Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 194

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    E3Q.UncwHf Farming, Saturday. April 2. 1994 Co TermB B
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Real
estate, household, anti
ques, Bolens riding mower.
In Paradise turn off Rt 30
first road West of railroad
bridge turn S. on Bethany
Ave., Paradise Twp., Lane.
Co., Pa. By Martha H.
Landis. Robert E & Jeffrey
R Martin, aucts.
SAT. APR. 30 - SAM Out
standing estate sale of
Amanda Weaver, Real
estate @ 12 Noon. Strick
lertown, Leb. Co. Dwight
Miller, auct ,
SAT. APR. 30-9 AM Estate
of Tamie E. Maurer Anti
ques, collectibles, coins,
guns, farm tractor &
machinery. 2 miles East of
Klingerstown, Pa. Upper
Mahantongo Twp, Schuy
lkill Co. Approx. 40 miles
NE of Harrisburg, Pa. Exe
cutors: Carol A. Shomper
and Leslie S. Maurer. Mark
J. Jones, aucts.
SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Trac
tors, farm equip, car, riding
mower, antiques, house
items, tools, misc. Prom
I-B3 exit #ll (Emigsville)
take Rt. 238 W to light, turn
R onto Rt. 295 N (Susque
hanna Trail) for 2.4 mi.
Turn L onto Canal Rd for
1.0 mi. Turn R onto Lewis
berry Rd. & Go .04 mile to
sale on R @ 4185 Lewis
berry Rd. George & Cather
ine Gladfelter owners. Mel
vin Haines, Ralph Brenne
man, Russdll Wright, aucts.
SAT. APR. 30-9 AM, Valu
able Real Estate, 2.2
Acres, Personal Property,
Antiques, Farmall 100
Tractor. Located 520 W.
Maple Grove Rd., (Five
pointville), From Rt. 897 In
Fivepointville Take West
New Idea 767 Superchopper • 1469 Haybine
6275 Deutz Allis Tractor, 1400 Hrs.
Tuesday, April 5, 1994
10:00 A.M.
Auction held at the farm for Glenn Freese In Chester County,
Pennsylvania, 1 mile North Of Nottingham on Forge Road.
From Route 1 By-pass go South on Route 272. Go left at stop
sign onto Baltimore Pike, Ist road left.
Tractor - Harvester - Haybine
Deutz Allis 6275 diesel tractor, 1400 orig. hours; New Idea 767
Superchopper with 707 diesel power unit w/weights and wheel
weights; 3 row narrow wide row corn head; 6' grass head, heads
sell separate; New Holland 1469 self propelled haybine.
Auctioneer’s Note* Above pieces all bought new by present
Manure Handling - Feeding Equipment
20' Starline ring drive silo unloader; Ladig Jr. model 43 silo unload
er; 2 Patz 16' to 20’ adjustable silo unloaders; Patz 24' single chain
elevator; 20’ double chain slat feed conveyor complete with unit,
Patz 64’ bunk feeder big link chain, complete with unit; 24’ manure
elevator, P.T.O. drive; 62 cow Patz barn cleaner complete with unit,
good condition; 3 16' hay feeders; 8’ feeder; New Holland 680
manure spreader, hyd. end gate, extended sides.
Milking - Barn Equipment - Semen Tank
6 Zero milker units; glass line receiver jar; Zero line washer; 80 gal
lon water heater; double tubs; cow vac.; stainless steel tubs; 3
exhaust barn fans; Jamesway exhaust fan; 20’ center silo fill
gooseneck; air compressor; 2 semen tanks; 2 Zero vac pumps, 3
and 5 h.p. motors; 5 circulating fans; calf hutches.
Farm Machinery - Misc.
Hesston 1091 -9’ haybine; 516' hay wagons; New Holland 282 bal
er with hyd. control thrower; New Holland 28 forage blower,
excellent condition; 3 John Deere 125 forage wagons, 3 beaters;
Bush Hog 10' disc harrow, transport, tandem wheels; Brady 12’ field
cultivator; Briilion 10' cultipacker; Bush Hog 10’ Batwing rotary
2610 mower; 34' Little Giant elevator; 12' midwest harrow; Reddy
heater; Lincoln arc welder; New Idea 3 pt. seeder, P.T.O. drive;
shop vise; concrete mixer; pipe rack; platform scales; dump stone
cart; poly tank spreader; van drill disc openers; cords; ladders; 14’ 2
wheel trailer; potato plow; iron pile; wagon load small items; bolts;
few shop tools. \
Auctioneer: V
Steve Jr. Petersheim
AU 001349 L
Auctioneer’s Note- Proper Identification required to obtain
buyer number.
Maple Grove Rd. To Prop
erty On Left Or From Rt.
625 In Bowmansville Take
West Maple Grove Approx.
2 Mi. To Property On flight.
Brecknock Township,
a L Weaver. Randal Kline,
Lloyd Kreider & Roy Good
Jr., Aucts.
SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM,
Important Estate Auction
Of American Furniture &
Antiques. Located Cochran
Auction Complex, Boons
boro, Maryland. Selling The
Estate Of The Late Master
Woodworker & Craftsman
William S. Bowers Of Mer
cersburg, Pa. J.G. Cochran
Aucts. & Associates Ltd.
SAT. APR. 30 -9AM Wood
working equip, forklift, cuve
Vane & passenger vans
and inventory of major
kitchen & hardware sup
plies. Route 23 W of New
Holland, approx. 2 miles to
Voganville Rd. N. approx.
V 4 miles to sale on right. By
Adam N. Zimmerman. Mel
Hoover, auct.
SAT. APR. 30 - 9:3OAM
Estate of Alice Wian, 1251
Jacksonville Rd., Bellefon-
AT 8:30 A.M.
From The Margaret G. Bell Estate
Of Main St., Stewartstown, PA. &
For Harold E. Greln, Retiring
Electrician Of Stewartstown
Auction to be held In the Chanceford
Community Center, Brogue PA. Rt. 74
southeast from Red Lion to Brogue
Post Office, turn right, 1/4 ml. to hall on
left. From MO Rt. 165 north and onto Rt.
74 to left turn at Brogue Post Office.
ornate 30’s B.R. suite; 3 pc. B.R. suite; LG.
OAK DRESSER W/MIRROR: oak chest of
drawers; double poster bed; 2-3 pc. L.R.
suites; oval oak coffee table; lamp stands
& book shelves; wood & metal wardrobes;
drop leaf pedestal table; 9x12 & 12x18
rugs; cane seat chairs & rockers; 4 ANTI
QUE RADIOS; round oak dining table & 4
bds; sev. asst, oak chairs; NICE WHITE
FINISH; chest of drawers; 40” electric
stove; Westinghouse F.F. 20 cu. ft.
refrigerator; drying racks; Westinghouse
clothes dryer; G.E. wringer washer; sm.
appliances; lots of dishes, pots & pans;
dep. glass; milk glass; sev. pcs. Nippon,
Azalea china; iron skillets; tinware; mar
bles; lye soap; 2 sm. oak folding tables;
jars; crocks; baskets; boxes w/names;
dress form; 3 old STEAMER TRUNKS:
space heater; hats & boxes; old clothing;
White sewing machine; sewing notions; &
material; linens; bedding; quilts; Bible;
cigar boxes; luggage; glider & chairs; vac
uum cleaners; enamelware; fur coats;
hand tools; Lawn Chief power mower;
cyclone seeder, etc.
Portable SKW generator w/110 & 220 out
lets & idler; 28' fiberglass ext. ladder, like
new; step ladders; V» ” right angle drill; pipe
dies from 3/8 to 2"; linemans safety belt &
pole spurs; pipe vise & cutters & reamers;
elect. & hand staple guns; fish tapes up to
200 ft; power cords; cable & bolt cutters;
pipe wrenches; wire reel; ultra violet sun
lite; all sizes of conduit; air tank; hand
truck; wire of all sizes 14-2 to 10-3; parts
bin; tools of all kinds; drills; saws; brace &
bits; testers; sq. D boxes & breakers;
exhaust fan; 4 & 8 ft. light tubes; range bur
ners; water heater units; 10 ft. step ladder;
new meter bases; service fixtures; new
electric panels; wall boxes, all sizes &
types; recess lights; dryer vents, elbows &
pipe; switch & receptacle plates; under
ground splice kits; oven tester; light bulbs;
tape; motor brush asst, telephone wire;
speed controls; metal shelving; chains;
hardware & many items not mentioned.
AUCTIONEER NOTE: 2 auctions will be
running most of the morning. Large fur
niture at approx. 1 P.M.
E»«. mmm * vm IMwl
U7 * •mmmmiwr
Anctiwwcrs kiP^St
ifTWfS, OmammiMn
Lie. Noe. <2O Al3l * Approntlee Amtton—re
Not Responsible For Accidents
Food By Chanceford Volunteers
to, Pa. Centre Co. Brick 3
bedroom ranch home on 2
acres, 1985 Chevy van,
wheel chair equipped
26,000 miles, household
goods. Aucls: Ron J & Ron
S. Gilligan #AU339L &
SAT. APR. 30 - 9:3OAM
Real Estate. Turn off Rt. 42
one mile S. of Catawissa,
Pa. on Old Numidia Rd., go
.2 mile and turn on Meadow
Rd. to .4 mile, turn right on
Lie. Nm.
Old Reading Road and go Dyer, sellers. Geroge J
.3 mile to auction. Ray- Henry, George R. Henrv
mond C. and Diana L. auets.
For; Recovery Specialists
Consigned By; Central Salvage Company
Seven tractor traler loads ol quality office furniture from
Allentown's recently collapsed Corporate Plaza Building.
Hams include desks, cradenzas, conference tables, work
stations, chairs, bookcases and cabinets In mahogany,
cherry, walnut and fabric. Manufactures include Barrel,
Kimball, Orexel, Hale and Falrington. CALL (215) 997-
8937 or (215) 997-5100 tor more information.
Auction Location:
Recovery Specialists,
2990 Bcrgey Road, Hatfield, PA.
o l,t 'o 1 k-f Ro, id, I Kitlirkl, I’A O'l 10
10:00 AM
atj. Frank Schrecengost farm at village of
Bryan located 10 mi East of Kittanning, 3 mi.
N of Rural Valley, 6 mi. South of Dayton, PA.
From Rt. 422 go to 66Nto light and take Rt.
85 E to Rural Valley, from Rt. 119 go Rt 85 W
to Rural Valley; From Rt 80 take Exit 10 to
Rt 66 S to Rt 85 E. WATCHFORSALE
MACHINERY: INI 1456 w/cab, 18-4-38
tires, 3pt, dual remote, good rubber, 4928
hrs; INI 706 (D) tractor w/nar fit, 18-4-
34 tires, fh, 8600 hrs; Farmall M (engine
overhauled, new paint, 12 volt, real nice);
JD 66 16” semi-mount plow; INT 550 5b
16” fh plow; JD 16’ 4 section hydr
springtooth harrow; INT 16’ 4 section
springtooth harrow; INT 415 transport
cultimulcher (mulcher in frt, crow feet in
back); INT 470 16’ trans wing disc-like
new; INT 400 Cyclone com planter w/no
till attatchments, very clean; Century
300 g sprayer; Athens 10 shank chisel
plow; JD F-B 15 disc grain drill on
rubber; 3ph 16’ Brillion seeder-like new;
NH 489 9’ Haybine-like new; Vermeer
504 H Round baler-like new; Kuhn 18’
Hay tedder; Kuhn 18’ hay tedder; NH
326 baler-hyd kicker w/elect. controls, 1
yr old, like new; NI 405 side delivery
hayrake; NH 3ph bale carrier (heavy
duty); INT 7’ belly mount sickle bar
mower; Sam-Mulckey 32’ grain/hay
elevator w/2hp motor; 2 JD 30’ pipe bale
elevators w/motors; 4 16’ wooden bale
wagons on 8T chassis; JD 4400 (D)
combine-good; JD 444 comhead; Little
Giant 20’ com/grain elevator; Gravity
box on ST running gears; Dunham 120 bu
gravity box; 16’6” grain auger; 21 ’6”
unloading auger; 21’ sweep auger for
grain bin
VEHICLES: 1967 INT Pay Star 1600 single
axle tractor w/sth wheel hitch, 34000
actual miles; W&W 40’ 3 axle sth wheel
trailer w/stake sides, GVW 10,000#, 16”
MISC: 18-4-38 set of tires, set of duals, set of
tractor chains; 2 Ig hay drying fans;
71/2hp single phase motors; 2 shp single
phase motors; 8’ alum Tk cap; Home Lite
3500 watt generator w/Briggs & Stratton
motor; bolts; belts; motors; plus more
items not listed
HAY/SEED: 4 bu alfalfa seed; 1 bu Red
Clover seed; 1 lot Ist cutting hay; 1 lot
2nd cutting hay
discontinuing farming due to health. All
machinery was kept under cover and is field
ready. This is a once in a lifetime
opportunity to purchase machinery of this
quality at a farm auction. PLAN NOW TO
Lunch Available
Not responsible for accidents
J. Frank Schrecengost
R.D. #2 Box 143
Dayton, PA 16222
William H. Wolfgang
R.D.#l, Dayton, PA 16222
814-257-8432, 814-287-8978