Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 119
S' NURSERY CONTRACT TREE DIG GING by machine. N.J., N Y , PA. Freshly dug White Pine, Blue, White and Norway Spruce, Arbor vitae Wholesale. Christ mas Barn Farms. Inc. Call Roy. 717-386-2107. EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus. NJ 08022. or call 609-298-0477 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES specializing in small sys tems The Aspers Com pany. Inc. (717)677-6688. (800)688-0710 Irrigation Equipment Duelz F6L9I2D Power Unit w/Cornell 3HA Pump, CAT 3114 Power Unit w/ Gorman-Rupp Pump, 6" Kroy Aluminum Ring Lock Pipe, Approx 5000', 6" Tico Aluminum Pipe 1000' (717)653-8783 for More Information. > GREENHOUSE ; CENTRAL PA Retail plant business ide-' al for family operation. \ Could be expanded to, [handle holiday flowers.i i Real estate consists of* i greenhouse, bam, other* 'buildings, 9 room house [all on 10 acres of land, with pond. i SVBB - ERA BOWEN i (717) 743-2286 ! 1-800-326-9368 < Call Dm Faust Jr. Rea. 1 ; -OPENING DAY AUCTION” Buffalo Valloy ; Produce Auction, Inc. | 5 mlln Wm| of Lawlaburg, i PA. Turn Ml on Divio booh ; Church M. Go 1A mllo to i Intoraocllon. Turn right onto ' Furnace Rd. Travel MO yardt, turn Ml onto VIoM Rd. Auction on right Tuesday, May 3,1994 • 10:00 a.m„ (Every Tburedaj and Tuciday Thereafter) ; Wa will ha aalllng a largo i eoladlon of llowaro, hanging baakata, baddlng planta, ahrutaa, potlod traaa and produce. Central PA'a “(.orgeat and Footoot Growing Product Auction" For Mora Information Call (717) PM-11S1 ! • Nall Courtnoy, Manager EM LAWNS GARDEN 149 hydrostatic Cub Cadet, 36' cut, good condition, $l,BOO 080 (717)539-8508 18 hp diesel tractor, Woods 4' finish mower, 3pt hitch, disc, great shape, garaged, $3700 717-486-5335. 2 compartment Tuflex fiberglass tank, 1 compart ment 300ga1., other lOOgal w/agitator, 2 mo torized hose reels, all con trols & accessories for op erating, fiberglass truckbed enclosure, excellent condi tion (610)932-8999 Grasshopper diesel, 16hp, 52' deck. $4650 080 410/833-1847 Grasshopper Gas, 615,48' deck, demo, $4950 080. 410/833-1847. Red decorative patio blocks for sale, 12x16x2, $2 00/ea. Many available. 215-754-6298 TROYBILTS . 20% dis counts. Stamp for parts ca talog Replacement tines $59 KELLEY'S- Manilla, Ind 46150- 317-398-9042. Troybilt Rototiller, 6hp Te cumseh, good condition, includes furrawer, snowb lade, wrap-around bumper, $750. 717/921-8340. A EVERGREEN A SEEDLINGS ft TRANSPLANTS Beautiful fir, hemlock, pine & spruce transplants are now available for O Spring ’94 TWIN BROOK PLANTATIONS RR 2, Box 2070 Shickshinny, PA 18655 1-800-595-GROW 717-256-3440 FAX Order Now For Best Selection *Proudly Serving The Fussiest Boys In The WW WW m W f'f'f W W W i CREEPING PHLOX (Mt. Pinks) Four colors, seven varieties 2 quart basket $1.30 each. Wholesale only. Also Candy Tuft, Perennials and Ground Covers Send For List Or Call 609/767-1690 or 609/767-2363 Bridge View Farms & Nursery Waterford, NJ 08089-0540 (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave LAWNS GARDEN Howard Price Walk Behinds HQWARDPRiCE IKIPMEHT 48" Cut 12 Belt Drive $2400 48" Cut 14 HP Hydro Drive $3200 52" Cut 17HP Elec Start Hydro 53600 52" Cut 14Hp Belt Drive $2650 52" Cut 14HP Elec Start Htdro Drive $3400 Ringo Hill Farms Equipment Co., Inc. 1624 Rt. 212 'Quakertown, PA 18951 (610)346-7340 *(610)346-8041 fax HI SERVICES OFFERED Backhoe & Dump truck ser vice. Wingenroth Brothers, 717/392-4996 Concrete Work, all types, free estimates Wingenroth Brothers. 717/392-4996. POLLINATION Tony B HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST Wasps & Hornets Venomous Insects Honey and Bees wax 1-800-47-STING CATTLE HOOF TRIMMING (215) 345-0897 Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience Equipment disinfected between farms References Available (717) 927-0775 (800) 770-TRIM 8746 CATTLE I | HOOF TRIMMING; HOOP 7 Over 20 years experience, mww mm 1 ! Z Fast and accurate work. TRIMMING 70-100 cows per day. Foot Problems 4 Increases milk production. Treated ' 7 Easy and gentle on the Father & Son 'I ? cows and farmer. No Team 1 1 2 farmer’s help needed. No Help Necessary 1 j SATISFACTION NELSON NOLT SS. (717) 888-6048 11 Will Do Hauling With 12' Roll Back and 18’ Trailer & Winch Sam King, Jr. 1035 Etwood St Narvon, PA 17555 717-354-6836 J3T 575-5035 HENRY’S WELDING CO. PORTABLE WELDING CERTIFIED PIPE WELDING REPAIRS ON HEAVY EQUIPMENT 520 Galen Hall Rd. Telephone M—w Mawlnt Lwml Cl—Hwg A Raclaaaat lan a Sapttas A Panmlatlani FOR RENT. Lagoon pump and 3000 gallon spreader. Berks County. (610)944-0593 Hauling with pickup and trailer to Leola Produce Acution, etc KINGS HAULING 610-286-9658 Plastic Welding Specializ ing in Polyethylene Tanks and Supplies. The Aspers Company, Inc (717)677-6688. Soybean roasting on your farm. Dale L Schnupp, RD 6, Lebanon. PA 17042 717-865-6611 We will fall trees for you, any size, any location, low costs. Call Bill with your needs 717-664-3715. Unctter Farming, Saturday, April 30,1994-C3l I ATTENTION FARMERS Would you like your lagoons pumped and irrigated on your fields? Now is a good time to put on manure. EASY as 1-2-3 * B y ,t#m g“n on separate unit * Eliminates compaction problems * Less labor compared to hauling * Requires smaller tractors vs. tankers * Can be used on soil ground Call: 301-334-3069 I qO YEH Jr Prsftstionally trainsd • Riftrtnctt avaliabl* Tim Fuller 800 Crssk Rd • Carlisle. PA 17013 717-249-3174 All Tools Sanitlzod Botwoen Cows ♦ I I LLOYD Z. NOLT 1301 LINCOLN ROAD (717) 733-7226 UTITZ, PA 17543 AGRICULTURAL T\ INDUSTRIAL \comherciai S**®®. C®®®® ★' I s^l j RENTAL/SERVICES { J • TRACTOR w/Loader, 4WD, 27 HP. I I Diesel . I • ROTARY TILLER, 72". 3 Pt. I I Hookup ■ • POST HOLE DIGGER I I* PLOW, 2 Bottom J You can do it or we will do it for you I [ Call Clair At (717) 733-6698 J Get that down cow up on her feet with warm water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a cow strecher - a well designed cart to get down cows out of barns. For More Information: LEE-MAR FARM 2724 Conaatoga Creak Rd., Morgantown, PA 19543 (610) 286-9052 ;em LIQUID MANURE HAULING 717-354-8232 Aaron M. Hoover CUSTOM WORK Pennwood Farms liquid manure handling- vacuum truck, pull-type spreader, and lagoon pump avail able Call (215)286-7378 (215)286-6489 SEED CLEANING on your farm- soybeans & small grain. Newcomer Seed Cleaning, (717)653-4123.