012-Lancastor Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1994 Kraus 1577 Disc, 18'single fold, good condition 717/252-4800 York Co. Krause 2410 Heavy Duty Disc, 20' Cut, Almost New Blades, Excellent Condi tion. (610)987-6348. Ford 1720,1920, 2120, 7740 Fold 53$ TIB, 4550 TLB NH Skid Loador Ford 4400 w/Motrlm Mowor Ford IN w/Blado Ford 540 A w/Bomford Mowor MF 1010 w/Blsdo Dismantling For Parts: Ford 7710 • Ford Dextra Versatile 9030 • AC WD Formoll 300 w/Loodor Long 4WO w/loodtr Cmo 1530 Bator w/Kiekor Straley Farm Supply mm i Dover. PA 11 717-292-2631 Paz 717-202-0422 RENTA SKID LOADER We rent Bobcat machines and attachments daily, weekly or monthly USED TRACTORS USED EQUIPMENT AC 7060 Powershifl Tractor Used NH, Gehl, Bobcat Skid Loader IH 806; AC 106 444 AC Baler AC-200 Tractors NI Mounted Corn Picker, Very Good Shape AC XTI9O Series 111 AC 7040 GLEANER COMBINES AC 7040 Powershift Tractor M Combine AC 7050 Tractor G Combine w/Corn & Grain Head AC 190XT (Good Cond.) F w/Corn & Grain Head IH 3444 With Loader Brillion 8 Ft. Seeders Oliver 66, Good Cond. Case3n MoW * 1 ' NEW & USED CasesBoßß.oe BOBCAT’S IN STOCK Agco Allis 5680, dwogffilrs. FINANCING & LEASING — z —~—: — —: available New & Used Ontario — — Woods & Mowers Grain Drills SHIP PARTS DAILY UPS GRUMELLI’S FARM SERVICE INC. ® 929 ROBERT FULTON HWY. w QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 <H ™ 717-786-7318 '•x*®' 1.5 Mile South Of Quarryville On 222 See Salesman: Tony Grumelli, Clarence Herr, Don Fichtner I WL I f r&p* 1 d&Jm I IH 415 Rolling Mulcher $5,800 jmlth 1974 Hill Trailer, 28’ $10,900 I . Eb mSSm |H| ’^SSSI HI HHHBH *""*"*** w>*pr » . -mV —- ■- • 1983 Hesston 6550 14’ Head, 2250 Hrs. $12,000 7 Miles South of Route 30, West Side of Lane. Co. 717-872-6071 9 am - 3 pm NH 489 haybine, working condition, rubber rolls fair condition, '■s2ooo 080. 717/527-4403. NH 495 Haybine, 12‘, Works Great, Good Condi tion $2OOO 080. Lancas ter County. (717)653-2314. Ford 1900,1300, 4010, 000 1988 JD 7200 Max-Emerge 2 Planter 1985 Rhino 182 Brillion Seeder SST 144, 12’ $2,800 NH 519 spreader, endgate, double beater, excellent condition. 717-328-2336. NH 770 Harvester w/Pick- Up Head. $1000; Abo NH 722 Single Row Head, Ex cellent $250; JD 450 6X Plow, Good Condition. $5OO. (614)766-3687. NH bale wagons. Delivery. Customer references dose to you available. Roeder Implement, Seneca, KS (913)336-6103. NH combine TR7O, in cludes corn head, 6RN, adapter for/and JD 216,16' flex head, will sell sepa rate. (717)627-4785. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed to work; NH 456, $1450; NH 455, $llOO. Crimpers, engines, hydraulic combination hoo kups available. Trade in's welcomed. KIRKWOOD •REPAIR. 717-529-3299 8-B:3OAM 'bobcat $lO,BOO 30’ $4,200 Ml 345 spreader, tandem axle, field ready, $3,500. (301)797-4217 Ml 705 Um Tractor, 717 Combine, 740 Feeder House, 713 Flqx Head, 636 Husker, 840' Feeder House, 744 W Corn Head, $9OOO. (717)677-8789. Nl blower 622, used 3 years, $1,500. (717)527-4785. Niemeyer power harrows: 30010', 35012', new teeth, good condition. (717)259-9794. Oil dispensing rack w/8 drums and pump. Best of fer. 717-285-4262. YINGLINGS IMPLEMENT. INC. 3291 Tancytown Road ' Gettysburg, PA 17326 U c If. u i <j( ■■.ifM,ilnfl Nr t- I ( - i ' ,1, 3020 John Deere Power Shift Side Console 2030 John Deere Tractor 301 John Deere Tractor 4610 Ford Tractor 4000 SU Ford Tractor and Loader (gas) 3 - BN Tractors (rebuilt) Model 2418 Power King and Equipment Super A Farmall 230 Farmall 77 New Holland Bale Thrower (used 3 loads) 2 - Heston No 10 Stack Wagons Dion Forage Box 346 John Deere Baler 315 John Deere Disc Bnllion Cultipacker. like new, matched set Parts for Ford: BN 9N 3000 4000 5000 John Deere AHW with spoke wheels SC Case Wide Front and 3 Pt Hitch Super C Farmall with wide front and loader Ask for Bud (717) 389-4848 • (717) 389-4380 r Diesel Ambac | Injection Pumps *?<* | i Cummins t I Diesel Kiki ( - Minimec x Nippon Denso I Roosa Master | Roto Diesel | Simms I Stanadyne » United Tech i Vanmar I Zexel 5 Don't Gamble The Heart Of Your Engine On | An Unauthorized Shop. We Hove What It Takes | To Do The Job Right! I • Technical Expertise a • Experience (40+ years) i • Advanced Computerized Equipment I - Currant Specifications S • Factory Training A - Factory Warranty Service I • Original Parte r - Custom !■ Standard Rebuilding I Free Injector Check With Each Pump Rebuild. | We Will Honor Other Suppliers Coupons. x All Makes Serviced I * Penn Diesel Service Co. , I Interstate 81, Exit 27 I ! Harrisburg, PA 17112 f (800) 83S-2913J EDWIN HORNING & SONS |fln FARM MACHINERY j/dmk 248 Meadow Valley Road, Ephrata. PA 17522 (717) 733-7408 v TRACTORS I Gehl 4610 diesel, skid loader, hydro Case 930 diesel, 3 pt JD 125 skid loader, hydro. Dunham 7T Chisle Plow, Brillion 10' Packer Brllllon 9’ Packer White 346 Spring Reset, 3x16 plow 6R S-tlne cultivator JD 400 Rotary Hoe jTTTT"™ JD 660 rake w/dolly wheel NH 311 baler w/70 thrower, nice NH 489 haybine w/slub guards, shed kept, excel lent condition. A “must sec tor the buyer who tends to be choosy I $5,750. Queen Annes County. MD 14101556-6177. Plantar AC-600, 4R, no-till, $1000; 4R cultivator $600; Taylor 7 point chisel plow. Harford. 410-836-2435. Plows, Best Buys. JD 2800, 5 Bottom, Variable Width, On Land Hitch, Bus ter Bar, Many Extras, $3800; JD 714 Mulch TiDar, 7 or 9 Shank, Heavy Duty Trip Springs that Stay Down, Buster Bar, $5OOO, Field Ready and Priced to SeU. Call Shaaffer Even ings 410-778-0185. $5,400 ,$2,950 $4,650 $775 ,$575 ,$550 .$1,750 ...$650 ....$975 $1,650 $5,950 S SS 1 WFP' Packing line equipment; S49SS TEW 24 " washer and ab ‘ lluiSS 0 61(>777 4672 sorbor, 2 sorting tables, alter 6PM poly-baskels. drip irrigation Oliver 3pth hydraulic plow, sand filters and 4' PVC 3x16, 8' lenty-rotara w/ header lino, incorporation herbicide (609)451-3976. tors. pj|j r 23.1-34 tires rims, hubs; Pair 20.8-38 tiros; unit, 3pth cu (717)374-0759. Oliver Cletrac parts, craw- AC-CA tractor w/2b plow, ler tractors only, hundreds cultivator front and back of parts, reasonable, sickle bar mower. 717/946-7759. 717-538-1513 iTTHTTUINP INC. ROUND BALE WRAPPERS Excellent For Dry Hay & Hl-Moisture Bales Made In USA One Man- Operatlon^^^ bale wrapper wraps bales fast and can be used to move bales to barn or feed lot. 3164 Oregon Pike, Leola, Pa. 17540 Lancaster County 717-656-7499 Call Collect Dealerships Available FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chamberaburg, PA 17201 Phona; 717-263-0705 Salaa • Part* - Service NEW FORD TRACTORS Ford 3230CSTtn Ford 4630fcl«'a»I Ford 7740, 2WO Ford 8970, 2WD, 210 H.P. Ford 8970, 4WD, 210 H.P. NH EQUIP. NH 630 Round Baler NH 640 Auto Wrap (1) NH 650 Auto Wrap NH 411 Discbine NH 492 Haybine NH 185 Manure Spdr. Located: 1 Mila OH Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:30-5:00 Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00 Saturdays ■■■a, Wa Accspt Wa Ship Parts Ug&S VISA A MaalarCard gg UPS Dally NH 311 baler w/chute, nice Deutz Allis SM7ORC discbine.. NH 853 round baler, automatic wrap, nice NI 5209 discbine, nice NH 477 hayblne NH 474 hayblne lawntAlMEttsl NH 520 w/tallgate, fish bowl size, 217 bu NH 680 spreader w/tallgate 2 87 bu NH 679 spreader w/tallgate Gehl 760 NH 892 harvester $2,900 iat NH 824 Com Head NH 790 Chopper NH 900 Chopper NH 2450 Self- Propelled Haybine NH 216 Rake NH 254 Rake NH 256 Rake NH 256 Rake NH 415 Discbine NH 28 Blower NH 60 Blower FORD LAWN A GARDEN" GT 65 w/48" Deck GT 85 w/60" Deck GT 95 w/60' Deck LT 12A $4,950 $3,200 $5,900 ,$6,200 $2,700 $3,400 $1,850 $2,600 $2,100
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