Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 62
826-Lancasttr Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1994 Sale Reports KEAGY SALE A Public Auction of butcher shop and farm ing equipment was sold April 23 by Claude and Ruth Keagy, 3 miles east of Marietta on Fair view Rd„ Lane. Co., Pa. There were 330 regis tered bidders at the sale. Some prices were: socket set $5O, hydraul ic motor $3O, tap & die set $37.50, farm wagon $260, walking potato plow s4(\ 1-row culti vator $42.50, 15 ft. handy hauler elevator $360, old grain drill $l5O, old combine $350, scraper blade $285, bin wagon $3OO, single row cultipacker $270, Farmall #230 tractor w/cultivator $1725, Farmall M trac tor w/corn picker $l4OO, Int. 544 tractor $B9OO, tractor chains $135, plow $360, 1979 Dodge 300 cattle truck $2900, ear com $B5 per ton, chicken coop $3l each, anvil $B5, cutting torch & cart $290, plat form scale $lO5, Winchester box $26, Lion nut cracker $52.50, banana dish $47.50 and small saus age stuffer $165. Also sold were: crocks $lO to $l6O each, Fiesta dish $47.50, 2 brass cuspi dors $lOO each, meat sheer $290, butcher ket tles $lBO each, iron penny bank $67.50, market basket $47.50, Hobart band saw $375, meat grinder $430, large sausage stuffer $ll5O, splitting saw $260, Sensenig airplane propeller $2OO, 30 gal. crock $9O, old sled $47.50 and wagon seat $l9O. The auctioneers were Ira and Dale Stoltzfus. WOOD’S 20TH ANNUAL SALE A Public Sale of machinery was held April 23 by Wood’s Auction Service on the Gordon Wood Farm, Route 15, 2 miles from Tioga, Pa. Some prices included: N.H. 426 bal er $7900, Tree Farmer log skidder $7OOO, Int. 706 tractor w/loader $4lOO, Ford 5000 trac tor w/remote arm Bush Hog $6300, A.C. 190 tractor $4OOO, J.D. 7000 conservation-till planter 6-row $4600, J.D. 336 baler w/kicker $3OOO and J.D. 338 baler w/ kicker $4400. The sale was man aged by Wood’s Auc tion Service. MITCHELL SALE A Public Auction of real estate and farm machinery was held April 22 by Sallie T. Mitchell, beyond Lees port on Tower Rd., Centre Twp., Berks Co., Pa. The 115 acre dairy farm with a house, 2 car garage and bams was sold for $200,000. Other prices were: N.H. 553 skid loader $lO,OOO, J.D. 4520 trac tor D $12,000, J.D. 5-bottom plow $5OO, J.D. 4020 tractor $6lOO, N.H. 782 harvester $l2OO, corn head $l5OO, grass head $325, J.D. 375 round baler $7700, N.H. 304 spreader $7OO, N.H. 489 haybine $2550, 2” stainless steel pipe line & pump $1975 and Patz bam cleaner $4OO. Kline, Kreider and Good were the auctioneers. WIDDOWSON SALE A Short Notice Sale of a dairy herd was held April 18 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Wid dowson at the Kish Val ley Dairy Sales Bam, Belleville, Pa. The top price for a grade cow was $1550 and four were sold for $l4OO each. A fresh cow brought $1350. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. ★ CONSIGNMENTS WELCOMED ★ FARM MACHINERY AUCTION We will be selling from the farm of Carl Rovenolt, located 3 miles East of Watsontown Exit of 1-180, Northumber land Co., follow signs from off ramp. SAT., APRIL 30, 1994 Starting at 10:00 A.M. ★ INTERNATIONAL 806 WFE TRACTOR ★ (with Year Around Cab, Diesel) IH #520,5-16 Plow - Oliver 5-16 Plow -12’ White Transport Disc - 11’ Oliver Transport Disc - McConnell 12’ Spring Tooth Harrow, 3 pt. Hitch - 4 Section Harrow - Brillion 10’ Cul tipacker (small wheels) - IH #56, 4x30 Com Planter - AC 2 Row Com Planter - McConnell 18’ Field Cultivator - NI #212 Manure Spreader- Ford 530 PTO Baler with Thrower - JD #24 Baler with Kicker (extra kicker) - NI #323 Corn Picker - NH #6ll Forage Harves ter with 2 Heads (com, grass & parts) - Eastern 20’ Bale Elevator - 6"xl6’ Grain Auger with Motor - Smoker 24’ Elevator. ★ JOHN DEERE 3300 COMBINE ★ (13’ Grain Head, 2 Row Wide Com Head) ★ NEW IDEA 702 POWER UNIT COMBINE ★ (4’ Wide Row Com Head, 10’ Grain Head) (2) John Deere #3O PTO Combines (3) Gravity wagons (2 Huskee approx. 150 bu., One with New Tires) - MM Com Sheller PTO Driven - 10 HP Cub Cadet - Cultivators for AC. ★ 1935 OLIVER HART-PARR 70 TRACTOR ★ (Spoke Rims on Rubber, Runs Good, Good Tin) 40’ Drag Chain (good condition) - Field Sprayer (good pump, tank) - Buffalo Metal Cutting Saw - Craftsman Welder - 6’xB’ Utili ty Trailer - Multi-fuel Boiler Furnace (hot water, new, in crate) - More items to be consigned. To consign call Carl Rovenolt 742-8050 or 538-2227 - Loader Tractor Available. TERMS - Cash or Good PA Check, Out of State Buyers must have Bank Letter Guaranteeing Funds. Auctioneer: MICHAEL P. WEAVER R 911 N - M OlO st., r —WWatsontown, PA 17777 ll auctioneer ll Phone: (717) 538-2227 Lie. #AU-002180-L Job Johnny - Lunch Stand Available SCHNEIDER SALE A Public Sale of real estate, farm equipment and household items was held April 23 for Joseph and Roberta Schneider, 1680 Robert Fulton Highway, East- Drumore Twp., Lancas ter Co., Pa. There were ISS registered bidders at the sale. The 12 acre farmette with a 2 story frame house, a large bank bam and several outbuild ings was purchased by Stewart and Joyce Gyles of Peach Bottom for $120,000. Other prices received were; Bolens tractor w/ snowplow $5400, Woods mower $1550, Woods scraper blade $290, Dynamark riding mower $3OO, Bush Hog rotary tiller $270, Montgomery Ward rot ary tiller $250, Delta table saw $220, post hole digger $l6O, Homelite chain saw $l7O, small John Deere disc $lO5, 6 pc. pine bedroom suite $525 and Lionel toy train set with' track $lBO. Roy and Eric Probst were the auctioneers. RESSLER SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held April 23 by Susie X. Ressler, 30 Graybill Road, Barevil le. Lane. Co., Pa. The ranch type house with a garage and tool shed on a lot was sold for $87,000. The 1985 Olds Regency 4-door sedan was sold for $3700. Snyder Auction Ser vice conducted the sale. FISHER SALE A Public Auction of household goods and antiques was held April 21 by Elmer B. Fisher, 3325 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices were: “Center Diamond’’ quilt $llOO, “Block” quilt $lOOO, hooked rugs $B5 & $9O, braided rug $66, oak claw-foot bed's32s, 3 piece Waterfall bed room suite $590, Singer treadle sewing machine $320, oak rocker $llO, 6 oak curved-back chairs $450,6 claw feet chairs $2lO, 6 fiddle back chairs $3OO, oak extension table $3OO and jelly cupboard $175. Robert E. and Jeffrey R. Martin and Randall L. Ranck were the auctioneers. ESTATE OF CLIFFORD W. SWAIN IRRIGATION AND FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SAT., MAY 7, 10:00 A.M. Campbell (Steuben Co.) New York Sal* to b* hald at the farm along State Route 333 at the corner of Town Route 4,1 mile weat of 1-17 Exit #4l at Campbell, New York. Due to the paaalng of Mr. Swain, aelllng will be; STRAWBERRY AND IRRIGATION EQUIP. MENT: I.H. “UD” 6 cyl. diesel power unit on trailer with Gorham Rupp 6x6 pump; Myers 6x4 p.t.o. pump; App. 130 lengths of Tico 3 in. x 30 ft. alum, pipe with app. 44 Rainbird 12070 sprinklers; App. 50 lengths of Tico 5 in. x 30 ft. alum, main line; Two (2) Rainbird 1008 guns; Various 3 in. and 5 in. accessories; Grove running gear irrigation pipe wagon; Bern King mulch unit complete with 6VS xlO ft, pull along trailer. The p.Lo. mulcher can be mounted left or right or removed and used on 3 pt. hitch. Unit is in like new condition! John blue 3 pt. 11 tooth injector unit with ground wheel driven pump; PK 3 pt. sprayer with SO gal. poly tank and 10 ft. booms; Powell 3 pt. 1 row transplanter; Baltic 3 pt. broadcast seeder; App. 50 alum, berry picking trays; Portable cooler (for frait-veg-beer tap) with new single phase compressor. MACHINERY: CAT 0-2 dozer with manual angle blade, pony motor, all rebuilt and ready for work; Ford 8N tractor, very good condition); Set of double ring chains for 8N Ford; Custom Built commercial style woodsplilter on wheels with Tecumseh gas engine over hyd. power, 21 ft. overall length with 8 ft splitting bed (logs or fence posts), complete with hyd. log lifter; York 3 pt. 6 ft. stone rake; 3 pt. S/t ft. double disk; Ferguson 3 pt. 2 bottom plow; Ford 3 pt. 6 ft. scraper blade; 3 pt. 4 ft. drag; Tandem trailer with 14 ft. flat desk, S'/i ft. between wheel wells; I.H. ground driven 35-40 bu. manure spreader; Case trailer type sickle bar mower; A.C. round baler; Alum. 16 ft. single chain conveyor, looks new; PRODUCE: Ear com in wire crib IOVi ft. deep in 16 ft diameter Crib, to be removed by Sept. 1 it, 1994; Pile of oats app. 13 ft. x 13 ft. x 4 ft. deep. i-TOOLS-MISC: power wagon with Myeri mow plow; 1967 Scout 4x4 farm pickup; Two hone pull behind hone trailer; Pr. of 11:2-28 tirei on Ford rimi; PK pull type lawn sprayer with 2 h.p. gas engine and 25 gal. tank; Haban 4 ft. front mount flail mower, 3 ft. pull type lawn roller; "Favorite” electric incubator; Qty. of good hanging wire rabbit cages; Lincoln 225 welder, Parts washer; Hydraulic press; Drill press; Power hack saw; Small lathe; Double grinder on pedestal; Anvil; VERY Large Group of Hand tools and hardware items, fishing equipment and tackle. Lunch-Portajohns on site! Terms: CASH or honorable check day of auction. Acceptable I.D, required! Owned by: LORETTA YOST Auction Conducted By: James P. Plrrung PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. Wayland, New York 716-728-2520 PARSONS ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held April 23 for the estate of Chester Parsons, Philip Drive, Schaeffer stown, Lebanon Co., Pa. The brick ranch house on a 93.5 ft. wide by 150 deep lot was sold for $lOl,OOO. The 1988 Ford Taurus car was sold for $5BOO. Richard A. Kramer was the auctioneer. SEIBERT SALE A Public Auction of antiques and carnival glass was held April 19 for the estate of Ed Seibert by Helen Seibert at Citizens Fire Company, N. College St., Palmyra, Lebanon Co., Pa. Some items sold were: Cowden crock $390, 4 piece butcher utensil set $BO, small Seth Thomas clock $l5O, decorated wood box $4lO, oak china closet $340, carnival glass sold as follows: pastel swan $290, grape & cable water set $240, grape & cable bowl $240 and water set $220. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. STOLTZFUS LANDSCAPING SALE A Public Sale of landscaping equipment and took was held April 23 for Stoltzfus Land scaping of Bird-in- Hand, Lane. Co., Pa. on Beechdale Rd. There were 79 registered bid ders attending the sale. Some prices included: N.H. L 785 skid loader $13,100, 1989 Ford dump truck $8000,1986 Ford dump HOOVER S ANNUAL PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, MAY 7. 1994 AT 9:00 A.M. Cumberland County: 1 mile east of Bloservllle along Route 944. 3 miles east of Newvllle turn off 641 onto road to Bloservllle. Or from Carlisle talTe Route 74 North to Route 944 West. (Signs posted). Farm Machinery - Collectables - Guns - Households - Lawn & Garden Equipment - 3 Feeder Cattle - Pigs - 3 Purebred Goats Recently Fresh - 1976-K5 Blazer 34,000 Original Miles; Butcher Topis; Hobart M. 5514 Bandsaw 220 volt single phase Brief list includes, Brillion 14 ft. fold-up harrow: M.F. 880-5 bm. Plow; Gleaner Grain Cleaner: Hay Rakes; Flat wagon w/heavy gear; Zimmerman pick-up field sprayer, 12 hole cattle feeder; 10 hole hog feeder; 6xlo ft. Port-A-Hut; New Snidey Farrow ing hut w/outside lot; New large comfort stalls; Riding Mowers, M.F. 4220 Snow blower fits M.F. 1450 tractor, Lumber. GUNS 30 plus: Rem. 760 - 30-06 in box; Rem. 760 Anniversary cal. 7 mm 08 new in box; Lauber 12 ga. over & under new in box; Investarn #4lO over & under new in box; Browning A-Bolt 284 cal. new in box; Win. M. 70 Feather weight 6 mm cal. new in box; Rem. M. 760 - 30-06; J.C. Higgins 16 ga. dbl. bl. M. 1017; Savage M. 342 -22 Hornet w/4 X Redfield scope; Marlin 22-22 cal. w/Redfield 4 X scope; Browning Auto 5 Shotgun 12 ga. light chambers; Moss burg 12 ga. 835 - 3’A mag. ulitmag; Rem. M. 7 - 223 cal. w/scope & sling; Rem. M. 6 - 243 cal. w/scope; Rem. 870 Wingmaster 12 ga. More Win. & Rem. Models. For full list of everything call Art. (717) 776-3645. Sale Order: Households at 9:00 w/ furniture mixed in, Also at 9:00 Items off wagons & trucks - Guns 11:30 then machinery. Terms cash or Pa. check ID required. Not responsible for accidents. Tent for households & guns. Lunch stand reserved. Auctioneers: Art. Rife Auction Service Lie. No. 768 L Ph-776-3645 RICk Foreman Lie. #1163 Ph-776-4602 Brian McGinn Lie. «AA2I2SL Ph-264-2597 Ron. Hoover Sale Chairman Ph-243-4993 truck $5OOO, 18,000 pound trailer $6OOO, Bench grinder $4O, tree trimmer $65, 3 Stihl chain saws $225, $250 & $255, torch kit $l2O, sod cutter $2OOO, log splitter $3OO, pressure washer $B5O, 3 pt. pulverizer $4OO, pallet fork $650,36” hole dig ger $BOO, set of two way radios $lOOO and post hole digger $l4O. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service con ducted the sale.