842-LancMtef Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. MAY 21 - 9:3OAM Auction of milk bottles and antique tools to be held at the Blue Ball Fire Hall, located along Fit. 322, Blue Ball, Pa. By Snyders Auc tion Service, agent for owners. SAT. MAY 21 -11 AM, The Opportunity Sale Semax East. Located At Lampeter Fairgrounds. Managed By Don Welk & Kris Knutsen. SAT. MAY 21 -12 Noon, 10 Zoned Commercial SHORT NOTICE DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL Wednesday Evening, May 11, 1994 7:00 P.H. Selling at Art Kllng’s Sale Barn - Located 15 miles North of Carlisle on Route 74 - 2 miles Northeast of Landisburg. Due to other Business Interests - Bill McCulloch had decided to sell his complete milking herd, consisting of 44 Holstein Cows. This is a good young Parlor - Freestall Dairy - Over l A the Herd is Milking with First Calf. Balance are Second Calvers with only a few older cows. Bill has culled heavy - only the Good ones Sell in this Auction. 20 Head have been Fresh since January and a nice Group of Fall cows also Sell. Low Somatic Cell Count -4% Butterfat Test - 50 lbs. average per cow in the tank, with Homegrown Feed. Also Selling; DeLaval 2500 gal. Bulk Tank and Surge Double Six Her ringbone Parlor. WILLIAM AND LINDA McCULLOCH 260 McCulloch Road, Shippensburg, PA Phone: 532-8848 (Bill) 532-5508 (Travis) Also selling For Art Kling: 20 Head of recently Fresh and Close Springing cows and First Calf Heifers. Usual Top Quality Cattle - Registered and Grades. And a few other Consignments. Sale Managed By: Kling’s Auctions, Inc. R.D. 1, Box 66 Landisburg, PA 17040 PA License #O5OO 717-789-3883 FARM AUCTION Tractors - Combines - Refrigeration Equipment - Vehicles - Forage and Tillage Equipment SATURDAY, MAY 7t LOCATION RD #1 Box 291, Enon Valloy, Pa. Lawranea County. From Enon Vallay, Taka Routa SSI North approx. 3 mllaa - crott ovar Turnpike Bridge turn left to Auction. Watch for Signs. COMBINE: John Deere aidehill 6620 combine (2,780 hn), Hydrant drive/hydro auger awing/diesel/ AC/Heateiftterec/6 raw 30" com heed Mod. 215 IS' Flex knife grain heed - etc. TRACTORS/VEHICLES/MOTORCYCLE: John Deem Mod. 4020 (10,442 hn) Power ihift w/Rope, Diet el - John Deem Mod. 4430 (3.010 hn) Turbo - AC - Heet - nemo - enclceed ceb - quad range - diced- John Deere Mod 4040 (5,954 hn) encloeed ceb - AC - Heet - Stereo ■ Hydnulic ride w/4040 Micro track (MT 3000) #02104 apray control add aeparatdy Oliver Dieael mod. 1950 - 1974 Chevy van - 1974 Chevy atake aide - 1936 Ford truck - Honda 350 motorcycle - etc. FORAGE AND TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: DMC Grain cleaner 5 hp/mod 40 complete w/auger, 1.5 Hp motor, 45' auger, 7.5 hp 3 phate - 65’ auger w/3 hp motor - 44 combine engine (4430-2840) John Deere - Harvey 24' Hay Elevator w/Vi hp motor - Five tooth chiael plow - Dunham 10' cultipacker - Wooda 10' brush cutter (offset) - Progress Ind. apnyer w/Alum. tank - Ammonia Applicator - 3 pt 2 row com worker - John Deere 4400 combine rear end A front feeder for combine - com cultivator for Massey Hams 22 - John Deere 347 Baler A #4O kicker - Butler grain dryer Mod. 15-10 6” auger • 30' auger - Bazooka S” auger w/power take off - Flex auger - Kewanee culumulchcr 14' #S7 - White 549,5 bottom plow auto reset - Brandt 35’ auger w/7.S motor 3 ph - Birch 218, IS' plows - spring tooth plow - Sidney grain cleaner - (2) 4” augen - Danuser post hde digger (3 pt) - New Holland rake Mod. 258 - John Deere 215 flex head for combine - John Deere grow cultivator 30" rows Mod EROO2 - John Deere (7000) com planter (liquid fertilizer w/herbicide • 25’ auger - Vicon fertilizer spreader - Gehl 610 Fotage Wagon - Ajax 3 bottom plow Md pg 75 -17 -B - Dual liras 2 sets of 18-4-38 - Dual tires 2 sets of 18.4.30 - Wooda finishing mower Rm 59 - New Hollander 850 round baler - Lewis - Shepard manual stacker - Farm fan gram cleaner - International 510 gram drill (13 hoe) - John Deere 1219 hay bine 14' spring toothed wheel harrow - 4 New Holland hay wagens - 200 gal. sprayer tank A Booms (Rccec Brand) - Case disc plows - 2 sets saddle tanka A pump - DMI Hydrowide 5 bottom transport plow - Ford offset disk - 18 ft. brash hog - Oliver transport disc - 18 ft. Glenco cultivators - 10 ft International transport disc - Spring tooth harrow - Walsh 500 gal. aprayer/28' boom - 2 Kory grain wagons (10 too gears) • IHC harrow - 4 row Oliver cultivator w/fertilizer box - etc. REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT: 19/3 14' rcfngenuon box cab, no comprcaaor - Dole Coldwell rcfng. unit - refng. compreuor, no motor - Wucontm 9, hp gat eng., - compreaaor/glyco chiller - 3 condenser units - 14 evapatois ■ compressors 2 A 5 hp - etc. MISC. EQUIPMENT: Ferguson 35 trsctor - dnllpress - riveter for brake lines - SO' Massey Ferguson for reconditioning -10’ Penn Dot style snow blade - 25' A 40’ Auger pipes - lot of clay tile - Macldssie transport trailer - Fairfield Haines mixer - Bear Cat roll mill 20 hp - 550 gal. fuel tank - winch - SS tank - 400 gal SS rank - 600 gal SS liquid holding tank -100 lbs cylinder - Clarks bottles - gram cnb - space heater - ladder jacks - hog poles - buggy shaft - pony pull - rolls of wire - 8’ alum trade cap - bale elevator -2” cyntnfical pump - 24”x24” safe - 30"x36" safe - 4 ice boxes - milk esns - C.W. Reed crates A bottles - scale - aerating fan - pallet jack - century power washer - address o graph - lot of motors - stake sides for pickup - Kory rear axle - lot of wire - lime spreader - ndmg mower - chains - floor grates- tire chains - ram mstter PTO pump - etc. TERMS: Cash or check with proper ID. All out of state checks J| ■Sag ilii. _ _ must have a bank letter of guarantee. Call for wording on IT guarantee. fmt 'Auctioneers CLARK BROTHERS f C\ and Real,ors Dlasolvlng partnership after 41 -years M *. L,C 115?r J “* NAGEB: H ° ,UM,r i^erFMIaPA^SOIO Located Legonaire Drive, Fredericksburg, Bethel Township, Leb. Co., Pa. Go 1 Mile East Of Fredericks burg On Route 22, Then Left Onto Legionaire Drive. Go About 1/2 Mile See Sign On Right, Just Before The Interstate. Conditions By, George E. Christianson, Esquire. Nelson L. Eber sole, Auct. SAT. MAY 21 - IPM Real estate auction, oustanding 2V4 story home. 122 N. Ronks Rd., East Lampeter Twp. Conestoga Valley Schools, Lane. Co. East on Rt. 340, south on Ronks Rd. at Bird-in-Hand Rest. CLARK’S DAIRY 10:00 A.M. home past Ronks Fire Co. on right. For Jan D. & Dawn M. Hamish. Bectold, aucts. SAT. MAY 21 -7PM Junia ta Co. Moutain Land. Located along Shade Mountain, off Rt. 35, approx. 1 Imi. S. of Mifflin town,' but will be offered for sale at Juniata Markets, Jet. of Rts. 75 & old 22 at the blinking light. 1 mile N. of Port Royal, Juniata Co. Estate of Cora Beale. Long's Auction Service. MON. MAY 23 - 9AM, Anti ques & Personal Property. Located 65 South Main St., Dover, Pa. Seller, Estate Of Mary J. Shellenberger Rentzel's Auction Service. TUB ;S. MAY 24 -11 AM, Fine Atglen Stone Rancher & Household Goods. Located At 5 N. School Lane, Columbia Ave., Lane. Township, Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By. Arthur Wal ters. Horst Aucts. (412) 547-IMO •00475-2437 fIU 174411^ WED. MAY 25 - Farm and orchard equip, for Brandt's orchards and farm located eight miles W. of Newville, Cumb. Co., Pa. Ralph W. Horst and David E. Qos sert, aucts.' WED. MAY 25 - 9AM, Real Estate, Household Goods, Guns, Silk Screening Equipment, Antiques & Tools. Located 4220 North ‘ George St., Manchester, Pa. (Across From Shop ping Center). Seller, Glenn & Edith Strickler. Rentiers Auction Service, WED. MAY 25 - 7;3OPM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Four States Lives- PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable New Solid Wood Oak and Pine Good Quality Unfinished Furniture, New Floor and Table Lamps, New Upholstered Furniture, New Framed Prints, New Rocking Horse, 3 Pc. Solid Oak Finished Wall Unit Tues., May 3, 1994 At 5:00 P.M. Located in the Kempton Community Center Building, between Reading and Allentown on Routes 78 and 22 at the Krumsvllle Exit No. 12 Take Route 737 North approx. 5 miles to Kempton, Pa. Berks Co. Terms - Cash or acceptable check. No out of state checks accepted. Note - Sale Will Be Held Indoors. Not Responsible In Case of Accidents. Sale Ordered by: CHARLES HUMMEL Auctioneers: Robert A. Arner AU-000024L Dean R. Arner AA-002004L Route 2, Box 216 New Ringgold, Pa. 17960 Phone 717-386-4586 Refreshments public /fiction LOCATION: Route 2 Annville, N. Annville Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. From Rt. 422 in Annville - N. on Rt. 934 for 3.7 miles to Bellegrove - bear left at Y onto Blacks Bridge Rd. and proceed .8 mile to farm on right. High cupboard w/glass door top; low dry sink; oak ext. table w/boards; round oak table; small iron bed; Kalamazoo cook stove; blanket chest; cane seat rock; library table; treadle sewing machine; fainting couch; dining room suite - no table; rocking chairs; lots of asst chairs inc. plank, decorated, Windsor style, pressed back, etc.; small tables; dressers; Ranger Joe cups; slaw board; wooden & glass butter chums; canning jars; crocks; lots of pressed & pattern glass; depression; Gone w/wind lamp; Halls china; lots of canning jars; wooden rake; double & single barrel shotguns; 22 rifle. Kenmore pot. dishwasher, GE dryer; upholstered sofas & chairs; Sears oil heatrola; wood heat rola; TV’s; lamps; vanity; (2) wardrobes; metal wardrobe; metal bed; cook & bakeware; small elec, appliances; pyrex; ice cream freezer and many other unlisted items. NOTE: Lots of unlisted items - many box lots - surprises throughout the auction - sale day inspec tion of some items not possible - the rooms are piled full - Lots of box lots. TUESDAY MAY 10, 1994 10:00 A.M. MENT TRACTORS FARM MACHINERY SALVAGE El (2) INTERNATIONAL 706 diesel wide front tractors w/new engines; VAC CASE w/plow & cultivators; (2) Farmall M; AC WD4S diesel w/2 row mtd. picker, NH269 baler w/54A thrower, IH 1150 grinder mixer, IH 510 double disc grain drill (real nice); ’SO Chev 3100 panel tk; ’74 CMC pick up; (2) Oliver 2 row com pickers; NH 489 mower conditioner; IH forage wagon; hay drying wagons: NH 36 field chopper; NH 518 manure spreader; NII row com picker; NH 213 manure spreader; JD Sx plow; Pequea tedder; plows; rakes; Danuser post hole digger, IH 56 blower, JD 494 & 1240 com planters; (2) metal rack & (3) wooden side hay wagons; cultipacker; spring tooth har rows; transport disc harrow; (3) 4” grain augers; new & used tires; small farm related items and many unlisted items. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Zero 600 gal. tank w/freon leak; milk can coolers; milkers; dumping station; vacuum pump. SALVAGE EQUIPMENT (6) Farmall & AC tractors; cars & trucks - no titles; MH combine; JD 40 dozer; farm machinery; scrap iron, etc. NOTE: We are going to open the shed doors & start selling. Auction full of surprises • lots of misc. items. Bring your chain saws & torches fof machinery removal. An interesting & entertaining auction. TERMS: Cash or approved check. Food & Toilet facilities at both auctions. ROBERT DERFLER - Auctioneer H. JyAciiwAn ■■EStunSZEBBS** 131 College AvenwAnnvilft, PA 17003 lock Sales, Hagerstown, Md. THURS. MAY 26 - SPM, Seven Stars (Juniata Co.), Pa. Selling 7.33 Acre Far mette w/A 3 Bedroom, 2 Story Home, Household Goods & Tools. Owner, Stephen Marks. Hassinger/ Courtney. Aucts. FRI. MAY 27 - IPM Industrial/Commercial Real Estate. Located in Juniata Co. just off the Port Royal Exit of Pa State Rt. 322 midway between Harris burg and State College. Del Shank, owner. Bryan D. Imes, auct. LLECTIB! PUBLIC AUCTION Of S/S KITCHEN EQUIP., FOLDING CHAIRS, SCHOOL DESKS St CHAIRS, a SURPLUS ITEMS SAT., MAY 7, 1994 Sale at 10:00 A.M. Located at the ALSACE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL at 17 Basket Rd. Turn W off Rt. 73/662 at Oley traffic signal onto Frledensburg Rd for 3 ml to Five Point, then N at Elm Food Mkt onto Old Spies Church Rd for 11/*I 1 /* ml to Basket Rd. or 2% ml. north of Stony Creek Mills via Antietam Rd. Watch for signs. Alsace Twp. Berks Co. Bower S/S milk cooler, Toledo S/S “L” shaped dishwasher; 17’ S/S serving line table; S/S dbl sink; 6’ S/S & 6’ & 5" formica top work tables; S/S carts; tray carts; Hot point ovens & stoves; 3 Hotpoint warmers; 2 Hobart mixers; small peeler; GE chest freezer; Kel ice cream freezer; exhaust hood; alum boilers & other kitchen items. NOTE: ALL EQUIP. WAS IN USE & STILL SET UP IN KITCHEN. 150+ Samsonite folding chairs; 5 chair carts; coat racks; oak dbl pedestal desk; panel door & beaded board cabinets; old dentist chair & medicine cabinet; card index; Lester-Sterling & other upright pia nos; dbl door & other cabinets- some w/ wheels; file cabinets; 10' step ladder; met al & wooden shelves; free standing & wall blackboards & slate; paper cutter; wooden child’s kitchen set and many more items. 100's of metal leg desks & fiberglass seat chairs- some all wood, ranging in size from Kdg to sth grade; teacher's desks; tables- different sizes & shapes, more surplus items. SOLD FOR: OLEY VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT AUCTIONEERS li-ialgBl AU-000302-L TERMS: CSH OR PA. CHECK Refreshments on Premises. lEHQLD Auction by HERBERT NAGLE (717) 867-1317 MONDAY MAY 9, 1994 11:00 A.M.