Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 09, 1994, Image 159
1 - Imperial 16 Ton Feed Bin 1 • 3200 Gallon Harvesters IMAk Spreader 1 - Patz 98C Silo Unloader 1 - Rate Standard Drive Unit w/2HP Motor 1 - Patz 8810 Center Drive Silo Unloader . „ . nm nfn r , n ,_,„ r 1 - Houle 32' Lagoon Pump (Demo Unit) 1 - 25 KW Onan pto Generator 1 - Houle 20” Maxi Pump 1 -15 KW Onan pto Generator 1 - Fidelity SO KW pto Generator ▲ WITHER IMPLEMENT SERVICE IflGdEB pan 1896 BEDFORD ROAD • SHIPPENSBURO, PA 17257 PHONE: (717) 532-6139 OR (800) 377-3011 Put a Front-Mount MiOcreek Aerator on Your Commercial Mower. Get more production and profitability from your |ohn Deere, Ford, Kubota or Excel Hustler up-front mowers by attaching a front mount Millcreek core plug aerator. Millcreek aerators have individually-mounted spoon wheels so you c< turf. And our si With so man; 3-point hitch am Millcreek aerator one for yourself, pricing too. Cal today for your free information. ■ Fits Ford, Johi Deers. Kubol Excel Huitler ■ 42*, 63', 84' ■ 3-pdnt hitch tow-behlnd modeli ■ Economy Modeti Abo ■ Individual ipoon wheeb ■ Safety cage Included UILLCRKIf 1800 879-6507 2612 Stumptown Rd. Bird-in-Hand, PA 17S0S Dealer inqumes invited WM ' TIRES TO wmwmmmssi" 5 YEAR AXLE. HUB AND UNDER CARRIAGE WARRANTY UlUiLfc Exterior flnlah: apoxy primer and • Unique ahapa of tank offering urethane palm. Availabla with Inalda apoxy coaling including a 10 yaar warranty agalnat mat out. Slia at Tank: 2350 • 2700 - 3150 - 3600 - 4250 • 4600 and 5350 US gallona, Wa alao'manufacture truck mount modala • Available in 6 versions for Inground or above ground tanks as well as lagoon storage areas. • Excels as a stationary P.T.O. driven pump to agitate and transfer manure with straw and hay • Agitation-up to 18,000 G.P.M. with moveable propeller. VVELCOME SNOOK’S RD 3, Box M Mltfllnburg, PA 17844 WITH FLOTATION MODEL SHOWN: 4800 US GALLONS WITH 28LX26 FLOTATION TIRES J^T y»- greater realatanca to alraaa related traolora. • Low profile tank lor maximum vlalblllty and atabillty. • “V" ahapa bottom lor more complete clean out. • Pump bearing houalng aaaembly built with tapered roller baaringa in oil bath protected by 3 graaaabla aaala. LIQUID MANURE PUMPS Your Complete Liquid Manure Equipment Dealer For 21 Years! SPREADER TANKS . 1500-5000 Gal. • Naavy Duly Undarcarrlaga w/5 Year Warranty . 10 Yaar Tank Warranty Available With Rear Slinger Or Front Mount Pump (UQJJg) VACUUM TANK • 1500 to 5000 Gal. • 10 Ytar Tank Warranty • 4 Shank Raar Injactor 32* trail pump FOR DEEP LAGOON • Contrail hydraulically operand from molar Mat • Horizontal nozzle operating radlua: 330* • Vertical nozzle tree; 60* ■ Horizontal pump allowing to pump more zluny EQUIPMENT SSSSL This 3 point hWch Slurry Mlxor*s lorps 22*' propoNor products s limp undsrcurront thoft movos thprfrfti (lostinp chunks of crust* woods* boddbip ond drlod monuro Into tho propskor thst chop*. mho* and M*nd* your monuro Into an ovan KquM Slurry. Priced at $2,495 SLURRY BUGGY EQUIPMENT 327 Stackstown Rd. Marietta 17547 717/426-4919 • Commercial Duly Shut-Off And Vac Pump • 28 Ply Flotation Tiraa Faatsat agitation by tha nozzls located over tha heavily aattled manure. Conatanl homogenization of bottom aadlmenta by tha propeller dlapladng up to IMOO G.P.M. • Hydraulic hinged trailer frame mounted on flotation Urn • Possibility to maintain propeller et oruet level »Filling pip* with standard tripod or with front tractor mounted stand for fast*r set up. «Recommended HP: 70 to 120 HP on 540 R.P M ISO H.P. minimum on 1000 R P.M 717-966-2736 Ask For Ernest or Dean Laneaatar Firming, Saturday! ffIsSSS" 'wm BKIMTR JHMCWOJEA Nothing like it on earth!* NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Kubou 82150 HSD KuboU MBSBO DT, Hyd. Shuttle, 80 HP Kuboia M 7580 DT, Hyd. Shuttle w/Loader Kubou BI7SO DT. 20 HP NEW HESSTON EQUIPMENT 540 Round Baler, 900 Lba. 4750 Mid Size Big Square Baler 4570 Baler w/Htrower USED EQUIPMENT Dion Forage Wagon, 3 Beater, Roof 20* Turner Rear Mount Boom Mower Heiiton 4600 Inline Baler wTTh rower (2) KM '321 Vicon Diac Mower/Conditioners ID 260 8* 3 Pt Diic Mower Ford 6610 Tractor NI 621 Blower Haben S’ Sickle Bar, New Demo MMU 1941 Heiston 4800 Big Square Baler 489 NH Haybine, Good Condition Donahue Windrower Trailer Hestton PTIO Windrower 3 Pt. 12* Weeder 3 Pu 214 Plow Buih Hog 2615, 15 Ft, 1000 RPM Wing Mower LAWN & GARDEN Kubou B6IOOE, 48" Deck, 15 HP Graiahopper 612, 44” ID 212 w/Snow Blade ID 175 Hydro w/Catcher Steiner 220 60” Mower w/Catcher Grasshopper 718, 52” Grasshopper 721 D, Dsl., 61” Cub Cadet 1860 Hydro w/Catcher STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, PA 215-593-2407 W*MfARM EQUIPMENT WANTED John Deere 4400 combine need of repairs, preferable engine repair. (814)674-8119. Narrow row snapper head for 1890 or 1895 NH, sp. harvester. 814-942-0288. NH #254 Tedder/Rake (413)562-1266. PTO shields for: Farmall 350, Case 800, Oliver 550, Int. 1066 (dual PTO). (412)258-3557. i WANTED; Farmall A to op erate Woods belly mower, with or w/o mower; or en gine from Farmall A. 717/795-9946 after 6pm. WANTED: Ford 7600 trac tor, must be in good condi tion. 814/796-4542. WANTED: IH 1000 loader for Farmall Cub. 516-333-9021 ask for Bob JR. USED ford & KUBOTA TRACTORS Call 717-949-2000 Daytime II 9, 1994-D47 WANTED; Int. Utility Gas 350 or 450 tractor, fast hitch, power steering, good working condition. 908/782-2429. WANTED; Porsche one cy linder (Junior) tractor. Re stored through Stuck. 304/725-8444. WANTED TO BUY: Saw mill, Woodmizer or Kasoo. 71 7/362-4462, 717/362-4119. WANTED: Tree shear for Case 450 loader and log ging forks w/top damp for Case 450. 215-935-6733 After 6PM. WANTED- Tractor/loader, w/2/3 yd. bucket, 4WD, 3pt, PTO, 40-50 HP. Prefer Kubota, JD. Will consider Gehl skidloader. 908-446-7888 After 9PM WANTED: Used set of 24.5-32 Firestone all trac tion, field and road, 10 ply tires. 717-265-6784.