Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 30, 1994, Image 102
c 114-Lancastw Fanning, Saturday, April 30, 1994 rSI Sollenberger Silos Corp, Sollenberger Silos Corp. Quality Concrete Structures Since Before 1910 Precast Manure Systems To Meet Your Needs!!!! PRECAST CIRCULAR ABETONG TANK S.C.S. Approved 24’3” to 90’10" Diameter B', 12* and 13’ Depths Ingram id and Above Ground Commercial Chain Link Fence Office Number - 717-264-9588 For Upright Silos Call For Bunker Silos & Manure Systems Bob Francis 717-532-6848 —Evenings.— Tabb Justus 717-762-8663 f 1 Sollenberger silos Corp. - Box N, Chambersburg, PA 17201 Nairn Addresi City/State/Zi] Phone Please Send Info. On: □ 2. Bottom Unloading Silos □ 3. Top Unloading Silos □ 4. Precast Bunker Silos Sollenberger Silos Corp . .County. □ 1. Manure Pits □ 5. Feed Bunks □ 6. Cattleguards □ 7. Industrial Silos/Tanks Strengthen Your Silo With FHI Pip# W Vinyl and SI—I New, Used And Recon ditioned Silos Available y¥ 2 Arm Pipa Support Brackett Manufacturers and Builders of New Silos S & S Silo Repair (610) 273-3993 CALL TOLL FREE: 800-860-3993 H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES * METAL ROOFING & SIDING *s4l s s t CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 1-800-544-9464 OR FOR A FREE BROCHURE T#l#scoping Section 1 Arm Pip# Support Brack#! Vinyl Rtpalr Sl##v# (ntMIMM} Fbwglas J N — orSiMl &^8 N "'' \\ jj Motorize!) \\ U* Spreader or Nhl Sell Propelled MT Spreader (to be fj used with silo bags) SSSS .SsJSb.--'» - % sttoektf POLE BUILDINGS lg CUSTOM DESIGNED & ENGINEERED □ COMMERCIAL □ AGRICULTURAL □ RESIDENTIAL HORSE BARNS • ARENAS • GARAGES IMPLEMENT SHEDS BYLER FREE ESTIMATES construction 610-589-2683 Delbert Auker l Whitt, Blut, Black, Btont, Qrttn, Brown Bq. 28 Qtuflt FTP Bt—l Blue DEPENDABLE SALES & SERVICE snx>B * SILOS Patz . SILO UNLOADERS Patz GUTTER CLEANERS i RiSSLER TMR MIXERS jjPg POWERED fTS X FEED CARTS Cedar Crest Equipment Two Convenient Locations MS Evergreen M. * ED 2 Box 271 Lebanon, PA 17042 Eatt Eari, PA 17519 (717) 270-5500 (717) 354-0554 500-545-5501 Shotcrete Kwrik Pip# M Swivel Transition WE CUSTOM DESIGN SYSTEMS FOR YOU B BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES Many doors- barn and house type: roofing tin- used, many sheets Milling Machine, vertical 21 5/932-3977, Toolmaster w/power feed, 215/932-4513 $3200 717/354-3105 Conestoga WANTED: Original Floor, Grainery Boards, 2” Flooring, Barn Beams, Tobacco Sheds, Siding 717/229-2806 Mobile 717/880-4549 tiding Supply NOW AVAILABLE lESIDENTIAL GARAGES Metal Roofing and Siding. We'll beat any competitor’s regular panal price you mention on orders'over 50 square Call (717)354-2728 '*","■"3 717-354-2613