Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 74

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    838-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1994
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
WED. MAY 11 - 2PM Anti
ques, household goods,
antique quilts & Coverlets.
Tools. Held at the Horst
Auction Center located at
the comer of Rt. 322 & Dur
lach Rd. (approx. 2Vi miles
W. of Ephrata), Ephrata,
Lane. Co. Pa. For Gladys
White. Horst Aucts.
WED. MAY 11-7 PM Dairy
Herd Dispersal Selling at
Art Kling's Sale Barn
Located 15 miles N. of Car
lisle on Rt. ?4 - 2 miles
Northeast of Landisburg
William & Linda McCUl
loch. Kling's Auctions, Inc
WED. MAY 11 -7.30 PM,
Feeder Cattle Sale.
Located Four States Lives
tock Sales, Hagerstown,
MAY 13 & SAT MAY 14 -
Martin's 23rd Annual
Spring Auction Of Car
nages, Sleighs And Anti
ques Location: Lebanon
Area Fairgrounds, Leba
non, Pa. Martin Aucts
(717) 768-8108.
Valuable real estate, anti
ques, household goods,
furniture, old sleigh. 6360
Main St., East Petersburg,
East Hempfield Twp., Pa
From Lane, take Rt. 72 N to
East Petersburg, Sale on
left across from E. Peters
wburg Menno. Church. For
L. Henrietta Maurer. Miller
& Siegrist, aucts.
Collector Guns & Edged
Weapons. Located Fre
mont Fire Company Social
Hall, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa.
From Harrisburg Travel
North On Rts. 11-15. Just
North Of Liverpool, Turn
Left On Rt. 104. Continue
To Intersection Of Rt 35
At Traffic Light Turn Left.
Proceed A Mile. Turn Left
Follow Signs. Kenneth E
Hasslnger & Nell A. Court
ney, Aucts
FRI. MAY 13 - I:3OPM,
State Graded Feeder Pig
Sale Located At Carlisle
Livestock Market, Inc. Exit
12 Sou tit Off 1-81. Left Onto
Alexander Spring Road
(717) 249-4511
FRI. MAY 13 - 7PM. Feed
er Sale. Located New Hol
land Sales Stables Inc,
101 W. Fulton St., New
Holland, Pa. Norman Or
David Kolb, Aucts
FRI MAY 13- 9AM & SAT.
MAY 14 - 9AM Complete
Liquidation Browns Coun
try Store In the village ov
Hamlin, Bethel Twp, Leb
Co, Pa. Real estate, fix
tures, all contents, equip,
antiques, household, furn
ishings. By Jay Brown,
owner. Nelson L. Ebersole,
14 - B'3OAM John Deere
Dealer retiring, many JD 2
cylinder, Dubuque & mlsc,
parts, JD manuals, litera
ture & memorabilia. Pre
mises of the former Miller's
Sales & Service, Inc. Stew
artstown, Pa. Approx. 5 mi
E of 1-83 exit #1 Shrews
bury along Rt 851 In Stew
artstown. Owner: Dean F.
Miller. Melvin Haines,
Ralph Brenneman, Russell
Wright, aucts.
SAT. MAY 14 - Real Estate
Auction. Located Doud Rd.,
Lawrenceville, Pa (Signs
From Rte. 15 At PA-NY
Line). Estate Of Orson
“Cub” Burrell Jr. Randy Jel
liff Auction Service
SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM Furni
ture, glassware, tools, Win
ross, Noritake, grandfather
clock, dropleaf table,
steins, sleigh bells, military
memorabilia 1603 Manor
Blvd., Lane. Pa. (From Mil
lersvilleßd turn onto Char
lestown Rd at light, turn left
on Manor Blvd to sale. BY
Sharol Buohl Carl Picket,
Ed Zander, aucts
SAT. MAY 14 - Public sale
of farm machinery and
household goods. Selling
for J.W. Wittenberg, Jack
sonville, NJ. Allen Nixon
SAT. MAY 14 - 9AM, Very
Fine Antiques & Persian
Rugs, Hepplewhite Furni
ture, Cherry Comer Cup
boards & Tall Clocks.
Located For Farmersville
Fire Hall. Auction For, John
Hugh MacDonald Estate.
Executrix, Jennifer Poleski.
E.M. Murry Assoc., Aucts.
SAT. MAY 14 - SAM. 19th
Annual Consignment Sale
For The Cumberland Valley
Amish School. Quilts,
Crafts, Shrubbery, Lawn
Furniture, Farm Machinery,
Lots Of Good Food. Please
Try And Bring Consign
ments Before Sale Day.
Held At Jacob Floyd Farm,
2 Miles W Of Newburg, Pa
On 641 Steve Petersheim
Auct & Others Welcome.
Thursday, May 5, 1994
12:00 noon
LOCATION: 2 miles North of
Elizabethvllle turn East off Route 225
unto Rakers Mill Road (at Berrysburg
Camp Meeting Grove), continue 1 mile,
at Black Creek turn South, continue 1
mile to farm, Dauphin County.
Having Sold Farm Makes Auction Necessary
Few Wagon Items • Be Prompt
Int. 766 D Year Round Cab Front & Rear
Weights, 1 Owner T/A; (2) InL 686 Diesels
W.F.E., (1) Had Engine Overhaul 12/92; Int.
710 4x16 Auto Reset Semi Mounted Plow; JD
#2lO Transport Disc; Int. #lO 16 Double Disc
Drill w/Seed Attach; JD #950 10’ Roller Har
row; N.H. 718 Forage Harvester w/Pickup
Head, Elec. Controls Knives Rebeveled; N.H.
#770 N 2 Com Head; Like New Badger BN
1050 14’ Silage Wagon w/Roof, Discharge
Ext.; (2) Badger 14’ Silage Wagons w/Roof
BN 950’s; (2) Int. #56 Blowers; N.H. #4BB
Haybine; N.H. 273 Baler w/54A Thrower;
N.H. #56 Rake; Pequea 710 P.T.O. Hay Ted
der: (2) B’xl6’ Bale Throw Wagons; N.I. 38’
Hay and Grain Elevator w/2 Hp. Elec. Motor
230 Volts: Wagon w/Hyd. Box; N.H. 663 Side
Discharge Manure Spreader Hyd. Lid Opener;
N.H. 365 Side Discharge Spreader, Trailing
Boom Sprayer 300 Gal. Poly Tank; Ford 354
No Till Air Com Planter 4x30” Rows w/
Insect. Hoppers: Int. 3 Section harrow; Drag
Elev. w/1 Hp. Elec. Motor; 2 Pt. 8 Ft. Blade;
Elec. Clover Seeder; J.D. 15 Chopper, Int. 8’ 3
Pt. Stone Rake; Loadstar 30 KW P.T.O.
Generator on 2 Wheel Trailer; Int Semi
Mounted Sickle Bar Mower; Huskee 1/2 Hp.
Air Compressor; Misc. Lumber, Dayton 30
Amp. Battery Charger; (2) Fuel Tanks, (1) w/
Elec. Pump; Snapper Riding Lawn Mower;
Rye Seed; Etc.
(2) Goliath Unloaders for 20’ Silos, 7 1/2 Hp.
Motors, Olympic Stainless Steel Bushing
Chains, Maintenance Work Done in January
1994; Hercules Unloader for 20’.Silo, 7 1/2
Hp., Motor Maintenance Done in January
1994; Harvester Roller Mill 200 RM w/3 Hp.
Elec. Motor; Clay Manager Ranger Feed Cart
(Not Working); (3) Feed Carts; 15 Milk Cans;
Dairy Vac w/Booster Power; Homemade
Blocking Chute; Etc.
Machines shed kept.
TERMS: Cash or PA Check LUNCH
Robert J. and Doris E. Schaffer
Phone: (717) 286-0052
• License #AU 1595-L
Jeff Dunkelberger
• License #AU 3043-L
SAT. MAY 14 - BAM Real
Estate, Antiques & Collecti
bles, 1979 Chevrolet
4-door Impala, 1967 Chev.
Custom 20 4-wheel drive
pickup truck, household
items. App. 40 miles N. of
Harrisburg, Pa. between
Elizabethville & Millera
burg, IV4 miles N. of the vil
lage of Rife & Route 209.
Estate of John D. Matter.
Dockey, Dockey-
Romberger, Deppen,
SAT. MAY 14 - B:3OAM,
Cat. Loader, Farm Tractor,
IH Riding Mower, Truck's,
Craftsman Tools, 9 Gun's,
5 Gold Men Diamond
Rings, Furniture, House
hold Goods, Toys, Cases
Of Pepsi, Ist Ed. Richard
Petty Bottles, Stoves, Old
Pa. Lie's Plates. Located At
The Lisburn Comm. Fire
Co., 1800 Main St., Lis
burn, Pa. If Traveling On
1-83 Use Exit #lB, Take Rt.
114 West For 5 Miles, Or
Traveling On Rt. 15 Use
Bowmansdale Exit, Take
Rt. 114 East For 6 Miles To
Firehouse. Signs Posted.
Terms By, Russ Moody.
Little Ike Eichelberger Auct
Friday Eve., May 20, 1994
At 6:00 P.M.
Located approx. 8 ml. West of York or 9
ml. East of Cross Keys, Just South off
Rt. 30, along Roth’s Church Rd.
Approx. 17a acres M/L being improved
with a 27a story frame dwelling, covered
w/alum. siding, consisting of a large eat-in
kitchen with built-in Cherry cupboards,
elec, stove; dishwasher, refrigerator &
ceiling fan. A large carpeted dining room
w/large bay windows & a large carpeted
living room. There is a large family room
w/a 13 ft. stone wall & fireplace. There is a
laundry area between kitchen & family
room. Second floor has 4 carpeted bed
rooms & large bathroom w/walk-in closet.
Home has full cemented basement w/oil
fired hot water baseboard heating system.
There is a large yard area w/a 16 ft. x 32 ft.
in-ground swimming pool w/2 yr. old liner.
Next to pool is a 19 ft. x 28 ft. cemented
patio area & picket fence. There is a 30 ft.
x 48 ft. wooden frame barn, for garage
storage or could be used for horses, etc.
Next to barn is a large black-top area &
beyond that a nice lawn & trees. This is a
very nice country setting w/agricultural
zoning. Must be seen to appreciate. Call
(717) 225-4690, 5-7 P.M., for an appoint
ment. Open House will be held from 1 to 4
P.M. on April 24 & May 1.
Terms: 10% Down day of Sale. Balance
In 45 days.
Jim & Joyce Henry
Boa 138, R.D. #1
Thomasvllle, Pa. 17364
Ph: (717) 225-4690
Donald W. Dorr, Attorney
Dennis J. Plunkert. Auct.
Littlestown, Pa. Lie. «IIO2L
THURSDAY. MAY 5, 1994 /BSFm *P
9:30 A.M.
Three Tractors 1066 - 3020 - L 3750 Kubota - Farm
Machinery - M 2 Gleaner Combine - Surge Complete Milking
System 2 Inch SS Line - Two Dump Trucks - 86 Int. Diesel
Grain Truck - 12,000 Bushel Grain Dryer Bin -
700 Gal. Milk Tank
Auction held at the farm in Chester Co. Pa. 2 mile South of Coatesville, 2 mile East
of Cochranville along Rt. 82 just north of Erclldoun.
3 Diesel Tractors - Trucks - Backhoe
International 1066 Diesel tractor, turbo, rear wts, wide front, radial tires 85%; John Deere 3020
diesel tractor & wide front, std. shift, dual hyd. outlets; Kubota L 3750 Diesel 4 wheel drive diesel -
hydraulic shuttle 230 orig. hrs.; 1986 International V 8 diesel 18 ft. dump bed, ex. cond.; Chevy 60
truck gas 14 ft. dump flat bed; GMC 1967 cattle truck 10 ft. box 350 Chevy engine; Kolley 3 ft.
model 20 backhoe; 1982 GMC 6.2 liter diesel dump truck 58,000 orig. miles.
2 inch SS milk line complete with receiver jar control panels, 4 Surge milker units, Surge vacuum
pump. Vacuum P.V.C. lines, line washer S.S. tubs, 700 gal. direct expansion Sunset milk tank. Day
ton tank washer, cow kicker, milk house supplies, 26 ft. portable feeder with tow wheels, hitch, ex.
cond. round hay feeder. Brooms - Shovels - Cooling Compressors
Rhino Athens 7 tooth 3 pt. chisel plow new 93, Oliver 4 bottom 16 inch semi mounted plow, 28
discs heavy duty disc harrow, Bush Hoe offset disc harrow 13 ft. single cultipacker. International
720 harvester monitor control, 2 row narrow com head, grass head, hydro knife sharpener, Interna
tional 51 forage wagon 3 beaters Hi flo tires H.D. gear. Badger 3 beater forage wagon 806 gear H.D.
International 2 beater forage wagon, John Deere F. 8.8. 15 disc opener grain drill, 4 row L-J culti
vator new 93 with unit covers. New Holland flail chopper.
McCurdy grain on H.D. gear, Vicon 4 wheel rake 3 pt. ex. cond. New Holland disc mower new
93, John Deere 495 com planter, metal side 18 ft. bale wagon new 93, Two flat bed wagons, 3 pt.
Bush Hog rotary mower, Cunningham hay tedder. Farmhand feed mixer grinder, PTO small grain
seeder. 3 flat trailer, 7 sections tank liquid trailer, N.H. chopper for parts.
Grain Handling Equipment
A.C. Gleaner M 2 combine diesel hydrostatic, 6 row narrow head sells separate 13 ft grain head,
unit in good condition. New Idea SO ft 8 inch PTO. portable grain auger, G. 5.1.12,000 bu. {grain
dryer bin complete with silent unit.
Paving Machine - Misc. - Post Hole Digger
Garden tractor with scyle mower, cultipacker - cultivator, 3 ft. post hole digger, front mount post
driver, 3 ft concrete mixer, 3 pt. 6 ft rototiller, 2 wagon load small items.
Auct. Steve
steve j r . Petersheim
610-593-2828 AU001349L
Bam - Milking Equipment
Farm Machinery - Forage Harvester
FRL EVE., MAY 6, 1994
at 5:00 P.M.
County, Pa. Jefferson Twp. From
Womelsdorf, Rt. 422 take Rt. 419 North
about 2 miles to E.S. Rads Car Sales.
Or Host Church Rd. turn Right go about
2 miles to auction site on left. About %
mile past Host Church. From Village of
Rehrersburg, take Rt. 419 South about
4 miles to car sales, turn left and pro
ceed to auction, watch for auction
arrows. About 20 miles from Lebanon,
Pa. and about 15 miles from Reading,
Pa. Note: For appointment to see, call
owner at (717) 866-7475.
Real Estate sets on a large lot with the fol
lowing improvements. 400 amp service, over
12,500 sq. ft. of working space, plenty of
office room, large loading dock, two levels for
different operations, over head doors for easy
loading & unloading, property has own well &
septic system, property is zoned commercial.
This property is ready to move into & start
your business. Many possibilities for this
Auction for
I Leon Miller Esquire
J Auctioneer
I r "y s * Dwight D. Miller AU002414L
k Cali (717) 933-5736
J Terms: Cash or PA Check. 10% down
| day of sale, baL In 45 days or less. <