Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 118
C3O-L»nc«ster Farming, Saturday. April 30, 1994 Hal FEEDS SEED Soybeans, excellent qual ity, high yielding, state tested, cleaned, bagged, reasonable {717)432-4865. WANT Straw and mulch delivered by ton truck load Call (908)446-9209 6-Bpm. SWEET CORN SILAGE. Good protein content, keeps well in warm weather, $l4/per ton, mixed with field corn, $24/per ton. Will deliver CLYDE KREIOER, Lan caster PA 717-898-8927. Timothy Orchard Hay. nice color, made young, 5115/ton Deliver 7-ton 717-345-4109 TOBACCO, GROW your own Turkish and Broadleaf Burley (mild) for smoking and chewing. Send $5 for 200 seed packet. Tobacco, POB 190, New Waterford, OH 44445 WANTED: Damaged or moldy com, grain or soy beans 717/733-4516 WANTED Mulch Hay, year around, Timothy and Or chard Grass. LAUREL VALLEY FARM INC. 610-268-2074 WANT Hay alfalfa and good timothy Call Ray, (610)584-9198 after spm WANT Round bales for mulch, pickuped up at your barn or delivered (215)444-1651 Will buy moldy gram 301-833-1847 1,200 square bales of bright timothy ha?' BUYING SHELLED CORN Pick-Up On Your Farm Call 717-653-8783 or 1-800-544-4574 MULCH HAY WANTED Call 215-929-5753 For Current Prices ONTELAUNEE FARMS INC. Temple, PA M.H. MARTIN CO. UNCASTER COUNTY, PA (717) 738-1312 aa WHITE PINE SHAVINGS Picked Up At Bam $3.50 Per Bale 30 balaa. sl2o°° 60 bales s22s°° 120 balaa s4so°° Delivered (4 cu. fl.) Bagged Dry Shavings For Dairy' Picked Up @ Barn - $2.50/Bag Bags (4 cu. ft.) Delivered | 30 for sloo°° j 60 for slBo°* Saw Dust and Shavings for Horses Picked Up @ Barn • $2.25/bag Bags (4 cu. ft.) Delivered 1 30 for.. J 60 (or FERTILIZER Houle manure pump w/all accessories, $2500, (2) Chorefime feed auger sys- grain bin, good condition, $l5OO Columbia Co. 717-799-0489 Dry Poultry Manure For Sale Analysis Per Ton N 92 Lbs. P 53 Lbs. K 36 Lbs. 717-582-8986 Stainless Steel Double Conical fertilizer tank, 2600 gallon w/Sparge tube, sight guage on both ends, quick open hatch, and 4 Inch suction fitting in sump $5,900 080 Stainless Steel Spreader Body for your damp lime or manure spreading (wide drag chain) A lot of extras. Originally built by C.U. Sloltzfua Mfg. for a flotation apraadar (410) 928-3009 s9o°° ..slso°° TURKEY MANURE FOR SALE $6.00 Per Ton Loaded On Truck 717-582-2352 HEN HOUSE FERTILIZER Mlvmd Dry Laysi Spread i Per Ton Door . Custom Spreading Per Ton N P K Spraadar Rental Available 50 50 30 717-SS4-3450 r LAYER MANURE " • Delivered To Your Farm • Low Moisture • High Nutrient Value - Analysis Available . • Year Round Supply CaMFor Pr/oe 717-653-5935 S, Mt. Joy, PA j! Ufl PLANTS Complete 12x20' alumi num and glass green house. fits on South side of building, completely disas OOOKreiderßd (717)’626-6805 Growers and Breeders of Hardy Mums Several New Varieties Available This Year Starting May 14th - Z'A" Potted Plants That Grow Into Bushel Basket Size This Fall $1.25 Each 6-Packs $3.50 5 doz. flats $24.00 • June Special 5 doz. Mixed Flats $20.00 each. Unrooted Cuttings Available After May Ist Min. Orders 1000 at 100 pr. thousand. Call for more information ■■par - cluders, lots of lids, boards, K I*l po/i/TC * round comb supers, wired rnuilo a foundation, frames, electric VEGETABLES embedder, yeast, dry milk WWW— First $B5O Jerry Beekeei irs wife alien selling out. Walter Kelly, WANTED Cutter Bar type 33 frame, radial extractor, tree topper Call 80+ deep boxes, 25+ shal- 717/436-8191 between 8 & low supers, 20+ queen ex- 9pm Kasco Protective Spray Helmets Tyvek and Encase Suits Nitrile Gloves Landscapers: We now have hard bottomed wood bushel baskets In stock. Frecon Orchard Supplies 61 Powder Mill Hollow Road Boyertown, PA 19512 610/367-2933 Uj nursery 2 compartment Tuflex fiberglass tank, 1 compart ment 300ga1,., other lOOgal. w/agitator, 2 mo- torized hose reels, all con trols & accessories for op erating, fiberglass truckbed enclosure, excellent condi tion (610)932-8999 4'-6' White Pine Trees, fresh dug to order w/burlap and wire basket on root ball, $29/each picked up in Rawlmsville, Lancaster Co , Del Available 717/872-0755. sembled and marked, elec trically thermostat con trolled roof vents, lights, gas heater, approx. 600 new paving bricks, glass shelves and brackets, ex cellent condition, $1995 080. 215-589-2427 after 7PM. Delivery and erection extra, but can be arranged. “ (215)257-2539 Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able Carman's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580 Skinner tree planter, model 950, like new, must sell. 610-856-7230 TREE PLANTERS 3 mod els, plant trees from 3’ see dlings to 10' shade trees. Rentals also available Also Available Tree Boss for B&B-a 1-MAN tree loading find unloading sys tem TREE PLANT DE SIGN INC RO 1. Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-3515 NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE Azaleas, Rhodes, Flowering Trees, Junipers, ArborvKaes. Call For Price Lists MASKELLS MILL NURSERIES Salem, NJ 609-935-4675 rhododendrons Azaleas Nursery Stock Herbs a Perennials Coopers Creek Farm Nursery 371 Beasley Neck Road Salem. New Jersey 08079 609-935-1113 David L. RocktofT Sharon G. Rocktoff ©M.H. MARTIN CO. LANCASTER COUNTY. PA (717) 738-1312 MUSHROOM MULCH -Delivered 100 bu. $78.00 300 bu. $llO.OO 1200 bu. $210.00 BARK MULCH Delivered 5 yd*. $140.00 10 yd.. $280.00 15 yds. $330.00 B&B: Douglas, Homlock, Whits Pine, White Blue and Norway Spruce. ®m ffii auM diag Call or write for price list Showers Christmas Tree Farm 630 Clearview Road Aspers, Adams Co, PA, 17304 717/677*6494, Rick; 717/677-6816, Office; 717/677-8881, Clair SPRING SPECIAL Evergreen Trees, 6’-B’, B&B #2, Mixed Variety, ideal Screening & Snow Fence, Wind Breaks, Boundary Markers And Privacy Tobias Yule Tree Forest PO Box 168 Pine Grove. PA 17963 717/345-4952 At ELIZABETH At FARMS A B & B Price Sampler I Douglas Fir 4-5' $26 00 I Colorado Blue Spruce 4-5' $2B 00 Norway Spruce 4-5’ $25 00 I White Pine 4-5' $2O 00 • All Sizes Available • Special on Row Run • • Machine-Dug • Wire Baskets • • 350 Acres in Production • Knife Sheared • Call or Write for Complete Price List 21218 Furnace Hills Pike Lititz, Lancaster County, PA 17543 (717) 626-7878 Member: PA Nurserymen's Association Mfa, CROSHAW&m mgr NURSERY Wk EVERGREEN Seedlings & Transplants P.O. Box 339 ■ Mill Lane Columbus, N.J. 080E2 Call or Write for Price List (609) 298-0477 We Care About Our Trees & Customers