by Rebecca Escott Penn State Extension Home Economist For Lehigh County The Family Side of Downsizing There are some days when I really wish that I didn’t have to get up and go to work. But for people who have felt the brunt of factory or business downsizing, the wish may be just the opposite. Downsizing and layoff deci sions don’t just affect a com pany’s bottom line. These deci sions also affect families both the families whose members were cut and those whose members are now doing two people’s jobs (because they weren’t cut). The stress can be very hurtful to a per son’s physical health but also may impact relationships. According to Joan LeFebvre, University of Wisconsin- Extension, “Losing a job is one of the most stressful events a person can experience. Unemployment can be personally devastating and can trigger the same reactions you might feel during other serious crisis, such as divorce or the death of someone you love.” People often base their worth and identity on their employment. We’re often more comfortable saying, “I’m a grain farmer.” “I’m an accoun tant”, “I’m a child care provider.” “I’m an EMT,” than we are saying “I’m a caring husband.” “I’m a thinker” or “I’m a concerned CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON —| f— — CLIP VALUABLE COUPON—| Unheard of Prlcal | j Must havs er ROCKER RECLINER \ ■ th " Full Slzs In A {J RECLL Selactlon Of J' Rbo Bat Colors And Styles. 11 ® Rag. Ret. $629.95 II $38 " 5 OUR CASH I I OUR CASH PRICE | | PRICE $298.95 II $129.95 WITH COUPON 11 WIXH rn „BON . 1 I $229.95 $89.88 L__ 1 1 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST J o PTFPF f” CUP THIS VALUABLE COUPON—“I J | Spsclal Close-Out I EARLY AMERICAN j TABLE SET j Sofa, loveseat and chair | Cocktail /oh. I ' tibia, sofa I j tibia and 2 Reg. Ret. $1889.95 I $279,95 I OUR CASH PRICE «*M> j eoupoH Mfj * SPECIAL $489.88 j__ s 2_69.9_6_ _^.J All our furniture is brand new merchandise. Not used. Not traded In. member of my community.” When that source of identity is taken away, a person may begin to doubt his or her self-worth. Losing a job forces a person, against his or her wishes, to make rapid changes in life plans. It can disrupt habits and normal rou tines. It may actually provide a person with too much free time. LeFebvre explains that a person experiencing a job loss may feel tense or angry. They may suffer from dramatic mood swings and lash out at others even those not responsible for the layoff. Recently unemployed workers may encounter increased numbers of arguments at home. They may feel depressed. These reactions are normal, but they aren’t won derful to live through. If you are unemployed, don’t expect to just “snap out of it.” It takes time. Try to talk through your ambivalent, even negative feelings about your situation. Remember, you have a lost a sig nificant part of your life with this change. Allow yourself to grieve that loss. On the bright side, because of the layoff you may have more time to spend with your family. You may be able to work on some long-delayed household project or do some reading or training in a new, exciting area. 4 PIECE TO Unemployment is a family issue, Research shows that during times of unemployment, when parents support each other, the entire family fairs better. If your family is suffering because of company downsizing, try some of these suggestions: Go outside. Make a “To Do” list (break your job search, housework into small tasks.); Write down your frustra tion. Stretch; roll your shoulders slowly; massage your neck. Cry; laugh. Make a list of two to three things you do well. Post it on your mirror or refrigerator. These are just a few things that people can do to help lower the stress of unemployment. Anyone who is on the other side of the pic ture, being asked to pick up addi tional assignments because of staffing changes, can also benefit from these techniques. And all famil members need to remember that a layoff doesn’t just affect the one person who was the employ ee. Everyone is influenced by the change, and all will suffer the loss in some way. Allow time to grieve. Also seek outside help when needed. This is especially important if people in the home: f/ begin to hit or shove during arguments ✓ think of suicide ✓ feel overwhelmed with bills ✓ consider separating from spouse because of problems 1/ constantly put down them selves or others ✓ take a drink in the morning or hide alcohol to disguise the amount of drinking ✓ notice that children start acting “crazy” and begin getting in trou ble with the law or other authorities ✓ start lying about what has hap pened or what they are doing. 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Ret. $289.95 OUR CASH PRICE $ 99.88 & FOUNDATION Queen.... Reg. Ret. $529.95 OUR CASH PRICE $119.88 BEST DEAL GOING! King Reg. Ret. $609.95 OUR CASH PRICE TT200.&8 Unbelievable Price On A King SetI'fa SPECIAL! $189.88 DMDI IP KIPTIPC We are a five store chain not affiliated rUDLII* nui It/C - W jth any other stores LANCASTER YORK CHAMBERSBURG CARLISLE SMYRNA, DB 3019HemplandRd. 4585 W. Market St. 1525 Lincoln Way East 1880 Harrisburg Pk. 116E.GIenwoodAve 717-397-6241 717-792-3502 717-261-0131 717-249-5718 302-653-5633 ■■■n QOBKTi mmm No Refunds. No Exchanges. Cash & Carry. VISA ID H| ■ FINANCING AVAILABLE. No Out-Of-State Checks Accepted STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 9-9 Out-Of-State Credit Cards Accepted. Saturday 9-6 (Lancaster, York, Smyrna) For purchase with a check, bring 9-5 (All Other Stone) proper ID and a major credit card. Sunday Noon-5 Not rer islble for • 'lical errors. Lancaster Firming, Saturday, April 23, 1994-B7 h cfe/tm QA/omeflj Societies ij Lancaster Society 16 Lancaster Society Farm Women #2O met on April 10 at the Memorial United Methodist Church, Quarryville, when they entertained Societies #25, 15 and the county officers to a covered dish luncheon. The committee consisted of Lillian Winters, Marion Hastings, Emily Galli more, Thelma Miller, and Vivian Trout. Following the meal Lillian read* the 126th Psalm and the poem “All it takes is one hello”. The Lord’s Prayer was prayed in unison followed by the Pledge of Allegiance- to the Flag. The presi dent, Nancy Axe, presided at the business meeting when among other items the society yard sale Lebanon Society 20 use d for expenses for Leb. Co. Jr. D srs ea " ,ewa! f- Shuey had devotion,. abfc , irs r s i p^ , ' ti ” wh r iswaik ’ raiS’Sd’i. sd' P h y<!d several MemberswlU^emSSal B£ T StSJj Sh °? meet^ g ' •he BeUgrove Fire Hall April 19 1 S C H on 18 9 CL by Group 19. The next meeting is & .TsarabVs was announced for the 4th of June at Nancy’s home. The Sunshine committee reported 6 cards sent since the last meeting. The program was very interest ing when Ellen Baber spoke and showed slides of her and her hus band’s visit to St. Petersburg, Rus sia through a poultry exchange, and they were privileged to stay with the mayor of the town. For the roll call, each one men tioned their favorite vacation spot and the guests were introduced. The meeting closed by singing “Brighten the Comer” and in May members will be going to Living Waters and then have lunch at Schoney’s.
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