AUCTION—— Kii WOODWORKING MACHINERY A RELATED EQUIPMENT BY ORDER OF PENNSYLVANIA CLASSICS 25 Main Straat • MeSharrystown, P.A. SALE DATE Tuesday, April 28th, ISM • 10:30 a.ffl. INSPECTION DATE- Monday, April 25th, (0:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.} and morning of aala. INCLUDING: (17) SAWS: [(3) Diehl Rip, (2) 36’ & (2) 20’ Vert. Band, No. 521 Challoner Trim, (5) Tilting Arbor Tble. Saws, Md. 43-20 J Porter Cut-Off, (3) Radial Arm] - (11) SANDERS: ((2) Md. 315 Wysong Edge. Type SCBB -2600 32" & Type CSB6OO 24” Sandingmaster, Md. 201 & Md. 610-17 Beach Stroke Type, No. 18 Eckstrom Carlson Head & Balloon Type, No. 1908 Oliver Oscillating, Misc. Disc & Belt - TENONER [Md. 720 Challoner Dble. End]: (6) ROUTERS - (4) SHAPERS - HIGH FREQUENCY GLUER (Md. GA-43 Glu-all) - (2) 2-Spdl. BORERS - JOINTER (No. 166 Oliver) - (5) CASE CLAMPS - MORTISER - (4) AIR COMPRESSORS up to 25-HP • (3) DUST COLLECTORS with Cyclones - (7) PAINT SPRAY BOOTHS & RELATED PAINT EQUIP. • FORK LIFTS to 5000# Cap. - MISC. SHOP SUPPORT EQUIP. - OFFICE FURNITURE-ETC. 10% Buyers Premium will apply. License Randall Koater PA AU-002649-L KOSTER INDUSTRIES, INC. AUCTIONS • 1 IQU I UA TIO N S • APP RA i .A I S PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, April 30, 1994 at 9:30 A.M. Directions: From Mt. Airy, Md. Take Route 27 north to a right on Gillie Falls Rd. Go 2 miles to a right on Davis Rd. Go a 1/4 of a mile to Sale. COMPLETE WOODWORKING SHOP: 10” Powermatic Tabtesaw SHP, 8" Powerma tic Joiner, 10" and 14" Dewalt Radial Arm saw, 14" Delta Band Saw, 6x48” Delta Sander, Acme Edge lip Sander 2 l/4"x80”, 5 Hp Aif Cbraprdssoh {3plr)Rand 4000 Compressor 5 Hp, Blum Mini hinge machine, BinKs glue pot and gun, shop vacs, Porter cable versa plane, MaKita 14" Miter Saw, Freud Biscuit Joiner, Edge tape madhine and table, 9-Jotgensers Hand screwy Clamps, Bar Clamps, C Clamps, Corner Clamps, Staple guns and accesso ries, corrugated fastner gun, drills, San ders, routers, commercial grade, 80" new duct pipe and fittings, 16 speed Drill Press, General 6 speed H/D Drill Press, Exhaust Fan, Patterns, Saw blades, Supplies and hardware used in Woodworking shop, metal file cabinet, shelves, etc. MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT: Hydrolic Press, 18 kw 3 ph 220/440 Generator, Gray Planer, 6’ Bed, Shape w/cutters and tolling, Garvin and 22 Vertical milling machine, Pratt and Whitney 12” metal lathe, 7 Hp motor, Manning Maywell and Moore metal lathe 10’ bed, Tooling and extra chucks/cutters, many items too numerous to mention. BUILDING MATERIALS: New windows, doors, cabinets, hardware, dunage lum ber, etc. EVERGREENS: Small white pine trees, misc. trees. TRUCKS AND EQUIPMENT: 2-Cub Trac tors with attachments, several Cub Cadet lawn tractors, AC 720 lawn tractor with 5’ mower, ’B4 Ford F 250 Pickup, 75 27' con verted Winnebego with Onan Generator, 'B9 Suzuki 160 fourwheeler. MANY ITEMS TO BE BROUGHT IN BEFORE SALE TIME. ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS UNTIL SALE TIME. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The above equipment came from two shops that have closed their businesses. The tools are mostly commercial quality and In good condition. TERMS: Not responsible for accidents. Nothing removed until settled for with cash or approved check. Auction by: GOLDEN GAVEL AUCTION COMPANY Bruoa Witt* and Brian Warflald, Auollonaara (301) 929-0271 (410)793-7729 Rafraahmanta Provldad By Convanlanoa Catering TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY (2) 1 CYLINDER GAS ENGINES Buck Rd., Dublin, Bucks Co., pa. SATURDAY , APRIL 30 9:00 A.M. FOR: CLYDE YODER DIRECTIONS: From Rte. 313 & 113, take Rta. 113 N. 1 mile to Buck Rd. watch for signs. N.I. 3 hp gas engine. Jalger 3 hp 1 cyl. gas engine #27485 restored A-l condition, TRAC TORS: Farmall 686 diesel wide front end & G. Rogers 7’ snow plow - good rubber; Farmall 300 needs clutch & torque, w/culti.; Farmall B.N. w/culdvator; Power King 14 tip tractor w/attachments; 7* blade w/fast hitch, 7’ woods blade w/3 pt. hitch, 4’ tractor scoop. I.H.C. 5’ rotary mower, J.D. 6’ Killerfer transport disc; J.D. R.W.A. 10* transport disc, Oliver 565-4 bottom 16” trip plow, 2 sec. Harrow, 8’ double culitpacker, J.D. #494 - 4 row com planter w/ Gandy insecticide boxes; I.H.C. 5 bar rake; I. #46 baler, J.D. manure spreader G.D.; J. 16 disc grain drill 0.5.; Tractor grass seeder. Smoker 24* elevator w/com chute, 16*5” grain auger, bin wagon on I.H.C. chas sis, Bin wagon on Oliver chassis; McCurdy Bin wagon on J.D. chassis; 2 R.T. flat wagons; circular saw, saddle, sm. hammer mill, 250 & 110 gal. gas tanks, grind stone w/motor, maternal robot, farmers furnace, Ritchie water fountain, 2 crocks, feed box, 2 wagons of small items, kitchen cabinet (as is), 1978 Ford 4 door sdn., 1958 Toro 58” reel riding mower. TERMS: CASH OR LOCAL CHECK. 215-822-2826 or 610-287-8901 RALPH D. FREED, AUCTIONEER PO Box 194, Salford, PA 18957 AU000294-L r“PUßcr<r*iJcTiCfri ! For FEA Enterprises Ltd. i I TOM Forklift. Industrial ! ) Woodworking Equipment, Lots J j of Cedar ft Treated Wood 9 1 Random Lengths ft Widths. | J 2 Hydraulic Pallet Trucks, Etc. i Saturday, April SO, 1994 | At 10 AM [ | Location: In the old Armorcast build- 9 J ing at the Intersection of Routes 82 & j 9 724 In Blrdsboro, Berks Co., Pa. | k 28001 b. cap TOM forklift FG 14 Pneumatic ) | tires (propane), 30 gal. 2 stage air compressor j 9 175 PSI SHP 3 Ph, 3 phase equip, includes; J j Ceiling mount hot air furnaces, Oliver verticle 9 2 boring machine 2HP 220/440, Bridgewood 8” j 9 4 bag dust collector 220 V, Dewalt Model 2 | 1600/s 15” radial arm saw 3 HP 220/440, 9 J Oliver 20” double disc sander 220/440, Yates- j 9 American 6 in. joiner, 220/440, 110/220 J k equip, includes: Grizzley 6”x30” stationary 9 J belt sander, Collet 'A ”x s /« ” Arbor shaper w/ j 9 sliding table. Craftsman 10” tilt arbor table J | saw 2 HP, IHP 4” inlet 2 bag dust collector, 9 I Lincoln 180 amp AC arc welder 220 v, wood- | 9 tek IS” planer 220 V, 110 V equip, includes; J i Craftsman 2 HP 10” compound miter saw, 9 1 Dewalt model 3485 48”x96” cab 8” vertical i 9 panel saw, B&D 5 speed 10” cap 'A ” bench f ! drill press, Woodtek 1/6 HP 2 speed 3 wheel 9 9 material feeder, Guardian FDM-S8 V* HP 12 i j speed floor model 5/8” drill press, Craftsman V | 10” radial arm saw, thru wall air conditioner, 9 9 Winton semi-auto 'A” plastic strapping . j machine, model SW-1401 % HP 14” band- | 2 saw, 'A ” table mounted router Craftsman, 'A j 9 steel & plastic strapping carts w/tools, Shop- J 1 mate var. speed horizontal boring machine 9 2 1 lOv, Bostitch T 36 pneumatic stapler, mod-L | 9 Senco pneumatic pinner, two 'A penumatic J j drills, SKS Senco pneumatic stapler, four 9 2 Duofast penumatic coil nailers, single & dual | 9 regulator setups, air hoses. 6ft ext forks & 6 2 1 ft ext crane for forklift Ryobi mod TS-380 9 f IS” miter saw w/roller tables, Triner 1,000 lb. | 9 platform scale. 60’ of 24” roller conveyor, J » misc. hardwares, 1 plastic & 1 steel banding 9 V machines, alarm system w/dialer digital key- 1 9 pad entry, 1200 lb. cap, flatbed trailer, etc. All T I equipment in good working condition. 9 9 Terms: Cash or PA Check. No 1 j refreshments 9 j David S. Allgyer, Auctioneer 9 IJ-J&. _ _ _ _ _ J Public Auction Register doting Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 19,1994 At 4:00 P.M. TRACTORS, FARM EQUIP, GUNS, ANTIQUES, HOUSE ITEMS, MISC. LOCATION: From Rt. 30 take Rt. 74N approx. 9 ml. Turn R onto Alpine Rd. for *O.B ml. Turn R onto E Camping Area Rd. & follow to sale. Follow slgnsl TRACTORS, COMBINE, FARM EQUIPMENT Fordson Super Major Dsl w/NFE, PS. 3 pt, whl wts., live pto-NICE, MF 203 Utility Dsl w/3 pt, high/low trans, whl wts, 3 cyl Perkins eng, & w/200 loader-NICE, Farmall H w/hyd, whl wts- NICE. Oliver 5540 4 btm 16” trip beck semi mt. plow. Ford 3 btm. 14” tripback plow. Pittsburg 12’ trap disc, Dunham 12’ cul dpacker, NX 201 pto manure spreader. Baltic 3 pt pto spin spreader-LN, Century 200 gal. 8-row tr sprayer-NICE, JD VB 13-disc grain drill, Hesston PT7 7* haybine- NICE, Oliver rotobar rake, Lely pto hay tedder, IH 37 pto baler w/10 thrower- NICE, 16’ bale wagons w/ wood sides, NI 14’ flatbed wagon w/dump. Smoker 25* elevator, 12’ grain elevator w/ motor, JD 45 sp combine w/10* grain table & 234 2-row corn head & cab-NICE, IH hay tedder, 2-whl farm trailer, NEW manure bucket, 3 pt. potato plow, Woods 7’ 3 pt. rot ary mower. GUNS, HUNTING ITEMS Winch 1400 12g, Glenfield 50 12g bolt action w/clip, Amer Arms 12g double barr hammer. Bear right hand compound bow, Whitetail left hand compound bow, arrows, 10x30 spotting scope, claybird thrower, hunt ing clothes, fishing rods. ANTIQUES, HOUSE ITEMS Leather-top stands, small pine wood box, maple kneehole desk, pine comer cupboard, pine table w/benches, walnut clothes tree, pop lar wash stand, plank btm. chrs, wooden clothes dryer, oak pedestal table, meat saws, Gilbert mantel clock, Strickler’s 1-gal milk bottle, cast iron skillets, photo albums, silver tray w/copper inlay, barbed wire, milk bot tles, cream can, egg scale, kitchen utensils, slaw boards, glass butter chum, wash boards. Express wagon, small mg beater, coal bucket, butter print, kerosene heaters, pool table, mini trampoline, S-pc. lime oak BR suite, metal kitch cabinets, 8000 BTU air cond, 9’xlo’ screened tent, S&P sets & more. MISC. Root & Case brass beam platform scale* York, PA-RARE, alum, step ladder, 300 gal. Dsl. fuel tank w/pump-’/i full, rubber tire whlbarrow, 8’ round bale feeder, 15” western saddle, bridles. Vet supplies, elect dehomer, castrator, port calf head gate, round com crib, 40’ wood ext ladder, ±lOO sheets corrugated steel siding, pto barr cement mixer, 8’ round :h. S’ ;k ' hyd. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Anti que furniture, collectibles, art, appliances, household goods, Flinchbrush elec, chair stair climber. From the Sq. in Lititz go S. on \ Broad St. 1 block to Orange 'St., turn R, go 1 block to .Spruce St., turn left. 1375. Spruce. For Alice Gardner Estate. Yerger Auction I Service. SAT. APR. 30 • 9AM, Anti ques, Household Goods. 1 Located Hoffman Bldg. At The Quarryville Fair grounds. Terms By, Mary Strickler. Aucts. Kreider, Kline & Good. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM C&H Emig Garcen Center, Nursery Stock Inventory I Reduction Auction, 6410 York Rd. (Rt. 30 West), New Oxford, Pa. Just V 4 Mi. East of Cross Keys & 2 mi. W. of Abbottstown, Pa. (Adams Co.) For CAH Emig Garlden Center. By |Pennypacker Andrews i Auction Centre, Inc. SAT. APR. 30 -9AM Spring Mower & Equipment Sale, held at Bonnie Brae Auc tion Center, Rt 724, Spring City, Pa. Tools, mowers, I tractors, autos, boats & equip. Richard J. Moyer, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - SAM, Real Estate- 12 Noon. Butcher ing Equipment, Tractors & Trucks, Farm Equipment, Small Equipment & Misc. & Real Estate, 96.3 Acre Farm. Located From Har risburg, Pa., Rt. 22 East (Allentown Blvd.) To The Traffic Light At Rt. 743 (East Hanover Twp.). Go | South On Rt 743 Approx. 3 Miles To The Auction. Signs Posted. The Estate Of Henry (Junior) Turns. I Richard t Rick N.cNeal, I Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 • SAM, (± 23 Ac. Farmette w/2 Dwell ings), Farm Mach., Equip. & Tools, Butchering Tools, Antiques & Collectibles. Located 1147 Scalpy Hol low Rd., Dm more Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (Dir.: Rte. 272 South Of Lancaster Approx. 13 Miles, '/* Mi. West On Oregon Hollow Rd., Veer Left To Auction). Sale By, Mrs. Elias (Rebec ca W.) Millar. Roy & Eric Probst, Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM 37 Acre Farm, Car & Truck, Yard & Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Equip, Mechanical, Power, Gar den, Hand Machinery & Tools, antique furniture & collectibles, glassware, dis hes & china, household goods. Approx. 4 miles N. of Clarks Ferry Bridge along Rt. 147, Reed Twp, Dauphin Co. 12 miles from Harrisburg. Estate of' Harry & Arlene Peck. David Dei bler, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Real estate, household, anti ques, Bolens riding mower. In Paradise turn off Rt. 30 first road West of railroad bridge turn S. on Bethany Ave, Paradise Twp., Lane. >., Pa. By Martha H. .andis. Robert E & Jeffrey Martin, aucts. «T. APR. 30 - 9AM, Real state, Oak Roll Top Desk, >ols. Real Estate- 12 soon. Located Take Rt. 19 South Through New mstown, At The South id Of Town. Turn Left At ie Arrowhead Spring >ut Sign. Go 3/10 Of A (eToYInRd. Keep Right Proceed 2 Miles To Sale n Right. From Rt. 897 ike The Stncklertown lad For About 3 Miles To iction. Auction For The lands Weaver Estate nght Miller, auct iT. APR, 30 - 9AM Estate Tamie E. Maurer Anti les, collectibles, coins, ms, farm tractor & ichinery. 2 miles East of Ingerstown, Pa. Upper lahantongo Twp, Schuy ' Co. Approx. 40 miles of Harrisburg, Pa. Exe tors: Carol A. Shomper id Leslie S. Maurer. Mark Jones, aucts.
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