D26-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 9, 1994 Call your nearest dealer today. N.J., DEL, MD EASTERN SHORE MARTINSBURG, PA JONES DAIRY SERVICE WEVELAND EQUIPMENT. INC. (609) 267-0198 (814) 793-2109 DEALER INQUIRIES CALL: U.S. SALES REP. SCOTT DOUGLAS (518) 529-7326 APRIL SPECIALS ' WISCONSIN ENGINES & SHORT BLOCKS V465D, 65.9 HP. Elec. Start, Low Hrs As Low A 551750.00 W 41770, 35 HP. Elec. Start As Low As $1995.00 VH4D 30 HP. Elect. Start As Low As $1850.00 VH4D, 30 HP (Low Hours) Repl. Engine As Low As $595.00 TJD 18.2 HP, Elec. Start As Low As $1700.00 Rockford & Twin Disc Clutch Parts Honda SPECIAL 2.2 HP to 20 HP Engines Check Our Prices & save Up To 40% Off We Also Sell & Service The Following: Tecumseh • Briggs & Stratton • Kawasaki - Wisconsin Robin - Onan • Industrial: Ford & Continental Engines, Honda, Lincoln, Hobart, Miller Welders • Parts & Service FOR ALL YOUR El NEEDS CALL: 717*788*7669 3*ll E N*W|tort Rd. £ordon«llK, M 1752* ■ U.P.S. Dally ■ Pick-up & Del Available LEOLA, PA M.M. WEAVER ft SON (717) 656-2321 n WISCONSIN HEAVY / DUTY ENGINES REPLACEMENT ENGINES REPLACEMENT SHORT BLOCKS Trade-In Available - Large Parts Inventory Complete Rebuilding 8-25 HP Engines & Short Blocks, 25 HP Aa Low Aa $1128.00 IFOWDM M2IW W/550HM. mur would rou mm Good JD 4020 diesel syncro range, dual hyd. AC 8550 JDSO JD 520, PS, factory 3 pt JD 530, PS, factory 3 pt IB 1566 w/cab, air, duals JD 4020, gas syncro range 10' Hutch Master Plowing disc, like new White 2-150, cab, air. duals Heavy Miller off-set disc, 26" blades, 16' W, can reduce to 14' or 12' if necessary Good set of 20.8 duals w/10 bolt hubs for most latelH R.B. LEAMAN 717-399-4037 Kohler SPECIAL «l«r- . e >uru i E'S ENGINE I SERVICE | Loc. Along R». 772 (717) 428-1517 ar 7177741 Fax No: (717) 428-2990 RR 2 Bn 314 A, Kreldler. York, PA 17403 (Brit 8 Off Interrtate 88) (2) s*o SE Cab Extandahoaa (1) 1985 (1) 1984 Breoma In Stock ssi OLIVER TRACTOR PARTS \lBai/ NEW or USED We Are Your Better Source For Oliver Tractor Parts NOW IN STOCK 125 OLIVER TRACTORS DISMANTLED with The Parts, Cleaned, Inspected, And Ready To Ship The Same Day You Order Try Us - We Can Get You Going NOW IN STOCK 10 - Completely Rebuilt OVER/UNDER Transmissions for 1650, 1655, 1750, 1755, 1850, 1855, 1950 T, 1955, 2255 8 - Completely Rebuilt HYDRA/POWER Transmissions for 1550, 1555, 1600, 1650, 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950 FARMERSWUE EQUIPMENT r ~ VU , ) I J SNOW PLOW TRACTORS IH 2400 A, Gm, Powar Anglo Plow, Cob, Hoator $3,550 1989 Kubota L2SSO, 938 Hrt., 010001, Cab, Hoator, $4,250 Snow Lino V 4 Wiaconain Cab 11,950 US , J SWM* ' 1 111 * * > *•<<*•( *J. ,'j» •* fs - '* V* A—tin Wutm. r.r.r VM QU HD ,B A 1, ,» ChtlBWM 10’ « H«t.r A'* l * Do Mr, Good UC, 10wn- Powt? a“ql. P*iw: ,r From "**• N 'f ■ . .jj j| y r (1) M 52 ■ Front' ll C.nt.r WC AIM* Chaim.™ With Flail IMO> 6,000 Lb " Biada $3,780 Mowtr "OMHa But Qoodl* HMen ____ STORE HOURS Mon. Thru Fri. 8 AM - 5 PM; Sat. 8 AM -12 NOON * 717-354-2150 * 142 East Farmarsvllle Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 fIRRTI Located In Village of Farmersvllle UhU eugfioA* NT (s| SUPPLY co. Authorized Dealer For York Rakes & Power Brooms Custom Trailers 3-20 Tons In Stock IM4 • DOW 3 axis, Tag-A- Long Trailer, Good Cond. **p' „ Many Places Not Uttodl If You Dorit Sat It - Qlvs Us A Call! /' .** h i 3. CiM 3M Itaotor, 3 Pt., PTO, tl D»v«yJso CFM ComprMior, WhMl, Starting At *lBOO Jut Arrtvd
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