Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 71

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    Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1994
@ 9:00 AM
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1994
@ 9:00 A.M.
In lha village of Hamlin
Bathal Townahlp, Lebanon County, Pa.
(Real estate to be sold on Saturday, May 14 @ 12:00
REAL ESTATE CONSISTS OF a 2V5 noiy Victorian
frame itore building the Tint floor ha> a large retail area, 2
store rooms and kitchen. The second floor has living quar
tets, attic, cement basement, coal hot water heat Other
buildings include an old frame bam. Inspection of Real
Estate by calling (717) 933-8214.
STORE EQUIPMENT - 4 door daily case with
remote compressor, 6 hole ice cream dipper, Globe slicer,
frozen food case with remote compressor, elec, meat slic
er, crank Sheer, Fujitsu general electronic cash register,
' meatior deli case with remote compressor, Taylor Mr.
r Fridge slushy machine, 2 door dairy case with remote
compressor, various scales, 2 household refrigerators, 2
upright freezers, meat paper dispenser, 30 drawer wooden
store counter, 2 cash registers, gas range, fans.
FIXTURES Old grained dovetail wood box, old
molasses pump, old swopes jrtore account register, SO gal.
whiskey barrels, milk cans; swopes store candy cases, old
computing scale up to 30 cents, small brass 4 lb. candy
scale, ice tongs, old milk and potato crates, candy jars,
Lance cracker jar, old advertising memorabilia. Coke ther
mometer, Pepsi clock. Gold seal ice cream clock, wall
' Coke bottle openers, Black Bear Inn sign, egg scale, egg
baskets, fine old metal cash register, Stoneware erodes,
coal oil lanterns, iron ladles, iron pots, carnival glass
pitchers, pressed glass pitchers, wicker baskets, old grass
seeders, hog scrapers, meat hooks, butchering equipment,
sausage stuffer, hog scraper rack, Wooden soda carriers,
agateware items, wash stands, traps, park bench, old mor
tise porch benches, milking stool, did hand wooden com
planter, hand well pump, lead crystal collection, large
milk bottle collection, buck saw, 7-Up chest cooler, soda
cooler, old record cabinet, Holstein bike tire pump.
Maverick 12 Ga. shotgun.
GROCERY ITEMS - A large inventory of assorted
grocery items, canned goods, boxed goods, hardware
items, new clothes, jeans, vests, shorts, gloves, amish
straw hats, amish felt hats, school supplies, yam, auto
accessories, oil, fluids, etc. LARGE SUPPLY OF
BASEBALL CARDS ■ New un-opened packs, score,
topps, upper deck. MODELS ■ Ertl tracks and banks,
HOUSEHOLD & MISC. • Mediterranean living room
suite, coffee table, octagon end tables, bar and stools,
cabinets, 23 channel CB, Curtis air compressor, school
farm tractor in good condition, 198 S Ford F-3SO 14 ft.
cube van 104,000 miles good conditon, inspection until
1-95. The tractor, track and real estate sell subject to own
ers confirmation of price, everything else sells regardless
of price without reserve.
SALE ORDER: Friday - 9AM ■ Grocery items,
household, some collectibles and antiques throughout the
Saturday-9 AM • Remaining Grooeiy itenu. 10 AM •
Baieball card collection and models. 11 AM- Milk bottle
collection. 12 NOON • Real estate 1 PM • Store equip
ment - track and tractor.
NOTICE: This is a very large auction, 2 auctioneers
selling at the same time. Come prepared to buy.
Conditions by;
Attorney: Tom Cooper, Esq.
Directions: Go 2 miles east of Freder
icksburg on Rt. 22 to Esther’s Diner,
turn right on Blue Mountain Road, go V 4
mile then left on Chestnut HIH Road for
1 mile to Hamlin.
Auction Conducted by;
License #AU-001307-L
Phone (717) 867-5221
Fax (717) 867-5606
30 West Main Street
Annvllle, PA 17003
SAT. MAY 7 Anti'
que treasure auction, anti
ques & household goods,
collectables, dishes, glass
ware, dolls. Held in the
Chanceford Community
Center, 8 miles southeast
of Red Lion, Pa. turn at the
Brogue Post Office & pro
ceed 1 block to auction on
left. For Cora E. (Bessie)
Flaharty and Margaret N.
Schminkey. Sechrist aucts.
lawn mowers & equip.
Located at Hills Auction on
Rt. 896 I'/i miles South of
Kemblesville, Pa. & 5 miles
North of Newark, Del. Har
old S. Hill & Son, auct.
SAT. MAY 7-B:3OAM, 36th
Annual Community Sale Of
Quilts, Household Goods,
Crafts, Tools, Lawn & Gar
den, Etc. Located Route
8974 Miles South Of Route
272 Brecknock Township,
Lane. Co. Terms By, Five
pointville Fire Co. Sale
CAT Loader - Farm Tractor - IH
Riding Mower - Truck's -
Craftsman Tools - 9 Gun's
- Gold Men Diamond Rings -
Furniture - Household Goods -
Toys - Cases of Pepsi Ist Ed.
Richard Petty Bottles - Stoves -
Old Pa. Lie's Plates
Saturday, May 14th, 1994
Time: 8:30 A.M.
Sale to be held at the Lisburn Comm.
Fire Co. 1800 Main St. Lisburn, Pa. If
traveling on I*B3 use exit #lB, take Rt.
114 west for 5 miles, or traveling on Rt.
15 use Bowmansdale exit, take Rt. 114
east for, 6 miles to Firehouse. Signs
Caterpillar 933-F diesel crawler, front end
loader in good working cond.; 1940 Farmall H
tractor w/snow plow, runs good; IH Cub Cadet
107 hydro, riding mower, OK; 2-2 wheel trail
ers; 1979 Ford F-ISO 4x4 short bed pickup &
’79 Ford 4x4 Bronco, both run good; Crafts
man 12” wood lathe -6” edger -12” band saw
& sender • router & table -16” scroll saw -3”
belt sander - 'A hp bench grinder -10” radial
saw -10” table saw -1 hp air compressor, all
like new; Enco floor drill press; elect. & gas
chain saws; hand saws; pipe wrenches; sock
ets; wrenches; hammers; assortment of
clamps; drill bits; chisels; vises; machinist tool
chest; tool boxes; log chains; antique wooden
tool chest; 32 ft. alum, double ladder; 2 Gray
fleters garage Overland & Chrysler wrenches;
garden tools; lots of hardware; bikes; wooden
childs sleds; Fox 12 ga. mod. B double barrel;
Lefever 12 ga. double barrel; 2 Remington 870
pump guns; Ruger 2S-06 rifle w/scope; Marlin
30-30 lever action rifle; Stevens mod. 94 12
ga. single barrel; Mossburg mod. SOOA 12 ga.
w/slug barrel; alum, flat row boat; Ashing
equip.; 20 rubber decoys; knives; traps; S-10K
& 14K man diamond rings; antique chest of
drawers; early 30’s style Singer sewing
machine; breakfast set; end tables; heaters;
metal porch set; gas grill; Red Wood furniture;
old Penn. Forest Oak pot belly stove Mfg. by
Ml Penn Stove Works; 300+ cases of Pepsi-
Cola Ist Ed. of Richard Petty (Full) bottles; 10
Hess Patrol cars; J.D. McDufAe Winross
transports; Winross 1 Ford, 1 Mack, A.G.
Republican transports; lots of 1992 Richard
Petty Fan Apprec. Tour cars in bubble packs;
of Pa. Lic.’s plate 1914 & up.
This is only a partial listing, lots more not
Auction Note: If looking for like new
Craftsman shop tools used very little, plan to
attend this sale. Will be selling household
goods, sm. hand tools, larger power tools.
(Rings & toys at 12:00 noon). Then out side
items last.
Terms of Sale: Cash or good personal
checks w/proper ID. No out of state checks
unless you have updated letter of credit
from bank.
Refreshments by Fire Co,
Not responsible for accidents.
Little IKE Elchelberger auctioneer
Pa.. Lie. #AU 001954-L
Now booking all types of public sales
Call for available dates
Ph. Lewlsberry 938-6322
* • K
(38 Acres, More Or Less),
Farm Items, Tools, J.
Deere M Trader, Antiques
& Collectibles, House
goods & Furniture. Located
3510 Willow St. Pike S.,
Willow St., Pequea Twp.,
Lancaster Co. Pa. (Dir.;
Along Rte. 272 N & S
Approx. 3 Miles 8. Of Wil
low Valley). Sale By, Bar
bara (Paul A.) Wallace Est.
Roy & Eric Probet, Aucts.
SAT. MAY 7 - Hoover's
Annual Public Consign
ment Sale Of Farm Machin
ery, Tools. Guns, Etc.
Located Cumberland Co., 1
Mile East Of Bloserville
Along Route 944, 3 Miles
East Of Newville Turn Off
641 Onto Road To Bloser
ville. Or From Carlisle Take
Route 74 North To Route
944 West. (Signs Posted).
Art. Rile Auction Service.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Furni
ture, antiques, dishes,
glassware, linens, books,
etc. At Springetts Fire Co.
Social Hall, 3013 E. Market
St., York Pa. By Grace A.
Curran. Jacob A. Gilbert,
Brian L. Gilbert, aucts.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Hock
man's First Annual Spring
Equip. Auction. Berkeley
Co. Youth Fairgrounds.
Tractors, trucks, riding
mowers, used farm
machinery. Exit 12 off Int.
81, go E. on Rt. 9 towards
Charles Town approx. 2 mi.
cross RR Tracks turn left
go 1.8 mi. turn right go
6/1 Oth mi., turn left go
4/10th mi. to fairgrounds.
Donnie Hockman, Dave
Gossert, aucts.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Anti
ques, hh goods, tools, 1200
comic books. Take Pa. Rt.
895 1 mile E. of Pa Rt. 183
to Schuylkill Co. Fair
grounds on right. For
Robert Daubert Estate.
Robert W. Derfler, aucts.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM, Anti
ques, Household Goods,
Tools, Guns, Lumber,
Shrubbery, Lawn & Gar
den, Farm Tractor's &
Equipment. Located At The
Lisburn Comm. Fire Co.,
1800 Main St.. Lis bum, Pa.
Hummel Plate Collection, Hess
Trucks, Wallace Nutting Print,
Collectibles, Woodworking Tools,
Household Goods, Toys,
Furniture, Games, Books
Thursday, May sth
<§> SHOO P.M.
Harry’s Auction House
11 Grayblll Road, Leola, Pa.
Tools at 4:00 P.M.,
Hummels at 6:00 P.MI.
Hess Trucks at 7:00 P.M.
HUMMEL PLATpS: 1971 thru 1994 plus
Anniversary Plates; 1975, 1980, 1985; Dan
bury Plate “Apple Tree Boy & Girl”, Norman
Rockwell “Four Seasons” Plates. 1973 Hum
mel “Robin” Plate.
HESS TRUCKS: 1970 Fire Truck (Mint in
Box); 1975, 1976 Barrel Trucks; 1980, 1982
Vans; 1986 Fire Truck; 1988 Car Carrier;
1987 Barrel Truck; 1989 Fire Truck, 1990
Tanker; 1991 Car Carrier; 1992 Tractor Trail
er, all with Boxes.
COLLECTIBLES: Matchbox Toys; 1958
“Price is Right” Game (M. 1.8.); California
Raisin Musical Set; Tootsie Toys; Wallace
Nutting “Happy Valley Road” Print; Cast Iron
Dog Door stops; Hubley Guns; Trucks; Fami
ly Bible; Old Tin “Cork Cannon; Mickey
Mouse Radio; Nail Covers; Thimbles; Carved
Wood Figurines; American Flyer Ski Sets;
Black Cat Salt + Peppers; Colliers Souvenir
Bank; Japanese Fan; Matchbook Print; Cos
tume Jewelry; Pocket Knives; Quilt; Buddy L
Tractor; Fisher Price Garage Set; Beatles Pin;
Tonka Crane; Ertl Fire Truck, and many more
old toys and games!
TOOLS: Atlas Table Saw; Delta Band
Saw; B&D Bandsaw; B&D Router with Table
and Bits; Drills; Sanders; Tape Measures;
Linoleum Installation Tools; Dremel Tool Set;
Saw Blades; Squares; Lawn & Garden Tools;
Hahn Mower and small tools too numerous to
FURNITURE: Solid Ash Double Bed and
matching Chest of Drawers; Stereo; Early
American Queen Size Sofa Bed; Broyhill Pine
Coffee and End Tables, and Children’s Chairs.
APPLIANCES: G.E. Double Door
Refrigerator; Freezer in Excellent Condition;
uum; Rogers Candlesticks: Tables; Fans; Bak
ing Utensils; Ironing Board; Glassware; Dis
hes: Mirrors; Dress form; Vases; Floor Lamp;
Salt & Peppers: Wall Sconces; Ash Trays; Oil
Lamps, and lots more!
MISC: Exercycle; Records; Christmas
Ornaments; Books; Marble Roller; Walkie-
Talkie & Scanner; Wooden Shoes; Brass
Bucket; Child’s Jumping Horse; Decorated
Milk Can; Crutches: Bicycles...
TERMS: Cash or Good PA Check.
* Consignment Sale: Acting as Agent for Sell
er * Food Available.
R. Carl Plckel-AU-003040-L
Ed Zander - AA-0021930-L
include Pink Depression, Crocks, Old School
Desk, Lawn Chairs, Etc.
V»Pr r <r 'm', '■ F t,'u 4 . r )TlrT'i) : ’i n^py.pjlir,
UmcMUr Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1904435
Along Rt 114. Little Ike
Eichelberger, Auct., Joe
Metro. Auct. & Bill Che
noweth, Aucf.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Anti
ques and collectables,
tousehold items-plus.
From Harrisburg Travel N.
if Liverpool, Left on Rt.
104. Continue to intersec-
Jon of Rt. 35 at (Blinking
Rod Light). Turn right and
:ontinue into Freeburg.
Signs posted off Main St.
Estate of the late Margaret
3. Freed. Kenneth E. Mas
singer, Neil A Courtney,
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Real
estate alf kinds of small
tools, HH goods & Guns. At
321 Anchor Rd,, Rheems,
Pa. Between Elizabeth
town & Mt. Joy, next to Eli
zabethtown Grace Bre
thren Church. By Albert
Draco. Harold (Abe) Shaf
fner, Mark Diffenderfer,
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM. Ker
stetter's Annual Consign
ment Sale Of Farm Machin
ery, Farm-Related Items.
Construction, Tools, Vehi
cles, Etc. Located Along Rt
64, 5 Mi. NE Of Bellefonte,
Pa. Walker Twp., Centre
Co. Kerstetter Auction.
SAT. MAY 7-9 AM, Trucks.
Trailers, Shop Equip.,
Tools & Parts. Located On
The Premises At 3212
Uniontown Rd., Westmin
ster, Carroll Co., Md. From
Rt. 194 At Keymar To East
On Middleburg Rd. 7VS Ml.
To Sale (Middleburg Rd.
Turns Into Uniontown Rd.)
Or From Rt. 140 In West
minster Turn On Rt. 31 To
2nd Intersection & Turn
Right On Uniontown Rd. To
Sale. Devilbiss Trucking.
Trout Aucts.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Valu
able real estate and per
sonal property/auio.
Located at 411 Delp Rd.,
Lane. Pa. This portion of
Delp Road is Just W. of
Fruitvillo Pike. For John S.
Roth. E.M. Murry Assoc.,
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Vehi
cles, shop equip, tools,
parts, Starrett Granite Sur
face plate. At 115 Main St,
Salunga, Pa. Lane. Co.
From Lane., take Rt. 283 W
8 miles to Salunga, Landis
ville Exit, then left and pro
ceed Vi mile to Spooky
Nook Rd. and turn left onto
Broad St Go 1 block to
Prospect Rd., turn left and
go 1 block to Main St, turn
right and proceed'/< mile to
sale site. For Cooper's Mfg.
& Equip. Corp. J. Omar
Landis Auction Service.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Real
estate, antiques, primltivet,
toys 8 household goods.
Located at 1295 Reading
Rd. (Rt. 625), Bowmansvil
le, Brecknock Twp, Lane.
Co., Pa. By Lorena B. Ader,
Patricia A. Ader. Horst
SAT. MAY 7 • 9AM Walter
E. Grube Estate, Farm
equip, 14x50 Rip Stone
Silo, 1952 Diamond T mod
el 420 truck w/14 ft. bed,
household goods, anti
ques, tools. Between Cen
terport and Shoemakersvil
le along Shoey Road,
Berks Co. Pa. On Rt. 61 at
the Shoemakersville traffic
light turn onto Noble Ave. to
stop sign, turn left onto
Mam St to Miller St., turn
right go approx. 1 mile to
farm on right. Dennis F.
Wagner. Tracy L. Wagner,
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM, Farm
Machinery, Tools, Metal
Lathe, Etc., Antiques,
Household Goods, Musical
Instruments. Located
Hanover Sq. Take Rt. 116 E
Approx. 2 Mile To RR
Tracks Turn Right On Can
nery Rd. Go 1 Mile To Stop
sign Then Straight On Tin
gling Drive Vi Mile On Left.
Owners, Richard & Treva
Bailey. Randy Hilker, Auct.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM, Farm
Equipment, Butcher Equip
ment, Antique Car & Guns.
Located 4724 Druck Valley
Road, York, Pa. (Dir. Rt. 24
- ML Zion Road - On North
Side Of Hill - turn East On
Druck Valley Road And
Follow For 4 Mile To Sale
On Right. Watch For
Signs). Seller, Harvey
Knaub. Rentiers Auction
SAT. MAY 7 - BAM Trucks,
Excavating equip, shop
tods, butcher equip. Held
on the Premises: RO #l,
Box 1130 N. Mill St. Jones
town, Swatara Twp., Lab.
Co., Pa. By Calvin & Ber
nice Hetrick. Nelson L.
Ebersole, auct.
SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Real
Estate, Antiques & Collecti
bles, Household & Misc
Items. App. 40 miles N of
Harrisburg, Pa, between
Lykens & Loyalton, along
Rt 209, in the Village of Big
Run. Viola Miller, owner
Joseph D Kerwm, aucts
SAT MAY 7 - 9AM real
estate, household goods
antiques & riding mower
Located at 143 Forest Hill
Rd, turn off Rt 23 at West
end of Leola near Stauffers
of Kissel Hill on Forest Hill
Rd Upper Leacock Twp
Lane Co, Pa By Meda M
Zook Robert E & Jeffrey
R. Martin, aucts