DWjncwter Farming, Saturday, April 9. 1994 Gehl Quality Comes From Tour Gehl Dealer, Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. Qehl has two all new disc mower con ditioners to ct your crop down to size, fast and easy. The DC2340 has 7 discs tuid a 9 foot cutting width, the DC2360 has 8 discs, and a 10Vi foot cutting yvidth. Standard hydraulic tongua Makaa > May to portion tha unit without laavktg tha tractor Mat GEHL. A sturdy eutterbar support frame extends beneath ths entire eutterbar. This design shields the eutterbar from direct Impact with rocks or other field obstructions. New Model DC2: OLI I Investing today in tfic I future of agriculture ■ r /»'WW*a*lJr*“ ,s^ Km PACK IT IN! I |i With Gehl’t Model a, i variable 1470 jTf chamber i n b * ltl * Stock! m Total Density Control (TOCI - Custom build bates Make bate* 3D* 5 wide Quick wrap option - Speeds baling preserves quality mm Constant vetocny driveline - For smooth operation m Electric dual twine wrap - With manual or auto control mm Low horsepower requirement - Needs only 40 h p. JUST ARRIV 47 hp diesel J 1 1,3501 b. SAE Z Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc. Is THE NEW 300 SERIES Your Place To Buy One Good GEHL LINE OF Spreader For A QUALITY SCAVANGER SPREADERS From Liquid To Stable Manure To Make Hauling A Pleasure HANDLES ALL KINDS OF MANURE-LIQUID, SEMI-SOLID, PEN PACKED, EVEN FROZEN The Most Popular Spreader On The Market Today! The Big Difference: A Square Auger Fewer Moving Parts, Fewer Breakdown Gehl Backhoe Attachment In Stock Plus A New Gehl 5L4625 47 HP DIESEL SKID LOADER rjmclemurst '"UK'SSSr" 1 SHH PL mos.m.-T High speed discs Each disc has two knives to slice through the toughest crops and conditions the disc gear drive operates in an oil bath for long life. Sturdy frame Cradles the eutterbar for extra protection and durability 540 or 1,000 rpm driveline with equal angle hitch for smooth power transfer. Cutting Oise PufrWWlh / Cuwsrbsr Support 160, 8 Disc Model, IOVi ’ In Stock D PRICE SAVINGS Model 1540 PTO Etononi Priced Model 15S0 1000 RPM V The Highest Blowing Capacity On The Market BOTH MODELS IN STOCKI Qthl high* M Thraa model, with a choice of 540 or 1,000 rpm capacity blowort • Twin ,p inner, rifle materialat needy 35 mph, will hnlpont your _ Twin aided fen dlec with peddle, on both aidee. llio-filfjnfl donn _ Spill Hm iheeu leilm a replaceable mnei law tn anon oraer mm Many convenience feature! NEW GEHL! 3410 23 hp diesel » 9001 b. SAE i Main Frame =T UfILMi •Wdthse EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. HOURS APRIL MAY JUNE To Better Serve You During The Busy Planting Season IJNKLEMURSXH W| '-BROS.-INC. sranTiran . 133 Rothavllla Station Rd. - Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 626*4705 1-800-1 T PAYS U BUY THE BEST... BUY A HUSKY ■ WORTHY OF ITS NAME! See Binkley 81 Hurst Bros For All Your Agricultural And Commercial Needs! BUY A HUSKY NOW!!! t JHC^^^V j ** ~&UjUIM | TUT BED TO ROLLOFF '^S3IMP 5 TH WHEEL MODELS Always Check With Binkley & Hurst Bros. Inc. For All Tour Manure Handling Equipment. Our Sales Specialist Can Help You With Future Design Plans If You Are Co; System! EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE /,. f • Electric pump for iramferring A flushing gutters rTVITn f • K3l for hog A dairy up to medium aize pita • HSOOO for dairy A poultry in large aize pita • Propeller for milling up manure • Tiger pump medium aize lagoom • Lagoon pump for laige lagoon • Spreaders vacuum, truck mount, bottom or top unload 51000 to 23000 Ulna aizea 1000 to 5000 Imp. gal aizea 1200 to 6000 U.S. gal. aizea ■ Front or rear mount toil injecton • Earn cleaner replacement chain A paita • Find* type, auper tough, hook A eye WSSf MON ★ TUBS ★ THURS ★ FRI. 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM STOP, TAIL, BACKUP CLEARANCE LIGHT PACKAGE INJECTOR UNITS HOSE HOOKS TOOLBOX FROM PICKUPS TO TERRIGATORS TAPERED SILLS HANDRAILS STEP ACROSS BACK FULL RANGE OF FENDERS & CATWALKS WED - 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAT. 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM T 1 MO L M. SPR rj' J J L - .... MANUAL HATCH OR HYDRAULIC it . >1
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