DIO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994 aaiHßiaßi ■■■ hi TANEYTOWN FARM&HARDWARE 410-751-1500 Bush Hog® King Kutter Ingersoll Garden Tractors JD 4020 w/turbo, dual remotes, SR $6,300 OUR SPRING CONSIGNMENT SALE WILL BE AERtLSO. * CONSIGN EARLY TO GET'. YOUR ITEMS ADVERTISE!?. Farmhand grinder mixer . $1,095 Hesston 1090 haybine, excellent.. $1,995 Ford 4600 4x4 $7,900 Int 140 w/cultivalors .. . $2,495 Int 674, as is Ford 2000, power steering. Farmall B w/mower MF2Bi___ MF !B(BQSk. original MF 165 G, sq. axle New loader for JD 3020. NH 273 baler/thrower, excellent New 10’ Bush Hog® Mower . New 15’ Bush Hog® 2615.. .. laver dnvers:HDB .$1,095 HDIO.. NH 852 Baler w/auto wrap, excellent condition $5,400 MF 85, one owner Ford 900, PS NH 28jg||||Qgv/thrower, NH 352 grinder mixer New 16' 2 axle trailers.... Int. 400, PS, sharp Ford Ajpgtor loader $4,000 $4,900 $1,200 $5,900 $3,900 $4,900 $2,975 Case 1370 Rubber rake teeth. Round baler twine 20% off list on all Bush Hog® loaders Call For Prices $3,000 $3,995 .$7,995 $1,695 Krause 2413 rockflex disc w/new 22"x'/« * blades and Kawanee 7 tooth disc bearings, excellent- oortdi- chisel plow, very good oon tion. $12,800. dition, 1 owner. 12 1 Glenco (610)298-2870. field harrow, $BOO ' (717)624-6034. Case 1830 Gas Skid Loader' $4,850 New Holland 255 Rake $1,275 Both Good Condition 717-733-7725 No Sunday Calls $2900 $3500 ..$2195 ..$l9OO ..$1495 $2,000 Coming In 55,300 51,59 slB.oo H (Slvqstcn 717-263-4103 , 4 o_ m f JOHN DEERE New Tractors 2355 N 5400 MFWD 6300 MFWD, CQ 6400 CG JD 7200 MFWD. CG Forags JD 3950 Harvester JD 3970 JD 3RN Head Planters JD 720g!»llllM/L fart. Tlltefla ess i^gsim Drills 450 10' & 12' JD 328 JD 335 JD 385 Mowsr Conditioners JD 1219 JD 1460 JD 1600, 14' JD 9301 Rotary Cutters JD 603, 616, 403, 503 JD 1618 Loadsrs I Elladas JD 520 JD 725 Special Prices On This Listing Plus Other Special Priced Items 630 Round Baler 848 Round Baler 254 Rake Tedder 28 Forage Blower NH 1499, 2 Year Old Haybine 40 Forage Blower 256 Hay Rake DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, Pa. (610)273-3131 or (610)273-3737 IH 656 MffifSfesel 1 JD 4040,750, 4 Post • .JD 4230 4 Post w/l { Enclosure I jJD 216 Flex head I •JD 650 3 PTH Rake I ■ .JD 1440 w/Dry Fed | I <(2) JD 1209 | I tJD 6758, 1150 Hrs.,l I > Skid Loader j I IH Forage Wagon 120 i | I JD KBA Disc NEW EQUIPMENT | • JD 7000 4RN, Liquid ■ I (2) NH 489 Haybine I NH 495 Haybine ■ i Gehl Forage Wagon ! I i Badger Forage Wagon J {I NH #8 Forage Wagon > NH OD 100 Disc I j iJD BWF 12' Disc I White 5400 6ft w/1 • Monitor I Kelly Loader Fite JD I I 2640 Ke Metering | | Hartland Fodder Chop- ! j par, Fits On A 4'{ j Round Baler ! f King Kutter Rotary J • Mower J JD 1360 Mo-Co I Arts way Mixer Waoon I NH 890 Forage Harves- | I ter w/NH 2RN | I NH Pick-Ue.Head j Balsrs New, 12 of Yetter Model #2960-126, Row Unit, Down Pressure, Spring Kits for JO, Klnze, White, Corn Planters, Quick Adjust, Paid $9OO Asking $590 (717) 837-0724 258 Hay Rake 816 Forage Box Utility Vehicles Used AMT 600 Used AMT 622 4x2 Qator I” Irrigation Pipe, > mostly 4”, some 5 & 6" also available 717/272-2709 TRACTOR PARTS Naw, Rebuilt, Uaad. Low Prlcaa. FREE CATALOG. Natlonwldo Locator Sarvlca. Ag Tractor Supply PO Box 276 Stuart. IA 50250 Phone Toll Free: 800*944*2898 Hay 0%-18 Months • Or Chsck With Us For Big. Cash Rebats Amounts ' 3313 Black Gap JUL Ckambtrwburg, PA ... 1730 J ■ Long-life design In aH versions! ■ 814 -foot integral and pull-typas... 014 -fooMaft- or rlght-nand-dalivary rakaa./ '' ■ Hydraulic real drive avallabla. / IN STOCK y 450 END-WHEEL DRILLS: GOOD MADE BETTER • 35 Percent greeter penetrating Force then John Deere 8000 INSTOCK: ** 10* Il2* ’ Depth gauging Press Wheels Avalicble accurately gauge furrow depth 10' w/Grass while providing good seed to CtSh 90,1 contact Rotary Cutters IMlHyVehlelee JO 803, 916, 403, 503 Used AMT 600 JD 1018 Used AMT 622 4x2 Qatar ■&* s&.'ybw Iron Ag* 2R potato plantar, manual lift, nice condition. Dltzal Wetzel potato cutter, nice Best Offer (717) 648-0094 1991 500 gal. Hardle Sprayer, Tandem Wheels, Electric Controls, Hyd. Fold 45’ Boom, Foam Marker, Excellent Condition, $5,900 (717) 837-0724 CKi \jqhnoumJ ■ .w ... .Y&s&f
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