Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 183
PUBLIC SALE Approximately 6 Acres Woodland in the Welsh Mountains Sat, April 9,1994 -noo pm Land la located at tht southwstt cor ner of the Welsh Mountains, approxi mately 3 miles southeast of New Hol land off Red Well Road, Earl Twp. and East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., PA. Real Estate Lot is 6 acres and 68 perches of woodland. Property has trees that can be timbered. There are also many smaller trees. Property Is bor dered on all sides by woodbind. Property does not have road frontage; there is no written easement for access to property but right of way can be obtained through legal means. Property is zoned rural residential. This property will be auction at Amos and Eleanor Hcrshey Sale on April 9, located at the comer of Peters Road and Red Well Road, 4 miles south of New Holland. To see property or for further information call 717-768-8494 or 610-593-5387. Property will be sold at 1 PM or immediately following Hershey property. Terms of sale - 10% down day of «i* with settlement on or before June 1,1994. Sale by: ANNA M. KURTZ Linda Kllng, Attorney Auctioneers: Leon Kurtz AU-522-L (610) 593-5387 J. Omar Stoltzfus Lunch Available ESTATE REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT., APRIL 30th, At 10:00 A.M. Sharp LOCATED: At Cross Roads Boro., York Co., PA From Rt. #24 North of Stewartstown, turn right at Sammls Chevrolet go to Cross Roads, approx. 1 mile straight on Main St. on right, signs posted. Cross Roads Boro, York Co.. PA zoned Agriculture. 4 PARCELS 2 - SOLD ABSOLUTE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER PARCEL #lO 754 Acre Farmette, pond, outbuildings & a nice Farm House, outstanding setting, take a look. OPEN each SAT. starting March 19th 10 to 2 & April Each Sunday 1 to 4 pm. Except Easter Sunday. PARCEL #1 48 Acre Tract w/approved building site, approx. 30 acres tillable. Ready to build. PARCELS 5 & 6 Two 1 Acre building lots parcel #5 perked for a standard sewage system, both ready to build, cleared and level, plot plans at farm in site box, also someone will be available at open house to show each property. Want to buy some nice lots, be here they want to settle the estate. Lots will be sold absolute. TERMS: Lots 10% down, balance in 60 days. Lot 10 & 110% down and balance in 90 days. Other conditions read at auction. Farmette sold with clear title but in its “AS IS” condition. *** SORRY, Executor Sold 6 Lots prior to auction. GERALDINE E. SMITH Estate Executor:'Jack W. Smith Attorney: George L. Eveler Auctioneer, Bradley K. Smith, CAI Accredited Auctioneer Real Estate Associate PA Real Estate Broker Lie. #AUB6O-L Ph: 717-927-6949 Public Auction Register Clorini Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each weak's pubUcaUon PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1994 At 9.-00 A.M. Sharp Turn off Route 42attha Blinker Light In NumMla. Pa., Travel 3.7 mUas passing through the villages of Nowlin and Mtllgrova, turn Right on OM Read ing Road and travel 1.2 miles to the Bodman Farm. 1:00 p.rn. 7 TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY • TRUCK TRACTORS: I.H. 856 D, P.S., Cab, W.F., 3 pt, Good Tiros; I.H. 4000. P. 8., 2 pt. N.F., Tork, Good Tima: I.H. 400 C, 2 pt, F.H., W.F., Hot Water Heater; I.H. M with 2 Row Mounted 2 MH Com Picker; I.H. M, Good Tiros; I.H. H with Loader; I.H. Super C, 2 pt. N.F., Good Tiros; Cub Cadet 109 Riding Mower Tractor; Wide Front tar H, M. or 400; F-20 Overhaul Kit; F-30 Parts; Side Hitches; Tractor Chains; Wheel & Suit case Weighte; TILLAGE « PLANTING: I.H. Semi-' mount 5 Bottom 16’ Plows; I.H. 16 ft Cultimulchor; I.H. 18 It Disc with Hyd. Wings; New Brllllon 16 FL Hyd. Spring Harrow; Ontario 16 Disc Drill on Rub ber; 4 Row Int. Com Planter (36 in. Rows); Cultiva tors for H; HAYING EQUIPMENT: N.H. 489 Haybine; Kuhn Double Hay Tedder with 4 Spinners; 2- N.H. Rolabar #258 Rakes; N.H. 426 Baler makes 16*X18* Belas and N.H. 276 Baler makes 14'x16‘ Bales with Thrower; N.H. 1038 Stack wagon with Single Bale Unload; 16 ft Bale Elevator; Fsrrnec 24 it. Hay & Grain Elevator; Zimmerman 40 ft. Hay A Grain Eleva tor; WAGONS: 3 Bala King Thrower with. Metal Sides; 2-16 ft Thrower with Wood Sides; 18 ft. Rat Wagon; I.H. and N.H. Dump Wagons; 200 and 225 bu. Gravity Bin Wagons; MISC.: Lg. Vioon Fertilizer Spreader; N.H. Noe. 517 and 519 Manure Spread art; Snow Plow Blade for I.H. 250 Loader; Fast Hitch Scraper Blade; Sprayer Pump, Brass Gun & Tank; 7 ft Pull Type Roto Chopper; 4 in. x 20 ft Grain Auger; 6 In. x 16 ft. Auger on Wheels; 3 pt. Waodor; Hyd. Wood Splitter for Tractor; Potato Grader; 2-38 in. Tractor liras on Rims; Woods Cut-off Saw; Many Irrigation Pipe Connectors A Fittings from hlo Dealership; Super N.H. 77 Baler Knotter; Orchard Gun Thrower; Other Items Not Mentioned. TRUCK: 1077 Chevy C 65 Custom Deluxe with 18 ft Dump Bed with 5 ft Wood Sidee and 4 ft. Al. Tell Oslo, 30,000 Grace with 98,238 mitae, Looks and Runs Good. NOON • 3 Winchester Centennial *66 30-30 Car bines, New In the Boxea with the Sleavss; Stevens Browning Model 621 Pump 12 ga with Solid Rib; Ivor Johnson Arms 22 Cal. Super Shot Sealed Eight Handgun. 9:00 a.m. FARM SUPPLIES - BUTCHER • PARTS - TOOLS - OIL 4500 watt Winco Gaa Generator; 1/2 to 2 ton Chain Blocks; Elec. 1/2 ton Chain Hoist; Log Chains 5 Bin ders; Tire Chains I Cross Chain Material; Bundles ol Paper tegs; 50 Bales Clover NOO and 20 bales OoM Plastic 9000 Baler Twine; Belts; Ropes; Parts Csblnets with lots of Parts, Pipe Fittings, Nuts 5 Bolts; Drag & Roller Chains & Repair Parts; Butcher Kettle, Wet Grinder for Knives; Lard Press; Meat SHe er; Store Meat Grinder; Roll Screen; Grease Tubes; Tractor Rims; Good Used Tires; Tubes; 6 ft Cast Water Trough; Cables with Hooks; M Injector Pump; Bam Jacks; Propane Tanks; 40 ft Alum, ft Wood Extension Ladders; Anvil; Hydraulic Cylinders; Bench ft Pipe Vises; Milkers; Aluminum Scoops; Tractor Seeder; Hand Tools; Elec. Motors; Generator and Carburetors; 5 ft 7 ft Int Mower Blades; 2 Wood or Coal Millville Btovee; 1 1/2 hp Sears Air Com pressor; Homelhe Weed Whacker; Hand Tools; 2 hp. Remington Electric Chain Saw; Pioneer and Homelite Super 2 Auto Chain Saw; Lincoln AC 225 Amp Welder; Welding Extension Cables, Table and Rods; Torches, Gauges, Hoses; Transfer Pump; Electric Hack Saw; Post Drill; Spiuk Plug Cleaner; Waetem and MoClellan saddlea; 55 gal. Drum SAE 15-40 Super Pram. Engine ON; Other Drums with Hydraulic and Reg. ON with Pumpa; 1000 gal. Fuel Tank with Pump; Conde and Int Milker Pumps; Lots of Other Things Not Mentioned. THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1994 at 3:30 p.m. Sharp ANTIQUES • FURNITURE - HOUSEHOLD Metal C Roll Top Desk (Grained); Egg Baskets; Milk Cans; Oak Dresser; Oak Bed; Hat Tree; Drying Rack; Oak Table; Oak Sideboard; Oak High Back Arm Swivel Desk Chair; Carved End Table; Waterfall Bed room Suite; Waterfall High Drop Front Desk; Egg Scale; Jelly Cupboard (Oak); 16 in. x 24 In. Butcher Block; Wood Typewriter Desk; 2 Refrigerators; Washer and Dryer; Charcoal Grill; Adding Machine; Card File; Pots & Pans; Karo Heater; 2 Filing Cabinets; Microwave (Litton); Folding Chairs; Hang ing Scale; Swinger 300 Organ; Other Items Not Mentioned. NOTE: At 3:30 we will bagln aalllng any amall lam Hama not add on Saturday the 9th. At 4:30 we will bagln Andquaa - Fumltura - HouaahoU. Statements Day of Auction Take Precedence Over Printed Matter. TERMS: Cash or Good PA Cheek Checks by those not known to Auctioneer or Owner should have Bank Letter of Credit Addressed to this Sale. . SELLER: GERALD F. BODMAN AUCTIONEERS: Georgs J. Henry- AU-001S28-L • (717) 799-5351 Georgs R. Henry- AA-001968-L MON. APR. If -11 AM, Richard Cummin* Com plete Dispersal Of Large Seal* Modem Qrain Farm Equipment, J.D. Tractor* And Combine, 10-Wheel Truck*, Etc.l Located Gainceville (Wyoming Co.), New Yolk.'Pirrung Auct*., Inc., Wayiend, New York, 716-728-2520. MON. APR. 11 - 4PM 3.2 acre farm*tie with stone house, household goods, farm equip, tools. West of YorH,< Pa. 4 mile along RL 234, East Berlin Rd„ on left Elwood L * Ruth N. Rohrbaugh, sellar. Rentzafs Auction Serve*. MON. APR. 11 - S:3OPM, Toy Auction. Harry’s JiPUBLIG AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT: TRUCK: |Wf) HORSE DRAWN EQUIP; HAT; STRAW; ANTIQUES Fri., April 8 At 10 AM S of Kutztown (at Lyons), bstwssn Fleetwood & Topton go S to the Village of Dryville, take Forgedale Rd. approx. Vi ml. toward Boyers Junction, turn R onto Beaver Creek Rd. to farm on R or from Reading take Rt. 422 to Warren St. bypass thru Prlcetown, Berks Co., Pa. TRACTORS - 1990 Ford 4630 diesel w/16.9x30” rubber, 265 hrs.; Ford 8N w/good rubber, Fatmall 766 diesel w/3 pt., wf, TA, etc. wfrecent eng overhaul; Farmall 400 tricy clc w/TA. LOADERS & PLOWS* Sauder fit end for Ford or Ferg; Dearborn fit mtd pi on 4630; Dearborn fit mtd sn & ground blade; Dearborn 7* V sn plow. TILLAGE & PLANTING - Int. 710 spring reset 4*l6 M pi w/hillside hitch; Dear born 3 pt 2-14” pi; Ford 101 - 3 pt 3-14” pi; Dearborn 3 pt 2 tot disc pi; Int 4-14” fh pi; Int 5600 -11 tooth 3pt chisel pi; Rhino #76 -13’ transport 4 gang plowing disc; Int #370 - 13’ transport finishing disc; JD KBA 9* disc; Bril lion 10* single roll cultipacker, Ford 12’ lever harrow; Utica 18 tooth harrow; Int 56 - 4 r c planter, Lily 3 pt fert & seed spreader. HAYING - NH1469. SP haybine; Ford 501 - 3 pt 7* mower, NI semi mtd mower, NH 56 rake; NH 270 Hayliner baler w/#5O throw; (2) B*xl6’xlB* pipe side bale wagons; Little Giant 34* bale & c elev.; 28* bale & c elev. MISC: NI 534 PTO single beater spreader; NI PTO flail spreader. Brady grinder mixer w/ hyd. feed & unload augers; Little Giant c drag; NI #7 c busker, Ferg 3 pt culti; 200 gal. trailer type weed sprayer, JD #43 PTO c sheller, two hole c sheller; Harvest Handler 16’ alum, elev; Bush Hog 3 pt 7* offset rotary cutter, Int. #8 flail chopper: 4 whl farm wagon; 3 pt ground scoop; 3 pt. post hole digger; 3 pt blade; cement mixer w/motor, Wis 6 hp two cyl. bal er eng; 600 lb. platform scale; Int 2 MH mtd c husker; (2) 125 bu. grain gravity wagons; Allied 38*6” transport grain auger w/motor; 12*4” auger, (like new) Zimmerman cattle head gate; Troy Bilt horse garden tiller; Jari 4 hp sickle mower; Surge 2 unit compressor & pipes: 15 gal h w heater; feed cart; elec fencers; gas brooder & poultry equip; ci hog troughs & water trough; new rough cut lumber inc 50 yr poplar boards; 32* & 24’ ext ladders; endless belt; 18.4-34” & 16.9-30” tractor chains (nice); old rear axle mtd. Ford circ saw. COMBINE: Gleaner mod E w/10’ grain head & 2 r c head. TRUCK: Int Loadstar 1800,25,000 GVW w/2 spd. trans & grain tied dump body. HORSE DRAWN EQUIP & ANTIQUES - Osborne c binder, MC 2 r c planter; one sec perry harrow; Farquar potato pi & hoka pis; single pi & culti; dump rake; Oliver 84 sulky pi; Dicks Blizzard silo blower, Dellinger 12” hammer mill; Peerless plate feed grinder, old potato cutter, milk cans; poultry crates; grain cradles; saddlers bench; farriers caddie; horse weeder; old harness; old wheat bags. HAY & STRAW: 600 bales of Ist cutting mixed hay; 1000 mostly wheat straw. Terms - Cash or Acceptable Check. Refreshments Available Selling for EARL B. & ESTA B. READINGER Conducted by POfc.3ls-F.,**.. PA I*o*l • ((10) MMOM • UMM. MUOOIWPL AUCTION HUB Lancastar Farming, Saturday, April 2.19M-El9 TUEB. APR. 12 • BAM Offioe furniture auction, consigned by Central Sal vags Co. Location: Recov ar Specialists, 2980 Bergay Rd., Hatfield, Pa 18440. Sanford Aldorfer Auction Co. TUES. APR. 12 • 10AM Hillside farms complete machinery dispersal includ ing; (4) IH tractors, com bine, hay equip. 6 grain bin, Bristol, N.Y. Roy fsilß worth, Inc., suets. TUES. APR. 12 • 10AM, Pond-Dale Farm. Located In Centre Co., 6 Milas W. Of Stale CoNega, Pa, Turn S. Off Route 322 Onto Route 550 Travel 8 Milas, Or 4 Mila* N. Of Warriors Mark, Pa. Owners, .Dennis A Mary Burra. Mark GKck, Auct TUBS. APR. 12 - IQAM, OSvar HW Farm Dispersal. Located At The Farm, Brandon, Vt, (1 Mila Watt Of Rt. 7,10 Miles South Of Mddtebury, Vt, 4 Mila* North Of Brandon, Vt). Owners, OVvar Mil Fwm. Rea, luaelar. Auct TUBS. APR. 12- 11AM, 57 Acre Farm. Located At 2040 Pina Drive, East Lam peter Twp., Lancaster Co. Terms John P. A Mir iam S. Speieher. Homing Farm Agency, Inc. TUBS. APR. 12 • 4PM Bi level Raised Rancher, Real Estate, Antiques, House hold goods, tools. Fancy. At 793 Newport Rd., Penryn, Penn Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. By Cyrus S. Dohner, Peart Dohner. Horst aucts. TUBS. APR. 12 -TPM Dal ton, New York, Buchinger Farm Machinery Auction. Plrrung Aucts, Inc. TUES. APR. 12 - BPM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located At Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc., Turn South Off 1-81 At Exit 12. WED. APR. 13 -9AM Anti ques, Collectibles. Located at Carriage Corner Restaurant along Rt. 45 E. end of Mlfflinburg, Pa, 9 miles W. of Lewisburg, Union Co. 45 miles E. of Stale College. N.L Shirk, owner. Mark J. Jones, aucts. WED. APR. 13 • 10AM Trucks, tractors, farm machinery, irrigation equip, grain storage tanks & ele vators, hog equip, shopo equip. & tools. Going N. on Rt. 13 from Harrington, DE to Felton, De. go approx. 2 miles, turn left at Paul Cal laway Furniture (Rd. 289), second term on left. John Curtis, Jr. Wilson's Auction Sales, Inc. WED. APR. 13 - Danella Companies, Inc. Hyd. Excavators, Rubber Tired Loaders, Tractor Loader Backhoee A Many Others. Located At The Danella Line Services Co. Yard At 1402 Ccnshohocken Rd., In Norristown, Pa. Vil smeiar Auction Co., Inc. WED. APR. 13 -10 AM Paul & Alta Hoover Auc tion, Real estate, cattle, milking equip, machinery, household, shop tools. 3573 Willet Road, Bluff Point, (Penn Yan area) Yates Co. NY. Paul ft Alta Hoover, owners. Howard W. Vissherc, Roy Teits worth, Inc., aucts. WED. APR. 13-IQAMII4 Ac. farm, dairy or beef facil ity and hobby farm. Smith Twp, Mahoning Co., West branch schools, 160 head of Holsteins, Tractors, Skid Loader, Dairy ft feeding equip, silo. Raymond ft Arlene Courtney. Kiko, aucts. WED. APR. 13 - 2PM Anti ques, household goods, collectibles ft tools Held at the Horst Auction Center located at the comer of Rt 322 and Durlach Rd. (Approx. 2% miles W. of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. For Irene Wallace, Mr. ft Mrs. Jay Mack, and others. Horst, Aucts. WED. APR. 13 - 7:3OPM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Four States Lives tock Sales, Hagerstown, Md. THUR., APR. 14 - Located 1 4 Mi. N. of Mifflintown, along Rt 35, Juniata Co. Complete Dispersal of Dairy Cattle & Farm Machinery. Fleda G. Wil son, Owner. Long's Auction service. THURS. APR. 14 - 9AM Real estate, antiques, household goods, G Allis- Chalmers tractor w/equip, farm equip, tools, misc. lumber. 584 Kinderhook Rd„ West Hempfield Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. Take Rt. 23 10 miles W. of Lane. & turn left onto Kinderhook Rd. By Helen P. Charles Estate. Howard E. Shaub, Inc., auct.