Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 23, 1994, Image 85
KU SWINE Bennecoff Hogs. Hamp shires. Poland China, Berkshires, Boars and Gilts Service Age 610-285-6581 or 610-285-6582 Bred gilts' good stock, due May/ June, $275, No Sun day calls Schuylkill County (717)668-5249. Chester White, Duroc and Spotted, boars and gilts for sale James Parlett, (717)862-3610. HOLLOWAY DUROCS We will be consigning a quality set of Club pigs to The Winners Circle Club Pig ft Lamb Sale Centre Co. Fairgrounds April 30. 1994 6:30 PM 717-238-6966 ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 80 Pigs of show quality Hamps ★ Durocs ★ Bluebutts ★ Blacklines A For July, August, September Shows J '93 CHAMPIONS were shown in MD, VA, PA County & State Fairs ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ MANY BREIH.IKE RESERVE GRAND AT ‘94 PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW Performance data on BOARS & GILTS for sale Privately * FEESER GENETICS " Brucellosis Free #45 Box 372 (410) 751 -1287 ★ PRV Free #46 Taneytown, MD 21787 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ HOG FARMERS: We offer the largest selection of performance tested and high health breeding stock available. Yorkshire • Hampshire • Duroc • Landrace * Hybrids THfIM€S B€ND P€NN JAY ft CLAUDETTE HORST Schaefferstown, PA 17086 Phone 717-9494-3381 Fax 949-2204 11 Mike Leinlnger • Denver, PA - 717-336-3387 Horn* 07 “Stein" Genetics from Canada's Largest Registered and R.O.P. Testing Operation jpEEDER^IGsI I For Sale I I From | I Pseudorabies I I Free Herds ; * Fred i I Patterson - |6 15-364-70501 York X Hamp Gilts Yorkshire Gilts Hampshire Boars Yorkshire Boars Wilson Yorkshires 717/235-3478 York County, PA Tha M( Of Tomamv At Oar Mm Mijt bpM IMCI IMf*J 40 yurt M TmM temlles rA jr> i\a s BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Cartlflad Bruealloala and Paaudorablaa FrM Hard flmo Thom«» Park Thom** Mark Bt*h, PIT) UJ-M2l PIT) M U 44 (TIT) (M-TPOT RD #l, Box 2441, Paavarlown, PA ITBIS Keystone Semen Service LARGE WHITE LANDRACE HAMPSHIRE Multlpto TraK Salactad Boars Hoalth It Vat Monitorod i Cuatom (bidding a eokaetlon at your boar i (to ha too big, too goad, too axpanalua) k to fully utlllaa hla quality traka. * Soman aatao - naxl day air ahlppad to m your farm. Progeny data, raal-tlma i S uHraaaund aoannad alnoa I*aa I ■ Pravan sanatlca § % Additional aarvlcaa avallaWa-taal lima ff m acannlng on your farm, protaaalonal m \ eonauHatlona of brooding program*, a ■ Call Evanlnga Altar a:00 m \ 717-235-3478 f EMhOG EOUPUENT WKMi SUPPLIES Going Out Of I Business Sale I 10% OFF On All Single Slats Also On 2xB and 2x6 Gang On Orders Received In April & May KV Concrete RD #2 Box 1000 Mifflintown, Pa. 17059 UnditM Dtme Yorkshim Urge WrJtM FI Crtnbrwh ★ ★ ★ IM ARTIFICIAL 20 units of Blackstar se men, priced at $39. (215)932-5274. IICiHOG EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Smidley 10-Hole Top Ad just Hog Feeder. Used very Little Best Offer Takes it. No Sunday Calls. York Co (717)432-2762 Lancaster Fuming, Saturday, April 23,1994-C25 \HOG EOUPUENT \& SUPPLIES 10 Farrow Crates, good shape 717/437-3992 Manure Irrigation Equip ment Duetz F6L9I2D Power Unit w/Cornell 3HA Pump, CAT 3114 Power Unit w/Qorman-Rupp Pump, 6”-Kroy Aluminum Ring Lock Pipe, Approx 3000', 6" Tico Aluminum Pipe 1000' (717)653-8783 for More Information. Ai BOSS HOG... The Best In Woven Wire Flooring Superior, (kld-fiM footing. Fowor - InJurlM. Eulor to chan. Available Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc. Imk (7 FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK 139 A West Airpoit Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 (7) Farrowing Crates $5O each (7) 5x7 Crate Floors 114 years old $5O each (2) sxlo Floor Panels, New $5O (1) Hog Hut 12x21x7, 114 Years Old, $9OO (908) 782-9718