Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 23, 1994, Image 163

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2 horse trailer,
axle, oumper pull, extra
wide & high, good cond.,
asking $lB5O. Cameron
Co. 814-486-0677.
Fisher x-ray unit. 57 Chev.
AC B, tractor, AC G tractor,
JD-B. Mont
Buffalo 4 row no til ridge til
com planter liq. fed plate
less planter units. York Co.
Mack 1968 R-600S/A dou
ble frame w/wet fine good
motor nose trans. & rear
cab rusted. Monmouth Co.
908-946-3489 eves.
3 walnut logs, seasoned
18'x10' reasonable. Ches
ter Co. 215-469-6334.
Scott reel mower, TAG
Cypress lumber, 20's
Bolens tractor, 8 ton punch
press, pedal car, balloon
bike, goat wagon. Mont.
Co. 215-256-9925.
70+A South Londonderry
Twp., woodland & farm
land sub-div. possible to
settle estate $150,000.
Leb. C0.'717-273-6332.
Standard mare, 10 yrs. old,
gentle, quiet, 4-H owned,
light riding $3OO.
Stackable bolt bins steel $5
ea, various sizes w/stides
$B, 6 ton chain hoist new
$350. Hunt. Co.
814-447-3400. No calls
after 9 p.m.
Agway (Universal) elect,
gram meters (only), for par
lor use. Used 1 yr. Groton,
NY 608-838-3318
Page riding tractor, engines
sales books on self
employment & other items.
290 Mobile Park, Mount
Joy, Pa. 17552.
Mac brand 10 drawer tool Case 1845 C skid loader,
chest w/8-drawer roll-away prefer approx. 1000 hrs,
cabinet like new. Mifflin Co. Pay more than dealer for
John L. Kanagy, RD 1 Box right machine. Only need
18, Belleville, Pa. 17004. one. 412-788-0524 West
- moreland Co.
THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1994 ' 1 yJ '
9:30 A.M.
Three Tractors 1066 - 3020 - L 3750 Kubota - Farm
Machinery - M 2 Gleaner Combine - Surge Complete Milking
System 2 Inch 8S Line - Two Dump Trucks - 86 Int. Diesel
Grain Truck - 12,000 Bushel Grain Dryer Bin -
700 Gal. Milk Tank
Auction held at the farm in Cheater Co. Pa. 2 mile South of Coatesvliie, 2 mile East
of Cochranville along Rt. 82 Just north of Ercildoun.
3 Diesel Tractors - Trucks - Backhoe
International 1066 Diesel tractor, turbo, rear wts, wide front, radial tires 85%; John Deere 3020
diesel tractor & wide front, std. shift, dual hyd. outlets; Kubota L 3750 Diesel 4 wheel drive diesel •
hydraulic shuttle 230 orig. hrs.; 1986 International V 8 diesel 18 ft dump bed, ex. cond.; Chevy 60
truck gas 14 ft. dump flat bed; CMC 1967 cattle truck 10 ft. box 350 Chevy engine; Kolley 3 ft.
model 20 backhoe; 1982 CMC 6.2 liter diesel dump truck 58,000 orig. miles.
2 inch SS milk line complete with receiver jar control panels, 4 Surge milker units, Surge vacuum
pump. Vacuum P.V.C. lines, line washer S.S. tubs, 700 gal. direct expansion Sunset milk tank, Day
ton tank washer, cow kicker, milk house supplies. 26 ft portable feeder with tow wheels, hitch, ex.
cond. round hay feeder. Brooms - Shovels - Cooling Compressors
Rhino Athens 7 tooth 3 pt. chisel plow new 93, Oliver 4 bottom 16 inch semi mounted plow, 28
discs heavy duty disc harrow. Bush Hoe offset disc harrow 13 ft. single culdpacker. International
720 harvester monitor control, 2 row narrow com head, grass head, hydro knife sharpener, Interna
tional SI forage wagon 3 beaters Hi flo tires H.D. gear, Badger 3 beater forage wagon 806 gear H.D.
International 2 beater forage wagon, John Deere F. 8.8. 15 disc opener grain drill, 4 row L-J culti
vator new 93 with unit covers. New Holland flail chopper.
McCurdy grain on H.D. gear, Vicon 4 wheel rake 3 pt ex. cond. New Holland disc mower new
93, John Deere 495 com planter, metal side 18ft. bale wagon new 93, Two flat bed wagons, 3 pt.
Bush Hog rotary mower, Cunningham hay tedder. Farmhand feed mixer grinder, PTO small grain
seeder, 3 flat trailer, 7 sections tank liquid trailer, N.H. chopper for parts.
A.C. Gleaner M 2 combine diesel hydrostatic, 6 row narrow head sells separate 13 ft grain head,
unit in good condition, New Idea SO ft 8 inch PTO, portable grain auger, G. 5.1.12,000 bu. jyain
dryer bin complete with silent unit.
Paving Machine - Misc. - Post Hole Digger
Garden tractor with scyle mower, cultipacker - cultivator, 3 ft. post hole digger, front mount post
driver, 3 ft concrete mixer, 3 pt. 6 ft rototiller, 2 wagon load small items.
Auct. Steve
Steve Jr. Petersheim
610-593-2828 AU001349L
Haulette lobpy tag along or.
wt. 21,900 *l6Ol. brake*
$2,000. York Co.
717-938-1570. after 5 p.m.
Angora goats mother &
newborn baby- both reg.
animals- produce mohair.
Monmouth Co. N.J.
609-269-1102 leave mes
sage, wilt deliver.
o. Demoo fert pump w/2-85 Birdsboro, Pa. 19508
gal. tanks, complete. Snyd
er Co. 717-658-7469.
Wade rain irrigation fittings
also have woodworking
tools and cherry oak walnut
lumber for sale. Franklin
Co. 717-762-1262.
Have sows, need range
housing. Wanted used
smedley shelters. Adam's
Co. 717-677-7206.
Harrow, disk for Ford BN.
Northumberland Co.
Up to 20 400 to 500 lb.
feeders beef crosses pre
ferred Cumberland Co.
Jersey heifer must be very
tiny to be used in petting
zoo. Mont. Co.
Lift axle for large truck,
must have drop center
axle, good cond. Lane. Co.
Wagon gears or old carts,
trailers, any cond. 2
wheeled axles, 4 sale,
3x4xl4', sl@. Henry Stolt
zfus, 24 Queen Rd, Gor
donville, Pa. 17529.
2 btm. JD 14” pull type
plow, hyd w/steel plow
shares in working cond.
Lane. Co. 717-627-1687.
Five to ten ton metal feed
bin, Union Co.
Bam - Milking Equipment
Farm Machinery - Forage Harvester
Grain Handling Equipment
Old sparkplugs and Model
A Ford parts send price to
David Frazier 2207
Timothy Drive Westmin
ster, Md. 21157 Carroll Co.
1 pair fenders for JD *M"
good cond, 1 battery box
for AC -G”. 610-582-2593,
6800 Daniel Boone Rd.,
Rims for NH bale wagon
1069 with or without tires
36x16-17.5 and
40x19-19.5 Middlesex NJ
Ford NAA Jubilee or 600
series tractor, also 5 ft or 6
ft belly mower for same.
Carroll Co. 410-374-4758.
Electrical equipment 400
amp single and double
throw switches, 400 amp
auto transfer, also 400 amp
main breaker panels
needed. Cali Arc Green
houses 609-451-3561.
Old motor airplane and
boat ignition engines, made
between 1939 and 1950,
with miniature spark plugs
or parts. Barks Co.
Buckwheat and sunflower
seed 4 to 5 ft. tall. Sunllow
er 1774 Coon Road
Aspers, Pa. 17304. Adams
Co. 717-677-7265.
Nl Unisystem fron tool bar.
Col. Co. 717-784-6799.
Old 4 wheel horse drawn
JD manure spreader or
other for yard ornament call
Front end loader for Ford
800 with dirt bucket, York
Co. 717-266-3718 after
Four row front mounted cul
tivator for AC WD or Dl7.
Berks Co. 610-693-6850.
Used roofing or siding
painted or galvanized tin,
aluminum or fiberglass also
roofers 18'-24’ tong. Rea
sonably priced. Salem Co.
NJ 609-935-1863.
Fast hitch 7 ft. to 9 ft. disk.
Someone to build me a
unique home, maybe log,
maybe what you suggest.
Can travel to see what you
have built. Call
Tractor with loader and
PTO, Franklin Co.
To rent a farmhouse with
couple acres or suitable for
poultry, beef and pork oper
ation. Chuck
Old toys before 1960 press
steel Buddy L Smith-Miller,
Tonka, other tin toys, cast
iron Hubley plastic model
kits, promotional cars.
Lane. Co. 717-367-5874.
To be removed 30'x60'
bldg, one story, steel roof,
alum, sides, make offer.
Evenings 215-679-9496.
PTO generator 20 KW or
bigger. Lane. Co.
Want to buy Co Op farm
tractor running or not.
Phone Cumb. Co.
410 and 20 guage double
barrel shotguns, Spanish
made for Kassnar imports,
Harrisburg, Pa., good cond,
reasonably priced
Fertilizer hopper lid for JD
1240 planter also JD post
hole digger, Lane. Co.
717-684-0501 after 6 p.m.
Apple washer and 300 gal
SS refrigerated tank.
Lehigh Co. 610-767-8304.
Stud service for my 12’/i
hand pony in Shamokin/
Pottsviile area Grade or
registered stallion, Schuy
lkill Co. 717-646-4484.
NH 402 hay crimper, good
cond. Eli B. Esh, 133
Schoolhouse Rd., Christia
na, Pa. 17509. Lane. Co.
Bunk bed, also misc.
chains, chick feeder, bam
cleaner chains, etc. Van
roof rack & other accesso
ries. 717-768-3387.
Parts for JD M-MT2A mold
board plow, need coulter
assemblies (2) Including
Yokes and Shanks. Lehigh
Co. day 610-967-8434 or
eve. 610-791-5127.
Rounded roof truck cam
per, prefer clean fully self
contained unit, most have
curved roof. Bill Fletcher.
Trumansburg, NY
Hydraulic livestock trailer,
high lift, any oond. Leb. Co.
Operators manual Nl com
bine 701 711 bar 721 com
sale Fox cutter bar six toot,
good oond. For Fox 1000.
Hunt. Co. 906-782-5103.
Fishing tackle wanted: old
reels, wooden lures, rods,
catalogs, magazines, etc.
Mont Co. 610-660-9995.
Old time school desks in
good cond. Jacob B. Stolt
zfoos, 280 Jackson Rd,
Quarryville, Pa. 17566.
To buy JD 900 HC in good
cond. Orange Co. NJ
Used colony egg collection
system for a breeder
house. Must be in good
cond. and reasonably
priced. Lane. Co.
Home shop machinist
magazine Jan-Feb. 1982
Forward, projects in metal
Jan-Feb 1988 forward. Call
evenings 201-875-4717
Sussex Co.
Fl5O 6 cyl., 5 spd. Black
prefer 4x4 no junk, super
cab OK. 717-272-0041.
Koster moisture tester,
Washington Co. Md.
Old Deere and mansur
wrenches, Wayne Dill RD 2
Box 166 A Harrington De.
19952 302-284-4004 Kent
SAT., APRIL 30, 9 A.M.
TRACTORS; Ford 8210 4x4 C.A.H., Ford 6610, MF 245, J.D. 4320
w/rops. Ford 5000, Ford 2000 p.s., Deutz 6206 4x4 w/loader, 3 Ford 9N’s,
MF 275, MF 282, MF 165 G, Ford 8000, MF 35. MF 135, TUFBUILT
cultivating tractor, JDB, Farmall B w/mower, Farmall C w/mower, Super
A w/cultivators.
J.D. 2010 D crawler loader, ARPS 3 pt. backhoe (like new), Davis BH
EQUIPMENT: Balefs-NH 850,852 w/autowrap, JD 14T, JD 24T, JD
24T w/thrower, NH 268 w/thrower, NH 273 w/thrower, NH 68, NH 467
Haybine, Hesston 1090 Haybine, Hayrakes NH 259, JD 640, Int 3 pt, NI
rake, JD 894, NH 718 chopper w/grasshead, JD 16A chopper, NH 513,
519, Spreaders- JD spreader, Oliver 4X plow, NH 450 mower, INT. 1300
mower, NH 852 Grinder Mixer, Ford 3 pt 2 row complanter, MF 2 row
planter, JD 6 row planter. White 4 row no-till planter, Oliver 4X plow,
much, much more expected.
New equipment sold absolute, including 5 & 6’ mowers, plows, box
blades, scraper blades, stone rakes, post hole diggers, Shaver #8 & #lO
post drivers. Some small items including new hardware, tractor paint, etc.
TRAILERS: New 16* flat bed, 16’ International landscape trailer, 4xB,
6xlo, 20* deckover.
Sale starts 9 A.M. Lawn & Garden at 11 Sharp. Accepting consign
ments daily. We can arrange to pickup your equipment for the sale.
For Info call: Rob Derfler,
Sam at 410*751 >l5OO Nevln Tasto
3959 Old Taneytown Rd. „ Auctioneers
Taneytown, Md.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 23,1994-E7
Couple would like to rent
your farm in Pa. or NY
state. 610-767-4369
Lehigh Co. call anytime.
Cast iron radiators. Paul H
Hoover, 966 Fivepointvilie
Rd„ Stevens. Pa. 17578.
Lane. Co.
Consignment sale June 4,
1994, Mt. Tabor Church
Park, Rocky Ridge, Freder
ick Co. Md. to consign call
717-271-2648 benefit Sun
day School.
Free dean empty banana
boxes you haul. Lane. Co.
717-898-2179 or
Jamesway litter cart track,
about 80 or 100 ft free for
taking out. Lane. Co.
Sale Reports
A Public Sale of real
estate and antiques was
held April 16 by Abram
R. Shram, Thelma M.
Shram and Kathryn S.
Mcllinger, 127 and 129
E. Main St., Browns
town. Pa.
The 214 story stucco
brick over frame dwell
ing and the VA story
aluminum sided bunga
low was sold to David
Landis of Brownstown
for $86,400.
Other prices received
were: Oak roll-top desk
$2550, jelly cupboard
$5OO, side-by-side desk
$3OO, piano stool SIRO,
Ford 8210 4x4 2800 Hrt,
Items subject to prior sale
Custom chMse making,
coding problems? We pick
up milk and defter back
cheese. 717-933-4385 or
For rent 100 acres dairy
farm, Berks Co.
170 cement block 8x12.35
each. Lane. Co.
Old frame bam 30x60 to be
dismantled attached 25x30
chicken house tile silo,
make offer. Lane. Co.
717-627-1330 8 am to 3
Free 25* Zenith Color Con
sole TV 717-626-2658.
40 acres pasture with
stream for rent, short bred
heifers or dry cows supple
ment feed avail. Lane. Co.
cottage dresser $285,
scalding trough $270,
chestnut cupboard
$2lO, wooden wash
machine $3OO, 2 anti
que gas pumps $450 &
$llOO, 2 gas pump
glass covers $255 &
$260, bitters bottle
S3OQ, pair of Lionel
train engines $250,
sponge spatter water
pitcher $l9O, basket
$2lO, milk pail $lO5
and Nazi helmet $BO.
The auctioneers were
T. Glenn, Timothy G.
and Thomas A. Horst.
There were 390 regis
tered bidders attending
the sale.