Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 09, 1994, Image 59
ssya IWC - Your Complete Headquarters For Sprayers And Parts HEAVY DUTY SPRAYERS ' BUILT STRONG TO PERFORM TOUGH At Last! A Reliable, New Stainless Steel * special AG-CHBM FOAM MARKER J‘£ -00 $830.00 Each Foam Marker Contains; • Mixing chamber for each boom. • Electric hamen for m-cab controls (on-off/left-nght). • Hose for boom lengths up • Drop hoses for each boom. The Ag-Chem foam marker offers you efficient operation with a 12 volt compressor that draws only 9 amps Independent left and right boom markers can be controlled from the cab for on-the-go operation That . lets you operate either boom marker for precise, economical foam placement. And best of all the Ag-Chem Foam Marker produces a dense foam within seconds of agitation, and has a dependable output that can be adjusted for volume Use with the new 80-to-l™ h>gh concentrate foam Self-Priming PACER PUMPS Centrif Pumps • 3 H.P. ‘S’ Series 11/.I 1 /. ”Or 2" Poi Reg. S2M.S( SPECIAL $187.59 •5 lIP. ‘S' Sene. 2" Port. Reg. $260.00 SPECIAL $227.50 • ‘S’ Strict Pcdetltl Pump Only IJ4" or 2" - Reg. $13600 SPECIAL $119.00 Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks Also Stock A Teejet Hypro^ Pumps And Accessories Sprayer Nozzles And Accessories PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN. INC. 50 Woodcomer Rd., Lilitz, PA 17543 f hours; i 1 Mile We.t of Ephrtu “S’^l'^° (717) 738-7350 I s., 7^.x » HARDWARE • FARM SUPPLIES • • 200, 300 & 500 Gal. Trailer Modeli • 110, 150, 200 & 300 Gal. 3 Pt. Hitch Modeli • 30', 35’ and 40’ Booms • 30’ & 45’ All Hydraulic Folding Boom • Quick Teefet No Dnp Nozzles • Independent Boom Suspension Eliminates All Boom Bouncing • S H.P. ‘S’ Series With VC Bnggs Engine 2“ Port* Reg. $352.00 SPECIAL $308.00 m • SPRAYER TANKS - ALL SIZES For New Or Replacement AVAILABLE FROM • STATIONARY TANKS - For 25 OAI Liquid Fertilizer Storage , 0 Complete Line PACER PUMPS FEATURES AVAILABLE: Handy Half Gallon AG FOAM tßeg. $10.20 SPECIAL $9.25 FOAM DTE For Higher Visibility Faun •PSdAL $12.50 Pint Features: • Self-priming to 20 feet • Total heads to 120 feci • Capabilities to 200 U.S. GPM • Built in check valve • Equipped with I'A " or 2” female threaded connections, NPT • S U.P. ‘S' Series With Honda Engine, 2“ Ports Reg. $468.50 SPECIAL $409.94 With Cage $459.38 Off: • Sprayer Hose • Ball Valves • Nylon Fittings • Poly Tanks FFA HAPPENINGS Operation Green Stripe The Grassland Chapter of FFA has been named one of several chapters in Pennsylvania to parti cipate in “Operation Green Stripe,” a program to protect streams. Participating FFA chapters can earn $6OO or more for chapter activities by enrolling farmers in a program to establish grassy buffer strips between farm fields and streams. Research has shown that buffer strips can significantly reduce the amount of topsoil that washes off fields into streams. The program is coordinated by Heavy duty single-phase "Hi t. .. „ Torque" motors designed , are ideally suited specifically for severe farm duty ' or tou 9' l applications applications. These capacitor such 35 P um ps, start/induction run motors conveyors, poultry provide high starting torque, equipment and other while requiring only normal ' arm du, y machinery. ■ PB| CE HP RPM FRAME DIA. VOLTAGE UMBER* S I $75 1/3 1725 C 56 5/8 115/208-230 113256 ' B 1 $BO 1/2 1725 C 56 5/8 115/208-230 110086 I M $lOO 3/4 1725 D 56 5/8 115/208-230 110087 I § $ll5 1 1725 E 56 5/8 115/208-230 110088 I 1 $135 VA 1725 HS6H 5/8 115/230 110089 I I $155 2 1725 JS6HZ 7/8 230 110090 ■ I $2OO 2 1740 EIB2T 1 1/8 115/208-230 130042 I ■ $230 3 1740 JIB4T 1 1/8 230 130043 I 1 $2BO 5 1740 LIB4T 1 1/8 230 130044 g I EXTRA HI-TORQUE RATED I I $345 I 5 1740 H2IST Tl/S 230 140203 « I $375 714 1740 K2IST 1 3/8 230 140130 1 II $520 10 1740 L2IST 1 3/8 230 140414 I f PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL APRIL 29, 1994 I I OCLI £ LI 255 plane tree drive I I (I JmCY LANCASTER, PA 17603 I I EQUIPMENT CO. <717) 393 - 5807 I I We ‘lake Customer Satisfaction Personally I Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994*819 the state FFA in cooperation with Monsanto Co. of Sl Louis, which originated the program in 1992 and provides funding to local chapters. Cooperating Agway retailers across the state will pro vide free seed to farmers who agree to establish a buffer strip. Locally, Agway will provide seed and technical assistance to farmers recruited by the chapter. “Erosion of farm fields and the resulting stream sedimentation is a serious problem for aquatic plants and wildlife as well as water treat ment plants,” said Tom Hoogh eem, environmental field services director for Monsanto. Green stripes along streams not only reduce soil erosion, they les sen the amount of farm chemicals that wash into streams in trace amounts during heavy rainfall, Hoogheem said. In selecting FFA chapters for the program, emphasis was given to chapters in areas where erosion and stream sedimentation are seri ous problems, but a chapter’s enthusiasm and creative ideas for implementing the environmental education program were also considered. Clifford Day, local FFA advis er, said he hopes many local far mers will agree to establish buffer strips on their farms. “Growers who particinate will (Turn to Page 822)