Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 166
EMancaster Fanning, Saturday, April 2,1994 MAIL RCA MArLK f 1 FOR SALE Fireplace insert, ex. cond, Lane. Co. $295 717-665-4350. Steel wheels 61* high, 13* wide, also HOPS for 3SOC or 3508. Lane. Co. 717-445-5697. 88 Ford Fl5O 4x4 37,500 auto, ps, pb, am/fm stereo, fiberglass cap, alum, run ning boards $9BOO. Man heim, Lane. Co. 717-665-7470. Case IH 365 4 wheel drive tractor, 2250 loader, shuttle shift, 237 hrs. Berkeley Co. WV 304-754-7615 after 7 p.m. Chicken caged for layers also feed cart and feed water troughs, come look and make offer. Lane. Co. 717-336-7949. Hancock earth mover 292-B for parts with good 4-71 Detroit motor $3250. Yale forklift needs some work $llOO. Atlantic Co. 609-561-6822. 7 HP Dynavent bedding chopper in working cond. $5OO. Haban com shelter PTO driven on wheels $6OO. Northumberland Co. 717-672-2439. Pocono building lot Ist 3,000. takes it. 215-536-6076 Bucks Co. Storm windows size 26'x55* $5 ea. only 10 left. Drawing board 37”x72" hard wood top 37* high has tilt top & 3 draws. Lane. Co. 610-286-5012 after 5 p.m. IH offset disc transport 14 ft. with cylinder Al. York Co. 717-244-3974. 5 colonies! of honey bees, Itlaian's $95 each. Willis Leid 935 Leid Rd., East Earl, Pa. 17519. Cat 422-5 forklift 4 cyl., LP gas, hard tires 2500 lb lift works good $2500. Some rset Co. 814-467-4764 call after 4 p.m. Sale/trade Jacob ram lambs. Yearling X-breed ram, registered pygmy buck kids. Yearling Nubian buck, very small. Adams Co. 717-359-5658. JD 530 NF nice $3500. JD 60 NF $l5OO. plus other 2 cyl. 30 series. NJ, cays 908-359-5206. 500 gal. tandem axle sprayer, hydraulic booms, Oliver 3 pt. hitch, hydraulic plow, 8 ft. Cambria Co. 717-374-0759. So'x40 i building to be tom down 3x12 floor joists 2x12 floor 2xlo roof rafters. Leb. Co. 717-949-3124 must remove. Onel horse grain drill, five disc mint cond. Hamp. Co. W. Va. 304-289-5000. 31 small round wrapped bales of wheat, oats and rye cover crop mixture, $l5 per bale. Union Co. 717-966-1307. AC Model 770 foru row plate com planter, dry fertil izer, very good cond. Berks Co. 610-562-7026 after 6 p.m. $l,OOO. 32' portable feed-silage bunk, round bale feeders, gates, bam cleaner, moldy buggy ear com make offer, No Sunday calls 717-694-3917. Wisconsin THD baler motor with crank spinner, rebuilt Maytag square tub wringer washer 7 ft. John Deere mower with motor mount. 717-687-8194 answering machine. Electric generator volts 120/240 9.4 K.V.A. amps 39/78 RPM 1200 $l5O. 717-726-3540. White Amana 30" range model ARR63O new never used $575. also parting out 85 Escort bad engine. Leb. Co. 717-866-6287. Seibring greenhouse hea ter 360,000 BTU. 4-12" tube, Like new, ready for engine. $l5OO. Also 6" duct fan Lane. Co. 717-354-5697. Ford F7OO dump truck 10' bed 361 eng. 5x2 speed 26,000 GVW 9' Myers snow plow $2OOO or 080. 717-569-3212. 3 pt JD com planter $350, 3 pt. Danuserpost hole dig ger ss6o anvil's 90e lb. all nice. York Co. 717-428-1258. 1678 Dodge magnum 360 engine t-top automatic trans. runs good, $l2OO. Lane. Co. 717-367-5503. Clover seed- nice, clean home grown. York Co. 717-235-1479 eves. Duals for Case 1270 18.4-38 on 16* rims tires 75% tread or more $l5O ea. Amos Zimmerman, 717-922-4665. Clean dry ear corn can deliver. York Co. 717-229-2352. Two butcher kettle fur- naces *new economic* good cond., also home inline track scales. Franklin Co. 717-369-2755. 2 male peacocks 1993 hatch Im. South Terre Hill off 897 Linden Rd. Chris Martin, 455 Linden Rd., E.E. Lane. Co. Standardbred mare w/ papers 8 yr. old 16.1 hands traffic safe & sound black 4 white feet & blaze $975. Lane. Co. 717-445-5503. 1740 Case skid loader on steel wheels $3OOO. Lane. Co. 717-354-4397. 350 motor 4 barrel dual pt. dist. cammed headers exhaust super coil elde broke intake $3OO firm. 717-677-4712 nights. 1 pair sorrel mules 4 yr. old broke medium sized $2600. Lane. Co. 172 Featherbed Lane, Quarry ville, Pa. 17566. JD model *M' w/pulley & PTO mounted plow cults. Lane. Co. 610-286-5012. Ist cutting timothy, orchard hay, nice color, made young, guaranteed no mold $137/ton delivered, 1 ton load. Sch. Co. 717-345-4109 eves. Berks Co. homegrown clover seed, medium red, good quality, very dean, good germination. 610-926-3595 6-9 p.m. eves. 494 A JD complanter, DD, dry, $4OO, dry fort, hoppers & 00 openers for JD 7000, $BOO. Berks Co. 610-689-5037. JD 4 row 1240 com planter, plateless 30’ row very good cond., $1250. Berks Co. 610-756-6758. D 7 for parts good tracks, Bay City, unit, Northwest & P&H booms, Cat 13000 power unit $BOO, 35' flexi ble bus 671 5 spd. $6OOO, 16' Boston whaler 55 HP Evinrude no title $lOOO. Cecil Co. Md. 410-378-2785. Int. 225 hayswather new belts & runs good, $l2OO. Wash. Co. Md. 301-739-9490 no Sunday calls. Combination hyd. & pres sure washer unit 10 HP Honda engine good oond. 717-354-6612 between 7-7:30. Big 8 yr. old standardbred carriage horse, 2 pair Endem geese, laying eggs, also fresh golden guern sey. Lane. Co 717-354-5039. 1250 Cub Cadet hydrosta tic, 44" mower deck looks good runs good, $1075. York Co. 717-244-3415. Used horse collars all kind sizes, good cond. Christ E. Fisher, 1975 A Mine Rd., Paradise, Pa. 17562. Bolens ride master riding tractor, also Leroi 4 cyl. York Co. 717-329-2428. New single seated menno nite carnage steel wheels. Lane. Co. 717-484-4131. JD 3 section harrow $175, JD offset disk $lOO, 2 bale thrower wagons $250 & $375 ea„ NH wide thrower belt. Lane. Co. 717-653-5926. Hay about 300 bales 2nd cutting, no rain, about 600 bales rain, 68 Baler good. Leb. Co. 717-273-8065. Sheep clippers #5l brown A-1 $BO, also new black ones $l5O, (1) new Sun beam hand pc. 'A price. Northampton Co. 215-837-1425. Pedigree Dorset ram out of windswept 8735 $2OO. Montg. Co. 610-287-6899. 1953 Ford Jubilee tractor with Kelly front end loader, good cond. $3700. 717-957-2268 after 5 p.m. 20' 1988 Econolite gooseneck alum, slock trailer with 4' changing room with full gate and half gate. Hunterdon Co. 908-782-3179. Same Orago FWD 100 hp one owner clean $B5OO 080. 12 ft. gandy box 80. Farmall A 60’ Woods mow er. $3200. 614-651-7415. Cultimulcher 12', Bril lion transporter model, cylinder, good cond. $2600. Leb. Co. Lester Hess. 717-273-6018. Large round wire corn crib 2400 bu. size asking $250 also 1981 QMC dump truck with 8.2 diesel asking $4200. Both in good cond. Halifax 717-896-8573. Hi-chair, McDonalds, 4 wheels 25.8 Favorite cage feeders, 22 ball bearing bottle nipples, 1.00 each. Free old pictures. Chester Co. 610-383-5280. JD 4320 tractor 7240 hours, good cond. $9OOO. Kent Co. Oe. 302-653-9753. Yellow and green spring wagon with hydraulic brakes, ex. cond. $l2OO. Lane. Co. 717-336-4626. International Cub Lo-Boy model 154, with 60’ Woods belly mower, needs trans. work, motor runs good $1 750. York Co. 717-235-5259. Full Wave bridge rectifier with reactor coil convert AC stick welder to smooth DC $95. Boyertown, Berks Co after 12:00 610-367-7210. Feed bin 6.2 ton with auger Cumb. Co. 717-776-4737. Hay for sale dairy & horse can deliver. Lane. Co. 717-393-4683. White mute swans 1- 2 yr. old, 1 pair 1-yr. old $2OO ea. 610-777-1055. 2 seated mennonite car riage solid good paint, IH 40 hp. 3 cyl. tractor over hauled. 717-659-2374. JD A overhauled & painted good shape best offer free standing school desks $8 ea. Lane. Co. 717-354-4430. NH haybino 488 fair cond., $l5. 1676 VII Martins Scavenger spreader w/ hyd. lid. Lane. Co. 717-354-0584. Fox 2,000 chopper low hrs. nice heads avail., $9OO, 2-R $2OO, 7' hay head $6. Leb. Co. 717-272-0041. 1977 C-65 tandem axle 427 995 5-4 trans. diff. lock 20' mid-west grain box. Union Co. 717-966-1610 or 717-966-1467. Int. 3 pt. 55 chisel plow, 9 tooth, hay cirmper w/metal interlocking rolls, pony w/ snap. Union Co. 717-966-3965. 1090 Hesston windrower good cond. for $lOOO. Leb. Co. 717-865-0826. Nice reg. breeding age bull 16 mths. old Tesk- Holm Valiant Rockie Son" $1025, ‘Dam Starbuck Jetwa". 7 a.m.-4 p.m. 717-355-0360. Roto grind tub grinder for bales or bark. Potter Co. 814-228-3251. Oliver 88 w/2 row cult., side dressers, JD 400 15' rotary hoe like new, IH 12' disc w/ new 20’ blades. Middlesex Co. N.J. 609-799-2523. Dearborn 6’ 3 pth. sicklebar mower $3OO, Farmall Cub runs good $2200, 4’ Mott mower lor Cub $4OO. Del. Co. 215-399-1229. Angora goat mother & baby * conveyor foldput both reg. animals. Mon- fxlensions for Myers 500 mouth Co. 609-259-1102 forage wagons $25 ea. leave message. Lane. Qo. 717-664-2959. Large round, steel incuba tor, still air, 100 egg capaci ty. 717-432-8075. Wood boxes all oak I in new cond. dimensions 20x14x12* 200 avail., $4.50 all or $5.50 ea. Bucks Co. 215-297-8079. JD B 1941 stuck $5OO, 1993 tandem axle 12* trail er 14’ tires factory made $l,lOO. Lack. Co. 717-563-2257. 12' disc Int $9OO, T disc Pittsburg $BOO, 310 NH baler $3,450,3 hay wagons $950 ea., 5040 AC 400 hrs., $6,895, excel, cond. Morris Co. 201-334-0918. Plow & cults, for Farmall A, JD sickle mower 275 gal. fuel oil tank $lOO. Berks Co. 215-987-9653 eves. 3 Reg. yearling Corriedale rams, show quality, beauti ful fleeces $2OO ea., also fall lambs for sale. Fred. Co. Md. 301-293-1279. JD 420-W 3 pt. 5 spd. runs good $1,400, IH 1050 grinder-mixer 4 screens $1,200. Carroll. Co. 410-795-3734. 1000 lb. cap Fairbank plat form scale $O5, good shape, buggy harness & collar bridle everything is togdther $l5O. 717-354-0616. JD potato planter 2-row $475, 1 row potato digger PTO $275. Carroll Co. 410-239-6509. IH com planter #456 ex. dry fert., 1- IH spring tooth har row 12'. North.d Co. 610-588-4578. JD 30 combine 80' sickle head 4 cyl. engine, good cond., $3OO. Montg. Co. 610-287-6473 eves. Cocker Spaniel breeders, AKC, champion bloodlines, red & white male, 5 yrs., $2OO, black & white, female, 4 yrs., $250, gold female, 4 yrs., $2OO or 3/$6OO, delivery possible. 703-337-7277. Mack 1966 R-600 tractor s/a 711 engine triplex trans w/wetline runs good cab rusted best offer. Mon mouth Co. 908-946-3489 eves. Parting out 79 Ford CLT9OOO double sleeper KT4SO, 12513 overdrive, 38,000 4.11 rears, 10x20 Alcoa wheels, Fruehauf air slide Sth wheel. Cedi Co. 410-398-8535. 22 holstein steers average 500 lbs. ,80/lb. Augusta Co. Va. 703-886-5849 after 7 p.m. weeknights. Brillion 16' cart harrow- like new- always kept in shed, $2lOO, 12' cultipacker $B5O. Col. Co. 717-437-2656. 4 bdrm. brick farmhouse w/65 acres, 12A tillable 10A Christmas trees remainder wooded moun tain land. North’d Co. 717-758-8671 no Sunday calls. Farmall B w/belly mower new front rear tires new starter governor battery comp, rewired. North'd. Co. 717-275-0267. 250 bales alfalfa-rye grass Ist cutting late no rain $1.25 per bale, good steer hay. Dau. Co. 717-362-3831. 1971 Drott SO excavator 36’ digging. 60’ smooth buckets, wristotwist, extra valve for mower, hammer attachments $9500. Ontar io Co. 716-394-8239. JD 7000 4RW plantar dry fort, markers monitor insec- L, IB ton tag-a-long trailer w/ramps, elect, brakes, 1 set duals for IH 18.4x38. Franklin Co. 717-349-7737. Jersey bull purebred no papers very nice approx. 400 lbs. plus $325 firm. Cumber. Co. 717-776-6164. JO 820 diesel very good oond., ex tin. Franklin Co. 717-263-2050. AC D-15 tractor wide front power steering new paint, good tires series I snap coupler. 215-536-3321 after 6. AC 7040 excel, cond., $7,000, Farmall Has is. JD 110 disk $l,OOO. Warren Co. N.J. 908-475-3026. Gravely 8102 lawn & gar den tractor, rebuilt 10 HP Kohler, 40* mower, man. lift, $l5OO firm. Berks Co. 610-944-7809. Farmall cub tractor workers plow & shovel plow, $2700. York Co. Jacob Gilbert, RD#l Wrightsville, Pa. 717-252-3591. 1964 Plymouth Valiant oonv. rough, but running 6 cyl. auto, $800,1951 nash statesman not running $l3OO. Lane. Co. 717-665-9639. 1994 summer market swine projects I'll be bring a load of top qualify show pigs in from Indiana. Some rset Co. 814-733-4752. Two 1 yr. old white mute female swans, Reg. Soott Highland bull 2 yrs. old dark red. Adams Co. 717-334-7524. F-Cub block $2OO, Woods 3 pt. RMS 9 finish mower $450, Farmall H $BOO, Int. 154 lowboy $lOOO. Chester Co. 610-495-6170. Supreme feed mixer new augers. Berks Co. 610-756-6865. HI 00 Ag bagger 9' working cond., $4OOO, 6 row cult, $750, 30' implement trailer $l9OO. Berks Co. 610-562-4945. Oil pumps: 4-V4 HP X proof, $lOO ea., 2-I'A HP 3-phase, 2-1 HP 3-phase $75 ea., 10-gal. thread cut ting oil $5O. Berks Co. 610-926-4017. Typewriter- Olympic man ual, extra wide carriage, excel, cond., Elite type style, $25. Chester Co. 215-035-4945. Farmall 756 diesel WF 3 pt. new paint 18-34 radial runs & looks good $6BOO. Mar tinsburg, W.Va. 304-229-3917. Pygmy billy goat, caramel 4 yrs. throws lovely caramel kids grandson to national champion $75 w/papers. Chester Co. 215-469-9234. Stainless nursery feeders 4’x7' nursery pens variable speed fans farrowing pens S'xT’ rubber coated woven steel flooring. Leb. Co. 717-866-5325. Nl crimper $75, Sears rid ing mower 10 HP needs work $l5O, Gill pulverizer $125. Leb. Co. 717-949-3546. Troy Bilt rototiller, Tecum seh engine, elect, start, wrap around bumper $750. Cumber. Co. 717-532-3501 eves. Dodge Charger 1974 dass ic 2-door coupe, strong orig. 318 V-8, under 30,000 miles, automatic, new tires, SISQO. Dau. Co. 717-367-8723. Black percheron gelding 17 hands 11 yr. works bolh sides of the tongue (willing) $9OO. Marcus Stauffer, RD 1 Box 399, Port Travorton, Pa. 17864. Potatoes $4 50 lbs. 322 turn at Hinkletown light 2nd road left, 3rd farm right. James H. Hoover, Ephrata, Lane. Co. Int. semi-mounted plow adjustable 14, 18, 22 wide ex. cond. York Co. 717-993-2104 no Sun. calls. Nl No. 14A ground drive manure spreader $6OO, Stauffer 2 row transplanter $250. York Co. 717-252-1466. Windmill, 40’ tower 8' wheel, will accept best offer, you take down. York Co. 717-432-3117, Avacota elect, range in excel, cond., $25. Lane. Co. 717-626-6805. Retractable bed-mounted kingpin sth wheel hitch w/ receiver s3o,soonew plas tic potting pots $25. Adams Co. 717-350-5834. 1979 OidsmobHe Starlire, 1079 Plymouth TC3 both 4 spds. good drive train $2OO ea. Lane. Co. 717-367-6882. 911 Porsche eng., $350, 914 Porsche eng., $250, 1976GMC4WDK 1., 400 cu. auto.t rust $5OO. Montg. Co. 610-237-7543. 3 white mute swans, 1 yr. old, $125 ea. Daniel M. Bailer, 624 Willow Rd., Lane. Pa 17601. 1979 QMC Truck Detroit diesel 454 Turbo Allison auto., 2-spd. rear, 23,160 GVW 68,000 Miles, 920 tires, good rubber 18' Eby alum, cattle body roll-up side & rear doors w/chutes, excel, oond., $6,000. Bucks Co. 215-529-7166. McCormick Deering mower no. 7 5' cut can haul, $65. York Co. 717-244-3024 between 2 p.m.-7 p.m. Incubator 600 egg elect manual turn $2OO. Orange Co. N.Y. 914-692-4072. JO 336 baler w/#3O bale ejector good shape always stored inside average use 6000 bales per year, $4500. 614-583-5301 any tlme 7 a.m.-11 p.m. JD no. 325 plow 4 btm. hyd. reset, $650. Lane. Co. 717-445-5734. NH 352 grinder mixer fold ing auger, $l7OO, 1961 8160 Int truck wood box make offer. Lane. Co. 717-653-1201 between 9-10 a.m. JD 2950, SGB, MFWD, new trans. clutch, new MFWD dutch, field ready. Lane. Co. 717-445-4726, 717-354-6141. Outdoor World Master Membership camping, dis counts on hotels, cruises, & mors. Savel Way below current market price. Lane. Co. 717-548-3207. Ml 494 A com planter w/ steel wheels $5OO 080. Wanted tort. hoppers for this 4 row planter. Lane. Co. A.S. Krnsinger, 584 Shady Rd., Kirkwood, Pa. 17536. AC 017 series 4 diesel wide front new tires brakes factory 3 pt. excel. Some rset Co. 814-662-2232, after 7 p.m. Miniature babydoll sheep, breeder & pet stock includ ing 1994 lambs, also pyg my goat babies in various colors. Monroe Co. 717-629-5699. Fallow deer 2 whits buck & 2 spotted doe. Carbon Co. 717-386-4752 after 4 p.m. 2nd cut alfalfa orchard mix. Lehigh Co. 610-298-2993. Chev. 307 motor 8 cyl. can hear run $3OO or complete vehicle running cond., $5OO. Harf. Co. Md. 410-452-8244. Ford Bronco 6 cyl., 4 spd. full size 4 whl. dr. 75K needs some work, $2850. Clinton Co. 908-236-2297. Oak bale wagon, 3 btm. plow 3 pth, 8' wheel disk, MF 65 gas. Atl. Co. 609-476-2433. 2nd & 3rd cutting timothy hay, nice color, good for dairy or beef cattle $ll5/ton deliver in 7 ton load. Sch. Co. 717-345-4109 eves. 4000 lb. White forklift (1200.), Efm Stoker (200.), Fordson (1200.), Allis *Er (800.), Lincoln welder (100.). Lehigh Co. 610-285-4122. Ez-Go late model gas pow ered four wheel golf car, handy around home & farm, $5OO. Lack. Co. 717-282-1669. Used elect hospital bed, mattress, & side rails included $325. 717-733-8231. 29 Ford Model A special 4- 7x17.5 tires, 2- 7.50*6, coupe 80% restored have TK tires 2-rear 13 6x26 most parts must see seed cleaner 2 grain aug* $6OOO. Tioga Co. 26’ single chain elevator 9 717-549-3835. tooth Qlenco. Leb Co. 717-867-2977. JO 3 bottom roll over plow $2350. Papec 16' metal hay wagon $1475. Mixed timothy hay $lOO. Lane. Co. 717-653-5691. John Deere 1240 corn, San ter, good cond. $lOOO. eg. also good flat bed wagon. Adams Co. 717-359-5869. Columbia range whits cookstove just repaired $450. 080. NH 402 crim per IH 100 trail mower. Elmer S. Fisher, 829 Stras burg Rd., Paradise, Pa. 17562. Lane. Co. Belarus 4 wheel drive 57 HP, ex. rubber. Lane. Co. 717-445-7035. Good sound Tenn. Walk ers, Ex. trail horses, Hard Coal Stables, Main St. Lavelle, Pa. 17943. AC 1800 good cond., $5OOO, 3 row 3 pt. cult., $250, horse trailer dressing room $6OO, 8" auger new $6OO. Warren Co 908-362-6033. 1 pair 2 & 3 yr. old mules, 16 hands growing, well matched, home raised. Christian Beiler, 3981 East Newport Rd„ Qordonville, Pa. 17529. JD 210 14' disk new 22* blades w/dual wheels, excel, cond., $3200. Lane Co. 717-445-5046. Alfalfa grass hay squan bales extra nice second cutting also large round bales first cutting, all stored inside, semen tank MVE 49 w/semen. Juniata Co 717-694-3684. 1 big holstein heifer due In April make offer. Lane. Co 717-445-7805. males & females white & gray. Princs Georges Co. Md 301-292-4882. Spring is here, purple Mar tin apartment bird houses painted plywood 16 apart, $65 can ship UPS, bluebird houses, $3.00. Lane. Co 215-445-6885. JD potato planter 2 row $5OO, Oliver 2R potato dig ger $2OO. York Co. 71 7-235-4338 or 410-357-5700. Pair sorrel horses 6 & 7 yts. old horse drawn equip, mowing machines and corn planter. 607-639-2293. Pair new 9.5x24 ag tins $2OO, pair new 7.00x14 so tires $BO. Sussex, N.J 201-875-1597 5-9 p.m. JD 49-Mt. wghts., fenders, barn kept, restoration started, field ready or easy restoration, runs good $1650. PG Co. Md. 301-449-6048. English saddle aH purposs close contact, 2 western saddles, one has matching breast collar & bridle, army saddle. Mont. Co. 610-584-1491. Two JD 994 com planters, 1 JD 3 pt. com planter, 2 SO’ endless belts harness Percheron mares. Fred. Co. Md. 301-845-8650. Miniature donkey adoraWs, friendly jack 1 mth., $5OO, front end loader for Ford 8N $5OO, Woods mower $4OO. Balto. Co. Md 410-592-6789. Cub Cadet 147 hydro, Troy-Bilt chipper/shredda 5 HP, 180 gal. fuel tank Dau. Co. 717-469-2570. NH 1003 bale wagon Ilk* new $9,500, NH 326 bale like new $9,000, less that 1000 bales on both. 703-592-3653 eves. Fiberglass fort hoppers for IH 456 $lOO, John Wood 300 gal. milk tank new 5 HP compressor $5OO. Berk* Co. 610-926-4722. Four wooden overhead doors 12'x14‘ w/track can be seen operating avail. May 94. Schuyl. Co. 610-921-8560 after 3:30 p.m. 717-754-7725.