f,l All POX f.'AHM 1 r-OR SAUL 100 yr. bam 32'x48' 2 story pine frama MBO for dis mantling removal. Cumb. Co. N.J. 609-461-1924. Used tin 80 sheets each sheet covers 29’x17' some rust one side $8 a sheet. Berks Co. 610-944-8077. Old bam 2 story all frame excel, floor weathered wood no time limit on removal. 610-686-5138 after 6 p.m. Galv. used roofing painted 1 side variable length most ly 9’ underside hardly any rust, best offer. Lane. Co. Ira H. Molt, 717-354-7687 eves, around 7:30-8. Little Giant com drag, JD 45 manure loader tor 2 cyl. tractor, manual trip, 20 wooden conveyor, gooc cond. Lane. Co 717-284-4806. Female blue-eyed Alaskar husky, to a good home Lane. Co. 717-826-5995. 18-20' Sportsman bunl boat trailer, tandem axle brakes on all 4, nice $2500 Lane. Co. 717-626-1151. Baled shavings for bed ding, $2.50 per bale, truck load lots. 613-925-5652. 1985 Moritz 20'L 6'W 6’lo'H gooseneck lives tock trailer, 9800 lb. GVW, elec, brakes, Pa. inspected $2,500 080. Lane. Co. 717-738-0480. Red top clover seed (or sale. York Co. 717-235-2781. Your Feed room Expert Really Measures Up! lb get the most out of your teedroom setup, you need the Feedroom Expert. Invite him to your farm now, and not only will you get the best advice available, but something else, absolutely free: this high quality Lufkin* Power Tape. Made In the U.S.A., it features '•read blade in a high JOWWMT MTMI NnnlfMnil SScTROMCe ERB 8c HBNV EQUIPMENT INC. HARRY TROOP New Barllnvllle, PA 19545 Cochrenvllle. PA19335 218-367-2169 215-893-6731 LAPP'S BARN EQUIPMENT SALES 8e SERVICE Gap, PA 17527 717-442-8134 DONALD R. NISSLET JAMES L. HOSTETTER Willow Street, PA 17584 McVeytown, PA 17051 717-786-7684 717-899-6386 SOLLENBEROER SOMERSET BARN SILOS CORP. EQUIPMENT Chamberaburg, PA 17201 Somereet, PA 15501 717-264-9888 814-448-8888 MAil nox MAKh f I WANTbD 1640's early 1950's travel trailer 14* or larger, Read ing, Pa area, also one-man teardrop shaped travel trail er Berks Co. 610-670-6544. Greenhouse, freestanding. 22 ft. x 48 ft. or larger, com plete with heater I ventila tion. Bucks Co. 215-598-7347. AC D-17 or 0-15 w/front power steering factory 3-point, prefer late series York Co. 717-382-4629 after 6 p.m. Used greeting cards and Christmas cards write or deliver. For Sate Mascot bucket a day stove, good cond. $75. 602 B. Peters Rd., Gordonville, Pa. 17529. Lane. Co. Backhoe attachment for JD 350, windows, Jamesway or similar 6-lite; front steel tractor wheels, approx. 12* wiode, 34* high. Lane. Co. 717-445-5969. AKC female large breed dog shepherd. Doberman, Rottweiler, etc. Prefer young adult must be rea sonable. Will have good home 410-758-4821. Looking for Hoosier cabinet, willing to refinish. Lane. Co. 717-786-3748. Used building material, Vi ' plywood, 2xB's, 16' to 20’ roof trusses, Leb. Co. Leave message on answering machine 717-273-7705. i Expatfi Om-Stop ismpM* Him »t; STAR SILOS Myerat6wn, PA 17067 717-866-8708 65 ft auger stationary for com silage and hayfaga, would consider belt con veyor also scales for 135 Geht grinder mixer. Cumb. Co. 717-776-4261. 530 parts rear wheel parts for John Deere a 3 pt hitch. Dauphin Co. 717-944-6155. Horse drawn John Deere 999 com planter in good cond. John David Martin, RD 32. Box 271, Milton. Pa. 17847 Montour Co. Pair of smooth mouth mules, no bad habits. Fran. Co. 717-328-5866. 16* alum, elevator with belt conveyor rather than chain. Cumb. Co. 717-423-6208. Case 530 580 backhoe loader Construction King preferred, others consid ered must be in good cond. Lab. Co. 717-865-7447. 400 amp service panel, 400 amp double throw braksr switch. Wire carriers tor 6 half gal. grass bottles. Bucks Co. 215-249-3365. Quick-change tool holder, face plate, 4 jaw chuck with 1 Vi x 8 thread & steady rest to fit 10’ Logan metal lathe. 717-755-4797. Depression glass, Hall chi na, Imperial chandewick, mint cond. only. York Co. Leave message 717-266-2405. Old toys before 1960 press steel Buddy L Smith-Miller Tonka other tin toys, cast iron Hubley plastic model kits promotional cars. Lane. Co. 717-367-5874. rtogeof AMat, Power Tfcpe , FMdroom more out ir Tape! lanwamy* Fasten 'nnveyors lo Unloaders Forage Carts Iruin Mixers tries Indicators GNEOT SURGE SERVICE Washington, PA 15301 412-222-0444 Hay wanted, delivered Call •any mom. or late evening. Dauphin Co. 717-469-7650. 200 lb. or larger air cooled ice machine with storage bin. 717-768-8775. Lionel and flyer trains and plastic buildings, will buy all you have. 717-292-1317. Write Crone 3580 Davlds burg Rd., Dover, Pa. 17315. JD 40 or 420 crawler w/ angle blade. Adams Co. 717-677-7288. Complete gear box assembly for JD #4O man ure spreader. Berta Co. 610-562-5229. Hydraulic dump station, any oond. Berks Co. 610-589-4153. Cadeco all star baseball spinner game. Any year. Berks Co. 610-856-7392. Tire chains tor Ford 4500 backhoe, 16.9x28, be in good cond. Dauphin Co. 717-545-8760. Someone to prepara and paint truck trailers, 500 trailers to be done. North east Md. 410-287-5277. Cupola from old bam, Sus sex Co. 210-226-1872 please call evenings will pickup. Motor for diesel Dl9 Allis Chalmers. Northumberland Co. 717-425-3870. 3 HP motor with magnetic starter for Powermatic #66 table saw, single or three phase, 145 TC frame. Frank. Co. 717-349-7447, 717-349-2931. Farmers in the Know, Know Jamesway*... * v I I 9 M Mill Silo Du loafer For unmstchsd performance, ff mW f distribution choices, and ring ! drive convenience * ife EcsssnM WDtUMts*[jß^^^^^^^C!!!\i It's stronger, has more capacity, and it engineered to last longer ~ The Silo Unloader Experts ■ MgJlm* UIUMm Unloading CommlM lyetem If you've had It with your bottom unloader, then Big Jim B.U.CS is for you. Get big volume unloading, reliability, lower maintenance costs, greater silo capacity, and excellent quality tuylage PRINGLES FEED STORE. INC. Greenville, PA 16125 412-588-7980 ROVENDALE AO 8c BARN EQUIPMENT Walaontown, PA 17777 717-898-9864 OR 717-742-4226 HOOVER EQUIPMENT Tyrone, PA 16686 814-684-1777 International #56 corn planter for parts, Farmall Cub for parts, equipment for cub. Bradford Co. 717-888-5701. 1968-.1972 Nova with or without motor and trans. Good bodys, only cash paid. Call Don 301-831-1245. Roof rack for VW bus also other old VW parts toys and literature. Kent Co. 410-928-3699. English walnut lumber, four board feet to restore old clock, Dale Barshinger, 365 Locust Point Rd., York, Pa. 17402. 717-266-5728. Free rabbits for pets, call 717-786-4088 Lane. Co. Snow blower to (it JD Mod el 49-300 lawn tractor. Ed 201-875-8439 Sussex or Al 610-588-1744 Bangor must be good cond. Franklin Co. used power feeder any cond. Jacob Mast, 21345 Back Rd., Doytesburg, Pa. 17219. Pert, tubes (metal) for JD horse drawn com planter model 999. Col. Co. 717-784-2740 7-9 p.m. 2 btm. plow tractor, 3 pt. hitch. PTO, hyds. North'd. Co. 717-758-3024. Model C 428 2 pt. hitch offset disk harrow. Centre Co. Ask for Amy. 814-466-6267. Used Rissler portable TMR mixer. Lane. Co. 717-656-2431. Sawmill, woodmizer or Kasco. 717-362-4462 or 717-362-4119. Your Jamesway® Dealer is a silo nloader expert He carries a complete ' lamesway unloaders and has the oed training and parts to keep working for years to come He's leedroom and feeding equipment who knows your silo unloaders important part of your system There are more Jamesway unloaders working on North American dairy farms than any other brand So if you're looking to replace your old unloader, check with an expert— your Jamesway Dealer One of these srs for Details... MARYLAND GLAD HILL TRACTOR MART Fradorlck, MD 21701 801-668-6060 MDRVAMILK PRODUCERS ASSOC. Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-6882 GEORGE COLEMAN Elmer, NJ 08318 609-358-8828 VALLEY IMPLEMENT SALES Harrisonburg, VA 22801 703-434-9961 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9,1994-E7 White Hons hyd. 2 way plow. Lane. Co. Christ S. King, 91 Center Sq. Rd., Leola, Pa. 17540. Want to Rent land, cabin, house, for sustainanoe liv ing, will repair, also will work on farm w-house. Franklin Co. 717-765-8696. Donkey or small mule, for companion, must be gentle & in good health, will pro vide excel, home. Leb. Co. 717-865-7150. 3 or 5 HP single phase motor for 66 powermatic tablesaw for sale or trade 3 HP 3 phase for above saw. Lane. Co. 717-354-2732. New Holland PTO baler, good working cond. #6B. Reasonable. Northampton Co. 610-837-1086. Wanted to trade BN for 600 or 800 series Ford in good cond. Call after 6 p.m. Lane. Co. 717-529-6425. International 350 or 450 gas utility tractor with pow er steering 12 volt battery, good working cond. 908-782-3989. $BO,OOO to refinance my home and 17 acres valued at $llO,OOO. Pay 9% sec ured with first trust. Scott 703-669-6073. Wanted Someone to give me a price to tear off collap se small roof farm. Call after 4 p.m. 717-566-3546. Cultivator for AC *G”. Cumb. Co. 717-776-5972. Hood for Ford NAA tractor, also wide front end for 4010. evenings after 7 p.m Blair Co. 814-695-2985. Com shelter PTO driven 3 pt. hitch. Cambria Co. 814-535-1559. 4' ventilation fan w/or with out motor must be in work ing cond., no bent up blades. Union Co. 717-524-4340. Goodyear traction torque 14.9x24 new tire, 24" 780 Case backhoe bucket in good shape, high capacity. Cedi Co 410-398-8535. Large press plate for 2 gal. Free windows, screens. Enterprise sausage stutter- storms, 5- 28x15, 3- will buy or trade for small 28Vix24, 7- 28V4x19 one. Franklin Cp. Mont. Co. 215-822-7124. 717-264-5137, Quiet family bam, large box 3 btm. JDl4* pull type plow stalls, room for 1-2 horses, hyd. w/steel plow shares, individual care, daily turn Middlesex Co. N.J. out, trails $250/mo. Ches -908-297-1673 after 4 p.m. ter Co. 610-469-9734. All-Plant LIQUID PLANT FOOD 9-18-9 PLUS OTHERS! • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric acid. Made in USA. • Non-corrosive. Won’t settle. • Top quality. Excellent service. • Newest equipment. • Financially sound... and growing! Big Omani Ripirts MoreDistrMirs! □ I sell to farmers. How do I become your distributor? □ I’m a farmer. What’s the price? Where do I get it? 1 CALL or SEND FOR FACTS: I Phone: 814-364 1349 \ ALL-PLANT LIQUID PLANT FOOD JNC. \ 821 State Rd. 511 N., RFD 3, | Ashland, Ohio 44805 11-2x28 tires, state price & cond. prefer a set RRI Box 336-A, Belleville, Pa. 17004. 24“ or 26’ hammermill good shape, send size & price. Gapview 5254 Denlinger Rd., Gap, Pa. 17527. Lane. Co. Nl cutditioner wanted side slinger spreader. Snyder Co. 717-374-8750. MF or Badger 205 manure spreader in good cond. Dau. Co. 717-362-8411 & leave message. Wide front for MH 44 buy or trade for narrow front. Mont. Co. N.J. 609-758-8726. Rims for Super C Farmall 36x10 good shape, also alum. 14-16' stock trailer. 717-465-3428. MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE Free alfalfa herbicide Vel par mfg. by DuPont 12 gal. Cecil Co. Phil Johnson. 410-398-4313 or 398-3451. 27 used roof trusses 30 ft. span to be offered for sale at Kutztown Produce Auc tion on April 12. Berks Co. 610-944-8077. Morgan stud service $250 LFG paint bay/tobiano stud $250 LCFG 10 yr. appaloo sa brood mare for sale $650. Hunt. Co. 814-448-2821. Rent bam space/pasture for horse(s), Rt. lOPlowvil le (near Reading/ Morgantown). Adjacent Horseshoe Trail. 717-757-2580 or 215-856-7744, AKC Rottweiler stud ser vice, show stock blood lines. Daniel S. Lapp, 473 Centerville Rd„ Gordonvil le, Pa. 17529. For Rent 10 acres pasture water and shade, Stras burg Rd., between Parkes burg and Gap. For Sale Holland transplanter. $175. Chester Co. 610-593-5371.