Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 09, 1994, Image 11

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For Fast Uniform Setting
of Wire Hoops and Tunnels
Model 95 laying plastic tunnels over two rows ol celery
NEW Model 95 wire setter and tunnel layer
combination makes tunnel laying easy, effi
cient and fast. It requires only one person to
feed the wires from the holding station into the
unit. The wires are then automatically taken
and set uniformly into the soil on about 62”
centers 12” - 14” high.
Manufactured Exclusively By
the inventor of flexible harrows
Flexible Harrows
• Ring maintenance for smooth, well prepared traction
• Pasture renovation, by breaking up and leveling heavy soil
• Root aeration, for better water infiltration and growth
• Covers broadcasting seed for effective incorporation
• Works in fertilizer to both spread and maximize effectiveness
• Herbicide incorporation as it levels the ground and seals herbicide in for
maximum killing action
• Scarifies hay and pasture land to stimulate new growth as it loosens crusted
surface to allow better moisture penetratibn
• Self-cleaning action spreads straw and heavy residue without plugging
the tines
• Saves time and fuel as the harrow can be pulled behind tractors, jeeps,
pickups, ATV, 4-wheelers, etc.
• Eliminates crusting, breaks up clods and smoothes cultivated ground
(Patents Pending)
itog us ru on
Flexible Harrows
Offer Versatile
To Match Your
Specific Needs:
Telephone (717) t&mi
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500 and 600 gallon TANDEM AXLE
|5OO or 600 gallon elliptical poly
ethylene tank with baffle and deep
sump for complete drainage.
| Jet agitation for thorough mixing
and excellent chemical suspension.
t Large 16’ fillwell with 4” center cap.
| Adjustable wheel spacings of 60”,
70*. or 80” centers. (120 optional)
| Walking tandem axle trailer with
ground clearance settings of 23” or
29", three ton hubs and spindles
and 15” x 10" wheels.
t Large front mounted step, platform,
and safety rail for easy filling.
| Three section boom control.
1 2'h gal. clean water tank for safety.
t Available with 28’, 30’, 40', 45’ or
60’ heavy duty truss booms with
boom skids, %” boom plumbing,
and diaphram check nozzles.
DBFT Flotation boom mount is
standard on truss booms.
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• 6’6” Maximum digging depth
• Category I three-point rigid
hitch mounting
• Easy to mount and detach,
affordable & economical to
own & operate
• Bucket sizes 9”,
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Raliabla Sprayars
Available With Hydraulic Fold Booms
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12” and 15”
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I Available with 60' or 80' wheeled
booms with %" boom plumbing,
diaphragm check nozzles, and
4.80x12 boom carrier wheels with
built in suspension.
Pump Packages
| Demco single or double piston pump
with electric shut-off.
t Hypro belt driven centrifugal pump,
i Hypro gear driven centrifugal pump.
| Ace hydraulic driven centrifugal pump.
Large Irani raounlad Hap. platform and safety rail lor
easy filling of die tank Clean water tank « standard
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• PTO 540 RPM independent
hydraulic pump system
Ephrata, PA
Raphine, VA