Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 23, 1994, Image 83
H HORSES & MULES [a 10 yr, old blonde Belgii Gelding, broke to wo (717)656-6712 (2) 1 year old miniature horse colts, 1 chestnut fla xen mane and tail, 1 bay. Excellent disposition breeding. (717)273-3016. (2) 8 month old Jenny Donkeys, standard, 45’ high, one white w/dark stripes, one gray with black stripes, healthy. Welcome to see parents of both. Lane. Co. 717/336-4281. 2-Horse Trailer Rocking B 1980, Good Floor, Electric Brakes. $B5O. (717)838-8491. 3-seated spring wagon w/ hydraulic brakes, natural finish, like new, $1,850. (717)738-1098. 3 Year Old Filly, green broke, half thoroughbred, gentle, great attitude. 717/273-8090 days, Diane, or 717/336-6602 evenings 4 year old, Percheron geld ing, Jet black, nice disposi tion, green broke to drive. 914-482-3007. 5 year old standardbred horse, traffic safe, sound. 717-768-3589. 6 passenger fringe top sur rey with Tights, very good condition, $2,150 originally owned by Rabat Family, York County. (717)757-5315. 6 Year Old TWH mare, very loving, smooth as glass, $2300. 717/273-8090 days, ask for Diane, 717/336-6602 evenings. 9 yr old saddlebred geld ing, good broke, traffic safe and sound, anybody can drive, $1,350. 100 Haiti Rd, Quarryville PA 17566. Arndt FRP Aluminum Thor oughbred Horse Trailer with dressing room and hay rack over top, holds two horses, asking $6500. Phone 717/766-3331 or 717/697-3041. Barn sell out: Haflinger geld 13 2H, draft harness hitch, wagon buckboard with brake lights. OH trailer, pair Haflinger mares, Ski-doo trailer, sleighs, bob-sled. SusqCo. (717)465-3669. Big 9 year old Saddlenbred horse, ready for trips, real good. Call between 8-8 30AM, (610)273-9806. >lMan, Chilean & North American Llamas rjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&a* { CLICK'S BLACKSMITH ) ! ► AND HORSE DENTIST J | { Shoeing at your farm by appointment, j | {Teeth floating by appointment. Draft.)! ) horse shoeing by appointment at place of j j \ business. Have table to trim cows feet. } ; ► 274 Cut Road 51 } Gap. PA 17527 (! ► (717) 442-9680 between 6:00 )! i and 7:00 PM J | wnnnnnsMMWvNMMiiMliMMi Broke Mules - 16 to 17 Hands ,0) •Pr Comlng-3 Yr Old 16-3 Hand Sorrels V> CP • Pr Coming-5 Yr Old 16-3 Hand Gray* • . Pr Conring-4 Yr Old 16-1 Hand Blonds Sorrala • Pr Comlng-2 Yr. Old 15-3 Hand Mam, Fancy • Single 6 Yr Ok) 17 Hand Lead Muls • Single 6YR Old 16 Hand Lead Mule Mules On Hand Year-Round (1) 15-2 Hands, 3 Yr. Old BDY OR RENT Nearly Broke ...$1,400 I (800)770*3721 PAUL BMUCKER (717)299-3721 Reg. Mammoth Jack, 8« months old, sired by Sle mon's Bo Pete. 304/782-2551 Reg. Morgan yearling, filly, well bred, Chestnut, good dispositon, will have good size, going back to school, must sell. Call for details. 610-286-5489. Saddlebred stud service, available Saturday's or evenings after 6PM. Big strong horse. John Kauff man. Mill R 0 (RD2, Box 10) Honey Brook, PA 19344. Specializing m spotted and solid colored walking horses. SPOTTED FEVER FARM. 717-582-7831. Standardbred mare. 10* years old, gentle, quiet, light riding, $3OO. 908-521-2325. Strush & Slough Sleigh, $450; Emerson buggy, $B5O. Both need some work. 301/432-2197. Standing At Stud 14H gray Jack $5O fee. guaranteed service. Jonas F. Miller 1302 Ashvllle Rd. Oxford, PA 19363 For transportation call Rick Hill (717) 529-6476 MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - BOX 360 Newmanstown. (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 (717) 949-3246 Jf Good Blonde Sorrel Jack White Mane f & Tall Standing At Stud Proven To Throw Good Colts Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shlrktown Road Narvon, PA 17555 lor Information 717/445-5956 Aak for Ivan Kinltz Llama Farm 4242 Farmenville Road Bethlehem, Pa. 18017 610-868-0186 CLYDESDALES Stallion Servlea Available Geldings & young stock for sale LIBERTY KNOLLS FARM LLC Gene Emtviler 10702 Maplevllle Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-416-0015 STANDARDBRBD STUD SERVICE Sired By Speednssle Record of 1:58 Nice Conformation and Disposition Real Classy Trotter Benj K. Stoltzfus 720 Georgetown Rd., Ronka, PA WINDING CREEKS FARM Livestock for investment, profit, fun! IJggm Gorgooua young mala*, tamo and halter broken Lovely bred (emalee Bast Llama prleaa around Beautiful yearling Jennie# Bred Jenny 1 Spotted yearling Jack left Yearling bull (hia father weigh# 1800 Iba.), ready m bread for eaay calving Bred Heifer Other bulla, helfera, cow# Super Anlmala, Great Choice Lebanon, PA 717/868-4473 MEL’S STABLE MULES fOR SALE 1 Pr. S yaar oM Jack Mulaa, 17.2 H, broka 1 Pr. 4 yaar old Mollla Mulaa, 17H, broka 1 PR 4 yaar Mollla mulaa IS.IH, broka 1 PR 3 A 4 yaar old, Mollla mulaa, 16.1 H broka 1 pr. 3 yaar old Jack mulaa, 17H, broka PLUS SOME SINGLES Location Ben K. Kauffman Park Road, Ho nay Brook, PA 610-273-3082 Call batwaan 7:30 AM A t AM 717-687-0977 Let Ring 717-529-6926 for Trucking WANTED; Mule, 14.3-15 H, 3-4 years old, unbroke, ex cellent disposition, must lead and load, will pay up to $5OO and have a good home. 410-751-6033. U2I SHEEP A GOATS 3 Barbados Breeding Bucks, sell or trade for other Barbados sheep. 304/782-2551. 9 registered Hampshire ewes, 2-4 years old, sired by Southerland Apex Jr.. $lOO each. (717)665-5960. ALPINE DAIRY GOATS; Milkers w/kkte, brood does, dry yearlings, purebred & American, $l5O-$3OO. Please call 717/624-2493. Angora'Goats mother and newborn baby, both regis tered animals. Produce mohair. 609/259-1102 leave message. Parlett & Holloway Club Pig & Lamb Sale Thursday, May 5 y 1994 7:00 P.M. At Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryvllla, Pa. Selling 100 Pigs & 12 to 15 Lambs Our Record Speaks For Itself Few 1993 Show Winnings Grand & Res. Champion Schuylkill Co. Grand Duroc & Res. Champion Overall Centre Co. Grand & Res. Champion Ches ters, Centre Co. Champion Carcass & Rate of Champion Harford Co. Gain, Indiana Co. Res. Champion, Frederick Fair Champion Chester, Indiana Co. Res. Champion, Lebanon Co. York Fair Grand Overall Champion Chester, Lebanon Co. 1994 Farm Show Champion Duroc MK Hog Plus Other Wt. Division Champ- Champion & Res. Chesters Mk. ions & Reserves At Fairs & Hogs Roundups Res. Champion Lt. Hv. Wt. Mk. Hog Champion Mk. Lamb, Sussex Co, NJ Res. Champion Mk. Lamb, Allen- town Fair Henry Holloway Stafford Rd. Darlington, Md. 21034 (410) 457-4960 (410) 838-6111 Farm Store Ken Brubaker, Auctioneer 924 Tyson Way, West Chester, Pa. 19382 (215) 696-7561 Uncwr Farming, Saturday, April 23, 19M-C23 Angora Goats (colored and uehomed Pygmy goats w/ registered whites) Kids, papers. (2) baby males, (1) Adults Amity caramel, other agouti, 215-257-8847 evening* $l5O/ea 908-521-2325. Consigning dub Lambs to Lambs Registered Rom- Bankerts big sale, April 29. ney and Black Wool Hanover, PA. Lambs. Grade Lambs 717/757-6062. Available. (610)346-8733. Reg. Columbia and Natural Colored Stud Rams, Ewes, Ram & Ewe Lambs for Sale Excellent 4-H project lambs, replacement Ewes and starter flocks. We have sold many champion 4-H lambs in MD, PA, NJ. Take advantage of an established breeding program. Get started rlghtl All sheep vaccinated and wormed. GERR GLENN FARM BOX 147 A Hustontown, PA 17229 717-987-3219 Res. Champion Open, Lycoming Co. Lamb Winnings Res. Champion York Co., Roundup 1992 Champion FFA York Fair nlh Jim Parlett RD #2 BOX 176 Alrvllle, Pa. 17302 (717) 862-3610