UT2860 AC 6080 19*1 | mj Model 83 HP. 3200 Ujli Hu., 4 Post ROPS, 18.4x38 Redials, 90% jjjjjjH New 10.00x16 (Front) $10,900 4 UT2848 JD 2640 70 *i‘ fIH , * HP. 1978 Model, 3300 Hrs., 18.4x30 90% JD 48 Loader, New Paint, Hi-Low Reconditioned 513,900 ■■■■l Ford 5 Bottom 16 M low (Built By White) With Spring Auto Reset Don’t Miss This Bargain Only *1,780 Used Farm Machinery Equipment (1) UM2484-1H Model 700 S Bottom Spring Auto-Reset Plow (2) UM2470 Manilas 16x7 No-TIl Pasture-Pleaser Drill With Gnus Seeder, Come In and Make A Deal! (3) UM2475 Biujitaog 14 Foot Disk Harrow $1,200 (4) UM2211 White Model 252 13 Foot Disk Harrow ...$1,050 (5) UM2460 Rhino. Model 200 Heavy Duty Double Offset Design Transport Disk Harrow 10’3” Cut With 10” Blade Spacing, Dual Transport Wheels, Blades, Very Good Condition, Rock Flex C Hangers (6) 2-> 13.5x38 3Vi Axle Duals w/15% Tread (7) UM2396 Massey Ferguson Model 43 Grain Drill 22x7 Spacing With Lift Cylinder $1,750 (8) UM24SO Dunham 10 Ft. Cultipacker With Good Rollers (9) UM24SI BrlUlon 14 Foot Packer With 18” Rolls (10) Just Traded IH Modfl 2350 Loader, Call Landis For Details (11) UM2439 New Idea 224 Web Spreader w/Hyd. Endgate, Good Cond. Approx. 300 Bu., Tandem Axle (12) UM2376 Dcgclman Model 570 H Rock Picker With 8 Foot Dump Height (13) UM2IBB Degelman MS7OS Rock Picker VA Cu. Yd. Hopper, Semi-High lift, 42” Dumping Height, Traded For Larger Unit (14) UM243S Krause Model 4200 7 Shank Coulter Chisel (15) UM24IS IH 3 Pt, 4 Row Cultivator w/Shields $1,175 (16) UM2414 Kent 21’ Folding Field Cultivator Walking Tandem w/Buster Bar (17) UM2429 24* Tri Axle Trailer w/Ramps (18) UM2437 60” Manure Fork to Fit Gehl 4500 or 4600 Skid Loader (19) UM2417 Brllllon 12 Foot Cultlpacker, Nice Condition! (20) UM2411 IH Model 1250 Grinder Mixer With Scales, Magnet (21) UM2403 Fox Forage Blower With 54” Drum $4OO (22) UM2402 Gehl Model 135 Grinder Mixer With Self Contained Hyd., No Scales (23) UM2364 M&W 500 Bu. Grain Cart (24) UM2290 John Deere Model 315 Transport IS Foot Disk Harrow $2,950 (25) UM2206 No-Till Heavy Duty Drill 18x7 With Double Hopper, Double Disk Openers, w/Hyd„ Rear Hitch, Acre Counter (26) UM2360 John Deere 6 Row x 30" 3 Pt. S Tine Row Crop Cultivator With Depth Wheels, Good Condition (27) UM2380 John Deere 8200 Grain Drill 18x7 Only $2,200 (28) UM2336 Owatonna Model 229 9* Mower Conditioner (29) UM2291 Hesston Model 1070 Mower Conditioner 7' Cut, In Good Condition $2,650 (30) UM2283 JD 7000 6 Row Planter. 30" Spacing w/Liquid Fertilizer, Reconditioned & Tested (31) UM2267 JD 7000 Planter 6x30 Liquid Planter, Reconditioned (32) UM2260 JD 210 pisk Harrow 14' (33) UM22SB Hesston 1085 Mower Conditioner 9* New Guards, Knife and Slip Clutch. Nice! $3,980 (34) UM22SO 12* Oliver Transport Field Cultviator w/27 Shovels, Fair $950 IH 1250 Grinder Mixer With Scales Deal On This Grinder Mixer! BINKLEY & HURST BROS., INC. 133 Rothsville Station Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 Located '/a Mile North of Rothsville (717) 626-4705 1-800-IT PATS U USED CASE IH 60” TURF MOWER ONLY $950.00 Model 60RS Rear Mounted Hie Model 60RS ii a 3-point hitch mounted finishing cut mower designed for Case IH tractors in the IS to 40 PTO hp range. Gehl 135 Grinder Mixer (35) UM2236 A.C. 16’ Hyd. Fold Field Cultivator, No Cylinder $2,150 (36) UM2323 Case IH 910 Loader w/84" Bucket To Fit Maxxum 5130 & 5140 Model Tractors $4,980 (37) UM2222 JD Grain Drill Model FB-B, 13x7 Single Disc w/Fertilizer & Grass Seeder $1,350 (38) UM2203 White 508 4x16 Auto Reset Plow New Moldboards (39) UM239S Ford 5 Bottom 16” Spring Auto Reset Plow With Hyd. Slide Hitch Only $1,750 (40) UM2421 Pequea Model 786 Hyd. Drive Hay Inverter (1) Case 1845 C Diesel Unlloader w/Aux. Hyd. Coming Soon! (2) Case WE Articulate Loader With Cab, Approx. 80 HP, Nice (Not in Yet) (3) UT2969 Bobcat 731 With 10:00x16.5 Tires, Lights. 60” Bucket (4) UM2437 60” Manure Fork For Gehl 4500 or 4600 Sldd Loader (5) UM2420 Backhoe Attachment Off Case Crawler Model 26C Come & Seel \6) UT2955 Case 1845 Gas With 73" Bucket 45 HP With Good 12:00x16.5 Tires (7) UT2929 Gehl 4600 40 HP Diesel With 64” Bucket Used Tractors, Backhoes ft Forklifts (1) Case IH Maxxum 5140 MFD, Cab, AC, Tractor, Like New With 18.4x38 Radial Rear Tires, Loaded!, 94 Rated HP (2) Coming Soon IH 1086 Tractor With Dual Wheels (3) UT2987 Case 2094 Cab & Air Tractor. 110 HP. Power Shift (4) Versatile Bi-Directional 265 With Loader, Coming Soon, Nice! (5) Case IH 3394 4 Wheel Drive, Low Hrs. Coming Soon! (6) Case 1494 70 HP With Cab & Air, Power Shift, Tinted Glass (7) UT2974 IH Hydro 186 Tractor With Cab (8) UT2984 Massey Ferguson 1085 Cab Tractor, Nice! (9) John Deere 4040 ROPS Tractor With Loader (10) UT2967 Allis Chalmers Dl7 Gas With Traction Booster, Come & Seel (11) UT2962 Case IH 395 Rate 35 HP, 1993 Model, Shuttle Shift, Only 155 Hours, Dual Hyd. Reasonable Price! (12) UT2949 IH 656 Utility Gas With 3 Pt. Hitch (13) UT2840 1988 JCB 4 Wheel Drive Forklift With Cab, Power Shuttle, 6000 Lb., 21 ’ Mast With Side Shifter, Excellent Condition (14) UT2BBI Case IH 1594 85 HP Diesel Tractor, Less Than 2100 Hrs n 18.4x34 Rear Tires, Rops With Roof (15) UT2860 Allis Chalmers 80 HP Diesel Model 6080 With 4 Post Rops and Roof With Like New 18.4x34 Radial Rear Tires In Good Condition (16) UT2848 John Deere 2640 Loader Tractor, Nice 70 HP Rating (17) UT2835 IH 986 4 Post Rops, 18.4x38, Dual Remotes, 540 and 1000 PTO, Rebuilt Rear (18) UT2918 IH 656 Diesel Hi-Crop Special With 3 Pt. Hitch, ROPS With Roof. 16.9x38 Rear Tires 90%. New Paint, Dual Remotes JUST ARRIVED COMPACT CASE Wll Articulated Wheel Loader. Approx. 80 HP w/Capl Nice! John Deere Diesel Loader Tractor Hi-Lo Shift. 18.4x30 Rubber. Model 2640 Tractor Used Skid Loaders Marliss 16x7 Drill With Grass Seeder * i IH Diesel 574 Rated 52 HP Come In And Make A Deal! 3 PL Hitch, 16.9x30 Rubber Good Used Heavy Duty No-Till Drill In Stock 18x7 UUiiton Model 9680 With Double Hopperi, Double Disc Openen, Rear Hitch w/Hydraulici Includedl Financing Available Price Reasonable Allis Chalmers C Availabe (Not At Our Store, Located At Nearby Farm) Tractors Is At Our Store IH 656 Diesel 1967 Model 4658 Hrs, 16.9x38 90%. New Paint, Dual Remotes, Rops w/Canopy * PLEASE TAKE NOTE * The Following Is a List Of Good Used Com & Bean Planting Equipment Which Has Been Traded To Binkley & Hurst Bros. Over The Winter. Some Units Have Already Been Received and Reconditioned But Some Are Still To Be Received. If You Have Interest In More Information On These Units Please Call The Dealership] Quality, Prices and Equipment Vary Widely, We’re Sure To Have A Planter To Meet Your Spring Planting Needs. Kind & Model 12x30” Liquid Fertilizer 6x30” Liquid Fertilizer 10’ No TUI DriU 11 Row Com & Bean 9000 11 Row 2 Row Plate 3 Point JD 7000 Case IH 800 Marliss JD 7200 Kinze/New Idea Case IH (No FertiUzer) 11 Row Com & Bean Liquid FertiUzer Kinze/New Idea 11 Row Com & Bean Liquid FertiUzer JD 7240 6x30” Dry Fertilizer 6x30” Liquid Fertilizer 6x30” Liquid Fertilizer 6x30” Liquid Fertilizer 6x30” Dry Fertilizer 6x30” Dry Fertilizer 6x30” Liquid Fertilizer 11x15” Cora & Bean JD 7000 JD 7000 JD 7240 Vac IH 800 JD 7000 JD 7200 Vac Case IH 800 New Idea/ Kinze 9000 Case IH 900 JD 7000 Liquid FertiUzer 4x30” Plate Planter 6x30 Liquid Fertilizer Reminder Please Call For Arrangements To See Any Of These Traded Used Planters! NO-TILL DRILL SPECIAL Tractor 16.9x28 - 40% Power Adjust Wheels. 540 PTO, 1 Set Hyd. Outlets, Cheap Horsepower UT2952 Case 1494 1984 Model 75 HP 1800 Hrs., Power Shift, 18.4x34 - 60%,. 540/1000 PTO Dual Remotes, Cab, Air, Heat Description
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