Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 179
PUBLIC SALE Of Real Estate - Sheep & Farm Machinery 27.6 Acre Farm - 26 Sheep & Farm Machinery Saturday, April 9, 1994 AT 9:30 A.M. Located in Franklin County 5 miles West of Chambersburg oft Route 30 West, turn right onto Coble Rd. thence 1/10 mile, turn left in lane at Cemetery. (Auction Signs posted sale day). Real estate to be offered at 12:00 Noon con sists of 27.6 Acres (more or less) slate land farm. 20 acres tillable & 4 acres woods 6 room brick & frame 2 story house w/large foyer, well insulated. Heated by either baseboard electric or 2 coal stoves. Modem kitchen. Full basement 2 car garage & workshop. 2 ground bams. 2 wells. New windmill in crate. Terms 10% down when property is strink en down by auctioneer. Balance in 30 days upon full settlement. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any & all bids. Inspection by appointment call (717) 369-5662. J.D. 850 Diesel tractor, WFE, 512 hrs. (one owner) w/J.D. 75 loader; HIC 3 pt. Rotary Mower; Ber-Wac 766 five ft. 3 pt. snow Blower (new). (Note Owner relocating to another state). (Owner) James R. Mellott 176 Coble Rd. Chambersburg, Pa. 17201 Auctioneers: Art. Rife Auction Service Lic.#76BL Ph. 776-3645 And Brian J. McGinn Lie. #AA002125 Ph. 264-2597 David W. Rahauser, Attorney PX7.TXX.I mmm APRIL 9 10 AM SHARP FARM EQUIPMENT TOOLS-ETC. ARTHURDALE WV on Q Road Near Post Office - at the residence of the late David Fink -16 miles East of Morgantown, WV - 28 miles West of Oakland, MD. Farmall mod. 706 tractor • Int mod. 460 tractor • 1981 For pick up F 250 4WD • Chev dump truck 80 series *1971 Plymouth Road Runner • Farmall Super A w/att • Int TD9 dozer w/cable winch • MF#35 combine w/com and grain heads • Woods 6’ Bush Hog • 1942 Ford Jeep • McCormick bailer mod. 46 • McCormick grain drill • #3O McCormick Der. com shelter • V/* ton cap new H feed grinder • Gehl 2600 skid steer • Int 2 pt bitch 3 btm plows • 2 pt hitch mowing machine • Elec, grain auger • Hammer mill • Suburban power washer • Hay wagon • grain wagon • New idea cut/ditioner mod 272 • Bxs flat trailer • JD side delivery rake M-896 • Hydraulic pull disc on rubber • 2 horse transport trailer • NH fertilizer spreader • Set 3 pt hit 4 btm plow • Com picker • House trailer frame & axles • windmill • Blacksmith forge • Metal lathe • 3 hp air compressor • 225 amp welder • pull disc • Elec com shelter • Platform scales • Toledo scales • Jonsercd chain saw • Stihl chain saw 32” • Tree climbers • Bench vise and grinder • Anvil • Feed dolly • Welding rods • Fence wire • Air grease gun • Cutting torches gauges and carts • Heaters • Chargers * Jacks • Shop bins and cabinets • Minn light and charger • Manure spreaders • Horse equipment (saddles, bridles, lead ropes etc.) • Riding mower • Farm tools • Hand tools • Lots, lots, lots more. TERMS: CASH OR CASHIERS CHECK - PERSONAL CHECK w/VAUD ID Lunch Available - Bring your chairs Porta John •UNNY AUCTION CO. 700-94 Information: 304-864-3428 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication COMPLETE SERVICE ixtXSS> PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1994 9:30 AM. DISPERSAL OF POULTRY EQUIPMENT AND OTHER RELATED ITEMS FOR EPLER FARMS, RT. 11 JUST NORTH OF NORTHUMBERLAND, PA DIRECTIONS: From Northumberland Travel North on Route 11. To Be Held at the Rear of Epier's Farm Market EQUIPMENT Button/Johmon Tomato Harvester with Electric Sort; 1965 International CO 4000 Truck Tractor-250 Cummins 10 Speed; J.D. 2010 Tractor With Loader-No Bucket; 2-6 Ton Feed Bins; 480 J.D. Haybine; Meyer Power Angle Snow Plow ST-90. STORE RELATED ITEMS Hobart 3000 Digital Scales; 2 Data-T Regis ten; Toledo 8200 Scales; Hobart Scales; Hand & Electric Adding Machines; Kero Heaters; Fans; 36" Fans with Shutters; Bag Sewer for Feed or Produce Bags; Electric Floor Sweeper Powermatic Advance 20; Crystal Soda Cooler; 6 Bubble Gum Machines; 10 Ft. Re frigerator Case With Compressor; 8 Ft Fleet wood Meat Case; Hussman Freezer Case... EGG AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT Of Special Interest To Owners Of Breeder Flocks Kuhl Hand Feed 6 Row Egg Washer With Vacuum Egg Handlers HWCS 35-50 NBSS With Rotary Take Away; Eggo-Matic Grader and Eggo-Matic Paker EPIOI2 also Egg Flats; Egg Baskets; 4-310 Unit Roll Away Nests and Other Nests; Augers; Feeders; Motors and Other Feed Handling Equipment... Own ora: EPLER FARMS Contact John 473-7398 or 473-3071 Lunch Avallabls KENNETH E. MASSINGER NEIL A COURTNEY R.R. 02, Box 005 R.D.*l, Box 239 McClure. PA 17841 Richfield, PA 17086 (717)658-3538 MBRn (717)539-8791 AU-001532-L AU-002861-L ARTHUR EICHAS FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SAT,, APRIL 9, 1994 11KK) A.M. Wilton, NY Auction to bt held at 217 Parma Cen ter Road (Rt. 18) halfway between Rt. 261 and Rt. 259,3 mllea north of Rt. 104, 3 miles south of Hilton, 12 miles north west of Rochester. Having retired from farming will sell a good clean line of well maintained equipment including: Deutz DBOO6 4 wheel drive tractor, 2 Ford 5000 diesel tractors, 1 w/new motor 300 hrs. ago; Ford 3000 gas tractor w/loader and snow bucket; J.D. 6600 combine, diesel, mudhog, 443 com head, tracks, only 2300 hrs.; J.D. 7000 4 row planter dry fertilizer, IHC 700 4-18 plow; IHC 710 5-16 plow; IHC 470 14 ft. mobile disc; Brillion 14 ft culti packer; Brillion 14* cultimulcher; 20 ft IHC transport drag; McConnell 4 row danish tine cultivator. 3 pt ditcher. United Farm 500 gal. tandem trailer sprayer w/42 ft. boom; 300 gal lon 3 pt tank w/14 ft boom; KMN 900 lb. pto 3 pt fertilizer spreader; Arps 6 ft. 3 pt. blade; nearly new; 5 grain boxes on running gears; 8” fertilizer auger; Moridge 400 batch dryer, pto; S 3 ft 6 in. transport auger; 18.4-30 duals; 18.4-34 duals; super shelter for NI com picker; misc. small items. STEVE BAUMAN EQUIPMENT; NH 280 twine baler, 3 Int. drags, 1-16*. 1-12’; 2 flat rack wagons; 21966 Chevy dump trucks w/12* dumps. IS* Brillion cultimulcher, Case 4 bottom hyd. reset plow; hyd. reset plow; Case 3 bottom plow; 469 hay bine; NH 568 rolabar rake; Int 510 grain drill w/fertilizcr; Cub Cadet 70 riding mower; 2 - 18.4x34 used tires. TERMS: Cash or good check day of auc tion. Nothing to be removed until settled for. ARTHUR EICHAS, Ownor FRI. APR. 8 -10 AM, Pen nsylvania Showcase Sale, Selling 150 Head. Located Ag Arena, State College, Pa. FRI. APR. 6 -11 AM Ulys ses, Pa Sherwood Farms Complete Farm Machinery Dispersal of. Late Model Machinery Including Six (6) John Deere Tractors. Located At The Former Bennett Potato Farm She Off Loucks, Mill Road 2 Miles South Of Ulysses. (Loucks Mills Road Runs Between State Route 49 In Ulysses'And U.S. Route 6 At West Pike Which Is S Miles West Of Galeton.) Watch For Signs! Pitrung Auctioneers, Inc. Way land, NY 718-728-2520. FRI. APR. 8 - 6PM, Annual 'Spring Consignment, guns 8 Fishing Equip, boating, trapping, sporting goods. Consignment. Located Dwight D. Miller, Auct., Centra, Bethel. Pa. FRI. APR. 8-IPM & SAT. APR. 9 • 9AM Valuable Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques & Tools. At 2835 Lincoln Highway East, Ronks, Lane. CO., Pa. Near Miller's Smorgas bord. By Ralph & Kathryn Graham. Robert E. & Jef frey R. Marlin, auct FRI. APR. 8 - SPM & SAT. APR. 9 - SAM Real estate, personal property, anti ques. Held in tent, bring lawn chair. In West Fallow field Twp., Chester Co., held along Rt 41,8/10 mile north of Cochranville. Pa. 8 8.3 miles south of Gap. Pa. PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEHOLD. TOOLS a MISC. SATURDAY, APRIL 30 - 3:00 P.M. Property located approx. 4 mi N of Mlf flintown, along the Arch Rock Rd., BUT WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE at Junia ta Markets, Jet of Rts 75 & old 22, at the blinking lights, 1 mi N of Port Royal, Juniata Co. REAL ESTATE selling at 7:00 P.M. Selling a 1 story, frame home w/alum. siding in a nice country location on approx. 1 acre lot. Also of special interest to ‘‘Fishermen'' & "Nature Lovers”, is a stocked trout stream, only a few ft. beyond the rear boundary line. There is a Ig. living room, bedroom, full bath and kitchen w/built-in cabinets and a dining area, full basement. Heat is elec, but there is also a hook-up for a wood stove. On lot water and sewage. BE SURE TO CHECK THIS PROPERTY ON ONE OF THESE. SHOW DATES: Saturday, April 9 from 10 to 2 and Wed. Eve., April 13, from 5 to 8 or Ph. 717-527-4685 for an appt. TERMS: 10% down at time of sale, bal. In 30 days, other terms at sale. THE ESTATE OF MILES B. GRAY L. Carl McClure, Exc. Michael Johnston, Atty. Long’s Auction Service PH. 717-527-2405 OR 4458 AUOOI7O2L 9th Annual Lebanon Valley Farm Toy Show April 16. 1994 at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA Floor Rights; Saturday morning - 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Show Times; 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. Auction: A consignment auction at 4:00 p.m. Toy* accepted at 1 p.m. Sale: 4:00 p.m. Auction by Creekside Auction Service of Gibsonville, North Carolina, Rick Murray, Auctioneer. Admission Raton? Adults - $3, Sr. Citizens (over 60) - $1.50. age 6-14 - $l, Under 6 - Free. May be purchased at the show and auction. **Smoklng not permitted at the Show or Auction** / am looking for quality consignments for the afternoon auction. Please get in touch! Daphne Engle (717) 653-6444 or Write: Lebanon Valley Farm Toy Show P.O. Box #ll7 • Marietta, PA 17547 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday. April 2.1M4-El5 By EKra B. Clark. Leary, auct FRI. APR. 8 - 6:3OPM Estate of George Gibbls, Jr. of Lane., Pa. Erd Banks and trucks, Hess, few Win ross and misc. other toys. At Holiday Inn East Lan caster Greenfield Road Exit off Rt. 30, Lane. Pa. All American Auction Service. FRI. APR. B - 7PM, Com mercial Replacement Bred Heifer Sale. Located Far mers Livestock Exchange, Inc., Rt 50 West- Just Off 1-81, Winchester, VA. 22603. Gary Vance, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - Annual Spring Machinery Consign ment Auction held at the Cowaneeque Valley Lives tock Market, Route 49, Knoxville, Pa. Tioga Co., Clyde Beard, Knoxville, Pa. Uc. AU-000051-L. Phone and fax 814-326-4188. SAT. APR. 9 - SAM Fine collection of antiques, col lectibles, brass & cast iron pieces, books, antique tools, guns, toys. 2475 Ore gon Pike, Lane. Pa. Approx. 3 miles from Lane, on Rt. 272 N. (Oregon Pike). First farm on nght past Landis Valley Rd. across from Landis Valley Museum. By Agent for Owner. Milter & Siegrist, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - BAM Key stone Chapter Consign ment Auction. Manchester, Pa York Co. From Rt 30 in York, PA go N. on N. George St (Rt 1818) to signal light in Manchester, continue 1 1/10 mile to macadam road on right By Rentzel’s Auction Service. SAT. APR. 9 - B:3OAM For the Howard & Effle Shaw Estate. Antiques, collecti bles, house items, gun, rid ing mower, tools, misc. York Co, Pa. from Rt 74 (Main St.) In Dallastown turn west onto Rt 214 (S. Pleasant Ave) for 1.0 mi. Turn L onto Blymire Rd. for 1.0 ml. turn R onto Aldinger Rd. 6 go short distance to sale on R <3> 820 Aldinger Rd. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman, Russell Wright, aucts. SAT. APR. 9-B:3OAM Har bold's Garage, 1817 Hum mel Ave., Camp Hill, Pa. Good quality tools and equip, of a 21 yr. estab lished auto/truck/mechanic repair business. Ziegler auction co. SAT. APR. 9 -B:3OAM Anti ques, household goods, electrical tools & supplies. Held in the Chanceford Community Center, Brogue Pa. Rt. 74 SE from Red Lion to Brogue Post Office, turn right, % mite to hall on left From MD Rt. 165 N. and onto Rt. 74 to left turn at Brogue Post Office. Har old E. Grain, Owner. Bob & Tom Sechrist, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - B:3OAM Rawlinsville Volunteer Fire Co. 26th Annual All Day Auction. 2172 S. to trace, turn right onto Trace Rd, go to stop sign, turn left, sale on right. By Rawlinsville Sale Committee. Local & Well known aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM 7 Beef Cows, 2 Bulls, Farm Equip ment, Carpenter Tools, Etc. Located 450 Yeakley Rd., Just Off Hilltop Rd. North Of Myerstown, Leb. Co. Owner, Woodrow H. Yeak ley. G. Harvey Weik, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Trac tors and farm mach., tools & misc. new tools, quilts and crafts, guns and bow, livestock. Located at school, 5 miles S. of Tur botville. Pa. 4 miles N. of Washingtonville, off Route 54 near PP&L Power plant. William G. Wolfe, auct. SAT. APR. 0 - 9AM At Green Leaf Acre Farms, 15 miles E. of Indiana, Pa. 4 miles E. of Penn Run, PA on Rt 553, one-half mile E. of Penns Manor High School. Owners Larry C. & Patricia A. Buterbaugh. Pets Stewart & Son, aucts. SAT. APR. 9-9 AM 23 trac tors, farm machinery, orig. signs, tractor steel, cast iron seats. Located at 6245 Lewis Rd., Trumansburg, NY (Fingeriakes region N of Ithaca). From water tow em in Trumansburg, take Searsburg Rd. to Lewis Rd. and right to auction. Side kick Auction Service. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Con signment Sale Tractors & equip., mowers, tools, toys, misc. Jefferson Community Center, Jefferson. Md. from Frederick take Rt. 340 W to Lander Road. MC Skip Zimmerman, Dan Poole, Walter Gordon, Emory Ahalt, Gene Franklin, Jack Downin, George Lease, aucts.