Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 23, 1994, Image 86
C26-Lancaater Farming, Saturday, April 23, 1994 El] poultry & SUPPLIES /i 6 Emu's, 13V4 months old, well grown, unrelated, microchipped, $6,500 each (301)334-1254 Available Now. Emu Chicks $6OOO/Pair. Year lings at $13,000/Pair. Pure African Blacks, 3 Months Old $5BOO/Pair. Blue, 3 Months Old, SSBOO/Pair. 30 Months Old Emu Pairs at $22,000/Pair (908)832-6117 Baby chicks and ready to lay pullets, brown or white egg layers, heavy meat chicks Contact. Moyer's Chicks, Quakertown, PA, (215)536-3155. Cash for Chucker, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks. BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS. 718-586-1117 6am-3pm. Chain Link Fence, 6' high, new, slightly imperfect, heavy 9 gauge, $1,65/foot. Poets and gales also avail able 717/822-7820 6 30-7 30am or leave message Complete production, pro cessing & feed mfg. system for 2SM layers. S- rows 3180BEC plastic cages, egg collection, automatic feeders/manure belts. 40CPH Egg O Matic grader, feather life washer, Egg O Matic drum packers Mix mill/40 ton storage, 6" vertical hicap intake auger, 4" vertical discharge auger-12 ton feed tank with 3/i" flex auger. 25 ton feed tank. 4- Areo vent fans 48* Big Dutchman automatic ventilating system. 800 heavy plastic egg flats. As sorted other poultry equip ment 315/682-6474 Ducklings French selected hybrid musoovy ducklings available year 'round Call Doug Wemhold for pricing. Days (717)354-4424, evenings (215)445-7303. Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks, 301-833-1840 For Sale 55 gallons con centrated chlorine for final rinse, Son chemical brand, half price $2OO, 5 hp gas water pump, $l5O, 15 do zen egg baskets, $1 each or best offer, Diamond type 80 feeders $2 each Call 717/365-3437 after 6pm For Sale Chicken house farm equipment If inter ested ask for Donna Call after SPM at (717)665-7512 Layer feeders, 8' James way 1-20 available, very good, asking $2O 215-968-3939 Pheasants, hens for sale, $6 00 a piece Pheasant eggs 45c each Call (717)486-7419 Proven Breeder Male Grey Rhea, 5 years old, $4OOO. 703/434-2209 No Sunday Calls Rhea 2'/» yr old male, gray $1,200 080 (302)653-6720 Roll-away nests, SS bot toms, hanging feeders, Val nipples Moses B. Zook, 462 Logandale Road, New Holland, PA 17557 Slone turkey loader, runs off tractor, good shape, $3,800 Call after 6PM, (717)758-9253 SWANS White Mutes and Black Australians, adults and babies Call JR 717/639-3001 nights or days leave message. RR2, Box 296, Harveys Lake, PA 18618 WHITE MUTE SWANS, (1) two year old $2OO, (1) pair $350 610/777-1065 after 6pm Berks Co. EMU'S Breeders, Veerings <> Chicks 717-268-8' Emu’s L Rheas Breeders, Yearlings and Chicks Country Ark Farm VAL Wateren for 300’-400’ Building (814) 259-3316 Call baton t AM ft EMU jams info. W# Md Atlantic I I Enin Vann PA (218) 288*8191 HD (410) 398*2432. KEYSTONE OSTRICH RANCH ,10 month old tpair $12,500 717-987-3912 717-987-3033 Fax SAIPAH JUNGLE FOWL Also 1 year Emu’s 301-334-1317 NO Sunday calls CHUKAR CHICKS 694 by 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 10,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 BOX 359 Brookvllle, Pa. 15825 (814) 849-3430 POULTRY HOUSES VO WASHED High Pressure Low Volume iss Work For You When I Leave. So, If You're Tired Of All The Water And Equipment Failure, Give Me A Call Next Timell Cheaper Tool Will Travel Ray Eager & Sons 717-949-3212 Leave Message We Buy Poultry Weekly . Tor Cash! > Leghorn Fowl • Spent Fowl • While Pigeons • Bantams • Bantam Roosters • Broilers • Rabbits • Guinea Hons • Muscovy Ducks Wo Pick Up At Tho Farm Watkin’s Live Poultry 718-272-6712 bet. 7 AM 6 6 PM 718-843-9302 After 7 PM WANTED: Ring Neck Pheasants, Chuckers, Bob White FOR SALE: 3 year old wild turkey gobblers. 717-244-7143. 7 Pr. Yearling Rhaa'a $3,000/par pair 7 pr. Emu Chleka 35,500/per pair 1 Pr, 16 month old Emu $13,000 7 Month old Oatrlch pair Blua/Rad eroaa $B,OOO 1 Mala Oatrlch blua/rad eroaa $3,000 (7 month) 717-442-8493 Goslings. Ducklings, Guineas, Turkeys, Chicks, Bantams, Pheasants, Chuckars, Quail, Books and E Clearview Stock Farm & Hatchery Box 399 Grate, Pa., 17030 717-368-3234 Fax 717-368-3594, H 610-367-5930 J 14 Month Old Paired DNA Sexes French Import. $16,500 Coming 3 Yr. Old $35.000/Palr French Imports 1 Ring Neck Pheasants and Key-Cross Mutant Pheasants and Canadian Goose Goslings Cross Keys. Pfaeasantry P.O. Box 594 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 (814) 695-3063 ■ • $l.OO raising booklet I 50 Quaker Roll Away Nests. 2 50’ heavy duty winches for raising and lowering Shenandoah waterers and Dutchman feed system 400’ Choreboy feeding system, 8’ sections All In good shape Jacob R. Click 128 Geist Road Lancaster, PA 17601 (1 mil* couth of Lancaster Laboratories) P EMU’S * 1 ) Unrelated Pain I j February Hatch of 1993 | I Yearlings These Yearlings i I Should Lay Next Breeding -/ i* f j Season. Out Of Heavy Layer and ) I Good Fertility Rate. All Birds 100% j 9 Perfect in Everyway. MicroChlpped, J | Guaranteed Sex. Wormed $16,000/Palr 9 k Bonded Pair of Coming 3 Year Old, I J Perfect In Everyway. Large Birds, I ) Layed 12 Eggs This Season, 9 i 11 Fertile. Micro Chipped And I 9 Wormed. Have Chicks On ! ) The Ground. $32,000/Palr 9 BUI Hener 215-754-6298 J ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze Turkeys. Poults Special Wholesale Prices 15- $44.95 25-....» .. $67.95 50- $119.95 100- $179.95 Call For Special Discount On Larger Orders. We Ship COD Bronze Turkeys $199.00 In 100 Lots REICH POULTRY FARMS Marietta, PA 17547 (717) 426-3411 Chukars 65c Ea.-2500 Quail 22c Ea.-2500 Chukar Bobwhite $4B 50 $3O 50 $BO 100 $4O 100 $lB5 250 $9O 250 $350 500 $l5O 500 $660 1000 $230 1000 DOUBLE R J&Lm HATCHERY RD #2 Box 92 / } Tomploton, PA 16259 I \ 412-868-2173 Y L-fil lylul Chick* Shipped Anywhere fzirSKtli I I ...... In USA. Guaranteed Live les? Delivery. Chukar* Avallabl* Year-Round OSTRICH 3 Month Old Blue Neck or Black $5,000 Pair 6 Month Old $7,500 FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT. ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FREE CATALOG ON GOSUNGS. DUCKLINGS. CHICKS. TURKEYS. GUINEAS, BANTAMS, PHEASANTS. QUAIL, CHUKARS. SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. GRATZ, PA 17030 EMU ’ S FOR SALE Jim Yearling Pairs of Emu's $14,400/pr Emu Chicks $6,000/pr 1 Pair 10 Month Old Ostrich $8,700/pr 1 Pair 7 Month Old Ostrich $7,800/pr ALL BIRDS ARE MICRO CHIPPED ft DNA SEXED ELITE GENETICS INC. 3333 Hamst Dr. Gordonvllli, PA 17529 1 ■800*333-3548 717-700-7135 FREE NEW 1994 CHICK & | TURKEY CATALOG I “WHOLESALE PRICES” I Jumbo Cornish Cross. Sexlinks, I Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, I Barred Rocks. Guineas, Pheasants, I Ducks. Goslings. Plus Fancy Bantams, 1 Buff Orpingtons, Araucans. 'I Black Australorps I Booking Orders Now For Large I Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze I Turkey Poults. Special Wholesale Prices I Write or Phone For I Free Catalog Today I JdHP We Guarantee You I The Best Quality And Lowest Prices Anywhere I PHONE (717) 426-3411 I REICH I POULTRY FARMS | MARIETTA. PA 17547 I Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk feed bins in a wide variety of (oUKSfin capacities, for any application • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER* feed delivery flexible auger systems | • Broiler & broiler breeding feeding - - J systems. Including the new Chore-Time Model 2000 and the Model C feeders • Fans & Complete ventilation systems, \ i including the new lan oscillator Vi.™ • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH watering lor any kind of poultry • Chore-Time's exclusive MEAL-TIME* pig and hog feeding and watering • Chore-Time's production-boosling cow IminFjm feeding system lor dairy operations Sienandoah BROODERS ik,i w * r“ssMi TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 PemuylvanU'i AulhorizedWl Muter Distributor ■ Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. m Flyway Business Park stoke hooks. mw-fo no k> 4so 139 A West Airport Road ■ Lililz. PA 17543 «Ht M*teters«te g| Ptr (717)569-2702 1-800-673-2580