Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 112
C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1994 CATTLE Will raise Heifers TMR feed, pasture available, will vaccinat and bred A-1 717-259-7211 Tor Sale Herd of 30 Holeteln cows, calfhood vacci nated, teatad, ready to go. Fresh and spring ing cows & heifers. Ser vice age raglstarsd & grade Holstein bulls. Also, 2 Angus bulls. (717) 653-5408 WANTED: Registered and Grade Holstein Heifers from 6 Mon. to short-bred. Highest cash prices. Immediate pickup. Call Collect (717) 349-2393 or (717) 349-7752 Fred McCartney & Son Box 148, Dry Run, PA 17220 TOP PRICES FOR ALL TYPES OF CATTLE ■ Also Down & Crippled Cattle Tom Mulvaney, Jr. JgSk ra (610) 258-1671 In PA-Northampton, Bucks, Lehigh, Berks And Schuylkill Counties In NJ-Warren,- Sussex And Hunterdon Counties •k All Cattle Paid On Hanging Dressed Weight JUI OnruFuo >Mf cattla managamant software davalepad by cattlaman for cattlaman “I have looked at many other programs all costing substantially more than yours. None compare. Thank you very much This was the best investment I have ever made. I wish you the best.” Brian Lindley, Kiowa, KS 800-204-2002 • 606-234-9924 SHAWNEE ANGUS FARM PRIVATE TREATY SALE MAY 7-8 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. New Enterprise, PA Cattle will be penned and priced. Health tested for immediate shipment. Current AHIR and production information. 25 cows with spring calves at side. 5 bred cows with fall calves at side. Bred and open heifers. Yearling and 2 year old bulls. Please call 814-766-2296 for a sale brochure Directions: Rte. 220 to Osterburg Exit, 869 East for 4 miles. Right onto Guyer Corner Rd., second driveway on left. Yearling Angus Bull by Stockman, Herd Sire or Show Prospect Add Meat to your Herd $l4OO (610)932-6986 Yearling Polled Hereford Bull Out of Silver Ben chmark Dam $llOO 2 Year Old Polled Hereford Bull $l2OO Those are Haulier Broke, Easy Going and Has Good EPD's (717)336-4241 jk LLAMAS FOR SALE VH (610) T 1 868- II J 0186 30 5-7 month old Holstein heifers 50 vaccinated heifers from yearlings to short bred Smoke Ridge Farm Lancaster County 717/284-3562 A Diamond DL Cattle Kempton, PA Reg. Angus Bulls & Heifers Quality cattle bred for the commercial cattleman. Top bloodlines, ready to work GUARANTEED BREEDERS for more info, contact: Darron Smith 610/756-6001 or 756-3516 6 ml. north of 1-78, exit 11, on Rt. 143 1 DAIRY HERDS $ New York and New England dairy herds for sale. We have a wCI number of outstanding tie stall and free stall herds rang ing from 30-200 cows with up TO to 22,000 lbs. production. to TO BUY DIRECT SAVE EXPENSE Dlstelburger Livestock Sales, Inc. 2$ (914)343-1726 (914)343-7322 "55 in BolSi'kws " Registered Highland Cattle ♦ ♦ Discover the breed that still retains special traits acquired from its ancestors of Scotland. ♦ Great foragers, clearing most pest plants common to poor pastures ♦ Thrive in cold, damp climates ♦ Produce excellent lean beef in adverse conditions where other cattle would fail ♦ Docile and Hearty ♦ Calve easily due to small birth weights — something of interest to dairy people for servicing first-calf heifers ♦ Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and inoculated against rabies Come visit our farm and meet your future herd! Transportation Available Breed Information Available Upon Request ♦ Day Dream Acres (908) 303-0798 WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 Herd 30 Cows. Top Quality (19) Ist calf heifers out of 30 head, avg. over 62 lbs., mostly fall freshen ing, (5) big bred heifers, VJ PB's, (6) cows and heifers have milked 130 lbs. w/13% grain, no top grass, under 100,000 SC count. 717-354-5561 717-768-8497 WANT TO BUY Down cows Young Cows w/muscle damage. Call within SO hours down for best prices. Sorry, no broken bones or high fever (610) 286-9052 El HORSES A MULES 10 Year Ok) Sorrel Stan dardised Trotter, traffic safe, sound, real good driver, needs the right man, $1250 DS. Blacksmith, Kirkwood, 717/529-6178 leave message 10 year old Tennessee Walking horse, gelding, handsome, 14 2H, sorrel w/star, $1,500 (717)734-3567 13 Year Old Registered ’/« Horse, Bay, 15.2. Excellent Bloodline, Rides English or Western, Has ’/* Horse Points, Has 1 Pd. Breeding to Mr Sweet Citation (or Next Year, Shots and Cog gins Test $3500 Firm. (717)345-4092 Leave Message 2-Horse Trailer Rocking B 1980, Good Floor, Electric Brakes, $B5O (717)838-8491 2 horse quarter horse trailer, good condition, needs some work, $650 610-932-5808 (2) Reg Belgian, mare 9 and gelding 10, hitched together, will be sold as pair, very gentle 717-345-4717 SADDLEBRED & MORGAN HORSES Broke to ride and drive Ben F. Stottzfus Box 088, Rt. 2 Walsontown, PA 17777 On Rt. 44 Between McEwensvillo and Turbotvilla CLYDESDALES Stallion Service Available Geldings & young stock for sale LIBERTY KNOLLS FARM LLC Gene Emswller 10702 Mapleville Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-416-0015 FOR SALE. 6 year old Standardised mare, traffic safe, sound, $1,350. Call (717)656-7450. Gentle, 16 year registered Morgan mare, 14.2 H, saddle seat, Kingston bloodlines, loves Kids, great lesson horse, $2,600 (717)872-6615. John Deere 520 sprayer with centrifugal pump, $550 610-589-4308. MINIATURE DONKEY TALK Magazine. Fun, in formative reading. Free Donkey Handbook with new subscription, $2O/year 1338 Hughes Shop Road, Westminster, MD 21158 VISA/MC 410-875-0118 Sample $4. Miniature and small pony carts, wagons, miniature horses 717/442-4510 leave message. Saddlebred Stud Service, available Saturday’s or evenings after 6 PM. Big strong horse. John Kauffman Mill Rd (RD 2, Box 10) Honey Brook, PA 19344 MULES FOR SALE 1 Pr. 5 yaar old Jack Mulaa, 17.2 H, broka 1 Pr. 4 yaar old Mollla Mulaa, 17H, broka 1 PR 4 yaar Mollla mulaa 16.1 H, broka 1 PR 3 A 4 yaar old, Mollla mulaa, 16.1 H broka 1 pr. 3 yaar old Jack mulaa, 17H, broka PLUS SOME SINGLES Location Ben K. Kauffman Park Road, Honey Brook, PA 610-273-3082 Call between 7:30 AM A 8 AM MEL’S STABLE c S -ElAk*. r,l • r-./, M " N WORK HORSE, MULE & DRIVING HORSE SALE SAT., MAY 7, 1994 - 10:30 AM. HORSES HITCHED AT 1:30 A.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT CM WALLACE RD., NEW HOLLAND, PA. DIRECTIONS; FROM RT. 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, 00 SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE, 00 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD. TURN LEFT ON HLL RD. PROCEED 1.2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD., 2.S MILES TO HILL RD., RIGHT ON HILL RD. TO SALE ON LEFT. COME AND DRIVE THEM YOURSELF. BARN OPEN ON THURS. * FBI., MAY CAS FROM 3:00 AM. TILL DARK. MEL'S STABLE OWNER ■ MEL HOOVER PHONE - HOME- 717-354-3337 BARN- 717-354-3431 AUCTB. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS , 4 Year Old Standardised Mare, Safe and Sound. Good Road Horse, Before B:3OAM or After S:OOPM (717)664-3729. Beautiful purebred dapple gray Percheron mare, $1,900. Pair of harness $595 Gentleman's cart $695. (301)473-5985 Belgians, pair of geldings, perfect match in color and size, 6 & 7 year old full brothers, 17.3 H, 2000ib+, blondes w/white mane & tail, like new parade har ness w/extras and stock All for $6750 804/375-9300 Richmond, VA Big 9 year old Saddlenbred horse, ready (or trips, real good Call between 8-8-30 AM, (610)273-9806 Benjamin K Kauffman, 1113 Park Rd , Honey Brook, PA 19344. Reg Mammoth Jack, 8 months old, sired by Sie mon's Bo Pete 304/782-2551 MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 - (717) 949*3246 Jt Good Blonde Sorrel Jack W White Mane |l & Tall Standing At Stud Proven To Throw Good Colts Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shlrktown Road Narvon, PA 17555 lor information 717/445-5956 Ask for Iven STANDARDBRBD STUD SERVICE Sired By Speedmzzle Record of 1:58 Nice Conformation and Disposition Real Classy Trotter Benj K. Stoltzfus 720 Gsorgstown Rd., Ronks, PA 717-687-0977 Let Ring 717-529-6926 for Trucking