Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 23, 1994, Image 68
CB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 23, 1994 SCHAUMBURG, 111. For the first time, animal care has been incorporated into the federal gov ernment’s domestic disaster plan. With the signing of a Memoran dum of Understanding between the American Veterinary Medical Association and the U.S. Public Health Service, veterinary ser vices were incorporated into the National Disaster Medical Sys tem, part of the Federal Response Plan for disaster relief. “Veterinary medical assistance teams,” or VMATS, consisting of volunteer veterinarians, veterinary technicians, support person nel, will be mobilized as needed after disasters. The organization and functions of these VMATs is described in the newly published “AVMA Emergency Prepared ness And Response Guide.” This guide and the “AVMA’s Emergency Response Force” were developed out of veterinarians* desires to assist communities when disaster strikes. Incorporation of veterinary ser vices as part of the Federal Response Plan will fill unmet needs evident after Hurricane Andrew and last summer’s floods. A veterinarian’s knowledge and CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK Laneaatar Farming 1 E. Main tl. Ephrata. Fa. 17522 717-3M.3M7 a» UUtz 7174210114 FAX 717>795405S MAIL TO; LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609. Ephrata, PA 17522 PHONE HOURS: Man, Tuaa, Wad A Frl. • am to I p m Thura 7 am. to S pm. , NOTE: Please do not use this form for ■ Mall Box Market Ads, see Instructions with Mailbox Markets. Tha loltawln* catagariaa •r« available far yeur h detained advancing. ■ In Saelien D. Daadilna- ■ Thuf.rfiy m«rning *i ••( | please publish my •ach weak a puMteatien r j ... - 1-Farm Equlpmant I Starting With thG 2 Farm Eq Wanlad ■ u , _ _ . . . I # . I enclose The leliowlng eatagorlaa ■ — —~ ara available in your ■ Box Replies Ads with answers coming to a box eaiaiiiiad advertising in ■ number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per Section C Deadline* ■ we ek additional Ot * «**««"a pTbScation 5 Th, » newspaper will not be responsible for more than | one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. Name OFFICE HOURS: Men thru Frl. lam te S f m Address la Construction Equipment I 3 Silos and Unloaders i Build ng and Supplies 5 Grem Equipment 6 Dairy Equipment " .ivestech Equipment ( Came a Harse* ( Mules ■ i r Sheep I Coats I 1 Swine " 1; Artificial Breeding ■ 1j £q 4 Supplies ■ i- Poultry & Supplies I t 5 Feed 4 Seed I 16 F* ‘ - 16 Fertilizer h 1' Plants fl 16 Fruits ( Vegetables I Nursery B 20 latsn & Garden _ 21 Services Ottered B 2 i Custom Work B 23 Help Wanted B 24 Situations Wanted * 23 Business Opporlunitiesi ■ 26 Household B r Pe s 26 U*l 2- Found 3C Computer* 21 Notice 32»MiscelIancou* 33 Recreational Vehicles 34 Autos 33 Trucks t Trailers y Real Estate iPI CONSTRUCTION ■■ EQUIPMENT LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS SET RESULTS!, Animal Care skills in the areas of public health, animal health and welfare, and their understanding of the human animal bond will facilitate relief efforts. The VMATS will work cooperatively with state depart ments of health, agriculture, and wildlife, as well as with animal control agencies and humane organizations to provide for ani mals’ needs after disasters. Besides describing how veter inary services are incorporated into the Federal Response Plan, the 340-page emergency Guide contains practical information for private veterinary practitioners on business planning, record keep ing, and insurance needs related to disaster preparedness. The three ring binder and a mailing list of guide recipients will allow the notebook to be updated regularly. “The guide answers the ques tion of how we may best work together with federal emergency response plans to ease the suffer ing of our colleagues and their communities during a disaster,” said AVMA President Dr. Leon Russell. In addition, the “AVMA Emergency Preparedness and PHASE WRITE CLEARLY State. .Phone (. word ad .issue Classil DEADLINES' SECTION C • WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D • THURSDAY AT 9.00 A H OF EACH WEEK'S PUBLICATION 37 38 39 40 (Phone Numbers Count As One Worrti 40’ United Manlift w/Rotating Basket, Gas Engine, Nice $5,500 Rdl 1982 JLG Manlift, 60’ Working Height, Rebuilt Ford Gas Engine, Good Condition $20,000 PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IP YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. ILASSIFIED ADVERTISING RAX] 38c per word per week - 1 or 2 times 32c per word per week - 3 or more times 2 Times 3 Tlmts up to 11 4,18 8.36 10.56 12 4.56 9.12 11.52 13 4.94 9.88 12.48 14 5.32 10.64 13.44 15 5.70 11.40 14.40 16 6.08 12.16 15.36 17 6.46 12.92 16.32 18 6.84 13 68 17.28 19 7.72 14.44 18.24 20 7.60 15.20 19.20 Words 1 Tims .limes Kenneth Weaver RD 3 Milton, PA 17847 717/742-2712 No Sunday Calls Part Of Response Plan Response Guide’’ .provides infor mation for development of local/ state animal care plans that inte grate with the federal plan. Emergency fact sheets from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a listing of disaster pre- Santa Gertrudis Association To Meet GETTYSBURG (Adams Co.) Members of the Northeast San ta Gertrudis Association (NES GA) will gather for dinner, elec uon of officers, and the planning of activities for the year on April 30 at 10 a.m. here at the Bonanza Restaurant. The NESGA is an affiliate of Santa Gertrudis Breeders Interna tional, an organization interested in promoting this breed of beef cattle. Its territory includes all Northeastern states as far south as and including Virginia. Interested persons may contact the president, James Quanbeck, 2328 Franklin Rd., Columbia, PA 17512, (717) 285-4639, or the se cretary, Susan White, 1191 Ridge Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325, (717) 334-2044 for information or directions. Topics for discussion include placing displays at state fairs, agri- 11 word minimum paredness officials, and other key contacts also are included in the guide. The initial printing and distribu tion of the guide was made possi ble. in part, through a grant from the American Animal Hospital cultural expositions and other places where promotional activi ues would be fruitful; planning a summer or fall field day; partici pation in late summer cattle shows and meeting with the SGBI field 53 w/6 way Blade, 1280 Hr., U/C Excellent $21,000 1986 580 Super E Tractor, Loader, Backhoe With Extendahoe With Cab & Air, Nice $lB,OOO Mustang 342 Diesel, GP Bucket $8,500 Cat 935 C w/Backhoe & GP Bucket, 1988, WfM SILOS AND ■mjNLOADERS LANCHESTER FARM SERVICE RISSLER TMR MIXERS * Tunnel Ventilation (Hyd. or Electric) Powered • Replacement Air Bags For Sealed Silos JERRY L. FEISTER 6233 Old Route 322 Narvon, PA 17555 90% uc $26,500 We Buy & Sell Financing Or Lease Purchase Available AA Equipment 1797 Robsrt Fulton Hwy., Quanyvllls, PA 17506 717/529-2512 No Sunday Calls Association Foundation. Copies of the guide may be obtained for $25 from the AVMA Foundation, Disaster Relief Fund, American Veterinary Medical Association, 1931 N. Meacham Road, Suite 100, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360. representative; and organizing a joint sale with the New York, Ohio, and Illinois associations. People interested in learning more about the breed are urged to attend. 610-273-9060 Before 8 AM. After 6 PM J JD 544 8.-Nice W/Falr Rubber $21,800 1987 Kawasaki 3800 Hr. In Excellent Condition $49,900 843 Bobcat Diesel, GP Bucket, Nice Condition $11,500 T k w JD 3130, New Rubber On Front, New 18” Rubber On Rear, Nice Condition