A3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1994 (JJjJg Dixie L. Burris. Membership Development. f ) rnlll-NtiMUllOliSTrurliiftirinnlliin. I > Itoiiisylvnnlu Unity Herd Improvement Aumttalhm DHIA Service Center, Orchard Rond, University Perk, PA I6MJ How Ifoes Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —These data are calculated using information pulled from Pennsylvania DHIA’s mainframe computer each week. It is a one-week summary representing approximately one fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested monthly. These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used few comparing your operations to the averages from about one-fourth of the herds across the state. DHIA Averages for all herds processed between 03/12/94 and 03/19/94 Number of Herds Processed 1,150 Number of Cows Processed 71,283 Number of Cows Per Herd 61.9 Milk Per Cow (Lbs) 18,558 %-Fat 3.65 Fat Per Cow (Lbs) 678 %-Protein 3.17 Protein Per Cow (Lbs) 589 Average Days in Milk Per Cow 319 ♦Value for CWT Milk(s) 12.91 ♦Value for CWT Grain(s) 7.79 ♦Value for CWT Hay(s) 4.17 ♦Value for CWT Silage(s) 1.53 ♦Value for Pasture Per Day(s) .28 ♦Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year(s) 2.397 ♦Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Year(Lbs) A; Grain 7,225 B: Hay 2,203 C; Silage 15,230 D; Day Pasture 57 Lit»ia •SEE OUR NEW EFFICIENT ERA WOOD STOVES ™i r* WE PAY CASH for seller financed Real Estate Notes and Mortgages, Are you receiving payments? Would you like cash now? Why wait? Explore your options with Robert Tobey CASH 1-800-670-2274 FU'- DING Moriah Farm, Klemfellersville, PA 17039-0198 CONESTOGA VALLEY ENTERPRISES hi-mag ACS LIME HI - CAL Cash Discount Savings on Delivery For your convenience calls received Mon.-Sat. until 9:00 pm 1-800-724-3277 Serving PA, MD, Delmarva & NJ FOCUS State of the Art STRATFORD COAL STOVES 2533 OLD PHILA. PIKE, RL 340, SmoMown, PA 3 HIM Eml ol UncnWf Tun., Thun A RUM; Wed. 4 Set 1M (717) 397-7539 Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help farmers across the state to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost FARM, LAWN ft GARDEN CARTS Big #26 Cart, capacity 400 Iba., 14 buahala, 26x2.125 pnaumatlc whaala, praaaura traatad plywood, ramovaabla front Unaaaamhtad $122.00 #26 Cart Kit (plywood not included) ......$87.00 #2O Cart, capacity 8 bu., 300 Iba., 20x2.125 pneumatic wheal* w/ramovaabla fr0nt...590.00 #2O Cart Kit (plywood not Included) $70.00 26x2.125 Pneumatic Wheel* w/V. " bearing $46.00 act 20x2.125 Pneumatic Wheal* w/i4 ” bnrlng $42.00 ••! Add 10% Postage and 6% Salsa Tax For PA non-farm uaa. FARMWAY MFG. ELAM S. NOLT 403 Linden Rd., East Earl, PA 17519 (717) 445-7101 CONTROL MORE GRASSES AND WEEDS IN CORN...FOR 25% IiSS PER ACRE. A tank of PROWL® herbicide knocks grasses and weeds on their ear... all season... for up to 25% less than competitive treatments. Apply PROWL as directed, any time from planting up to the four-leaf stage. You’ll get proven, cost-effective control of many grasses and weeds, including foxtails, lambs quarter, velvetleaf* and pigweed. PROWL is compatible with most other herbicides See The Nearest You Or For More Information CaOi''Vf|rjur '^aaoUMnrilpm^ Butem PemurlranU Ai«u VmUna IW*rhml«s&i v ' ' Mike Fleming jlm O’Bryan 717-687-0661 814-667-3646 ♦Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) A: Grain 563 B: Hay 91 C: Silage 233 D; Pasture 16 ♦Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) 905 ♦lncome Over Feed Costs Per Year(s) 1,492 ♦Grain to Milk Ratio 1:2.5 ♦Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) 4,88 Avg Level For 1,035 SCC Herds 365,064 *Mcmbtr>t«icntt4 flfurct data, here’s this week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Pennsylvania. Remember these are averages so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your loca tion and the quality of your crop. Con, No. 2y - 3.10 bu. 5.54 cwt Wheat, No. 2 - 3.44 bu. 5.74 cwt PROM Barley. No. 3 - 2.51 bu. 5.36 cwt Oats, No. 2 -1,72 bu. 5.35 cwt. Soybeans, No. 1 - 6.58 bu. 10.99 CWL Ear Com - old 80.50 ton 4.03 CWL Ear Com - new 90.23 ton 4.51. Alfalfa Hay - 111.25 ton 5.56 CWL Mixed Hay - 110.00 ton 5.50 CWL Timothy Hay -111.25 ton 5.56 CWL and fits any tillage program. However, do NOT incorporate PROWL in com. Let us help you knock grasses and weeds on their ear... for up to 25% less per acre. Come in for your PROWL® herbicide today. AgriGenter, rralaaaianallam • Sarviaa • Invlranmanlal Raapaaaihlllty Always read and follow label directions carefully. Trademark, American Cyanamid Company® 1994. *See label for specific directions.