IH Super C, new robbor $1,900 IB 460 malty w/lo*d*r $4,000 IB 606. $O,BOO Bull Hof 9400 loader for IH tractor* $9,780 (2)1R06e $ll,OOO (2) year round cab* $lOOO 9 $l,BOO (tradinf you fender*) IB 780 w/roD bar, new TA 9 dutch, excellent condition $11,900 IH 1886 cab 9 air, new robber, new paint $19,800 IB 966 black atrlpe, new robber, TA, clutch 9 paint $ll,BOO Financing Available 717-776-5291 JEFF SHOWAKBR Clean off-the-farm, field test tractors Most Reconditioned And Sold With Warranty Positively no out-of-siate Persona] checks *V * SUPER TARP SLEEVE STYLE TIE DOWN METHOD A QUALITY PRODUCT AT A REASONABLE PRICE 5 to 7 years of service (when secured property] Triple sewn seams Silver on outside to reflect sunlight Long life UV fabric One of the heaviest materials on the market SLEEVE GOES FULL WIDTH OF THE SUPER TARP™ SO PIPE CAN BE USED TO TIE DOWN TARP 1 ADVANCED SCIENTIFICS, INC. RD 2, Box 52, Mllloraburg, PA 17051 1-800-724-4158 Dealers Wanted In Many Areas New JD 7600 Tractor, 110 HP List $62,521.00 Cash $49,999.00 Model F 81540 Blower $3,200 Model 1267 12 Ton Wagon w/Tires $ 1,875 8U970 16’ Forage Box w/Roof $5,995 M 5322 Spreader $11,900 DC2360 MoCo $12,500 BRS 6302 6R Cultivator. SSLP Grass Seeder USED TRACTORS JD -ikWWBI $ 18,900 IH 3088 w/cab $18,900 JD 2440 w/145 loader. Coming In White 2-85 w/Cab $11,500 JD 3020 Weights & Roll Guard, Side Console. Nl 214 spreader $895 NH 55 hay rake $695 ID 4400 Combine w/13’ Head $8,900 JD 670 Hay Rake $1,850 Kasten 250 Spreader $895 JD 8350 Drill $3,995 JD 244 Comhead $895 JD 3R Head ~...$2,975 Gehl 1200 Harvester, 2 Heads $3,595 OGUTSHALLS, INC. Carlisle Loysvllls (717)249-2313 (717)789-4343 SPRING SPECIALS Tractor* •• White 9-70 w/loader, low hr* $9,980 * Hnatang 449 Onlleadet, Kubota diesel $7,800 riarveotlnp Equlpmant * HF hay head, Fits 200 harvester $4BO * Fox 3WI head, belted $BBO Plinting & Tlllaao * HF 87 3-16* rollover plow. $2,480 * Oliver 4-16’reset plow $1,628 * IB 3 btm. semi mount regular trip plow $BBO * Ollvsr 4 btm. semi mounted plow, regular trip ..... $976 * BriUlon Packers 1r & 12' $978 * IB 12' VDwa Shanh w/leveler, 3pt $l,lBO MlfcoHintw * JD 660 rake w/dolly wheel $l,BBO * Ford 3 pt. post hoi* digger $B7B J9L Feeders, Hay Savers $728 * Double 8 Hay Feeders FOB-PA $B9B * Bale-Bse Grabbers w/cyllnder, for plastic wrap bales $998 D. J. IMPLEMENTS OF PA A VIRGINIA AWlflag* of Helstvill* •• VA Sale* Lot Cali Dan Rhodes 8 a.m. to B p.m. 703-879-9926 SMALL ENGINES PANTS • ACCESSORIES ,$2,525 $1,775 $6,500 FARM • CONSTRUCTION SITE • NURSERY • QUARRY • GOLF COURSES • ATHLETIC FIELD Preventive flood control, water dvmge control. PriudUtJt LAMB INVENTORY j maos. 4021 Hwtmtxtfcttiwt H«rMwi,N 17110-IMO n. 7i7-nol«4 • aao-7M4m nwnwo{Hiflu lliimKl Nn4Mw.-M.llil [EEgSJiNg Yanmar Tractor, 4WD . 15hp, diaaal, 440 hr, gar- 2o ° k 1500 flaNon ••mi- Wood to build wooden •0« kept, loader, «o'W imanure spreader hone trees, cut 2 sizes. $7BOO. vsry ?ood oondi- 717-786-7363 leave mes -304/788-5634. tfon. (717)687-8006. cage 7:3OAM-BAM 20,000 Gal. Steel, Excellent w/Saddles $3,000 1500 Gal. Steel (Pressure) $l,OOO 1000 Gal. Steel & Fiberglass (New) Double Wall $1,200 2000 Gal. Steel w/Dyke $l,OOO 300 & 550 Gal. Steel (New) $4OO/ea. 500 Gal. Steel (Pressure) $5OO Cal! Alan Antyime 410-337-3570 Ferg 35 New (0 Hours) Not Redone- Brand New!!! $24,500 IH 1568 Cab-Air Runner- With Duals $ 5,900 IH S-H Last Year Super H In Restorable Condition $ 1,700 JD 320 S 3 Pt-Clean Original- Above Average $ 6,900 JD 320 U Clean 1 Owner- Fair Repaint- Easy Restore $ 6,500 JD 330 S Runs Good- Nicely Redone- Good Tag $10,500 JD 420 Crawler Dozer Coming In JD 530 3 Ft- Power Steering- New Frt Tires- Redone $ 4,900 JD 620 S Standard- Nicely Redone- Well Above Average....s 5,900 JD 70S Standard- Diesel- Good Tin- Good Rubber $ 3,200 JD 720 Pony- WF- 3 Pt- Runs OK- Nicely Redone $ 5,100 JD 730 S Pony- Standard- Nicely Redone $ 5,900 JD 80 Off Farm Condition- Fair Tires- Good Tin $ 4,600 JD 820 Pony- PTO- Needs Restored- As Is $ 2,500 JD 820 Runs- No Pony- Poor Tires- Fair To Gd Tin $ 2,900 JD 830 Pony- Poor Tires- Good Tin- Runs $ 5,300 JD 830 De-Overhauled- 80% Tires- Good Tin- Redone $ 8,900 JD A Unstyled- Runs Good- Easy Restore- Good Tin $ 2,700 JD A Unstyled- Good Tires & Tin- Decent Paint $ 3,100 JD A Unstyled- Factory Steel- Runs Good $ 3,200 JD A Unstyled- Factory Round- Runs Good $ 3,500 JD AR Styled- Nicely Painted- New Rear Tires $ 4,900 JD AW WF- Fenders- Clean- $2OOO Engine Work Done ....$ 3,900 JD B Unstyled- New Paint- Spokes- Runs Good $ 3,200 JD B Unstyled- New Rear Tires- Decent Paint $ 3,500 JD B Unstyled- Spokes- Nicely Redone- Gd Tin $ 4,200 JD D Styled- Loose But Not Running $ 1,750 JD D Styled- Runs- As Received $ 2,500 JD D Styled- Hand Start- Good Tin- Decent $ 2,700 JD D Styled- Runs- Nicely Redone $ 3,950 JD G Try- Decent Tin- Runs Good- Needs Paint $ 2,700 JD G Runs- As Received $ 2,900 18532 22045 19577 21618 21607 JD G Good Tin- Runs Good- New Tires- Nicely Redone JD G Unstyled- Good Tires- Good Tin- Runs Good JD G Unstyled- Last Full Year Of Prod.- Nice Unit ID GW WF- As Received JD H PTO- Hyd- Starter- Running Condition JD M Good Tires- Fair Tin- Runs Good- To Restore.. JD MT Fenders- Weights- Fair Tin- To Restore- Runs JD MT Widefront- Runs- To Restore JD R Runs- Needs Restored JD R Overhauled- Good Tin- Repainted- Good Cond MF 97 4x4- Cab- Runs- Good Tires- Good Tin MF 98 GM Diesel- Runs Good- Thin Paint MF 98 OM Diesel- Runs Good- Nicely Redone OL 66 Widefront- Fenders- Nice Tin- 2 Remotes OL 880 Diesel- Standard- New Tires- Very Nice OL 990 GM Dsl- Poor Tires- Good Tin- Runs Good / Will Buy Clean Or Odd John Deere's. Buy-Sell-Trade. Lois Of Older Sales Literature, Toys And Pedal Tractors For Sale. Lots Of Owners Manuals/Parts Book Call. LLOYD WENGER 251 S. Race St., Myarstown, Pa. 17067 717-866-2130 Daya 717-866-7147 Evenings Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 9,1994*021 $ 4,650 $ 5,200 .$ 5,300 .$ 4,600 .$ 2,300 .$ 1,400 .$ 1,600 .$ 1,800 .$ 2,800 .$ 4,900 .$ 4,900 .$ 4,800 .$ 5,900 .$ 1,800 .$ 4,900 .$ 4,900
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