs. 25.00, few 230/280 lbs. 27.0035.00 FEEDER PIGS 20...N0 MARKET TESTI SHEEP B... Few Choice 50/90 lbs. Spring sL lambs 70.0075.00. Slaughter sheep: few 10.0013.00. GOATS 6...C0up1e Large 24.00 St 31.00, few Large Kids 14.0015.00. - per head. NEED TO CUT THE FEED BILL? ll > ,1 I |M I '■ lOV.I !••• I K'\H I 111 I' \K IMI \ I 1 H'l \ ’ I I'< >1 \ I) \, //Q\\ I\l'i>r i , ; ’ 11 I.• Mi iI >1 \I I Mi( i :li■ ’< i • IP pennfield feeds SLAUGHTER ONLY 322 South Wyoming Street Hazleton, Penna. 18201 North Jersey Livestock Hacfcettstown, NJ Report Supplied by Auction Tucadey, April 26, 1994 Report nippllcd by auction CALVES .20-2.15. COWS .25-53V4. EASY COWS .07 .41 HEIFERS .28 .71. BULLS .38-.65. STEERS .53-.72V.. HOGS .10-.47. SOWS .32 .36. ROASTING PIGS EACH 15.00-55.00. BOARS .25-,28. SHEEP .10-.40. LAMBS EACH 4.00-65.00. LAMBS PER LB. .20-1.08. GOATS EACH 25.00-122.50. KIDS EACH 10.00-92.00. TOTAL 1562. 717-455-4199