- . « y ▼« « } / t Cut Your Mowing Time In Half YOU'VE SEEN IT ON TV. NOWMITQN YOUR LAWN The Dixon® rid with its exclusive Turning Radius, easy to handle it cuts mowing time in half. Sizes to fit eve yard and budge See your dealer today for a test ride. ®Dixon and ZTR are reeisi ftiwXHwHwf. Wm ftlfrSM-«l»0 I««ft$il« ofl*A toy ts, Ortatmig B*. «104«M»ftl UAKHBII ftottsaiteltt lAim State* 1 MB* Wwrt of emfpMUmibuit on RL 722 717-M»-77®4 MLIfBaBUWQ Teter’t Outdoor OTIwW WO* On Rt 20t iMt of MMlotwro 71T-»«WW01 LAWCAttW Rohrer’t True Value *****-* ->■ iMS.c»n«Mvn«R<i tst-mumo WUSMM rtr^us-aoMi acttuweptrowN I Bttgte. Co v Xne. 1 Milt i. ofiMHMmtftlown 7\7*9mimvr . -MSEE wiiiitrt I4wni £ aiMbHi 01X00 ZTR® Riding Mowers ered trademarks of Dixon Industrie; vOiXB P PPPIiPPJPIKPIBP %m Ikteaii fiM m4i**sft« chSmtcSmtf Vmtmw* mbm !«<*•*«*• Farm *t*wa . WM$ #••?«»••* W- WtfohampM) «74*#ia*7 ALLEWTOWW UwwhnorVOMiTely TfiMStOt WWM H. «th *t ~ im# urn**, jfttftitviiit HT. JOY J.B. R SOBI latlW. NMMIt •Ad VS 9WWPNMMI PRiHt IHflßljf 717-M*-4747 C» Apputv Vd^ddi ''WtSSR-'' 4134*»>1M» Over the yean I’ve spent a lot of time reading the newspaper. Every day I try to get through the whole paper. It is easier to do in in wintertime than in summertime. And, easier to do now then when our six children were all living at home. I would save the papen, thinking that someday I would get around to reading them, but then eventually I’d throw diem away when company was expected. For some reason I scan the front page and then start at the back page. You can read the paper any way you want and don’t have to Inc, ' iiiMSUi »!4ii» wti» irntwiirfir Stdlct’* Lnm Mover 94FVi(MI » mu* Out ftd, »tT«aSK4J»4O lock haveh HiHiff r » im MPWWHE 4UK. ■hiioawt A —- VNF WBmWlimw mW* nT*M«>7*7B ■! r »watY ROCK mvtmmm, 419*7*H»18 MW. Iffff *f frf|f 11 Ib>Hll# fai«, eio-ate-twtf '"■'■'■‘r.'-j— M' 'Xlagifk OIAPKtX kMntf 4t»6 Ifi FW, 410-W7-M7O ... sBSiV VPHMRPVPPn lw take the news as it is presented to you on television. Sometimes I re member details of a scandal but don’t read all the information on local government My parents always read the obi tuaries first and I thought that was morbid. But now that I’m older, I find that I try not to miss looking over the names too. When it com es to the comics, you can afford to be choosy and only read the ones that make you smile—sometimes they’re hard to find. Nowadays, there is so much in formation available and it comes Married 40 Years? NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Co.) Countians who are mar ried 40 or more years are wanted to help celebrate the northeastern Lancaster County’s 40 + Anniver sary. in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of the Lancaster County Office of Aging. For more information, contact Blanco Sr. Center, New Holland will celebrate Tuesday, June 7th, DIESEL FUEL USERS... Help Prevent Low Sulfur Fuel Problems Use Fuel Treatments With Every Fill Up. < ~ri FUEL POWER JBBj **l Year 'Round Additlva [SSH • Totally Diaparaaa Watar LiQW-w • Lubricates Entire Injection System • Cleans A Decarbonizes Injection System „ * Prevents Algae Growth [-u. | • Provides Greater Power, Mora MPG. f / LUBRICITY PLUS / • Ineraasaa Lubricity of Todays Low Sulfur Fuels. [■■■> • Prevents Fuel Injection System Wear Due To Low IWMKItII Lubricity In Diesel Fuel • Prevents Stalling. •• For Premium Diesel Fuel • We Recommend a HH Combination of Fuel Power and Lubricity Plus I For further Information, wrtte/call: MILLER DIESEL INC. DIESEL FUEL INJECTION ft TURBO CHARGER SPECIALIST TUNE UPS AVAIL. BY APPT. 6030 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-545-5931 Interstate 81 Exit 26 1-800-296-5931 Burns Cool, Wood, Oil or Natural Gas FUEL USED IN STANDARD UNIT: WOOD & COAL & WOOD BY PRODUCTS (SAWDUST, PAPER, ETC.) FUEL USED IN MULTI-FUEL MODEL: SAME AS ABOVE INCLUDING OIL, PROPANE, NATURAL GAS Efficiency Rating 83% to 85% - Cut Emissions by 90% 3-Year Warranty Except Electrical Components (1 Year) 35 Years Heating Experience PROUDLY BUILT IN INDIANA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 100,000 - 500,000 BTU 36"-60" Fire Boxes ■k The only outdoor furnace made with a Catalytic Combuster. ★ Mahoning Catalytic Combuster Will Help In The Following Ways: 1. Burn one cord of wood which equals 166 gallons of oil. 2. Your fuel source becomes enor mous inexhaustible and poses few risks to public safety. 3. Overall efficiency of 85% which means the heat no longer goes up the chlmneyl SCHOENLYS NURSERY 5510 Boyertown Pike, Birdsboro, PA 19508 (610) 689-5230 Cut Your Heating Cost With Our Outdoor Furnace Uncmw Farming, Saturday. April 23, 1994-Bit to us much quicker than in pre vious years. The trouble is that much of it is bad news from the far comers of the world. However, there is important educational news such as that on health. All of us have just so much time that we can devote to reading and thus we must pick and choose from the many magazines that come into our homes. Recently, I’ve subscribed to two new ones and hope that I’ll find time to read them. My daughter tells me that I will like the “Smithsonian** and I hope that she is right call (717) 354-4814 between 8:30 and 2:00. Mon. • Fri. Lidtz Senior Center celebrating Wednesday, June Bth, Call (717) 626-2800 between 8:30 and 2:30 Mon.-Fri. Cocalico Senior Center, Rein holds will celebrate Thursday, June 9th call (717) 336-7489 between 8:00 and 1:30 Mon.-Fri. MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACES Tie Hatora/Map To Meat Moor Home " 4. You get more heat from a log com pared to the non-cat furnace. 5. More burn time - less reloading time! 6. Zap 90% of pollutants, made from fire source. 7. Saves you a lot of moneyl 8. User friendly, emits no smoke!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers