Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 166

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    EMancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 2,1994
Fireplace insert, ex. cond,
Lane. Co. $295
Steel wheels 61* high, 13*
wide, also HOPS for 3SOC
or 3508. Lane. Co.
88 Ford Fl5O 4x4 37,500
auto, ps, pb, am/fm stereo,
fiberglass cap, alum, run
ning boards $9BOO. Man
heim, Lane. Co.
Case IH 365 4 wheel drive
tractor, 2250 loader, shuttle
shift, 237 hrs. Berkeley Co.
WV 304-754-7615 after 7
Chicken caged for layers
also feed cart and feed
water troughs, come look
and make offer. Lane. Co.
Hancock earth mover
292-B for parts with good
4-71 Detroit motor $3250.
Yale forklift needs some
work $llOO. Atlantic Co.
7 HP Dynavent bedding
chopper in working cond.
$5OO. Haban com shelter
PTO driven on wheels
$6OO. Northumberland Co.
Pocono building lot Ist
3,000. takes it.
215-536-6076 Bucks Co.
Storm windows size
26'x55* $5 ea. only 10 left.
Drawing board 37”x72"
hard wood top 37* high has
tilt top & 3 draws. Lane. Co.
610-286-5012 after 5 p.m.
IH offset disc transport 14
ft. with cylinder Al. York
Co. 717-244-3974.
5 colonies! of honey bees,
Itlaian's $95 each. Willis
Leid 935 Leid Rd., East
Earl, Pa. 17519.
Cat 422-5 forklift 4 cyl., LP
gas, hard tires 2500 lb lift
works good $2500. Some
rset Co. 814-467-4764 call
after 4 p.m.
Sale/trade Jacob ram
lambs. Yearling X-breed
ram, registered pygmy
buck kids. Yearling Nubian
buck, very small. Adams
Co. 717-359-5658.
JD 530 NF nice $3500. JD
60 NF $l5OO. plus other 2
cyl. 30 series. NJ, cays
500 gal. tandem axle
sprayer, hydraulic booms,
Oliver 3 pt. hitch, hydraulic
plow, 8 ft. Cambria Co.
So'x40 i building to be tom
down 3x12 floor joists 2x12
floor 2xlo roof rafters. Leb.
Co. 717-949-3124 must
Onel horse grain drill, five
disc mint cond. Hamp. Co.
W. Va. 304-289-5000.
31 small round wrapped
bales of wheat, oats and
rye cover crop mixture, $l5
per bale. Union Co.
AC Model 770 foru row
plate com planter, dry fertil
izer, very good cond. Berks
Co. 610-562-7026 after 6
p.m. $l,OOO.
32' portable feed-silage
bunk, round bale feeders,
gates, bam cleaner, moldy
buggy ear com make offer,
No Sunday calls
Wisconsin THD baler motor
with crank spinner, rebuilt
Maytag square tub wringer
washer 7 ft. John Deere
mower with motor mount.
717-687-8194 answering
Electric generator volts
120/240 9.4 K.V.A. amps
39/78 RPM 1200 $l5O.
White Amana 30" range
model ARR63O new never
used $575. also parting out
85 Escort bad engine. Leb.
Co. 717-866-6287.
Seibring greenhouse hea
ter 360,000 BTU. 4-12"
tube, Like new, ready for
engine. $l5OO. Also 6" duct
fan Lane. Co.
Ford F7OO dump truck 10'
bed 361 eng. 5x2 speed
26,000 GVW 9' Myers
snow plow $2OOO or 080.
3 pt JD com planter $350,
3 pt. Danuserpost hole dig
ger ss6o anvil's 90e lb. all
nice. York Co.
1678 Dodge magnum 360
engine t-top automatic
trans. runs good, $l2OO.
Lane. Co. 717-367-5503.
Clover seed- nice, clean
home grown. York Co.
717-235-1479 eves.
Duals for Case 1270
18.4-38 on 16* rims tires
75% tread or more $l5O
ea. Amos Zimmerman,
Clean dry ear corn can
deliver. York Co.
Two butcher kettle fur-
naces *new economic*
good cond., also home
inline track scales. Franklin
Co. 717-369-2755.
2 male peacocks 1993
hatch Im. South Terre Hill
off 897 Linden Rd. Chris
Martin, 455 Linden Rd.,
E.E. Lane. Co.
Standardbred mare w/
papers 8 yr. old 16.1 hands
traffic safe & sound black 4
white feet & blaze $975.
Lane. Co. 717-445-5503.
1740 Case skid loader on
steel wheels $3OOO. Lane.
Co. 717-354-4397.
350 motor 4 barrel dual pt.
dist. cammed headers
exhaust super coil elde
broke intake $3OO firm.
717-677-4712 nights.
1 pair sorrel mules 4 yr. old
broke medium sized
$2600. Lane. Co. 172
Featherbed Lane, Quarry
ville, Pa. 17566.
JD model *M' w/pulley &
PTO mounted plow cults.
Lane. Co. 610-286-5012.
Ist cutting timothy, orchard
hay, nice color, made
young, guaranteed no mold
$137/ton delivered, 1 ton
load. Sch. Co.
717-345-4109 eves.
Berks Co. homegrown
clover seed, medium red,
good quality, very dean,
good germination.
610-926-3595 6-9 p.m.
494 A JD complanter, DD,
dry, $4OO, dry fort, hoppers
& 00 openers for JD 7000,
$BOO. Berks Co.
JD 4 row 1240 com planter,
plateless 30’ row very good
cond., $1250. Berks Co.
D 7 for parts good tracks,
Bay City, unit, Northwest &
P&H booms, Cat 13000
power unit $BOO, 35' flexi
ble bus 671 5 spd. $6OOO,
16' Boston whaler 55 HP
Evinrude no title $lOOO.
Cecil Co. Md.
Int. 225 hayswather new
belts & runs good, $l2OO.
Wash. Co. Md.
301-739-9490 no Sunday
Combination hyd. & pres
sure washer unit 10 HP
Honda engine good oond.
717-354-6612 between
Big 8 yr. old standardbred
carriage horse, 2 pair
Endem geese, laying eggs,
also fresh golden guern
sey. Lane. Co
1250 Cub Cadet hydrosta
tic, 44" mower deck looks
good runs good, $1075.
York Co. 717-244-3415.
Used horse collars all kind
sizes, good cond. Christ E.
Fisher, 1975 A Mine Rd.,
Paradise, Pa. 17562.
Bolens ride master riding
tractor, also Leroi 4 cyl.
York Co. 717-329-2428.
New single seated menno
nite carnage steel wheels.
Lane. Co. 717-484-4131.
JD 3 section harrow $175,
JD offset disk $lOO, 2 bale
thrower wagons $250 &
$375 ea„ NH wide thrower
belt. Lane. Co.
Hay about 300 bales 2nd
cutting, no rain, about 600
bales rain, 68 Baler good.
Leb. Co. 717-273-8065.
Sheep clippers #5l brown
A-1 $BO, also new black
ones $l5O, (1) new Sun
beam hand pc. 'A price.
Northampton Co.
Pedigree Dorset ram out of
windswept 8735 $2OO.
Montg. Co. 610-287-6899.
1953 Ford Jubilee tractor
with Kelly front end loader,
good cond. $3700.
717-957-2268 after 5 p.m.
20' 1988 Econolite
gooseneck alum, slock
trailer with 4' changing
room with full gate and half
gate. Hunterdon Co.
Same Orago FWD 100 hp
one owner clean $B5OO
080. 12 ft. gandy box 80.
Farmall A 60’ Woods mow
er. $3200. 614-651-7415.
Cultimulcher 12', Bril lion
transporter model, cylinder,
good cond. $2600. Leb.
Co. Lester Hess.
Large round wire corn crib
2400 bu. size asking $250
also 1981 QMC dump truck
with 8.2 diesel asking
$4200. Both in good cond.
Halifax 717-896-8573.
Hi-chair, McDonalds, 4
wheels 25.8 Favorite cage
feeders, 22 ball bearing
bottle nipples, 1.00 each.
Free old pictures. Chester
Co. 610-383-5280.
JD 4320 tractor 7240
hours, good cond. $9OOO.
Kent Co. Oe.
Yellow and green spring
wagon with hydraulic
brakes, ex. cond. $l2OO.
Lane. Co. 717-336-4626.
International Cub Lo-Boy
model 154, with 60’ Woods
belly mower, needs trans.
work, motor runs good
$1 750. York Co.
Full Wave bridge rectifier
with reactor coil convert AC
stick welder to smooth DC
$95. Boyertown, Berks Co
after 12:00 610-367-7210.
Feed bin 6.2 ton with auger
Cumb. Co. 717-776-4737.
Hay for sale dairy & horse
can deliver. Lane. Co.
White mute swans 1- 2 yr.
old, 1 pair 1-yr. old $2OO ea.
2 seated mennonite car
riage solid good paint, IH
40 hp. 3 cyl. tractor over
hauled. 717-659-2374.
JD A overhauled & painted
good shape best offer free
standing school desks $8
ea. Lane. Co.
NH haybino 488 fair cond.,
$l5. 1676 VII Martins
Scavenger spreader w/
hyd. lid. Lane. Co.
Fox 2,000 chopper low hrs.
nice heads avail., $9OO,
2-R $2OO, 7' hay head $6.
Leb. Co. 717-272-0041.
1977 C-65 tandem axle
427 995 5-4 trans. diff. lock
20' mid-west grain box.
Union Co. 717-966-1610 or
Int. 3 pt. 55 chisel plow, 9
tooth, hay cirmper w/metal
interlocking rolls, pony w/
snap. Union Co.
1090 Hesston windrower
good cond. for $lOOO. Leb.
Co. 717-865-0826.
Nice reg. breeding age bull
16 mths. old Tesk- Holm
Valiant Rockie Son" $1025,
‘Dam Starbuck Jetwa". 7
a.m.-4 p.m. 717-355-0360.
Roto grind tub grinder for
bales or bark. Potter Co.
Oliver 88 w/2 row cult., side
dressers, JD 400 15' rotary
hoe like new, IH 12' disc w/
new 20’ blades. Middlesex
Co. N.J. 609-799-2523.
Dearborn 6’ 3 pth. sicklebar
mower $3OO, Farmall Cub
runs good $2200, 4’ Mott
mower lor Cub $4OO. Del.
Co. 215-399-1229.
Angora goat mother & baby * conveyor foldput
both reg. animals. Mon- fxlensions for Myers 500
mouth Co. 609-259-1102 forage wagons $25 ea.
leave message. Lane. Qo. 717-664-2959.
Large round, steel incuba
tor, still air, 100 egg capaci
ty. 717-432-8075.
Wood boxes all oak I in
new cond. dimensions
20x14x12* 200 avail.,
$4.50 all or $5.50 ea.
Bucks Co. 215-297-8079.
JD B 1941 stuck $5OO,
1993 tandem axle 12* trail
er 14’ tires factory made
$l,lOO. Lack. Co.
12' disc Int $9OO, T disc
Pittsburg $BOO, 310 NH
baler $3,450,3 hay wagons
$950 ea., 5040 AC 400
hrs., $6,895, excel, cond.
Morris Co. 201-334-0918.
Plow & cults, for Farmall A,
JD sickle mower 275 gal.
fuel oil tank $lOO. Berks
Co. 215-987-9653 eves.
3 Reg. yearling Corriedale
rams, show quality, beauti
ful fleeces $2OO ea., also
fall lambs for sale. Fred.
Co. Md. 301-293-1279.
JD 420-W 3 pt. 5 spd. runs
good $1,400, IH 1050
grinder-mixer 4 screens
$1,200. Carroll. Co.
1000 lb. cap Fairbank plat
form scale $O5, good
shape, buggy harness &
collar bridle everything is
togdther $l5O.
JD potato planter 2-row
$475, 1 row potato digger
PTO $275. Carroll Co.
IH com planter #456 ex. dry
fert., 1- IH spring tooth har
row 12'. North.d Co.
JD 30 combine 80' sickle
head 4 cyl. engine, good
cond., $3OO. Montg. Co.
610-287-6473 eves.
Cocker Spaniel breeders,
AKC, champion bloodlines,
red & white male, 5 yrs.,
$2OO, black & white,
female, 4 yrs., $250, gold
female, 4 yrs., $2OO or
3/$6OO, delivery possible.
Mack 1966 R-600 tractor
s/a 711 engine triplex trans
w/wetline runs good cab
rusted best offer. Mon
mouth Co. 908-946-3489
Parting out 79 Ford
CLT9OOO double sleeper
KT4SO, 12513 overdrive,
38,000 4.11 rears, 10x20
Alcoa wheels, Fruehauf air
slide Sth wheel. Cedi Co.
22 holstein steers average
500 lbs. ,80/lb. Augusta Co.
Va. 703-886-5849 after 7
p.m. weeknights.
Brillion 16' cart harrow- like
new- always kept in shed,
$2lOO, 12' cultipacker
$B5O. Col. Co.
4 bdrm. brick farmhouse
w/65 acres, 12A tillable
10A Christmas trees
remainder wooded moun
tain land. North’d Co.
717-758-8671 no Sunday
Farmall B w/belly mower
new front rear tires new
starter governor battery
comp, rewired. North'd. Co.
250 bales alfalfa-rye grass
Ist cutting late no rain
$1.25 per bale, good steer
hay. Dau. Co.
1971 Drott SO excavator
36’ digging. 60’ smooth
buckets, wristotwist, extra
valve for mower, hammer
attachments $9500. Ontar
io Co. 716-394-8239.
JD 7000 4RW plantar dry
fort, markers monitor insec-
L, IB ton tag-a-long trailer
w/ramps, elect, brakes, 1
set duals for IH 18.4x38.
Franklin Co.
Jersey bull purebred no
papers very nice approx.
400 lbs. plus $325 firm.
Cumber. Co.
JO 820 diesel very good
oond., ex tin. Franklin Co.
AC D-15 tractor wide front
power steering new paint,
good tires series I snap
coupler. 215-536-3321
after 6.
AC 7040 excel, cond.,
$7,000, Farmall Has is. JD
110 disk $l,OOO. Warren
Co. N.J. 908-475-3026.
Gravely 8102 lawn & gar
den tractor, rebuilt 10 HP
Kohler, 40* mower, man.
lift, $l5OO firm. Berks Co.
Farmall cub tractor workers
plow & shovel plow, $2700.
York Co. Jacob Gilbert,
RD#l Wrightsville, Pa.
1964 Plymouth Valiant
oonv. rough, but running 6
cyl. auto, $800,1951 nash
statesman not running
$l3OO. Lane. Co.
1994 summer market
swine projects I'll be bring a
load of top qualify show
pigs in from Indiana. Some
rset Co. 814-733-4752.
Two 1 yr. old white mute
female swans, Reg. Soott
Highland bull 2 yrs. old dark
red. Adams Co.
F-Cub block $2OO, Woods
3 pt. RMS 9 finish mower
$450, Farmall H $BOO, Int.
154 lowboy $lOOO. Chester
Co. 610-495-6170.
Supreme feed mixer new
augers. Berks Co.
HI 00 Ag bagger 9' working
cond., $4OOO, 6 row cult,
$750, 30' implement trailer
$l9OO. Berks Co.
Oil pumps: 4-V4 HP X
proof, $lOO ea., 2-I'A HP
3-phase, 2-1 HP 3-phase
$75 ea., 10-gal. thread cut
ting oil $5O. Berks Co.
Typewriter- Olympic man
ual, extra wide carriage,
excel, cond., Elite type
style, $25. Chester Co.
Farmall 756 diesel WF 3 pt.
new paint 18-34 radial runs
& looks good $6BOO. Mar
tinsburg, W.Va.
Pygmy billy goat, caramel 4
yrs. throws lovely caramel
kids grandson to national
champion $75 w/papers.
Chester Co. 215-469-9234.
Stainless nursery feeders
4’x7' nursery pens variable
speed fans farrowing pens
S'xT’ rubber coated woven
steel flooring. Leb. Co.
Nl crimper $75, Sears rid
ing mower 10 HP needs
work $l5O, Gill pulverizer
$125. Leb. Co.
Troy Bilt rototiller, Tecum
seh engine, elect, start,
wrap around bumper $750.
Cumber. Co.
717-532-3501 eves.
Dodge Charger 1974 dass
ic 2-door coupe, strong
orig. 318 V-8, under 30,000
miles, automatic, new tires,
SISQO. Dau. Co.
Black percheron gelding 17
hands 11 yr. works bolh
sides of the tongue (willing)
$9OO. Marcus Stauffer, RD
1 Box 399, Port Travorton,
Pa. 17864.
Potatoes $4 50 lbs. 322
turn at Hinkletown light 2nd
road left, 3rd farm right.
James H. Hoover, Ephrata,
Lane. Co.
Int. semi-mounted plow
adjustable 14, 18, 22 wide
ex. cond. York Co.
717-993-2104 no Sun.
Nl No. 14A ground drive
manure spreader $6OO,
Stauffer 2 row transplanter
$250. York Co.
Windmill, 40’ tower 8'
wheel, will accept best
offer, you take down. York
Co. 717-432-3117,
Avacota elect, range in
excel, cond., $25. Lane.
Co. 717-626-6805.
Retractable bed-mounted
kingpin sth wheel hitch w/
receiver s3o,soonew plas
tic potting pots $25. Adams
Co. 717-350-5834.
1979 OidsmobHe Starlire,
1079 Plymouth TC3 both 4
spds. good drive train $2OO
ea. Lane. Co.
911 Porsche eng., $350,
914 Porsche eng., $250,
1976GMC4WDK 1., 400
cu. auto.t rust $5OO. Montg.
Co. 610-237-7543.
3 white mute swans, 1 yr.
old, $125 ea. Daniel M.
Bailer, 624 Willow Rd.,
Lane. Pa 17601.
1979 QMC Truck Detroit
diesel 454 Turbo Allison
auto., 2-spd. rear, 23,160
GVW 68,000 Miles, 920
tires, good rubber 18' Eby
alum, cattle body roll-up
side & rear doors w/chutes,
excel, oond., $6,000. Bucks
Co. 215-529-7166.
McCormick Deering mower
no. 7 5' cut can haul, $65.
York Co. 717-244-3024
between 2 p.m.-7 p.m.
Incubator 600 egg elect
manual turn $2OO. Orange
Co. N.Y. 914-692-4072.
JO 336 baler w/#3O bale
ejector good shape always
stored inside average use
6000 bales per year,
$4500. 614-583-5301 any
tlme 7 a.m.-11 p.m.
JD no. 325 plow 4 btm. hyd.
reset, $650. Lane. Co.
NH 352 grinder mixer fold
ing auger, $l7OO, 1961
8160 Int truck wood box
make offer. Lane. Co.
717-653-1201 between
9-10 a.m.
JD 2950, SGB, MFWD,
new trans. clutch, new
MFWD dutch, field ready.
Lane. Co. 717-445-4726,
Outdoor World Master
Membership camping, dis
counts on hotels, cruises, &
mors. Savel Way below
current market price. Lane.
Co. 717-548-3207.
Ml 494 A com planter w/
steel wheels $5OO 080.
Wanted tort. hoppers for
this 4 row planter. Lane.
Co. A.S. Krnsinger, 584
Shady Rd., Kirkwood, Pa.
AC 017 series 4 diesel
wide front new tires brakes
factory 3 pt. excel. Some
rset Co. 814-662-2232,
after 7 p.m.
Miniature babydoll sheep,
breeder & pet stock includ
ing 1994 lambs, also pyg
my goat babies in various
colors. Monroe Co.
Fallow deer 2 whits buck &
2 spotted doe. Carbon Co.
717-386-4752 after 4 p.m.
2nd cut alfalfa orchard mix.
Lehigh Co. 610-298-2993.
Chev. 307 motor 8 cyl. can
hear run $3OO or complete
vehicle running cond.,
$5OO. Harf. Co. Md.
Ford Bronco 6 cyl., 4 spd.
full size 4 whl. dr. 75K
needs some work, $2850.
Clinton Co. 908-236-2297.
Oak bale wagon, 3 btm.
plow 3 pth, 8' wheel disk,
MF 65 gas. Atl. Co.
2nd & 3rd cutting timothy
hay, nice color, good for
dairy or beef cattle
$ll5/ton deliver in 7 ton
load. Sch. Co.
717-345-4109 eves.
4000 lb. White forklift
(1200.), Efm Stoker (200.),
Fordson (1200.), Allis *Er
(800.), Lincoln welder
(100.). Lehigh Co.
Ez-Go late model gas pow
ered four wheel golf car,
handy around home &
farm, $5OO. Lack. Co.
Used elect hospital bed,
mattress, & side rails
included $325.
29 Ford Model A special 4- 7x17.5 tires, 2- 7.50*6,
coupe 80% restored have TK tires 2-rear 13 6x26
most parts must see seed cleaner 2 grain aug*
$6OOO. Tioga Co. 26’ single chain elevator 9
717-549-3835. tooth Qlenco. Leb Co.
JO 3 bottom roll over plow
$2350. Papec 16' metal
hay wagon $1475. Mixed
timothy hay $lOO. Lane.
Co. 717-653-5691.
John Deere 1240 corn,
San ter, good cond. $lOOO.
eg. also good flat bed
wagon. Adams Co.
Columbia range whits
cookstove just repaired
$450. 080. NH 402 crim
per IH 100 trail mower.
Elmer S. Fisher, 829 Stras
burg Rd., Paradise, Pa.
17562. Lane. Co.
Belarus 4 wheel drive 57
HP, ex. rubber. Lane. Co.
Good sound Tenn. Walk
ers, Ex. trail horses, Hard
Coal Stables, Main St.
Lavelle, Pa. 17943.
AC 1800 good cond.,
$5OOO, 3 row 3 pt. cult.,
$250, horse trailer dressing
room $6OO, 8" auger new
$6OO. Warren Co
1 pair 2 & 3 yr. old mules,
16 hands growing, well
matched, home raised.
Christian Beiler, 3981 East
Newport Rd„ Qordonville,
Pa. 17529.
JD 210 14' disk new 22*
blades w/dual wheels,
excel, cond., $3200. Lane
Co. 717-445-5046.
Alfalfa grass hay squan
bales extra nice second
cutting also large round
bales first cutting, all stored
inside, semen tank MVE 49
w/semen. Juniata Co
1 big holstein heifer due In
April make offer. Lane. Co
males & females
white & gray. Princs
Georges Co. Md
Spring is here, purple Mar
tin apartment bird houses
painted plywood 16 apart,
$65 can ship UPS, bluebird
houses, $3.00. Lane. Co
JD potato planter 2 row
$5OO, Oliver 2R potato dig
ger $2OO. York Co.
71 7-235-4338 or
Pair sorrel horses 6 & 7 yts.
old horse drawn equip,
mowing machines and corn
planter. 607-639-2293.
Pair new 9.5x24 ag tins
$2OO, pair new 7.00x14 so
tires $BO. Sussex, N.J
201-875-1597 5-9 p.m.
JD 49-Mt. wghts., fenders,
barn kept, restoration
started, field ready or easy
restoration, runs good
$1650. PG Co. Md.
English saddle aH purposs
close contact, 2 western
saddles, one has matching
breast collar & bridle, army
saddle. Mont. Co.
Two JD 994 com planters,
1 JD 3 pt. com planter, 2
SO’ endless belts harness
Percheron mares. Fred.
Co. Md. 301-845-8650.
Miniature donkey adoraWs,
friendly jack 1 mth., $5OO,
front end loader for Ford 8N
$5OO, Woods mower $4OO.
Balto. Co. Md
Cub Cadet 147 hydro,
Troy-Bilt chipper/shredda
5 HP, 180 gal. fuel tank
Dau. Co. 717-469-2570.
NH 1003 bale wagon Ilk*
new $9,500, NH 326 bale
like new $9,000, less that
1000 bales on both.
703-592-3653 eves.
Fiberglass fort hoppers for
IH 456 $lOO, John Wood
300 gal. milk tank new 5 HP
compressor $5OO. Berk*
Co. 610-926-4722.
Four wooden overhead
doors 12'x14‘ w/track can
be seen operating avail.
May 94. Schuyl. Co.
610-921-8560 after 3:30
p.m. 717-754-7725.