Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, Okla. Wednesday, April 13,1994 •** CORRECTION ON SUPPLY PERCENTAGES OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCKYARDS WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY: Compared to last week: Feeder neen needy to $3.00 lower, greaten declines over 850 Ibt. Stocker neen needy. Heifen and heifer calves steady to $3.00 lower with greatest declines under 700 lbs. Demand uneven; Stocker Steen and light feeder steen under good demand; moderate demand for heavy feeden. Heifer demand was flip flopped from steen; good demand for heavy feeder heifen but only moderate for all heifen under 700 lbs., Weigh-ups gaunt to aver age and much more attractive to buyen than lan week. Feeder flesh highly varied from slightly thin thru moderately fleshy. Many feeden over 800 lbs. already in typi cal May condition off wheat Quality aver age, end attractive. Thunderstorms pro vided from 1-4 inches of rain in pans of Oklahoma Sunday and early Monday. Slaughter cows uneven; Utility cows steady to $l.OO lower; Cutter cows $.50-$ 1.00 higher. Receipts this week CANOPY® preemergence herbicide. A natural for no-till soybeans. Wherever you see successful no-till soybeans, you’ll see a successful weed control program. Good thorough burndown as well as season-long residual control. Of the tough weeds as well as the easy-to-control ones. With herbicides that offer application flexibility to work around bad weather. Those qualities are exactly what make CANOPY® from Du Pont a natural for no-till soybeans. So, if you’re looking for ways to keep weeds from messing up your no-till plans, be sure to include CANOPY in your program. Get the full program details... stop in and talk with us. DUANE HOBBS 717-569-4398 STEVE FERRARA 814-353-9146 With any chemical, follow label instructions and restrictions carefully. C 1992 DuPont Company 10,850; lan week 9,206; lan year 7,805. *** Supply consisted of IS percent year lings and stocken over6oolbs.; 13 percent stocken and calves under 600 lbs.; 2 per cent cows and bulls. Prices follow with weighted avenge weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large Frame 1: few 350-400 lbs. (390 lbs.) $107.00-$! 12.25 ($108.28); few 4SO-SOO lbs. (466 lbs.) $105.00-$109.00 ($106.48); 550-600 lbs. (566 lbs.) $93.25-$102.00, few thin to $lOB.OO ($97.33); 600-700 lb. Stockers (650 lbs.) $85.50-$94.50 ($89.54); 600-700 lb. feeders (650 lbs.) $84.00-$88.50 ($86.55); 700-800 lbs. (750 lbs.) $79.00-$86.2S ($82.74); 800-850 lbs. (828 lbs.) $77.00-$80.25 ($78.67); 850-900 lbs. (870 lbs.) $75.00-$79.50 ($76.82); 900-950 lbs. (916 lbs.) $72.50-$75.75 ($74.21); 950-1000 lbs. (970 lbs.) $71.75-$75.25 ($73.61); 1000-1005 lbs. (1003 lbs.) $70.25-$71.60 ($71.01). Holstein Steers; Large Frame 2: 300-375 lbs. $86.00-$90.50; 475-500 lbs. $77.00-$82.25; 500-600 lbs. $70.25-$79.25; 625-675 lbs. $65.00-$69.25; 700-800 lbs. $61.50-$63.25; 800-875 lbs. $58.75-$60.00; 965 lbs. $52.25. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1; 400-500 lb*. (490 Ibi.) $91.00-$93.00 500-550 Hu. (532 Dm.) $84.50-191JO ($87.53); 550400 lb*. (576 Ibi.) $82.00-887.00 ($85.29); 600-650 Ibi. (622 Ibi.) $BO.OO-$86.75 ($83.95); 650-700 Ibi. (677 Ibi.) $77.75-883.00 ($79.61); 700-750 lb*. (720 lb*.) $77.75-880.25 ($78.81); 750-800 lbs. (770 lbs.) $75.00-878.25 ($76.68); 800-850 lbs. (828 lbs.) $72.25-877.00 ($75.21); 850-900 lbs. (866 lbs.) $71.50-875.75 ($73.32). Slaughter Cows: Cutter. Boning, and Breaking Utility Y.GM-4 average dressing $45.75-$48.50; high dressing $48.75-852.50. Few Canners and Low Cutters $41.50-$42.50. Slaughter Bulls: Y.G. 1 1100-2100 lbs. average dressing SSB.OO-$62.00; high dressing $63.00-$66.75. THIS REPORT COMPILED & PRE PARED BY THE OKLAHOMA CITY LIVESTOCK A GRAIN MARKET NEWS BRANCH OF THE USDA’S AGRICULTURE MARKETING SER VICE. ROBERT MILES - TINA DOEB BLER TELEPHONE (405) 232-5425. New Wilmington Livestock Auction New Wilmington, Pa. Monday, April 11,1994 Report Supplied by FDA CATTLE 175.. PDA ..Compand with last Monday’s market..*!, cows uneven .25 lower to 1.00 higher. STEERS: couple Choice 1270 & 1360 lbs. 69.75 & 71.50 couple Select 60.00 & 65.00. HOLS TEINS: one Choice 1580 lbs. 65.75. HEIF ERS: one Select6o.so. COWS: few Break ing Utility and Commercial 4S.QO-49.7S Cutter and Bon. Utility 42.00-48.50, feu 50.25, Cannes and Low Cuttei 39.75-43.00. Shells down to 30.00 BULLS: Yield Grade No. 2 990/1910 lbs 53.00- FEEDER CATTLE: Steen few Large Frame No. 1 510/665 lbs 81.00- one Medium Frame No. 1 380 lbs. 86.50, few Large Frame No. 2 530/1010 lbs. 55.00 64.50; Heifen: few Medium Frame No. 1 560/680 lbs. 60.00- Medium Frame No. 1 280/460 lbs. 72.0076.00, Medium Frame No. 2 265/460 lbs. 60.0068.00; Bulls: Medium Frame No. 1 625/880 lbs. 60.0068.00. Printed in U.S.A. s» ««rj* j.fjr UneM* Ftnnfnfl, B»tuPttay I April I#, 19M-Al9 CALVES 224..VBALERS: Standard Mid Good 70/90 Km. 30.0040.00, Utility SO/901bf. 10.00-24.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holitein bulli 120/130 Ib(. 126.00- 80/113 lb*. 130.00-148.00, No. 2 85/115 lb*. 92.50-119.00; No. 2 Holitein heifer* 70/120 lb*. 110.00- Beef cron bulli end heif er* 65/110 lb*. 90.00-180.00. HOGS 392...8*rr0w* and gilt* .75 to 1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 230/260 lb*. 41.10-42.00. one large lot 43.10, US 1-3 215/260 lb*. 39.85-41.10, US 2-3 215/275 lb*. 38.85-40.25, US 1-3 200/210 lb*. 38.00. SOWS: US 1-3 400/630 lb*. 37.00-43.75, 340/390 lb*. 32.50-35.50. BOARS: few 320/480 lb*. 32.00- few 160/210 lb*. 31.00- FEEDER PIGS 68... US 1-3 45/90 lb*. 35.00- US 2-3 40/75 lb*. 27.00- - per head. SHEEP 122.. Spring *L lamb*: Choice 30/40 lb*. 97.00-100.00, 45/60 lb*. 99.00- 110.00, few 60/70 lb*. 87.50-97.50,70/95 lb*. 89.00-91.00. Few Choice 90/100 lb*. Shorn lamb* 75.00. Slaughter *heep: 15.00- moilly 18.00-22.00. GOATS S... Couple Large 39.00 A 40.00, few Urge Kid* 15.00-17.00. - pei head. North Jersey Livestock Hackettatown, NJ Report Supplied by Auction Tueeday, April 12, 1994 Report (upplled by auction CALVES .10-1.60. COWS .24-52V4 . EASY COWS .10-.48. HEIFERS .24-.73. BULLS .47-.69V1. STEERS .4S-.73. HOGS .10-.38. SOWS .34. ROASTING PIGS EACH 24.00-38.00. BOARS .27. SHEEP .14-.43. LAMBS EACH 17.00-Sl.OO. LAMBS PER LB. .30-.95. GOATS EACH 20.00-102.50 KIDS EACH 10.00-64.00. HIDES EACH 10.00-14.00. TOTAL 1032. Breathe Clean, Cool Powered Air Combined respira tory, head, eye and face protection creates a personal mini-environment of dean air for you to work. You can do more work in less time because you take fewer breaks. By increasing productivity you mention comfort! Use It for: •Combining • Handling poultry •Cleaning chicken houses Similar products available to protect you In your orchard spraying and to control odor problems. • Ragweed and other pollens in field mowing • Making hay - especially round bales —Call 1-800-234-7417 for more information S.BX ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY 21515 PmcMtm Road, PO Box 368, Bimssvills, HD 20838 301-072-7417 • FAX 301-0184517 • ToH Frss 1-800-234-7417 VISA/Mastercard Accepted B&B SPRAT PAINTING SANDBLASTING SPRAT - ROLL - BRUSH Specializing In Buildings, Feed Mills - Roofs - Tanks - Etc., Aerial Ladder Equip. Stone - Barn - Restoration 574 Gibbon's Rd., Blrd-ln-Hand, Pa. Aamria|B«nlM (717) 354-5561 A