E2O-L»ncister Farming, Saturday, April 23, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Trac tors, farm equip, car, riding mower, antiques, house items, tools, misc From 1-83 exit #ll (Emigsville) take Rt. 238 W to light, turn R onto Rt 295 N (Susque hanna Trail) for 2 4 mi. Turn L onto Canal Rd for 1.0 mi Turn R onto Lewis berry Rd. & Go 04 mile to sale on R @ 4185 Lewis berry Rd. George & Cather ine Qladfelter owners. Mel vin Haines, Ralph Brenne man, Russell Wright, aucts. SAT. APR. 30-9 AM, Valu able Real Estate, 2 2 Acres. Personal Property, Antiques, Farmall 100 Tractor Located 520 W. Maple Grove Rd., (Fivo pointvillo), From Rt. 897 In Fivepointville Take West Maple Grove Rd. To Prop erty On Lett Or From Rt. 625 In Bowmansville Take West Maple Grove Approx. 2 Mi. To Property On Right Brecknock Township. Lane. Co. Terms By, Berth a L. Weaver. Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider & Roy Good Jr., Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM, Important Estate Auction Of American Furniture & Antiques. Located Cochran Auction Complex, Boons boro, Maryland. Selling The Estate Of The Late Master Woodworker & Craftsman William S. Bowers Of Mer cersburg, Pa. J.Q. Cochran Aucts. & Associates Ltd. SAT. APR. 30-9 AM Wood working equip, forklift, cuve Vans & passenger vans and inventory of major kitchen & hardware sup plies. Route 23 W of New Holland, approx. 2 miles to Voganville Rd N. approx Vi miles to sale on right By Adam N. Zimmerman Mel Hoover, auct. SAT. APR. 30 -9.00 AM, Ringo Hill Farm Equipment Auction. Located Burtville (Potter Co ) Penna William Weierbach Family. Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc, Way land, New York, 716-728-2520. SAT. APR. 30, SUN. MAY 1 & MON. MAY 2 - 9AM, Sun- IPM, Mon- IPM. 3rd Spring Carriage Drive & Auction Weekend At Wil son's Auction Sales, Inc. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Reba K. Erb Estate, 104 Hard wood Drive, Schaeffer stown, Pa Fortna’s Auct. Co SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Trac tors, equipment, lawn & garden, Spring Consign ment Sale Taneytown Farm Equipment Rob Der fler, Nevm Tasto, aucts. SAT. APR 30 - 9AM Trac tors, farm machinery, 1 cylinder gas engines. Buck Rd., Dublin, Bucks Co., Pa From Rte. 313 & 113, take Rte. 113 N 1 mile to Buck Rd watch for signs. Ralph D Freed, auct SAT. APR 30 - 9AM Con signment Sale Tractors and farm equipment located off Route 51 East approx. 3V4 miles E. of Inwood, WV turn rigyht at Shutt's Cash Grocery .2 mile to sale. Edgar A. Boh rer, Jr. Auct SAT. APR. 30 -9.30 AM Farm machinery, Lawn & garden equip, pickups, antique furniture, antique cars, antique gas engines, old tyos, antiques of all kinds, small durmp trucks, all suze utility & equip tail ers, small tools & equip., fencing & building materials & supplies. At J.R. Meats, 1509 Ryan Rd.. Fallston, Harford Co, Md. Rte. 152 to Oakmont Rd. 6/10 mi. to Ryan Rd., Rt. 4/10 mi. to sale on left. Ryan Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 - 9:3OAM Tractors, farm machinery, tools. Approx. 1 mi. S. of Cross Keys, or 3 mi. N. of Hanover on Rt. 94, turn onto Brickyard Rd. for Vi mile; or from Route 30 at New Oxford, take Hanover St. for 1 mi. to Brickyard rd. Larry J. Peters, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - 9:3OAM, Complete Woodworking Shop, Machine Shop Equipment, Building Mater ials, Evergreens, Trucks & Equipment. Located From Mt. Airy, Md., Take Route 27 North To A Right On Gil- M W YORK'S 1 WOKI 1 i: (ONSK.NMINT MOTION I I Icilsworlh S;ik‘ Yard, (iro\eland Saturday, April 30, @ 8:00 A.M. Breakfast starts at 7:00 AM Notice: For 24 years now this has been the gathering place for buyers & sellers from Vermont to Indiana, from Kentucky to Canada. We hope you will join us in this great annual event! Double Auction All Day! Location: Barber Hill Rd., Groveland, 8 miles south east of Geneseo, 2 miles south west of Conesus Lake, 30 miles south of Rochester. Second Creditor Lina: JO 4240; Same 130; Ford 1720 w/ldr., 4x4; 720 SB plow; 20’ drag; 14’ cultimulcher, 336 baler; 1495 windrower; basket wagons; Dion S.U. wagon, like new; 890 chopper; gravity wagons; manure spreader; 1975 dump truck. lit Farm Lina: Wilrich 8B flex frame plow; IH 720 5&6 B plows; JO 7000 12R front fold dry planter; JD 7000 4R planter; NH TR7O combine w/6R corn head, extra clean!; IH 1066 w/cab & air; 12 & 14’ discs; 18' vlbrashank (like new); JD 8300 23x7 drill w/seed, (like new); JD AMT 600 5 wheeler. Estate Guns & Wood Shop: Browning 16 gau. pump; 30-30 Lever w/scope; 20 gau. double barrel: Marlin 22; Remington 3006; Luigi 12 gau.; Winchester 90-22; Browning 16 gau.; Gun cabinet; Craftsman tool box; radial arm saw; routers; band saws; bench grinders; lathe; drill press; Makita 12” planer; 25 wood clamps; huge supply of hand tools; Riobe planer, sanders; hand grinders; belt sanders; jointer; Delta 9” table saw; Lincoln welder; hole saws; vices & way too much to list here! Brady Farm Lina: Deutz Allis 6250 tractor w/455 Idr., manure tines & bucket; AC G WFE; JD 3020 D WFE; Int. 504; L Brandt 10''x64' auger w/carrier; Int. tractor w/34’ lowboy trir; 1964 F6OO w/body 4 hoist; Knight manure spreader; Sukup grain cleaner. Partial Conalnnor Hat: 1989 1754 IH diesel tractor w/sleeper; 1979 IH 10 wh dump truck w/cummins; 1972 4 1975 Ford 900 Louisville 18’ dump, 13 spd.; 1982 Int. 1954, 466 engine; 853 corn head; Cole veg. planter; Oliver 1810 Idr.; 10T Lowboy; Farmall H; compressors; roller table; hay wagons; forage wagons: bush Hogrotory mowers; IH 70 hyd.; IH 574; Steiger ST2IO (nice shape); SA4I Barber Greene paver, 5T roller; JD 544 wheel Idr., very clean; Cat DBH dozer; JD 40; JD LA; 1944 JD A, 539863, restored: Ford 8000 tractor; Trojan 154 Idr; Lorain 200 2 1/2 yard Idr.; 15' cultimulcher; Case 7B trir. plow; 6R cultivator; several discs 4 drags -10-24’; Hard! TP3OO weed sprayer w/30' boom; Haines stone picker w/7' dump box; Large qty. of new lumber, 700,710 4 720 plows; 15 corn planters, 4- 12 row; JD 720 WFE direct start (nice); grain augers; JD 410 B backhoe 4 others; post hole augers; roof scaffold jacks; unused (still in boxes) Thurman concrete control center w/scale heads 4 ticket printer; 20.8x38 duals. 2nd Credit Lina: Farmall H; Same Ranter; JD 12' transport disk; IH 47 baler; NH 495 haybine; IH rake; Gehl 250 spreader; Kools blower; (3) self-unloading wagons: NH 717 chopper, grain bin. lit Contractor: 1985 GMC 366 VB, 5+2 w/45’ skyworker; 1984 Ford 370, V 8,5 spd., w/45’ Skyworker; 1977 Ford 361 VB, 4+2 w/45' Skyworker; Vermeer chipper, 6 cyl. Ford engine, (2) Vermeer chipper 6 cyl., Chrysler engine; Vermeer chipper. Liwn Tractors: Expecting 75 lawn tractors w/mower decks & other attachments including: John Deere, Bolens, Cub Cadet, Wheel Horse, Ford & many more. Nuriary Stock: Selling approx. 2000 plants including: evergreen trees; shrubbery & landscaping plants. Consignments accepted 8 A.M. -- 5 P.M. • Mon.-Sat. - special evening hours Thurs. & Friday, April 28 It 29 until 8:00 P.M. - No junk or used tires please. RoyTeitsworth, Inc. Salts Manigtr t Aucllonttr 5602 llrtltr Hill Rd., Gtnaito, N.Y. 14464 716-243-1563 lis Falls Rd. Go 2 Miles Ti A Right On Davis Rd. Go A 1/4 Of A Mile To Sale. Auc tion By, Golden Gavel Auc tion Company. Bruce Witte & Brian Warfield, Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 -9:3OAM Farm Equipment, Turn off Rt. 11 at Bear Dodge, Chrysler Garage, North of Berwick, Pa. ONto Bom boy Lane, go 1 mile to sale across from Wlllabet Farm. Mrs. Clyde Bower, seller. Nevius Auction Service. SAT. APR. 30 - 9:3OAM Quilt Shop Dispersal, approx. 150 quills. Held for Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, one fourth mile W. of Inter course, Lane. Co. Pa. along Rt. 340, eight miles E. of Lane City. Steve, Steve Jr. Petersheim, auets. = — r J - -• * AUCTIONEERS FARM EQUIPMENT • BUTCHER EQUIPMENT* ANTIQUE CAR* GUNS SAT., MAY 7,1994 9:00 AM 4724DRUCK VALLEY ROAD, YORK, PA (Rt. 24 •Aft. Zion Road • on north side of hill • Turn east on Druck Valley Road and follow for 4 miles to sale on right, Watch for Signs). 1932 Ford 4 Door Sedan V 8 in Excellent Condition • 51,000 miles: 1955 Ford Fairlane V 8 • 4 Door Sedan; 1950 Ford 8N Tractor, 2 X 14” Trip Back Plow; 2 Row 3 pt. Culti., 3 pt. Scoop, 3 pt. Boom Pole, J.D. 246 • 2 Row Com Planter • 3 pt. Hitch, 3 pt. T Scraper Blade, Lilliston 3 pt. 6’ Rotary Mower, New Idea 12A Manure Spreader • Like New, Carder Tractor & Cult., Ahrens 7 hp. Snow Blower, Farguar Potato Plow, Disk, Wisconsin Engine, Wood Splitter, 2-1 Horse Culti., 3 Shovel 2 Sausage Staffers, Meat Grinders, Butcher Ladles, Stirrers, Gambol Sticks, Butcher Tools • Cleavers, Hooks, Saw, Knives; Platform Scales, Box Com Shelters, Dinner Bell, Scalding Trough, Iron Hog Trough, Crocks, Single Trees, Hand Sprayer Guns, Pruning Shears, 1/4 & 1/2 Measures, Many small farm items & tools. 3 Jim Beam Car Bottles, 3 Hess Trucks, 2 Cast Iron Fordson Tractors w/Man, Cast Wheelbarrow, Canning Jars, Freezer Containers, Roll Top Desk, 2 Wooden Breakfast Sets, Double Bed, Recliner Rocker, Apple Bags, G.E. Refrigerator. New Remington 30-06 Rifle • Never Shot, New Parkhurst & Richardson 12 Gauge • Single Shot, 2 Winchester Model 12-12 Gauge, Winchester Model 12*16 Gauge, Survival Knives, and other items of interest. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Car, Tractors & Guns will be sold at 11:00 AM with Equipment to follow. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SELLER: Harvey Knaub 4724 Druck Valley Rd. York, PA 717-755-6947 AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’e Auction Service Emlgsville, PA 717-7644412 _PE Lie. #761 rPUBLIC SALEH I REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, I V HOUSEHOLD GOODS & CAR ! * LANCASTER I V MON., MAY 2, 1994 A AT 4 P.M. f CAR • 6:45 P.M. • REAL ESTATE - 7 P.M. I Located at 1035 East Orange St., Lancaster, PA. I 2 STORY BRICK SEMI-DETACHED | DWELLING J Inspection call 738-0357. j FURNITURE f 4 Pc. Blonde Mahogany Bedroom Suite; MAHO • GARY: China Closet, Duncan Phyfe Dining Table; I Gateleg Table; Lampstand; Fine Coffee & End I Tables; Maple Dinette Set; Sofa; Napanee Kitchen • Base Cabinet; Breakfast Set. A APPLIANCES: G.E. Refrigerator; Color TV; Air f Conditioner; Sweepers; Cookware; Flatware; Lamps; e Mantel Lamps w/Prisms; Singer Sewing Machine. | CHINA & GLASSWARE I Leeds Green Edged Bowl; Ailanthus; Noritake; i Fiesta; Roseville; Dinnerware; Pressed & Pattern I Glass; Depression Bowl; Fostoria; Hobnail Basket; f Pyrex; Redware Pitcher. LINENS: Sewing Supplies; Ceramic Tree. LIONEL FREIGHT TRAIN SET (W/82026 Engine); Plasticville Houses; HO Train Set; Collection of Matchbox Cars It Trucks. TOOLS: Hand Saw; Quoits; Fishing Rods, Reels & Tackle. ISM FORD 2 DOOR COUPE. I No Out Of State Checks Unless Accompanied By f A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With • Auction Service. Sal* For . CLAIR A. DUKE • II OR ST aucts. I ■ AU43BL • 7 T. Claim (717> »»-mi . (717) 735-3 MO I II I Tlmo,h y G - Fl( 1 P l7 > nt-2132 I I ■ ■ Thomas A. ■VOICES OF EXPERIENCE * ESTATE REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., APRIL 30th, At 10:00 A.M. Sharp - LOCATED: At Cross Roads Boro., York Co., PA From Rt. #24 North of Stewartstown, turn right at Sammls Chevrolet go to Cross Roads, approx. 1 mile straight on Main St. on right, signs posted. Cross Roads Boro, York Co., PA zoned Agriculture. 4 PARCELS 2 - SOLD ABSOLUTE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER PARCEL #lO I'A Acre Farmette, pond, outbuildings & a nice Farm House, outstanding setting, take a look. OPEN each SAT. starting March 19th 10 to 2 & April Each Sunday 1 to 4 pm. Except Easter Sunday.' PARCEL #1 48 Acre Tract w/approved building site, approx. 30 acres tillable. Ready to build. PARCELS 5 & 6 Two 1 Acre building lots parcel #5 perked for a standard sewage system, both ready to build, cleared and level, plot plans at farm in site box, also someone will be available at open house to show each property. Want to buy some nice lots, be here they want to settle the estate. Lots will be sold absolute. TERMS: Lots 10% down, balance in 60 days. Lot 10 & 110% down and balance in 90 days. Other conditions read at auction. Farmette sold with clear title but in its “AS IS” condition. *** SORRY, Executor Sold 6 Lots prior to auction. GERALDINE E. SMITH Estate Executor: Jack W. Smith Attorney: George L. Eveler Auctioneer, Bradley K. Smith, CAI Accredited Auctioneer Real Estate Associate PA Real Estate Broker Lie. #AUB6O-L Ph: 717-927-6949
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