Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 27

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    Washington State Site Of National
Washington state Holstein breed
ers aie to host the national conven
tion this year and the Pacific
Northwest breeders are welcom
ing members July 3-6.
After nearly 30 years, the
National Holstein Convention
returns to Washington the land
of Eskimo art, salmon and crab,
evergreen forest and salt water
harbors. Washington Slate first
hosted the national convention in
1933, later in 1965.
Join the
of satisfied users with
Ultraflo* feeders
More Than 260 Ultraflo® Systems Have Been Sold In The
Northeast Since 1985 - That’s Over 20 Million Birds!
■’ Allow* fait and rimple tnctaOatlon,
alio quick and eaiy repair of auger
. if ever necenary. Auger and trough
ere both warranted 5 full yean.
Chain feeder* ore not.
Call or send for the list of over 80%
top egg producers who have switched
to Chore-Time!
Call or send for the list of over 200
Ultraflo® houses in the northeast.
Northeast Agri Systems, Inc.
Flyway Business Park
139 A West Airport Road Sat 8 00 to Noon
Litltz, PA 17543 24 Hr 7 Day Repalr Servlc ®
Ph: (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 P
Seattle, the convention city, has
the 74-acre legacy of the 1962
World’s Fair. The 605-foot Space
Needle is the city’s landmark with
its 360-degree view of Puget
Sound, the Cascade Range and the
Olympic mountains.
The 109th Holstein convention
has two early preconvention tours
starting Sat, July 2.
• Whatcom County Farm
Tour. A one-day motorcoach trip
travels from Seattle to Lynden
through the heart of Whatcom
Authorized Master Distributor Since 1982
County visiting registered Hols
tein dairies. The drive follows the
U.S. Canadian border with stop at
the world’s largest raspberry pro
ducer at the peak of the harvest
season. Tour leaves at 7:30 a.m.
Box lunch. Returns 7 “p.m. Cost
$3O per person.
• Mount Rainier National
Park. The 14,411 foot ML Rai
nier, an inactive volcano, will be
visited. Close views of alpine
meadows. Box Canyon and Chi
nook Pass are included. The
ir ones have too.
They've all looked at the advantages and chosen
ULTRAFLO. That’s because it makes them more
profitable. Total egg production and egg size—these
are the best benefits of our complete feeding system.
Why not check out the facts for yourself? Contact
us now—or ask any producer who owns ULTRAFLO.
Because the only negative comments about our
feeding system come from our competition—not from
our customers.
'Thm Top 54 US Egg Producmn at lltltd In NouJDtc. 1991 EGG INDUSTRY
STORE HOURS. Mon -Frl 7 30 to 4 30
Contracts available
for new layer
& pullet houses.
For more
information call:
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 30, 1994427
Holstein Convention
eleven-hour motorcoach ride has a
box lunch. $43. Call Grayline
direct by May 31, toll-free
In Seattle on Sunday, July 3,
delegates are asked to check-in at
the registry desk at The Wesdn
Hotel (Grand Foyer, 4th floor).
The President’s reception starts at
6 p.m. in the Westin’s Grand Ball
room with tributes to the Associa
tion President John Selz and direc
tors of the national board.
The Fourth of July begins with
'iv- 1 - • Commercial • Agncjllu 1 ?! Build ng-
View EY construction, inc.
2622 Valley View Road Otlice (215) 286-5407
MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 Home 1215) 445-8317
Dltv . —zrn Reel Auggie
BUY A 2000 Series
an early golf tournament, three
Seattle tours, salmon BBQ,
national cattle sale and harbor
Tuesday, July S. elected dele
gates attend to the business of the
Holstein Association. The high
lights of the day include the
Juniors’ dairy bowl competition,
state officers’ breakfast, early bird
talks on North American genetics,
annual meeting general sessions,
and Ladies Day activities.
Wednesday. July 6. the day’s
calendar focuses on a second-day
annual meeting and the farewell
banquet. Highlights include
Annual Meeting Keynoter Jack C.
Parnell, President Bush’s deputy
ag secretary, dairy bowl team win
ners, national distinguished
juniors, an election of officers and
directors, the announcement of the
national outstanding breeder, and
recognition of 40-year members.
The national convention dinner
dance with a salute to Holstein
leaders concludes the convention.
The 1995 national convention is to
be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva
nia in June.
• Patio Blacks . Lswn Steps • Spslsh Blocks
■ Walk Blacks . Landscape Edgars • Tree Rings
V4"»9H"«7y." Size
Wa Us* Fiber Math Colored Concrete
In Our Concrete Available On Order
Nickel Mine Brick Works
Elmer F. Stoltzfus
406 E. White Oak Road • Christiana. PA 17509
Located one mile east of Nickel Mines
Specializing In TMR Mixer
Set-ups. Call Us Today!
Just what makes the "Reel Auggle” better?
You can finally mix and feed all of your ration
ingredients including long stem dry hay and other
tough roughages that previously could not be
induded in your mixed ration
• Rlssler 190 cu. ft. Mixer
Portable or Stationary
• 5-600 Bala Prooaaaor (Damo) $1950
• Walghtronie Scalaa, Modal 700 E, Flta
any brand mlxar, 5 yr. warranty
• VD 3000 Gallon Manura Tank, For Sala
or Rant
• Uaad Knight 225 Mlxar Faadar, axcallant
cond.. 1 vr. old
Wa WIN Sarvlca All Branda of Elaetronlc
Scalaa And Moat Branda of Mlxara
MILLCREEK farm systems
2205 Old Phlladalphla Pika
Laneaatar, PA 17602 (717) 396-6907