Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 09, 1994, Image 172
El2-Lmcaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 9-B:3OAM Anti ques, household goods, electrical tools & supplies. Held in the Chanceford Community Center, Brogue Pa. Rt. 74 SE from Red Lion to Brogue Post Office, turn right, '/< mile to hall on left. From MD Rt. 165 N. and onto Rt. 74 to left turn at Brogue Post Office. Har old E. Grein, Owner. Bob & Tom Sechrist, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - B:3OAM Rawlinsville Volunteer Fire Co. 26th Annual All Day Auction. 2172 S.'to truce, turn right onto Truce Rd, go to stop sign, turn left, sae on right. By Rawlinsville Sale Committee. Local & Well known aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM 7 Beef Cows, 2 Bulls, Farm Equip ment, Carpenter Tools, Etc. Located 450 Yeakley Rd., Just Off Hilltop Rd. North Of Myerstown, Leb. Co. Owner, Woodrow H. Yeak ley. Q. Harvey Weik, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM, New Furnishings, Decorator Items, Fine Inlaid Furniture, Inlaid Music Boxes & Chess Sets, Large Capo- Di-Monte Statuary, Brass & Statue Lamps, Large Inlaid Pictures Signed, Lamps, Chandelier, Curio Cabinets, Lot Of Carvings By •Anri*-Sevra,‘s. Located Bonnie Brae Auction Ser vice, Rt #724, Spring City, Pa. (8 Miles West Of Valley Forge, Pa.). Richard J. Moyer, Auct SAT. APR. 9 • 9AM Trac tors and farm mach., tools & misc. new tools, quilts and crafts, guns and bow, livestock. Located at school, 5 miles S. of Tur botville, Pa. 4 miles N. of Washingtonvllle, off Route 54 near PP&L Power plant. William G. Wolfe, auct. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM At Green Leaf Acre Farms, 15 miles E. of Indiana, Pa. 4 miles E. of Penn Run. PA on Rt. 553, one-half mile E. of Penns Manor High School. Owners Larry C. & Patricia A. Buterbaugh. Pets Stewart & Son, aucts. SAT. APR. 9-9 AM 23 trac tors, farm machinery, orig. signs, tractor steel, cast iron seats. Located at 6245 Lewis Rd„ Trumansburg, NY (Fingerlakes region N of Ithaca). From water tow em in Trumansburg, taKa Searsburg Rd. to Lewis Rd. and right to auction. Side kick Auction Service. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Con signment Sale Tractors & equip., mowers, tools, toys, misc. Jefferson Community Center, Jefferson, Md. from Frederick take Rt. 340 W to Lander Road. MC Skip Zimmerman, Can Poole, Walter Gordon, Emory A halt. Gene Franklin, Jack Downin, George Lease, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - OAM Anti ques and personal property at 1335 W. Market St., York. Pa. Anna E. Knaub, owner. Jacob A. Gilbert, Brian L. Gilbert aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM, Liqui dation Of Kell Construction Company. Located V 4 Mile East Of Elizabethville, Pa., Along Route 209. Owner, John D. Kell. Dockey, Dockey-Romberger & Deppen, Aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM, Farm Equipment, Furniture, Guns, Hundreds Of Books, Fine Porcelain & Figurines. Located Furnace Rd., Robeson Twp., Berks Co. Go N. from Elverson on Rt. 82 thru Geigertown to left on Furnace Rd. 1 mi. or from Reading go S. on Rt. 10 thru Plowville to left on Weaver Rd. 2'A mi. Terms By, Alayne Hilditch, Elton & Rodney Homing, aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE. ANTIQUES. COLLECTIBLES. HOUSEHOLD. TOOLS a MISC. SATURDAY, APRIL 30 - 3:00 P.M. Property located approx. 4 ml N of Mlf fllntown, along the Arch Rock Rd., BUT WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE at Junia ta Markets, Jet of Fits 75 & old 22, at the blinking lights, 1 ml N of Port Royal, Juniata Co. REAL ESTATE selling at 7:00 P.M. Selling a 1 story, frame home w/alum. siding in a nice country location on approx. 1 acre lot. Also of special interest to “Fishermen" & “Nature Lovers", is a stocked trout stream, only a few ft. beyond the rear boundary line. There is a Ig. living room, bedroom, full bath and kitchen w/built-in cabinets and a dining area, full basement. Heat is elec, but there is also a hook-up for a wood stove. On lot water and sewage. BE SURE TO CHECK THIS PROPERTY ON ONE OF THESE. SHOW DATES: Saturday, April 9 from 10 to 2 and Wed. Eve., April 13, from 5 to 8 or Ph. 717-527-4685 for an appt. TERMS: 10% down at time of sale, bal. In 30 days, other terms at sale. THE ESTATE OF MILES B. GRAY L. Carl McClure, Exc. Michael Johnston, Atty. Long’s Auction Service PH. 717-527-2405 OR 4458, AUOOI7O2L SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Melvin H. Hess Estate. Real Estate, Mobile home, 1986 Chevy pickup truck, toys, coins, stamps, personal property, Winross trucks. At 1921 New Holland Pike, Lane. Pa. (Eden Area). J. Omar Landis Auction Service. CONSIGNMENT MACHINERY AUCTION Saturday, April 16,1994 9:00 AM Located 12 miles north of Lewistown, PA (Mifflin Co) along Rt. 522 at villiage of Wagner FARM MACHINERY 11:00 AM This is a partial listing, few early consignments including: Farmall H, nice; M, nice; MTA, nice; Super C, nice; 8N Ford, nice; MF 35 w/loader; MF 65 w/loader; JD 730 d; Int 706 d; Ford 801 w/belly mower; Ford Backhoe; JD 14’ disc w/wings; JD 45 loader; JD 2500 plow 5-18” auto reset; 4 & 6 row cult.; JD 400 hoe; field cult; JD 14’ cultimulcher; JD disc chisel; JD 8300 drill; MF#l2 baler: Case 230 baler; JD 830 haybine; NH 256 rake; Int 3 bottom fast hitch plow; Oliver 5 bottom plow; NH 273; NH 269 baler; Int 80 combine; New Dodge dually pickup bed; Int loader for M; NH 770 harvester; Int 400 4-row cornplanter; Int 2-row com planter JD 2-row planter; MF manure spreader (nice): Int 2 pt round bale mover; NH 358 grinder/mixer w/scales; AC gleaner Combine 10’ cut; Delaval pail milkers. Many other items too numerous to mention. Loader tractor will be available Food Stand TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK Auctioneer: Blaine N. Rentzel A Assoc. Pa License 761 FOR CONSIGNMENT CONTACT* IVAN MACKNAIR, Manager RD #5, Box 2988 Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone 717-543-5192 Public Auction Of Valuable Real Estate And Contents For John MIMIorl To Be Held At: 16 Mohican Trail Westhampton, N.J. (Off 295- Exit 45A 3 Mile On Right) Sat., April 30. 1994 8:30 A.M. Sharp Barn Items: Carts, Harness, Horse Equip., Goats, Rabbits, Chicken, Fencing, Garden Tractor 3 Ft. Hitch And Attachments, Wheel Horse Mower, Lumber, Gates, Etc. Feedroom Scale, Dog Kennel, Etc. Shop Items: 5 Horse Power Compressor 180 Amp Welder, Grinder, Drills, Saws, Paint & Sprayer, Tools, Automotive, Carpenter, And Industrial, Old Antique Tools, Radial Saw, Truck & Car Parts, Air Hose & Tools, Welding Table Scrap Iron, Etc. Contractors Equip: 2 Yd. Articulated Loader, Excellent Condition, Skid Loader, Miller Hyd. Power 9 Ton Equip. Trailer, 79 F 350 Utility Truck, 79 Int. Single Axle Dump, 73 Int. Single Axle Dump CJS Metal Cab Enclosure Hand Tools, Asphalt & Concrete Tools And Equip. Etc. Boat Motor, Trailer: Excellent Condition. House Items: Dining Room 9 Pc. Broyhill, Bassett Rattan Sofa, Loveseat And Chair, Kitchen Set, Cobble Bench, Old Trunk, Brass Lamps, Brunswick Pool Table, Crocks, Figur ines, Depression Glass, 22K Gold Dinnerware, Red French Stemware, Breyen Horses, Tiffany Lamp, Silverware Set, Color 25', 19* Like New TV, Duck Prints, Gun Cabinet, Rock Maple Bedroom Set, Oak Chest, Bentwood Rocker, Safe, Antique Pitcher & Bowl, Antique Chime Clock, Red Cedar Cabinet, Leather Living Room Set, Framed Art Work, Copper Foun tain, Maple Drop Leaf Table, Patio Furniture, Old Xmas Items, Antique Old Toys, Old Movie Equip., Office Equip., Yard & Garden Tools, Etc. House: 7 Room Rancher With Basement, Many Improvements Sitting On Approx. 1 Acre, Includes 2 Car Garage Plus Office, 5 Stall Barn, 6 Bay Equip. Shed, Plus Bxlo Tack Room, 225 Ft. Of Water Frontage With Dock, No Though Traffic- Secluded 1000 Feet/Off Highway. Terms Of Sale- Cash Or Certified Check. 10% Deposit On House & Property Day Of Sale* Non Refundable. Terms Of Settlement Decided By Seller. Stated Day Of Sale. Preview Date: April 24, 1-4 O’clock. Rain Data: May Ist, 8:30. Phone 609-267-0883 609-268-0396 Marker's Auction Co. Medford Lakes Rd. Tabernacle, N.J. PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 30,1994 10:30 AM. 11 Acroo Wooded Building SHo, Union Co., PA. DIRECTIONS: Rom Herrlaburg Trawl North on Rts. 11SK North toRtIMN. Trawl on Rt 104 Through Ronno Crook. Crooo Ronno Craoh BrMgo ond Immodiotoly Turn Loll and Rrocood Exactly 2 Mloo Along tho Ronno Croak. Auction on Right Slgno Poolod. 11 ACRE BUILDING SITE TWa 11 ocroo d country beauty 0 located In one cl the moot iconic aroai cl tho orate, Tho booullul Ronno Crook It located jut: acraaa the road from tho property. It la olao within waking dMonoo a) Stolo Gama Londc giving It andlaaa raeraotlonal pooalMlUoa. The aha la ipprovod lor an on lot aawago ayetom. Buy thh property to buM that now home or callage. Broker Inqulrlw Wdcona. Contact Auctlsnowo Ikr Aapolntanont KENNETH E. MASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY McClur* PA 17841 RlcMlold. PA 170(8 (717) S5B-3538 (717) 530-8701 AU-001532-L ALMM2BSI-L EAC BEAN COMPANY LARGE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION (5) COMBINES; 4WD TRACTORS A 810 FARM EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, APRIL 14 10:00 A.M. STANLEY, NEW YORK LOCATION: Auction will be held at 2159 Lake to Lake Rd., Stanley, N.Y. (Ontario County) formerly Bill Benedict Farm. From Rt. 5 & 20 (10 miles east of Canadaigua • 4 miles west of Geneva) take County Rd. 5 south 5 miles to Lake to Lake Rd. turn right IS miles to auction site. NOTICE; Having decided to discontinue the bean business E &C Bean will sell at public auction the following equipment. JD 8640 w/duals, 3pt. PTO, 4 hydro outlets, 2000 hrs. (new engine & hyd. pump); JD 4630 Syncro; Belarus 7010 art. 4x4,426 hrs. 3pt (not working); Belarus 822 4x4 cab & air, 1000 hrs; Belarus 822 4x4, cab, air, loader w/bucket & forks; Belarus 1500 4x4 art. 3pt. PTO, 5 hydro outlets (eng. block cracked); (3) JD 4400 D combines, spike tooth cyl. & bucket elevators, completely gone through by local JD dealer; (2) JD 4400 D combines, Rasp bar cyl w/straw choppers; (4) JD 215 flex heads w/ream reals (nearly new); (4) air reals to fit 215 grain platforms; 9’ Sund pick up head - new; plus many pallets of combine parts; 1972 Brockway T/A block truck 21’ bed w/20’ boom w/forks; 1984 Ford F 350 D, tuibo, 9’ Hoover dump flatbed. EQUIPMENT; MC grain dryer 975 continuous flow w/extensions; 40’x8” auger, hyd. motor; (2) 30’x6” augers; 30’x8” auger; Schanook #1203 air seeder, s/n 67005-00060 w/Lambodini 2cyl. D engine, 200 bu seed hopper, 500 gal. liquid fert., insecticide, app. 50 gal. H2O & 20 gal. insecticide, floating rear T/A w/24” rubber, dual front, 18.4x24 tires; Case IH 48’ field cultivator w/48 planter units & ag industries fert. pump & 20 gal. Demco metering system; Amazone NT 375 no till drill 12’ w/15” rows Yetter Colters & Double capacity; Amazone NT 375 no till drill 12’ w/8” rows; Sprafoil 48’ airblast crop sprayer, trlr. mtd., computer controller, PTO driven, hyd. booms, 500 gal. tank, gandy insecticide mixer; Sprafoil 48’ airblast crop sprayer (truck mount)' computer controller, Wisconsin 4 cyl. eng., hyd. booms, 200 ga. tank & MKR-5000 foam marking system; Case IH 4900 48’ field cultivator (near new); (2) 48’ Airway w/hyd. hitch; Glenco 48’ field cultivator; Brillion 48’ cultipacker w/oversize tires, 16.5x16.1; (2) IH 10R 3pt hitch cultivators; Cook 22’ offset disk; JD 915 7 tooth ripper 3pt (new teeth); Farmhand 16’ cultipacker (transport); Kongskilde #DPC 40 grain cleaning system, used less than 1 season; Stoltfuz 32’ lime spreader seeder on truck, running gear; Agroset lime - manure spreader RUR-55 universal w/extension sides; Trainking 14’ batwing mower - needs gear box; 16’ pasture drag; NH 479 Haybine; NH 676 T/A manure spreader; (2) IHC 56 4RN, dry; Oliver 575 6B plow; IHC 700 5B plow; NH 717 forage harvester; NH 791 manure spreader; Zimmerman 32’ elevator - new chain & paddles. MISC; (4) 600 gal. poly tanks; 1200 gal poly tank; 200 gal. poly tank; 250 & 500 gal. fuel tanks; (2) 100 gal. fuel tanks on running gear w/elec. pumps; small NH3 tank; oak truck body - for IT; (2) 3’ hyd. cyl. (new); planter marker arms; colters; press wheels; Century sprayer frame; (3) sets of 38” dual spacers plus much more. TERMS: Cash or good check, full settlement auction day. Call our office for financing details. RoyTeitsworth» Inc. Sale* Manager * Auoilonaar 6802 Barber HIM Rd., Qanaaao, N.Y. 14464 716-243-1963 -