Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 09, 1994, Image 175
3RD SPRING CARRIAGE DRIVE & AUCTION WEEKEND at WILSON’S AUCTION SALES, INC LINCOLN, DE. APRIL 30, MAY 1, MAY 2,1994 Saturday, April 30, 1994 DELAWARE PLOW DAYS 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. • Plowing Contest, Log Skidding, Obstacle Sledding. Carriage Rides, A Full Day of All Kinds of Competition Events Sponsored by First State Coon Hunters Club. For more information call George Wilk ins, (302) 422-6729. - Sunday, May 1, 1994 1:00 P.M. - CARRIAGE PARADE & DRIVE- Sponsored by Mid Atlantic Haflin gers Association Tour Wilson’s Carriage Museum. Monday, May 2, 1994 AUCTION IN ‘THE GALLERY” 1:00 P.M. • Antiques and Collectibles 4:00 P.M. - Tack, Harness, Saddles, etc. 6:00 P.M. - Horse Sale 7:00 P.M. - Horse Drawn Vehicles. Carriages, Sleighs CONSIGNMENT OPEN TO EVERYONE! PLAN TO CONSIGN & ATTEND TODAY! REMINDER: 4th Annual Autumn Carriage Weekend, Nov. 13th, 14th, 1994. Wilson’s Carriage Museum Royal Acres Haflingers Wilson’s Auction Sales, Inc. Dave Wilson, Auctioneer P.O. Box 84, Lincoln, DE' 19960 (302) 422-3454 FAX (302) 422-0462 Unlimited Parking, No Buyers Premiums, No Sales Tax Route 113, Approximately 25 Miles South of Dover, Delaware Motel Accommodations - Call PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., APRIL 16,1994 10:00 a.m. m TRACTOR, TRUCK, HORSE * PONY CARTS & WAGONS, PONIES, ETC. The auction will be held at 4821 Shalk Rd. 41, Manchester, MD, Carroll Co, From Manchester, turn East at light onto York St, past Elementary School, go approx. 2 miles, keep right at Y onto Shalk Rd. 41, go to stop sign, cross over AUsia Uneboro Rd. and proceed approx. I mile to Auction. Zetor 5211 tractor VA yrs. old, 2 whd, w/roll bar & lock diff., very few hrs. pM* (like new); ‘B9 Ford dual P.U. auto, P.S., w/trailcr hitch, & A.C., 9,000 miles on truck but only 4,000 miles on new 460 engine, new front end, new power steering (excellent shape); ifc Amish open wagon; open fruit wagon; double goat wagon & goat harness; Amish market wagon, 2-sliding doors, open in back, (V.G. shape); New c Meadow Brook double seat pony cart; eft New 1 or 2 horse show wagonette " w/hyd brakes; Top buggy w/hyd brakes duS (excellent); pony racing sulky; New 3- gang mower; pony cart; new pony size Jl (cut under) pick-up wagon; produce wagon (very nice); Minonite 2-seat market wagon w/hyd brakes; New 3/4 PM* size fruit wagon; New large pony fruit wagon; pony size fruit wagon; lots of pS[> other carts, carriages, wagons, & surreys; New large pony-small horse, show-work harness; set of double pony work harness; driving harness; Baltimore type brass trim harness; plus 1* many other items. Several good ride, drive & work ponies. a TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK FOOD STAND RIGHTS RESERVED NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ON PROPERTY fA OWNER Jl Roy Seidel" 410-230-3175 Fvp fl AUCTIONEER NEVIN E. TASTO 410-374-4067 f f Public Auction Register Chxing Dale Monday 5:00 P.M. oT each week’* publication SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM Fruit ft 1 ml. S. of Hazlet, N.J. Vegetable Farm Eq. Auc- Auct. Col. Fred R. Daniel, tion for Wm. Ackerson & Aucts, Inc. Sons. Inc. 745 Hdmdel Rd. * ABSOLUTE PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. ••JOHN DEERE DEALER RETIRING AFTER 42 YEARS IN BUSINESS•• LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS. RIDERS, TILLERS, SNOW BLOWERS, MISC. LOCATION: Premises of tho formar Millar’s Salas & Sarvlca Inc. Stawarts town, PA. Approx. 5 ml E of 1-83 axlt #1 (Shrewsbury) along Rt. 851 in Stewartstown. The owner of the former Miller’s Sales & Service Inc. will be offering at Absolute Public Sale the following items: LAWN A GARDEN TRACTORS A RIDERS TRACTORS: Bolens HI6XI 14 Hp Hydro w/48" rear discharge mower, JD 140H3 Hydro w/46” cut, 1H1650 Hydro w/50” new style mower, JD 11210 Hp Tec w/38" cut, IH 382 Hydro w/38” cut, JD 214 w/46* cut, 1964 JD 110 8 Hp- antique, JD 110 BHp w/38” cut, 2 JD 60 tractors w/34” cut, Keen Kutter 832, Sears ST/10, GE EI2S elect w/46" front mt mower. RIDERS: JD 68 w/30” cut & bagger, JD 68 w/34” cut, JD 56 w/28" cut, Homelite RE-8E w/28” cut, MW 8 Hp w/30” cut. •‘Most of the above run & have NEW batteries! TILLERS. SNOW BLOWERS a THROWERS JD 3 Ft. HD 50" rototiller- LN- for 420, JD rear mt tillers - one NOS. THROWERS: Kee-Line 18", AC 36”, MF 36”, JD 36”. IH 42”. BLOWERS: Jacobsen 8 Hp sp 30*. Ariens 4 Hp sp 20”. Haban 4’ side mt sickle bar mower- LN, McCulloch leaf blower, Thatcher 42” 5 Hp pull type EZ rake, P-G-Line pull type aer ator, AC snow plow, IH 42” snow plow, JD 2 Hp Edger- LN, Echo KEI4ODA weed eater w/15” cut, Craftsman weed eater w/14" cut, NEW ARPS Johnson hyd. loader w/54 M hyd bucket tor JD 850 or 950. ROTARY MOWERS: Craftsman 22” sp, JD 21"- one sp-one NOS, Sunbeam elect w/18" cut, MTD 4003 3.5 Hp w/22" cut. REO reel mower w/eng. Kemp K6CH 5 Hp shredder, NEW 4’ snow blade, 2 NEW JD cabs for L&G, NEW baggers for riders, JD 300 3 pt. hitches, NEW Brinley 12” plow, Grand Prix snowmobile, Panth er 20 ton wood splitter- LN, misc. mower parts, misc. L&G parts, tires, tubes & rims, York 48” pull type rake- LN, Century S4O 40,000 BTU port space heater, JD 6-12 V battery charger (12V med & high not oper able), B&S 8 Hp motor, used cyl blocks for L&G, misc literature, operators & service manuals. “This is only a partial listing. Many more Items & parts too numerous to mention!** NO INSPECTION UNTIL DAY BEFORE SALE I TERMS: Cash or good approved check. Out of state buyers MUST have current bank letter of credltl Refreshments by Wesleyan Class Stewartstown UM Church. OWNER & AUCTIONEERS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS! “DON’T MISS OUR 2 DAY JD 2-CYLIN DER PARTS & MEMORABILIA SALE AT THIS SAME LOCATION FRI. & SAT. MAY 13 & 14, 1994 AT 8:30 AMl** OWNER: DEAN F. MILLER 717-854-4101 717-993-2732 AUCTIONEERS: Melvin Haines Lie 379 L Ralph Brenneman Lie 708 L Russell Wright Lie 1353 L 717-757-5130 MISC. SAT. APR. 9 • 10AM Located in the village of Richfield, Juniata Co., Pa turn S. off Rt 35 at the County Lina Raat and go 3 milea to the Village of Fogle Hill. In Fogle Hill, make a left on road to Oriental and go 4 miles until you come to Laurel HID Rd. Then make right onto Laurel Hill Rd. and travel V 4 mile to site of auction, (located 1 mile Southwest of Hoffmans Haymaker Rest.) Wiatch for auction signs off Rt 35 at Richfield and off Rt 104. Tractors, farm machinery, lawn & garden tractors & antique tractor. Elwood (Woody) C. Flowers, own er. Roger A. Lauver, Dean E. Long acre, aucts SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM, 90 Acre Farm, Farm Equip ment, Farm Related Items, Vehicle, Deer Rifle & Bicy cle. Located 12 Miles North Of The City Of Lebanon On Rt. 72, To Lickdale At Light, Bth ANNUAL PIEFFER HILL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT SAT., APRIL 16, 1994 Auction Time 9 A.M. Directions; From Exit 2t PA Turnpike take Rt. 272 South to first traffic light Turn left onto Church St thru Reamstown to Red Run Rd. Turn left, go 1/10 mi., turn left onto Steffy Rd„ go approx. Vi mi. to Auction on left Watch for Auc tion signs. LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT NEW & LIKE NEW & USED JOHN DEERE F93S DIESEL HYDRO 72" DECK; F9lO Hydro; (3) 420 Hydro; 400 Hydro; (2) 332 Diesel Hydro; (5) 318 Hydro; 317 Hydro; 316 Hydro; (2) 314 Hydro; 300 Hydro; 285 HYDRO w/POWER FLOW BAGGER 90 HRS.; 265 Hydro; 260; LX 176 HYDRO w/BAGGER APPROX. 65 HRS.; 216; 214; (2) 212; 210 w/Bagger 180; 165 Hydro; 160 w/ Bagger; (2) 140 Hydro; 112 Hydro; 116; SIX 38; (2) SIX 30; (3) 108; (5) 112; (2) 111; (3) 110; RX 75; 592; R7O. CUB CADET 1650 Hydro; 1450 Hydro; 1720 Hydro; 1420 Hydro; 1320 Hydro; 1220 Hydro; 1000; (2) 682 Hydro; (2) 80 Hydro; 304 Rider; Cub Cadet 1862, PS, 400 Hra.; JD AMT 626- 5 Wheel w/Dump; ZERO RADIUS FRONT MOUNT MOWERS Gras shopper Diesel 20 h.p.; Woods 18 h.p. w/Bagger; Grasshopper Diesel 18 h.p. w/Bagger; Simplicity 16 h.p.; Kubota Diesel 4 Wheel Steer; Power King 2417 w/High Wheels; Honda 3018; 3011 Hydro; White 1655 Hydro; 1155 Hydro; New Simplicitys 125 LTH; 10 Reg. Dixon 427 w/Bagger; Allis-Chalmers D-10 w/ Loader, Blade, Tiller & Trac-Vac; Sears 18 h.p. w/3 Point Plow, Cultivator, and Snow Blade; Massey #7; Wheel Horses, Snappers, Craftsmans, (2) JO 112 Parts Tractors plus many more Parts Tractors. MISC. ITEMS (5) New JD No. 10 Lawn Carts; (3) JD No. 5 Lawn Carts; New JD Self-propelled Mowers w/Baggers; (6) New Snapper 5 h.p. Self-propelled Mowers w/ Baggers; Now Lawn-Boy Power Mowers; Now Poulan-Pro Self-propelled Mowers w/Bagger; Plus Many More Push and Self-propelled Mowers; 16 H.P. CHIPPER SHREDDER DEMO; JD Tillers; JD Snow Blades; JD Decks; JD 300 or 400 Series Cab; JD Lawn Sweepers; JD Power Flow Bagger; JD Rear Mount Box Bagger; JD 3 Point Hitch Ditch Witch Ride on Trencher: New Large and Small Garden Way Carts; New and Used Echo Weedeaters plus more Weed Eaters; New Echo Chain Saws; 3 Pt. Flail Mower; New and Used Brinly Plows and Disks and Cultivators; (3) Troy-Bilt Tillers: Front Tine Tillers; New Batteries; 12 Lawn Carts; Snow Blowers; Wagon Lot B&S and Snapper Parts; New Tools and Other Misc. Items. Note: This is only a partial list of items. Items being added daily. What you need will probably be here on sale day. Lots of good clean tractors & equipment. Call Ervin 717-336-7949 or Noah at 717-336-3695 for consignment info or questions. Some items sub ject to prior sale. Terms are cash or good PA check. Out of state buyer must have cash or current letter of credit addressed to this particular Auction. Food stand. Pieffer Hill Consignment Auction Auction conducted by. Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers AU2II6L 717-445-4309 AUCTIONEERS Uncwter Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994-El5 Turn Left On Rt 72, Go 3/4 Mile Farm Lane On Right Acroes From Trinity Church - See Auction Signs. Condi tions By, Isadora & Lenore Ollar. Nelson L. Ebersole, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM Located in Mifflin Co. 14 miles N. of Lewistown, Pa. or 3 miles S. of McClure, Pa., turn W off Rt. 522 (at Mail Pouch bam) on Whi skey Road, 2 miles to farm lane. A top line of farm machinery and good butch ering equip. George & Car ol Leacy. Mark Click, auct. SAT. APR. 9- 11AM Real estate, farm machinery, grain handling equipment. Located 20 mile S. of Youngs, or 15 mi. N. of E. Liverpool Oh. on St. Rt. 11 to the Usbon/Rogers inter change (just 2 mi. E. of Lis bon Oh.) Then E. on St. Rt. 154 1 mile to Elkton Ohio, Terms by then continue E. on Middle Beaver Rd. 1 block to the Elkton Rd. then S. 1 block to Eells Poultry farm. Jim Baer, auct. SAT. APR. 9-11 AM Arthur Eichas Farm Machinery Auction, held at 217 Parma Center Rd. (Rt 18) halfway between Rt 261 and Rt. 259,3 miles N. of Rt 104,3 miles S. of Hilton, 12 miles NW of Rochester. Harris Wilcox, Inc., auct. SAT. APR. 9- 12Noon, 112 Acre York County Farm. Located From Maryland Take Rt.«B3 North To Exit 1. Take Rt.#Bsl To Stew artstown Then Rt.#24 North Towards Red Lion Go Approx. 7 Miles, AtWal temyer's John Deere Deal er t/r Onto Herbst Rd., Go Approx. 'A Mile Farm Will Start On Right At Comer, Follow Around Then Right Onto Pleasant View Rd., Buildings On Right Signs Posted. From Lancaster Off Rt.*3o West Almost To York, Take Rt.*24 South Towards Red Lion, Stay On Rt.#24 To Winterstown At Waltemyers John Deere Dealer M Onto Herbst Rd., Go Approx. 'A Mile Farm On Right, Signs Posted. Seller, Robert E Young. Bradley K. Smith, CAI, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - IPM Arnold’s Hog Production Sale - Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Leb, Pa. Harry H Bachman, auct. SAT. APR. 9-IPM 6 acres woodland in the Welsh Mountains. Located at the southwest corner of the Welsh Mtns., approx. 3 miles SE of New Holland off Red Well Road, Earl Twp. and East Earl Twp Lane. Co, Pa. By Anna M. Kurtz. J Omar Stoltzfus, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - IPM, PA Angus On Parade Sale Located Pa Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Tom Gammon. Auct. SAT. APR. 9 -230 PM. Farm Toy Auction. Located Mifflinburg High School, Off Rt. 45, Mifflinburg, Pa Info 717-966-3483 For Consignment. SAT. APR. 9 - 3PM, 17, Sty. Brick Home, Antiques & Household Items. Located Along Rt. 333 In The Village Of Rockville, But Will Be Offered For Sale, At Juniata Markets, Jet Of Rts. 75 & Old 22, At The Blinking Lights, 1 Mi. N. Of Port Royal, Juniata Co. The Clarabelle & Wil liam Heaps Family. Long's Auction Service SAT. APR. 9-6 PM Collect able Toy Truck Auction, over 120 trucks & banks consigned. Classic Auction. SAT. APR. 9 - 6PM, Red & White Sale Located Timo nium, Md., Exit 17 Off 1-83 North Of Baltimore. Cata logs Or Information- RWDCA, Box 71L, Crystal Spring, Pa 1 5536 814-735-4221, Fax 814-735-3473 SAT. APR. 9 - 7PM Harper Valley Landrace production sale, Annville, Leb Co., Pa Harry H. Bachman, Auct. SUN. APR. 10 -12 Noon, Restaurant Equipment, Complete Liquidation Of Equipment & Furniture. Bob's Big Boy, Rt. 15, Enb la. Mark Baranowski, AU 2570 (717) 657-2317. SUN. APR. 10 - 12:30PM Modern woodworking tools & other tools from the estate of Donald Newman, Milesburg, Pa., Centre Co. Aucls. Ron J. & Ron S. Gil ligan #AU339L & #AA2223L. SUN. APR. 10-IPM Ameri can antiques, furniture & fine art Cochran Auction Complex, Boonsboro, Md. Approx. 70 miles W. of the Baitimore/Washington Met ro Area held at the Cochran Auction Complex located just 4 miles south of Exit 35 off Interstate 70 on Md. Rt. 66 at Boonsboro, Md. J.Q. Cochran, aucts.