Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 5
New England Shell Eggs Wednesday, March 30,1994 NEW ENGLAND: Prices trended lower on heavier sized loose eggi, unchanged on mediums, smalls, and cartoned eggs. Trade sentiment was barely steady and nervous. Cartoned egg demand was fairly good as dealers filled pipelines for the holiday. Supplies were usually sufficient to cover needs. PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS, CASES EXCHANGED, GRADE YIELD BASIS, BROWN EGGS LOOSE, AT FARM, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE JUMBO .72-.75, EXTRA LARGE .71-.74, LARGE .67-.70, MEDIUM .S2-.55, SMALL ,26-.29. BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS. DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE EXTRA LARGE .94-.96, LARGE .90-.92, MEDIUM .71-.73. Philadelphia Eggs Thursday,. March 31, 1994 Report Supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT: TRADE SEN TIMENT WAS BARELY STEADY TO WEAK. DEMAND WAS MODERATE TO GOOD WITH SOME INCREASES FOR THE HOLIDAY, YET DISAP POINTMENTS IN OVERALL MOVE MENT WAS EXPRESSED. SUPPLIES WERE AT LEAST ADEQUATE OR AVAILABLE. A EXTRA LARGE .67-.T9, A LARGE .65-.T7, A MEDIUM .58-.71. POLY TANK r< REPAIRS With our ther welding process we can repair polyethy lene, polypropylene and PVC products. SEALS wm ORIGINAL MATERIAL NO CKMINT USED Call Today fov Vonr Plastic Rapali Naads DOUBLE I MACHINE SHOP lo24Gattysbura Pilm Machanicsbuig, PA 17005 (717) 891-7207 Also offering metal parts repair and fabrication Steel, cast and aluminum welding Green Land Corn Peter Johnson PA/DE/MD Rap. Mifflinburg, PA 717-966-2580 The Ohio Seed Company //. West Jefferson, Ohio 43162 800-879-3556 Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettftown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tueiday, March 29, 1994 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .30-.55. BANTAMS BACH 1.50-5.50, BY THE LB. 1.30-1.70. BROILERS .25. CHICKS EACH .40-.80. BUNNIES EACH 3.00-11.50. ROOSTERS .60-1.65. TURKEYS .25. 1 DUCKS EACH 1.00-1.80. GUINEAS 1.50-2.40. RABBITS EACH 11.00, BY THE LB. .85-1.70. PIGEONS EACH I.SO-4.25. DUCKLINGS EACH 1.00-2.00. WHITE EGGS: EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .72-.91; LARGE .78-.85; MEDIUMS .T3-.76. BROWN EGGS: EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .82-1.01; LARGE .7S-.89. Greencastle Livestock Market March 24 and 3M, 1994 Hay Si Straw Repot Supplied by Auction 60 LOADS. ALFALFA: 87.50-150.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 75.00-122.50. RUY.SCII. TRADE Oft RENT THROUGH THE —— GL 345 ” Relative Maturity 114 • Superior disease resistance and plant health • High yielding • Excellent stalk quality . Superior eye appeal GL 345 has a short blocky, girthy ear. Ears will iypicaUy be 18 rows around with long deep ker nels. Earflex on GL 345 is limited. However, ears will add additional girth at lower popula- GL 284 “ Relative Maturity 113 • Superior yield potential . Very good stalk quality • Responds to top management practices • Excellent ear flex • Large seeded variety A thin open husk gives GL 284 excellent diy down capabilities. It has a very long, girthy ear that will expand at moderate to low populations. GL 231 " Relative Maturity 109 • Adapted to a wide range of soils • Vew high test weight • Responds to high populations of 23 to 28,000 PPA • Excellent drought tolerance > Superior disease resistance and plant health GL 231 will exhibit a long ear with very hard tex tured. bright orange grain. Ear flex will be very good. Ear girth wffl typically be 14 to 16 rows around. GL 231 will nave a medium short shank MIXED HAY: 64.00-90.00. BROME GRASS: 65.00-97.50. MULCH HAY: 30.00. STRAW: 115.00-135.00. FIREWOOD: 43.00 LOAD. Pa. Grain Monday, March 28, 1994 Report (applied by PDA COMPARED WITH THE MARKET FOR LAST MONDAY, FOR SOUTH EASTERN, centrXl, AND SOUTH CENTRAL PA: CORN MOSTLY STEADY, WHEAT AND OATS STEADY TO .10 LOWER, BARLEY STEADY TO .15 LOWER, SOYBEANS UNEVEN .10 LOWER TO .05 HIGHER, EAR CORN STEADY. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 3.13-3.35, AVERAGE 3.24, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.56-2.73; ©WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.31-3.60, AVERAGE 3.45, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 1.95-2.05; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.50-2.80, AVERAGE 2.60, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 1.50, OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.60-1.95, AVERAGE 1.78; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.70-7.05, AVERAGE 6.88, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 6.20-6.50; FEW REPORTED CR. SORG HUM #2 RANGE 2.73, AVERAGE 2.73; CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2.45; FEW REPORTED NEW EAR CORN RANGE 85.00-105.00, AVERAGE 9193. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 3.15-3.30, FEW REPORTED 3.00, AVERAGE 3.23; LIGHT GARLICKY & BETTER WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.00-3.50, AVERAGE 3.21'; BARLEY NO. 3 PHONI: 717*824-1144 0r717-394*3047 Experience BOYDEEL FARMS 302 lonci Road, Lebanon, PA 1 7042 Phone; 7 17-272-8943 Rissbr’S Poultry Inc. Over 60 years of prompt payment and dependable & RANGE 2.30-2.50, FEW REPORTED 2.10, AVERAGE 2.39; OATS NO. 2 RANGE I.SS-1.90, AVERAGE 1.74; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.40-6.88, AVERAGE 6.62; FEW REPORTED NEW EAR CORN RANGE 80.00-100.00, -AVERAGE 91.00. SOUTHEASTERN, CENTRAL & SOUTH CENTRAL SUMMARY CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 3.13-3.35, AVERAGE 3.25; LIGHT GARLICKY A BETTER WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.20-3.60; AVERAGE 3.39; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.35-2.80, AVERAGE 2.48; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.60-1.95, AVERAGE 1.77; SOYBEANS NO. I RANGE 6.48-7.05, AVERAGE 6.79; NEW EAR CORN RANGE 80.00-105.00, AVERAGE 90.24. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 3.15-3.35, AVERAGE 3.27; LIGHT GARLICKY A BETTER WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.20-3.39, AVERAGE 3.41; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.40-2.85, AVERAGE 2.42; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.60-I.BS, AVERAGE 1.79; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.60-7.00, AVERAGE 6.75; FEW REPORTED NEW EAR CORN RANGE 80.00-90.00, AVERAGE 83.71. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2-Y RANGE 2.85-3.19, AVERAGE 3.03; LIGHT GARLICKY & BETTER WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 3.20-3.50, AVERAGE 3.35; BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 2.40-2.54, AVERAGE 2.37; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.50-1.85, AVERAGE 1.65; SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 6.40-6.73, AVERAGE 6.56; FEW REPORTED OLD EAR CORN RANGE 70.00-100.00, AVERAGE 85.00. MONTH AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 3.26; LIGHT GAR LICKY & BETTER WHEAT NO. 2 3.54; BARLEY NO. 3 2.53; OATS NO. 2 1.78; SOYBEANS NO. 1 6.72; FEW REPORTED NEW EAR CORN 90.10. YEAR AGO CORN NO. 2-Y 2.46; LIGHT GAR LICKY & BETTER WHEAT NO. 2 3.34; BARLEY NO. 3 1.93; OATS NO. 2 1.62; SOYBEANS NO. 1 5.75; FEW REPORTED NEW EAR CORN 63.54. P.O. BOX 52 • LITITZ, PA service. Tel. 717-626-5466 FAX 717-627-3599 Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1994-A5 HAY & STRAW MARKET FOR EASTERN PA • (ALL HAY NO. 2 AND BETTER. PRICES PAID BY DEALERS AT THE FARM A PER TON). HAY STEADY TO 10.00 LOWER AS MORE IS OFFERED, STRAW STEADY. ALFALFA 90.00-120.00; MIXED HAY 70.00-120.00; TIMOTHY HAY 70.00-110.00; STRAW 85.00-120.00; MULCH 30.00-55.00. SUMMARY OF LANCASTER CO. HAY AUCTIONS FOR WEEK ENDING 3/25/94. PRICES PER TON; LOADS: 521 HAY, 148 STRAW A 55 EAR CORN. ALFALFA 80.00-152.00; MIXED HAY 77.00-150.00; TIMOTHY HAY 85.00-160.00; STRAW 115.00-170.00; EAR CORN 100.00-125.00. SUMMARY OF CENTRAL PA. HAY AUCTIONS FOR WEEK ENDING 3/25/94. PRICES PER TON: LOADS: 323 HAY. 67 STRAW A 17 EAR CORN. ALFALFA 80.00-145.00; MIXED HAY 70.00-130.00; TIMOTHY 82.00-135.00; STRAW 87.00-142.50; EAR CORN 95.00-115.00. North Jersey Livestock Hacfcettatown, NJ Report Supplied by Auction Tueeday, March 29, 1994 Report nipplied by auction CALVES .22-2.20. COWS .18-49. EASY COWS .12-.43'/,. HEIFERS .40-.65. BULLS .38% -.62% . STEERS ,52-.73% . HOGS .31% -.38% . SOWS 12- 32% ROASTING PIGS EACH 20.00-30.00. BOARS .15-.26. SHEEP .12-.46. LAMBS BACH 17.00-78.00. LAMBS PER LB. .22-.91. GOATS EACH 18.00-98.00. KIDS EACH 5.00-89.00. HIDES EACH 19.00 TOTAL 1949. 15 0 5] 0 £ Buyers and Haulers of Leghorn, Medium, and Heavy Fowl Now using carts for the most efficient means of moving spent fowl Regional Hay MaNh2K 1994 Eaatern, Pa. IQYBEANS