Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 33
Directors , Officers Named STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —At the regular board meet ing of the Pennsylvania DHIA this week, two new directors were sea ted. They are: Marian Butler, from Tioga County; and Luke Rebuck, Northumberland County. History Repeats Itself rssfsr ettStf Now hutory repeal* itself with the introduction of the all new line of GMD The heart of the new GMD “100 Series” is the newly designed cutter bar ”100 Senes” Disc Mowers. Available in working widths of 6T', 7' 10" and which makes for belter overall performance, a more uniform cut and easier 97” There's a Kuhn GMD Disc Mower that will fit your operation. maintenance I .nco . „ . . , .. , _. . , It’s easy to improve on perfection when you suit with the best, and that’s In 1968, when Kuhn introduced its first disc mower, the GMD 4, it suited a jufl whlll Kuhn h „ done with the new GMD “ 100 Series” lineup. See your revolution in the way grass was cut It also suited Kuhn on the road to over Kuhn de , ler md order B ut don ., , limited . , 25 years of unprecedented leadership in haymaking equipment. of new GMD “100 Series” Disc Mowers and they’ll sell fast A turn for the better. See The Kuhn Dealer Nearest You For More Information: Bechtelsville Miller Equipment Co. 215-845-2911 Bedford tence Farm Equipment 814-623-8601 tines Co. Eiehty Fqqr Ri a am Fields Implement Store 814-742-8171 412-222-1154 Clifford North-East Dist. & Equipment 717-222-9090 In the election of officers, Frank Omer, president; Bill Jackson, vice president; and Norm Hershey, treasurer, continue in their posi tions. Lane Sollenberger was elected as the new secretary of the board. 1968 Cochranville Stoltzfus Farm Service, Inc. 215-593-2407 Corrv Wiggers Farm Equipment 814-664-2661 Needmore Clugston Farm Equipment 717-573-2215 Everett New Alexandria Mahaffev Morris Lone Maple Sales Hutton International, Inc. & Service Farm Equipment 814-652-6101 412-668-7172 814-277-5564 Kuhn's Cyroraka turns haymaking upside down with the 3-in-1 rake, windrow inverter and tedder. Windrow inversion is an essential process that not only allows hay to dry faster, but also decreases leaf loss as it increases nutrient levels Get the job done fast with a Kuhn Cyrorake It lets you match rotor and ground speeds to your crop conditions for gentle, efficient inverting. But when It comes to Kuhn Cyrorakes, windrow inversion is just part of the story. The CA series offers gentle, high speed raking without roping. Side delivery enables you to double windrow And if needed, the Cyrorake also is an effective tedder for fluffing and drying hay. Kuhn Cyrorake is also available with special features to make the job go easier and faster Wide flotation balloon tires (standard equipment) reduce ground pressure for more gentle treatment of crop stubble. Optional bogie axle tames the roughest ground The Kuhn CA series of single rotor rakes is available in working widths of 10'6" to 13' And for really big operations, there's the CA 7301 Twin Cyrorake with ad|ustable working widths from 21'4’ to 24'for raking up to 17 acres per hour Kuhn Cyrorakes—taking a turn for the belter so you'll turn out better hay. V^PJaVMAKKR 1 " Greenville D.R. Thompson Farm Supply 412-588-7520 Lflanpn Umberger’s of Fontana, Inc. 717-867-5161 How Does Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) These data are calculated using information pulled from Pennsylvania DHIA’s mainframe computer each week. It is a one-week summary representing approximately one fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested monthly. These data are valuabledrom a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to the averages from about one-fourth of the herds across the state. DHIA Averages for all herds processed between 04/09/94 and 04/16/94 Number of Herds Processed 1,076 Number of Cows Processed 65,501 Number of Cows Per Herd 60.8 Milk Per Cow (Lbs) 18,433 %-Fat 3.69 Fat Per Cow (Lbs) 681 %-Protein 3.19 Protein Per Cow (Lbs) 589 Average Days in Milk Per Cow 319 ♦Value for CWT Milk(s) 13.03 ♦Value for CWT Grain(s) 7.90 ♦Value for CWT Hay(s) 4.17 ♦Value for CWT Silagc(s) 1.52 ♦Value for Pasture Per Day(s) ♦Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year(s) TODAY New Bethlehem Hetricks Farm Supply 814-275-3507 New Holland ABC Groff, Inc. 717-354-4191 New Oxford Sibert Farm Equipment 717-624-8763 Saxonbure A 1 Vettori 412-352-9269 Somerset Summit Machinery, Inc. 814-445-2528 St. Marvs Grotzinger Equipment, Inc. 814-834-2065 Waynesboro B. Equip. Inc. 717-762-3193 Lancaster Fuming, Saturday, April 30. IW4-A33 Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help fanners across the suite to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s this week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the suite of Pennsylvania. Remember these are averages so you will need tt> adjust your figures up or down according to your loca tion and the quality of your crop. Com, No. 2y - 3.05 bu. 5.46 cwL Wheat, No. 2 - 3.39 bu. 5.65 cwu Barley, No. 3 - 2.47 bu. 5.28 CWL Oats, No. 2 -1.69 bu. 5.26 cwL Soybeans, No. 1 -6.42 bu. 10.72 CWL 2,403 Ear Com - old 88.93 ton 4.45 CWL Ear Com • new 82.50 ton 4.13. Alfalfa Hay - 111.25 ton 5.56 CWL Mixed Hay - 105.00 ton 5.25 CWL Timothy Hay - 107.50 ton 5.38 CWL CONESTOGA VALLEY ENTERraiSES hi-mag|AC MMB| hi-cal Cash Discount Savings on Delivery For your convenience calls received Mon.-Sat. until 9:00 pm 1-800-724-3277 Serving PA, MD, Oelmarva & NJ r* WE PAY CASH 4-i for seller financed Real Estate Notes and Mortgages. Are you receiving payments? Would you like cash now? Why wait? Explore your options with Robert Tobey CASH 1-800-670-2274 Funding Moriah Farm, Klemleltersville, PA 17039-0198 We Ship UPS sl Poultry System* Specialists 11 •• FARMER BOY AG. 410 E. LINCOLN AVE . MYERSTOWN. PA 17067 Hours: Ilon.-Frl. 7:00 to 5:00; Check Our Warehouse Prices 24-Hour Service PH 717-866-7565