iNKLfHURsxw m m BKOS. INC. 1-800-IT-PAYS U Horst Running Gears Come from 1 Binkley & Hurst Bros. Inc. A Very Important Standard Feature On All Horst Wagons From 8-10-12- 13 and 14 Ton Is This Unique Roller Bearing Steering. 133 uSSm?£« Rd - BROS. INC.-7 (717) 626-4705 For Johnson Grass, Volunteer Corn Problems & Other Unwanted Weeds You Need A SUPER SPONGE From Binkley & Hurst Bros. Destroy Tall Weeds In Production Fields, Pastures & Row Crops CONTACT HERBICIDE APPLICATOR IN STOCK: * 30’ Super Sponge CYLINDRICAL SPONGE APPLICATOR t PUTS MORE HERBICIDE ON WEEDS, WITHOUT DRIPPING OR DRIFT! Vegetables. Etc. KNOCK OUT - - Johnson Grass, Thistles, Pig Weed, Crabgrass, Wild Mustard, etc. Call Binkley & Hurst Bros. Inc. Today! an* miviMiii 133 Rothsvills Station Rd. oimei BINKLEr»HrasT Uta ' pa 9H '—BROS. INC.—' (717)620-4708 BBSS!! XL Potato Harvester w/Dahlman M-Table for Clod Bftmfiyjl (215) 286-9810 On all modil wagons the steering assemblies are mounted on Taper Roller Bearings. Over 20 years field service has proven that this feature plus ball-in socket tie rod ends assures long life and no sway trailing Ag-Oiem 800 GaL Teardrop Saddle Tanka, w/Hlgh Volume Pumping $ll9B Hypro HIM Hyd. Pump, $240. (717) 837-0724 m ft*— -^ r . 12 •13 and 14 Ton Gear* Double Reach I T I Coupling Poles _ „ ft Mean* Double *o*° • Strength Fnura I doM not ZSZT S AtfdfcV Quality ft Strength you tan Japan* onl soon 73’ Track 200 W 7T Track noH •O’Track Always Call Binkley & Hurst Bros. For All Your Running Gear Needs WEED WIPER * Heavy Duty Frame (1 Yr. Warranty) * “See-Through” Tank * Even Distribution Sponges (30 Day Warranty) * Sight Glass Manifolds For Precise Flow Metering Karuse 2416 Oise, 24’ Cut. Good Blades and Field Ready $7,800 Call (410) 343-0816 ©Farm Plan 1 Wurnf/fl fi(Mm m/
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