Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 120
C32*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1994 ■ HERTZ-HAUL Liquid Man- Spreading Services CUSTOM (610)286-9708 WORK : Custom Chopping, Corn Planting and Baling Hay, Light Farm Equipment Hauling (610)932-7916. Warner Liquid Transport. Liquid Manure Spreading, Septic, Water (717)464-0841 after 5 00. Stoltzfus Custom Combining w/JO Maximizer combine. Custom .round baling w/net wrap. (610) 273-2343 ’*********************************»********> Experienced small and large engine mechanic w/ NEED SOMETHING HAULED? ■ Custom Baling ■ B several years ol hands on Will do your cattle hauling. I 6’ and 8’ Bags I experience 610 298-2011. “S* I Lancaster & Surrounding I pnpssffl|i pSfT^e^SS Gooseneck Trailer w/Winch ■ 9 ■ Workers or Crews. Send Local Or Long Distance H counties ■ Resume to 1400 W. Laurel 717-354-7992 ■ Raymond Martin | 17901 "' | (717) 626-5395 ■ BHH9BBS I I Experienced Fulltime Crop PPOPP£PHP|P Employee for Large Dairy 1 Vacation and 1 Custom Planting - ALL CROPS 1 Benefits (216)682-5786 I * *» 1 (216)682-9222 Fax 1 So. Franklin Co.-No.Washington Co. Experienced person to Great Plains - No-til Drill | CHnniU , SEE White 6100 SUN , ,no> SS£SS,*.S SS- I (717)328-2336 | t wipm« Ea "' ng ‘ ftniiiimmimiill - J|3 Roller min ESSSSSJSJf Hf For BarlOy ment, COL license a must. «mHmPnHp Merle Martin farms oi° 1.3 Point Hitch Bale Agrl-PacNewl Deed I 717-626-4915 fice ’ RT72 ' Manh ?!?; p Wrappers Bagging Maehlnaa / Agrl- Farmhand needed do 2. Bala Wrap Pac Sllaga Bags = pendable person to work County, must be 16 or older (215)488-6491 CUSTOM GRINDING Farm hand for Spring TTTRr.DTNnRn planting Must be able to . operate large equipment. r^Reduceßulky''S HELP 61fr252*7?22 ton C ° ■ ■ as » SXSMSt ■PP Assist Owner with General f 2 ? - - B f e e a -JaH rtPTNn«; Dairy Farming, must be ex- (216)68 2 - 5 7 86 ■pi||Hß{H2RHlj|Rm|P||HH uKIINUo perienoed with milking, de- (216)682-9222 Fax ■sfiLaMULiW K] Pallets Christinas Trees HARV Pl Texasto non-smoker, non-drinker tana Need combine, truck Construction Brush Good salary, housing and traclor operators for Debris Newspaper 410/472-2623 farm work wheat and tall H Demolition Lumber Cardboard Carpenter wanted for fin- •»«•«»*■« .... . ishmg work at Sunny Crest enoe operating trucks ana Saw Mill Waste Yard Waste Home, Morgantown, PA. farm equipment May thru Wood Chins Round Bales (Handicapped facility) Full- November FRANZ Pt«P p lacf . Vc time work. 610-286-5239 HARVESTING _ ch 315-227-7679 Glass Help combme/CDL starting November. H&M Harvest- ppi^PßHb&aajß^bH^^Bp 308/278-3168 OBERHOLTZER’S GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Vallay Vlaw Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (215) 286-2062 IS YOUR MANURE STORAGE FULL’ GIVE US A CALL We can haul or spread your manure 215/286-0168 215/286-0706 BRUBAKERS’ CUSTOM BAGGING 6 and 8’ Bags 81 Krelder Rd., Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-6859 LIQUID MANURE HAULING (717) 284-5710 (717) 464-1344 Steve Lehman Custom Round Baling and will plastic wrap Claas Rotocut String or net wrap Martin Weaver, Jr. Nottingham, PA 610/932-2741 Combine operators and truck drivers needed for harvesting. Begin immedi ately if you have mechani cal background Experi ence and references necessary. Guaranteed wages plus room and board Jack McCreery Harvesting, Rt#l. Box 250, Burlington, OK 73722 (405)829-4427 (316)825-4698 DAIRY MANAGER 240 cows, 23,000 RHA, Reg cattle Employee supervi sion, herd health, feeding, mating, etc Housing, in surance and additional benefits Must be self movitated. References re quired. Start not later than 6/94 FAIR HILL FARMS, ROB 390, Chestertown, MD 21620 (410)778-2372. We are looking for a Housekeeper/Nanny, pri vate live-in, 5 days includ ing weekends, $175-5200. (609)466-2880. CARPENTERS WANTED • Immediate Openings • Good Benefits • Full Time or temporary Ag Building Preferred Call 1-800-874-7531 Ask for John or Paul Triple H Construction Lancaster, PA Drivers Wanted: Class A CDL w/wo Tanker En dorsement. Farm Wck-Up (Bulk). Excellent Wages and Benefits. Clover Farms Dairy 215-921-9111. EASY WORK' EXCELLENT PAY! ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS AT HOME CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-467-5566 Ext 8079 Ediger Harvesting, Inman KS, Help Wanted lor truck drivers and machine oper ators from May-November. Will help get CDL Call (316)585-6903. Experienced full-time crop employee for large dairy farm, guaranteed 2 raises Ist year, paid vacation, hospitalization 216-682-5786, Fax 216-682-9222 Construciton/Demolition LABORERS experience preferred. Will train, need dnvers license and trans portation. Must be reliable Start immediatley 717-291-4418 8-11 AM daily EXPERIENCED MEAT CUTTER or SLAUGHTER HOUSE WORKER Full-time, benefits GROFF MEATS. INC. Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-1246 “JACK OF ALL TRADES” For Christmas Tree Farm, northwest Chester Co. Full time, year round. Maintenance on machinery and buildings, field work, clean driving record. 610/273-3032 WMAeeMMMMMMMeMMAAMAANeeAnnMeAr Heavy equipment opera-, tor experienced only, .lull time, year 'round, clean driving record, possible liv ing quarters, Southern Chester Co (610)869-8709 days. (610)444-1020 nights Help Wanted for Custom Harvest Run Travel from Texas to Montana, May thru Sept/Oct, no experi ence necessary but must be willing to learn, must be 18, no palters, we try to run a clean-cut crew. Call soon, Kenneth Pauls, Buh ler. KS, (316)543-6659 Herdsman needed for 150 dairy operation, milking parlor, free stall housing Bradford Co 717-928-8754 Horse farm and carnage shop in Northern NJ seek ing couple, housing in cluded. (201)827-4302. Landscape Foreman needed for growing quality conscience landscape con tractor Must be exper ienced, offering full be neifts and year round work All replys confidential Contact Diebolt Landscape Co (717)445-5400 w/ experience, goals and fi nancial needs MECHANICS NEEDED Experienced in Tractor & Equipment Repairs. Full time, Permanent Positions. H.B. Duvall, Inc., P.O. Box 70. Frederick, MD 21705. (301)662-1125. Mt. Joy layer complex has a position available for part-time weekend work in our processing area. Ex cellent opportunity for high school student (717)653-4743. OUTSIDE WORK. Lancas ter Co. landscape com pany is seeking several in dividuals to join our fast growing team at entry level positions. Warlhay Land scaping, 717/672-0755. Person available to work as needed, part-time w/PA Agriculture Statistics. Must have car and like to meet people Farm backround helpful |6/hbur W/mlteage. Lancaster, Berks, Lebanon County (717)653-5016 Collect , Person to work on dairy & gram farm located in Le high Valley. Must have ex perience operating and re pairing modern farm equip ment References required. Home and bene fits 610/767-4827 after Bpm. Position available in 1600 sow farrow to finish facility near York, PA. Excellent benefits including 40IK program, health insurance and the opportunity for ad vancement Position needed supervisor for farrow/nursery Experience necessary Salary negoti able Send resumes to' Valley Pork Inc., James O. Yoder, RD«3 , Box 3004, Seven Valleys, PA 17360, (717)229-2988. HELP WANTED on Mason Crew, Full Time For Block and Concrete, Drivers License Helpful. Please Call Esh’s Masonry, Lancaster County 717/996-8819 leave message and we will call back.