New Wilmington Livestock Auction New Wilmington, Pa. Monday, April 4,1994 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 186.. PDA ..Compared with hit Mondiy’i cowi neady to 1.00 higher. STEERS; couple Choice 1185 A 1295 Ibi. 67.75-68.00, one 1560 Ibe. 65.50, one Select 66.25, one Standaid 62.00. HOLSTEINS: one Choice 1405 Ibi. 67.00. one Select 62.00. HEIFERS: couple Choice 1095 A 1175 Ibi. 68.00. COWS; few Breaking Utility and Commercial 45.00- Cutter and Bon. Utility 42.50- couple to 47.75, Conner and Low Cutler 40.00-43.25. Shells down to 34.00. BULLS; couple Yield Grade No. 2 1345 & 1420 Ibi. 52.75 A 55.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Steen: few Medium Frame No. 1 785/990 Ibi. 63.00-67.00. 475/475 Iba. 78.00- Large Frame No. 2 335/730 Ibe. 59.00-70.00, one 76.00; Heifen: few Large Frame No. 1 680/920 lbs. 56.50- Medium Frame No. 1 385/750 Iba. 60.00-70.00; Bulls few Medium Frame No. 1 445/900 Ibi. 62.00- ooo|de Large Frame No. 2 545/555 Ibe. 63.00. CALVES 170..VBALBRS: few Choice 165/185 lb*. 115.00-118.00, Sundvd «nd Good 70/90 Dm. 43.00-55.00, Utility 45/75 lb., 20.00-30.00. FARM CALVES; No. 1 Holitein bull. 110/125 Ib«. 85/110 Um. 135.00-142.00, No. 2 80/115 Ibi. 80.00-130.00; few No. 1 Holitein heif- •wm f rf&r '' W/ < % A Full In If you could look inside a micro capsule of Partner® herbicide, you’d see something remarkable. A full season’s worth of grass control plus the added tonus of superior crop safety. ICHItIiASiSUSOtHOHG GRASS j CONTROUNCORNAKDKANS. j Because of its unique encapsulated for ilia, Partner “meters out" grass control pighout the growing season. The kind iffective preemergent control en 90/135 Iba. 205.00-23000, few 85 Iba. 185.00, few No. 2 75/85 Iba. 100.00- 165.00. Few Beef crosa built and heifen 85/110 On. 95.00-165.00. HOGS 27S...Barrowa and gilts .25 to .75 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 230/260 Iba. 41.85-43.00, US 1-3 22Q/260 lbs. 40.75- 41.75, US 2-3 240/270 Ibe. 40.25-41.00, few US 1-3 190/210 lbs. 35.00- SOWS: US 1-3 475/610 Iba. 37.00- couple 44.00, few 300/475 lbs. 33.00- 36.5 a BOARS: few 295/625 lbs. 30.00-32.50, few 235/275 lbs. 35.00- FEEDER PIGS 28... US 1-3 60/70 lbs. 31.00-36.00,75/85 lbs. 32.50-40.00.- per head. SHEEP 62.. Spring si lambs: Choice 90/100 lbs. 75.00-80.00,35/55 lbs. 97.00- 100.00, Good and Choice 35/45 lbs. 90.00- Slaughter sheep: 15.00- one 29.00. GOATS 20... Few Large 40.00-42.00, few Small 18.00-27.50, few Large Kids 20.00-27.50, few Small Kids 7.50-10.00. - per head. Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. Tuesday, April 5,1994 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 315.. PDA ..iL iteen uneven .50 higher to 1.00 higher, cows needy to 2.50 higher. STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 1135/1340 Ibi. 71.00-74.25, Choice 1000/1455 lb.. 70.00-75.60, few 1500/1560 lb(. 68.00-69.85, Select ‘l*l i A'- Season Of Grass Control Every Mkro'Capsulo. you need to stop yield-robbing grasses like foxtails, fall panicum and bamyardgrass. Plus, the timed-release action of Partner provides maximum crop safety. Especially when young plants are most susceptible to herbicide stress. CONVENIENT DRY FORMULATION MIXES QUICKLY AND EASILY. Unlike other grass herbicides, Partner comes in an easy-to-handle dry for mulation. And while it mixes quickly and 'f ' - ' : A , T /" \ \* / W "X' \r 62.00- HOLS THINS: Choice 1180/IS6S lb*. 63.50-67.25. Select 56.00- few Standard 52.00-SS.6O. HEIFERS: few Choice 1180/1390 lb*. 69.00- Select 51.004i5.25. Sundard S2.SO-60.50. COWS: few Breaking Utility end Commercial 45.00-50.25, Cutter and Bon. Utility 43.10-49.50, Canner and Low Outer 40.00-44.25. Sheila down to 34.00. BULLOCKS: one Choice 128 S Iba. 68.35, few Select 9SC/117S Iba. 62.00-64.00. BULLS; Yield Grade No. 11310/200S Iba. 58.00- No. 2 1105/2145 Iba. 54.00- FEEDER CATTLE; Steen: few Laife Frame No. 1 440/625 Iba. 84.00- Medium Frame No. 1 400/730 Iba. 72.00-83.00, Large Frame No. 2 310/965 Iba. 54.00- 61.00; Heifera: Medium Frame No. 1 330/620 Iba. 60.00- few 200/260 Iba. 89.00- few Large Frame No. 1 485/790 Iba. 66.50-76.00; Built: few Large Frame No. 1 290/565 Iba. 73.00-78.00, couple 103.00, Medium Frame No. 1 350/550 Iba. 65.00-53.00, few 240/3IS Iba. 75.00- CALVES 127..VBALERS: few Stan dard and Good 80/110 Iba. 40.00-SB.OO, few Utility 60/80 Iba. 30.00-38.00. RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Hdatein bulla 90/1 IS Iba. 130.00-ISO.OO, 80/120 Iba. 70.00-126.00; few No. 1 Hdatein heif en 100/105 Iba. 195.00-225.00, few No. 2 75/125 Iba. 145.00-160.00. Beef croaa bdla and heifera 65/105 Iba. 70.00-107.00. HOGS 144..Bun>wi and gilts steady to .50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 230/260 lbs, 41.00-42.60, US 1-3 completely in your tank, there are no meters to mess with, no pumps to replace and no containers to rinse. This year, ask your dealer for timed release Partner herbicide from Monsanto. WfV ’■-H - SUMMONS (MTSOI TUTS EASY TO HUM. CimmrnmCnmMtjui 230/260 Iba. 39.00- 41.10, few US 2-3 220/270 Iba. 38.10-39.00. SOWS: US 1-3 360/480 Iba. 34.00-40.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 15.. Jew Choice 55/125 Iba. Wooled rl. lamba SS.OO-65.00. Slaughter aheep: few 14.00-45.00. GOATS 1...0ne Large 47.00.- per head. Westminster Livestock Hageratown, Md. April 5, 1994 Report (applied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: 94 HEAD, 1.00- HIGHER. UTILITY 45.00- HIGH DRESSING TO 51.00; CANNERS 41.00-45.00; SHELLY 41.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG«I 1500-1700 LBS. 61.00- YG#2 1200-2000 LBS. 55.00- FED STEERS: GOOD SELECTION. HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1100-1300 LBS. 72.00-74.25; SELECT TO LOW CHOICE 62.00-70.00; STANDARD HOL 55.00-59.00. FED HEIFERS: HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1050-1300 LBS. 72.00-74.75; 900-1050 LBS. 68.00-72.00. VEAL CALVES: CHOICE 200-300 LBS. 87.00-99.00; CULLS 85-100 LBS. 48.00-52.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS xs M WE PAY CASH Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9,1994-Al5 «1 95-120 LBS. 120.00139.00: 1540 LBS. 85.00-110.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS FEW 90 LBS. TO 165.00; BEEFX BULLS TO 230.00, MAINLY 110.00-160.00; HEIFERS 1 AT 205.00. BUTCHER HOGS: US#l*3 215-260 LBS. 40.50-41.23; 270L85. T 038.25; 300 LBS. TO 35.00. SOWS: 300-450 LBS. 31.00-35.00; 450-700 LBS. 38.00-41.75. BOARS: 400-800 LBS. 29.00-3150. STOCK CATTLE: 409 HEAD. STEERS 300-400 LBS. 85.00-102.00; 400600 LBS. 80.0094.00; 600700 LBS. 75.0084.00; 700800 LBS. 68.0081.00. HEIFERS: 300500 LBS. 73.0086.00; 500700 LBS. 67.0078.00; 700800 LBS. 55.0065.00. BULLS: 300500 LBS. 75.0090.00; 500700 LBS. 70,0079.00; 700900 LBS. 60.0066.00. LAMBS: 60 HEAD. NEW CROP 3565 LBS. 82.0090.00; FEW 7090 LBS. 68.0080.00; WOOLED 90110 LBS. 51.0056.00. SHEEP: 10.0020.00; FEW 25.0033.00. GOATS: LARGE 60.00-65.00; MEDIUM 35.00-55.00; SMALL 10.0025.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 25 HEAD. BY THE HEAD FROM TESTED HERDS. 20-35 LBS. 18.00-26.00; 1 LOT 65 LBS. AT 39.00. for Seller Financed Mortgages/Trust Deeds/ Business Notes. Are you collecting monthly payments on any of the above? Why wait. You can receive a lump sum now Instead of waiting years Into the future. “Cash Today is worth more than cash tomorrow” For A Free Quote Please Call: Groff Funding 717-664-5241