AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE , 62.8 acres Chester Co. Farm w/Bldgs. Friday, April 22, 1994 12:00 NOON LOCATION: “Robinson Farm” #9Ol Cata mount Rd. Upper Oxford, Twp. From Rt. 1 By-pass take Rt 10 N. 1 mile to Cheek Rd. Turn Left. Follow VS mile to Catamount Rd. Turn Left, (signs posted) 3% mi. N. Oxford, PA. PARCEL #57-3-94 Contains 62.8 acres Farm Land. Pasture. Woods & Stream. Also, Large Bam, Machine Shed, Septic. TERMS: Sold “AS IS” Absolute w/ Minimum Bid of $206,255.00 10% down day of sale. Balance on/before 45 days. Sub ject to court approval BY ORDER: ESTATE OF WILLIAM SENTER ROBINSON, DECEASED BLANCHE M. WALTON, EXECUTRIX PETER J. WEYGANDT, ATTY. HARRY W. & JEFFREY E. WHITESIDE AU-2368 St 1006 (610) 932-2114 or 2291 Appraisals, Estates Bought St Sold 4th. Gen. PA & MD Service Call for Info. i pmmaerm\ O 3.2 ACRE FARMETTE WITH 7? \ STONEHOUSE / I HOUSEHOLD GOODS • FARM \ jl EQUIPMENT • TOOLS ft £ MON., APRIL 11, 1994 f T 4:00 PM I' | LOCATED: West of York, PA. 4 Miles K jj Along Rt. 234 • East Berlin Rd. •On Left. L 5 6:00 PM REAL ESTATE S V 3.2 Acres in Jackson Township, York Co. Ir \ improved with a 2 story stone house, # I frame bam with steel siding and 2 car pole \ j/ building. House has kitchen, dining room, ft living room, bath and closed-in porch on U the Ist floor, 3 bedrooms on the 2nd floor, p \ Cement basement, oil hot air heat and I I wood stove, all replacement windows and \ it carpet in bedrooms. 231’ Road frontage ft 2* on Rt. 234, fenced in fields. £ V TERMS: 10% DOWN DAY OF SALE, 7? \ BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. I I SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT •PHONE \ if (717) 792-2528 ft 4:00 PM FARM T* EQUIPMENT * t GOODS* ( TOOLS i xjt Massey Ferguson 13S Gas, 3 Cylinder IQ with 600 hours, 3 pt. Power steering • If \ Purchased New; M.F. 2x16 Trip Back | 1 Plow, 3 pt. 2 Row Culti., Black Hawk 2 \ jl Row Corn Planter • 3 pt., Drag Disk, m Spring Harrow, 2 New Idea 12A J? |D Spreaders, Bale Elevator w/Electric Tf \ Motor, 3 pt. Post Hole Digger, New / • Holland 68 PTO Baler, Int. 3 pt. Dyna 1 jl Balancer Mower, Int. Mfg, 5’3 pt. Rotary jk Mower, 3 pt. 6’ Scraper Blade, Co-op Hay Jg U Rake, 3 pt. Hitch Arps Snow Blower, "T* \ Straw Shredder, Echo Weedeater with I • Brush Head, Home-lite XL9O3 Chain Saw, » jl New Polan 1800 Chain Saw, Used Polan JL si, Chain Saw, 2 Rotary Mowers, Blacksmith Q) A Tools, Long Handle Tools, Gas Tank & Y Pump, Farm Gates, Fencing, Electric P 2 Fencer, Tire & Tow Chains, Cable, Horse f J Culti., Shallow Well Pump, Misc. Lumber, jl VI, Dog Kennel, Hand Clover Seeder, B&D Q A Hedge Trimmer, Buck Saw, Hudson if Sprayer, 2 Man Saw, Stewart Clippers, 3 1? 2 Western Horse Saddles and Bridles, Misc. 9 .1 Horse Gear, Metal Cattle Rack for Pick- \ Up, Wrenches and Tools, Etc. Q A Philco Refrigerator, Admiral Electric Y Stove, Maytag Wringer Washer, Double I' 2 Tubs, Kitchen Cabinet, Footlocker, f 1 1 Window Air Conditioner, Kerosene Light, V Golf Balls, Hanging Light with red shade Q A & prisms, Misc. Household Goods and *ts T other items of interest. I' ) TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK I ' SELLER: k » Elwood L. & Ruth N. Rohrbaugh 2 Y R.D. #6, Box 20, York, PA Tf ) 717-792-2528 { I AUCTION CONDUCTED BY 1 Rentzel’s Auction Survice Q O Emigsville, PA, PA Lie. #761 t | \ 764-6412 / PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Real Eitato SAT., APRIL 23, 1994 10 AM. LOCATION: 545 Sandy Hill Rd., Stavana, W. Coealleo TWp., PA Rt. 272 N. from Ephrata turn onto Sehoanack Rd. to Schoanaek turn laft onto Mt. Airy Rd. approx. IVi mllaa, turn right onto Sandy Hill Road. 1!4 Story Brick 3 or 4 bdrm. house w/over 1512’ SF finished area. Eat-in kitchen, living and family rm., bdrm., and full bath. 2nd Floor - 2 large bdrms. Oversized 1 car gar. Circle macadam drive. 6/10 Acre lot Inspection by AppTOpen House-Sal, April 9 & 16 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure, Details, or financing, call auctioneers 717-733-1006. Real Estate Sold 1 PM. Tarma by: LYDIA B. EBERLY ESTATE Mahlon W. Eberly, Exc. #336*7014 Levi W. Eberly, Exc. #336-2663 Amos W. Eberly, Exc. #336-5332 Charles W. Sheldy, Esquire Auction By: Randal V. Kline, Lloyd Krelder Roy E. Good, Jr. Auctioneers Lie. #499L #717-733-1006 pyiLic auction DAIRY CATTLE, TRACTORS, HAYING, TILLAGE AND MILKING EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1994 10:00 A.M. Located 4 mile north of Mijflintown along Route 35, Juniata County TRACTORS, MACHINERY, HAY, FARM RELATED ITEMS Case 1210 diesel tractor w/cab; David Brown 990 diesel tractor; A.C. W.D. 45 tractor: McCormick Deerlng Farmall F2O tractor; International #5lO, 13 dbl. disk grain drill; New Idea mod. 327, dbl. row com picker; J.D. 4 row corn planter w/in sectlcide boxes; Case 600 combine, 10 ft. head; Case 1816 C uni loader; Avco, New Idea hay baler w/thrower; Gehl 2160, 9 ft hay bine; Gehl #72 flail chopper; Pequa hay tedder: New Idea wheel rake; (3) wide track wagons w/hay racks; 36 ft Skeleton hay elevator: 36 ft. Speed King hay and grain elevator: 20 ft grain elevator; New Idea cut conditioner; (2) gravity flow bln wagons: 3 pt., 3 section harrow; JD. 10 ft. transport disk; 10 ft. cultlmulcher; Pittsburgh, 3 pt., 4F trip back plows: Case, 3 pt., 3F trip back plows; Gehl Scavenger 2, model 309 spreader: wagon w/8’ x 10’ dump bed; B'xlO’ cattle trailer: New Idea tank spread er: grain airator; 1 row, 3 pt. corn planter; 3 pt. cultivator: 8 ft. chisel plow; 3 pt. bale carrier; 3 pt., 150 gal tank field sprayer; front end mount saw buck; rear mounted tractor seeder; spike harrow; 3 pt. fertilizer spreader: acetylene welding outfit; (2) chain saws; 6" table saw; Jig saw w/motor; (5) 24” bam fans: scrap iron; wheel driven wood splitter: 14'x40’ metal silo & unloader; farm related items; hay by the mow. MILKING EQUIPMENT Delaval, 4 unit pipeline milking machine; 3 hp. motor w/stainless steel pipeline for 30 stalls; Girton, model D 4, 400 gal. bulk tank; Rheem 80 gallon water heater: water softener: complete fly control system. DAIRY CATTLE SELLING APPROX. 12:30 P.M. 26 head of Registered Holstein dairy cows and heifers - health charts - pregnancy checked: Registered red and white service bull. Cash or Good Check, No Out-Of-State Cheeks. Lunch Stand OWNER: FLBDA G. WILSON LONG S AUCTION SERVICE AUOOI7Q2L » Phone: (717) 527-2405 or 4458 Public Auction Register Closing Dalle Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication WED. APR. 13 -10 AM Paul & Alta Hoover Auc tion, Real estate, cattle, milking equip, machinery, household, shop tools. 3573 Willet Road, Bluff Point, (Penn Yan area) Yates Co. NY. Paul & Alta Hoover, owners, Howard W. Vissherc, Roy Teits worth, Inc, aucts WED APR. 13-10 AM 114 Ac. farm, dairy or beef facil ity and hobby farm. Smith Twp, Mahoning Co., West branch schools, 180 head of Holsteins, Tractors, Skid Loader, Dairy & feeding equip, silo. Raymond & Arlene Courtney. Kiko, aucts. WED A PR. 13 - I:3OPM Complete Herd Dispersal, Belleville Livestock Market. Consigned by Curtis Yaple, Yaple Family Farm. nmniipiii TUESDAY, APRIL 19 @ 1(1:00 A.M. PITTSFORD, N.Y. (ROCHESTER, N.Y.) NOTICE: After generations of successful crop farming this operation will be completely liquidated. The equipment here has been purchased new, carefully operated & stored inside. This is a top quality line from start to finish! LOCATION: 423 Mention Center Road, Pittsford, N.Y. from 1390 take Rush exit Rt. 251 east 12 miles to Mendon Center Road, then proceed north 4 miles to the farm. From NYS Thruway exit 46, 390 north to Lehigh Station Rd. east to the end, turn north on Clover 1/2 mile to Willard i proceed east to Mendon Center Rd., then turn south 11/2 mile to the farm. Watch for the signs. COMBINES, TRACTORS & TRUCKS: 1992 Case IH 1660 4WD combine w/only 287 hrs., 6R 1063 corn head, 1010 grain platform; JD 4560 MFWD tractor w/cab & duals, 715 hrs., JD 4440 4WD w/cab & duals; JD 4230; JD 2940 MFWD, 3300 hrs.; IH 766 w/front loader & duals; JD B; Ford 4000 Selecto; 1977 Mack U 6886 tandem grain truck w/21’ body excellent; 1975 Chevy C6O 16' grain truck; 1988 Dodge D 250 4x4 pickup; 1963 Chevy C6016’ grain truck; 1952 Dodge w/hyd. gravity box; 1969 Ford F60014' dump. DRY BEAN EQUIPMENT: Bob Equip. 44 bean combine (nice); Lilliston 6R wind rower (near new); Lockwood 4R wind rower (like new); Heath 6R puller. FARM MACHINERY: Krause 9 shank disc chisel; IH vibrashank; Brillion S Tine drag; Case 475 rockflex wing fold disc; Brillion 3 section cultipacker; Brillion 12'; cultipacker; (2) 6R S Tine cultivators; IH 720 5B plow; IH 720 6B 01. plow; JD rotary hoe; Brillion 15’ cultimulcher; JD 12' cultimulcher; Demco sprayer; Chemical tank w/12V pump: Nitrogen tank; Nl snow blower; Woods 214 rotary mower: M&W grain buggy; JD 7200 6R dry corn planter (sharp!); IH 510 6x24 grain drill; UFF fert. spreader; 1200 gal. poly tank; Demco tank & squeeze pump; 2000 gal. & 550 gal. fuel tanks w/pumps; Allied 41 ’x7" PTO auger, 32x6 auger. BUILDING BINS. DRYERS & LEG: Butler 48x100 steel building w/grain package, (sells standing); (2) Brock 5600 bu. bins; Super B 250 bu. dryer; 1000 bu. wet bin; GT 570 bu. batch dryer, BS&R 4400 bu. bin w/floor, Butler 6000 bu. bin w/floor, 40' grain leg (near new). ALSO: Various small tools & supplies too numerous to mention, For more Information call Kan Schosn - phone 716-381-9093 ortho auctioneers. TERMS: Full settlement auction day, cash or good check. For financing information call our office at least one week prior to the auction. >. C- RqyTeitsworth, Inc. p ■ : ■ ♦ Sal** Manager A Auctioneer 6502 Berber Hill Rd., Qeneeeo, N.Y. 14454 716>243-1563 - Lancntof Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994-El7 WED APR 13 -2PM Anti ques, household goods, collectibles & tools Held at the Horst Auction Center located at the corner of Rt 322 and Durlach Rd. (Approx. 2'A miles W. of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. For Irene Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Jay Mack, and others. Horst, Aucts. WED. APR, 13 - 7:3OPM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Four States Lives tock Sales, Hagerstown, Md. THUR., APR. 14 - Located 4 Mi. N. of Mifflintown, along Rt. 35, Juniata Co Complete Dispersal of Dairy Cattle & Farm Machinery. Fleda G. Wil son, Owner. Long's Auction service. THURS. APR 14 - 9AM Real estate, antiques, household goods, Q Allis- Chalmers tractor w/equip, farm equip, tools, misc lumber. 584 Kinderhook Rd . West Hempfield Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. Take Rt. 22 10 miles W. of Lane. & turn left onto Kmderhook Rd. By Helen P. Charles Estate. Howard E Shaub, Inc, auct THURS. APR. 14 - 9AM Emory Hill & Associates, Inc Airport Business Cen ter, 118 Quigley Blvd., New Castle, De. From Rt 13 & 40 & Rt 273 (N C Farmers Mkt) go E. on 273 to Ist traffic light, turn right tow ards Post Office, 2nd Build ing Entrance on left. Harry Rudmck & Sons, Inc., aucts. THURS APR. 14 -10 AM, E & C Bean Company Large Farm Equipment Auction. Located At 2159 Lake To Lake Rd , Stanley, N.Y. (Ontario County) For merly Bill Benedict Farm From Rt 5 & 20 (10 Miles East Of Canandaigua - 4 Miles West Of Geneva) Take County Rd 5 South 5 Miles To Lake To Lake Rd Turn Right 1 5 Miles To Auction Site Roy Teits worth, Inc. THURS. APR. 14 -11 AM. Pa. Dairy Classic Sale Located At The Ben K Stoltzfus Farm, Just East Of Intercourse, Pa. On Rt 340. The Cattle Exchange, Stonehurst Farm THURS APR 14 -11 AM, Two Complete Herd Dis persals Located At Shady Lane Dairy Sales, Inc 1/4 Mile West Of Quarryville, Pa Off Rt 372 On To Oak Bottom Road. Sale Man aged By, Shady Lane Dairy Sales Inc THURS. APR 14 - 3PM, VA Story Brick Dwelling, Real Estate, Antiques, Lititz Memorabilia & Household Goods. Located At 25 Market Street, Lititz, Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By. Kathryn Stark. Horst Aucts. THURS APR. 14-3:3OPM Antiques, furniture, house hold. Turn off Rt 42 at the Blinker Light in Numidia Pa Travel 3.7 miles pass ing through the villages oi Newlm and Millgrove, turr right on Old Reading Roac and travel 1 2 miles to the Bodman Farm Seller: Ger aid F Bodman George J Henry, George R Henry aucts THURS. APR 14 - 6PM James & Diane VanEen wyk Orchard Equip Auc tion held at 7130 E Town line Rd , I'A miles north of Rt 104, 2 miles NE of Wil liamston, 25 miles East of Rochester Harris Wilcox, Inc, aucts THURS APR 14 6 30PM, Construction Equipment & Material Located From Morgantown Take Route 23 West One Mile, Right On Red School Road, Left On Valley View, Caernarvon Township, Lancaster Co Terms By, Steve Stoltzfus- Valley View Construction Horning Farm Agency, Inc THURS APR 14-7 30PM Spring Promise show calf sale Lebanon Area Fairg rouns, Leb Pa. Harry H Bachman, auct. FRI. APR. 15 - Tractors, threshing machine & machinery. Turn S. off US 30 at blinker light at Fort Loudon, Franklin Ca. Pa. onto Rt. 75, go 1 mile to rices Fish Ponds, turn right in lane to farm. Watch-for sale signs. John S. Mellott. Edgar J. Stull & Lynn A. Dietrich, aucts. FRI. APR. 15 - 9:3OAM Tow truck, alignment sys tem, garage equip, car parts, antiques, office equip. 16 W. Centre St.. Ashland, Pa. (Schuylkill Co.). For E.T. Kramer's Garage. Robert W. Derfler, auct FRI. APR. 15- 10AM Meat Processing Plant. Located Cecil Co. Md. 305 West Main Street, Rising Sun, Md. R.C. Burkheimer & Assoc. Aucts.