Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 23, 1994, Image 30
Aa&UncMMr Fanning, Saturday, April 23,1994 DENVER, Colo. The sheep industry will launch legislative efforts to secure a self-help lamb and wool checkoff, following a last vote Saturday by the Ameri can Sheep Industry Association board of directors at a special meeting in Denver. Sheep producers representing the organization’s SO state affili ates uttered a strong yes to a checkoff on lamb and wool to replace the promotional funds that will be lost in 1996 with the phase-out of the National Wool Act “Sheep industry leaders showed deep commitment to securing the future of lamb and wool promo tion, education and information,” said Pierce Miller, president of the American Sheep Industry Associ ation. The San Angelo, Texas, sheep rancher said the “history making” move will help the sheep industry determine a more aggres sive direction in its efforts to return profitability to American sheep producers. Domestic producers will write the legislation to include a checkoff on both domestic and imported lamb and wool and their related products to the tune of 1 cent per pound on lamb and 2 cents per pound on domestic wool. Imported wool and wool products will be assessed at 2 cents per pound on a clean basis, ture of elected represen tatives since 1954. Remittance of the checkoff on domestic product would be at the point of slaughter on lamb and at the point of first processing for wool. The choice of single-point remittance, said industry leaders, will help control com pliance costs and max imize collections. For lamb, each seller would be deducted a penny per pound at the time of sale. The packer would remit a penny per pound at the time of slaughter. Directors proposed all imported live sheep and product also be assessed the one cent per pound. Exported sheep would also pay the checkoff. Under current projected sheep and lamb num bers, the lamb checkoff would raise $5.7 million. For wool, the check off of two cents per pound of grease wool would be assessed at each sale and be paid at the processing level. Producer leaders asked that all imported raw wool and wool products be assessed at roughly half the domestic level, at 2 cents per clean pound. The wool check off would raise $1.3 million domestically. The board moved to mandate return of 20 percent of the checkoff to state associations for state promotion prog rams, amounting to just over $1 million. Growers Vote For Sheep Industry Checkoff The board also set incremental increase levels and caps on both lamb and wool checkoffs, increases which would have to be approved by both the ASI board of directors and the secretary of agriculture. Boardmembers hashed out the issue of a cent-per-pound versus ad valorem rate, and looked at numerous state scenarios of pro duction and costs in deciding on UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) The Penn State Meats Judging team won top awards ear lier this month at the 1994 South eastern Intercollegiate Meats Judging Competition held at Dawson-Baker Packing Company in Louisville, Ky. In addition to Erst overall, the team brought home Erst in pork judging; second in beef grading, beef judging, overall placings, and reasons; third in lamb judging; and fifth in specification cuts. Of the other 11 teams competing New From NC+ s' NC+452l “NEW” ♦ 109 Days (110 MN) 2500 GDUs ♦ Will be a favorite m this maturity. ♦ High yield potential. ♦ Team with NC+ 4275 and NC+ 4616. ♦ Excellent stay-green. . ♦ Good stress tolerance. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER • Arthur S. Auker Manhelm 717-665-6627 • Bechtel Farms Halifax 717-896-8314 • Jeff L. Borger Kunkletown 610-381-3785 • Donald Emel Salem, NJ 609-769-1577 • Wayne S. Freeman Elllotsburg 717-582-2397 • Delmer S. Homan Aaronsburg 814-349-8054 • Eivln M. Hursh LHitz 717-733-3538 • Samuel E. Knouse Richfield 717-463-2885 • Wayne R. LHzenberger Kintnersville 610-847-5563 • Earl I. Miller Pine Grove 717-345-1181 • Clarence B. Mull Lebanon 717-865-2037 • David G. Rice Jr Kempton 610-756-6574 • David B. Saner Miffllntown 717-535-5103 • Roger L. Saner Thompsontown....7l7-535-5307 • Burden Troxeli Andreas 717-386-4095 • Leon B. Wessner Kutztown 610-285-6246 • Urle C. Yoder Lewlsburg 717-524-7739 the more simple cent-per-pound. Figures showed the proposed sce nario came the closest to a check off that fairly assessed growers on a percent .of income per ewe. State and other sheep check offs, both voluntary and mandat ory, now in place would not be affected by the national checkoff. If the sheep industry is success ful in passage of related enabling legislation, U.S. growers will have Penn State’s Meats from as far away as South Dakota and Florida, the University of Ten nessee finished second and lowa State third. Penn State students won many individual honors as well. Jen Sweitzer (York County) was high individual in pork judging and placed fourth in beef grading, plac ing, and reasons and fifth in lamb judging. She finished third overall. Jason Ahola (Putnam, Conn.) was fourth high overall, finishing second in placings and fourth in beef judging and specification NC+ 7117 "NEW” ♦ 118 Days, 2590 ODUs ♦ Excellent yield and grain quality. ♦ Superior standability. ♦ Good milling quality. ♦ Works well under irrigation or can handle moisture stress. These new NC+ releases are the result of one of the country’s most comprehen sive hybrid research programs. They're bred for precise adaptation and proven on NC+ F.A.R.M. Plots in this area. See us today for complete details including Early Payment Discount information. America’sSr down to earth seed company Add Dealer imprint here Takes Top the opportunity to vote in a referendum on the checkoff. Other industries involved in the prop osed checkoff, namely importers, will also be entitled to a vote in the referendum. The board voted to propose continuation of the cur rent language on the referendum vote, which allows passage by either voter numbers or produc tion value. The board proposal, debated Judging Team Honors cuts. Brian McAllister (Centre Coun ty) brought home the top score for beef grading and total beef, and finished fifth in placings and over all competition. Amysue Eshelman (Berks County) placed second in beef judging, fifth in beef grading, and BODY good: • Patio Blocks • Walk Blocks S i BRICK-TILE PAVER BRICKS I BB I BB B ~B 8888 ■ ■ ib i i a i b an b ■■■■ ■ ■■IB ■ ■ ,BI • I fl B I Bl IB D -- BI B B I I Bl I I 8888 B BB HI I II I BB I 8888 B -BB B B We Usi Fiber Meeh In Our Concrete Nickel Mine Brick Works Elmer F. Stoltzfus 406 E. White Oak Road • Christiana, PA 17509 Located one mile east of Nickel Mines point by point during the two-day session, closely parallelled the proposal by the special industry task force appointed by ASl’s president at the direction of the board in its January annual meet ing. That task force, made up of producers, feeders, packers, wool buyers and textile manufacturers, met two days prior to the board meeting to finalize its proposal developed in the past two months. was seventh overall. Todd Rabenold (Berks County) and Howard Reybum (Chester County) also represented Penn State in the Southeastern competi tion. William Henning is the team coach and Dan Northrup is assis tant coach. MILK. IT DOES A • Lawn Steps • Landscape Edgers ’/. ”x3y. "xTVi “ Size • Spalsh Blocks • Tree Rings All Items Available In Colored Concrete