I • Set offender* off I | R f mall 400 1 t IH 1456 new rubber. TA, 3 pt hitch, rebuilt motor • Parmal! 400 • New IH fertilizer attachments for IH 6R 800 planter • Gleaner O, dsl., AC, grain head w/FCB, low profile 630 com head, good condition • IH 5100 Soybean special. 18x7 • Case 13' field cultivator bParts.46o.4soD.Hl John Tbompwm 302/492-1186 or 302/492-328? AC Dl4 With 3 Point, Live PTO and Full Cultivators, New Rubber .■■■■-$2,50 410-833-9091 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambarsburg, PA 17201 Phone:7l7-263-0705 HljSiß Salas - Parts • Sarvlca E 5 BEST BUYS IN USED TRACTORS Ford 8N Ford 600, 5 Spd. Ford 3910 Ford 4000, 1964 Diesel Ford 4000 Ford 6610 Ford 66405, 4WD Ford 7600 w/DP & Dual Remote JD 1120, 50 H.P. JD 4010 545 Dion Silage Blower 10' Oliver Transport Disc New 6 Row White Cultivator 10' Ford Field Cultivator Hours: 8:30*5:00 Mon. Thru Frl. 8:30*12:00 Saturday NH 411 dhefaina. exoaHant condition, asking $7OOO. 410778-8384. Swaat Com Harvastar Byron 501 (4) 36“ rows, 4WD, Nl 801 powsr unit, 426 cu. in., AC, 175 hp, hydrostatic drive Picked 340 sores Call after 5 pm (906) 946-4138 10* Brillion Culti mulcher Grove 14’ Forage Wagon NH 479 Haybine NH 489 Haybine , NH 486 Haybine NH 495 Haybine. 12' NH 770 Chopper w/Hay Head & 2 Row Corn NH 770 Chopper & Grass Head Tye No-T)ll Drill. Grass & Broom New Tye Drill, 10’ NH 278 Baler w/Thrower NH 315 Baler w/Thrower NH 361 tank spreader, $l,OOO. bit 580 hydraulic gate, $9OO. JD 450 hvdo push, $2,500. Call (410)239-8234. Paid TRACTORS JD 4840 Tractor w/Cab, Dual Wlimli JD 4130 Tractor w/Cab, Reconditioned JD 3020 Tractor JO 2930 Tractor MFWD ml Loader JD 2340 Tractor JO 2715 Tractor 2WO w/Cab JO 2730 Tractor w/Loadcr JD 2040 Tractor w/Loadcr JO 2353 Tractor, 2WD, ml Cab JD 2535 Tractor, 2WO, ml Cab JD 2440 Tractor JO 3010 Tractor JD ISO Tractor 2WD w/only 210 bra. JD 150 Tractor 2WD Ford 3000 Tractor Ford 2110 Tractor MFWD ml Loader IH 1066 Tractor IH 674 Tractor IH 504 Tractor IH 404 Tractor IH 244 Tractor MFWD ml Loader Ford IN Tractor HAY EQUIPMENT •ID 345 Bator w/E|aetor 40 397 Bator w/EJactor 40 333 Bator w/E|setar 40 333 Bator w/E]aclor M 453 Round Bator 40 330 Raka M Hay Raka 40 1213, ExcoL Good, ml Bids BhH Attachment 401200 Mower CondMonsr NH 1433, 1100 Hra, Exeat Rola 40 9070 Fongs Hansatsr w/3R Corn Head NH 433 Mower CondHloner M 273 CuUMoner, 540 PTO NH 300 Forage Harvester w/W' Pickup 3 2 Row Wide Used IH Raka PLANTERS 40 7000 OR Plantar w/UquM FerlWnr 40 7000 OR Plantar AC 333 4 Row, Air Champ, Dry Fa id Oxer 40 313 Otoe, Uka New Uasd 40 3230 Grain DtW COMBINES JD M2O Side HM OmrMm Titan II JD MOO Side HI Combine, ReoondMenad JD 220 Flax Platform JO 043 Com Head MF ISO Combine wrt3' Ptat form 0 SR Com Hood MISCELLANEOUS Krauaa Wing Fold Oloe w I Cu It (packer JD 15M Rotary Mower Rhino 20' Bat Wing Howar Wooda 14' Rotary Mower Caae Model 14, 0 Shank V Ripper deed JD 27 FlaN Shredder JO 2500 S Bottom Plow, Spring React JO 230 Diae Wingfold IH I’ Pull Type Chlael Plow 3 PI. Kruatßueter Drill, IS' JO 41S Rotary Hoe, 15' NH 469 9' haybina, rote ■re in good condition. 717-766-7143. CominM In IH 6488 hydra IH 100 hydra w/cab AC 8550 JD 50 JD 520, PS, factory 3 pt JD 530, PS, factory 3 pt IH 1566 w/cab. air, duals JD 4020,1966 model JD 4020, gas syncro range 10’ Hutch Master Plowing disc, like new IH 1466, no T/A, no 3 pt. hitch, Cheap H.P. White 2-150, cab, air, duals Heavy Miller off-set disc, 26* blades, 16’W, can reduce to 14’ or 12’ If necessary R.B. LBAMAN 717-399-4037 Cat 944 A Payloader w/cab JD 755 hydrostat w/60” mid-mount mower, JD loader & 3 pt. grass vac. JO 16.9x38 hub duals 7700 Ford w/dual power JD 2020 JD M w/snow blade MF 285 w/multi power Int. 766 Int. 656 dsl; high clear Int. Cub w/Equip. 3000 Ford 600 Ford 8N & 9N Fords MF 50 gas 140’s w/Mld-Mount Mower Super A's w/Mid-Mount Mowers AC-B with Mid Mount Mower New Arps 730 - 3 Pt. Backhoe HysterßCi 5015,000 lb fork lift w/dual drive wheels N.H. L 8620 Backhoe & Loader w/3 pt. Hitch Attachment Maudlin Blacktop Paver w/Oeutz Diesel & 8' Screed 1 Ton Blacktop Roller Huber F-1500 Grader A.C. - 6G Crawler Loader Cat 955 H Crawler Loader 1987 Superior 22 Ton Tag-A-Long Trailer w/Air Brakes & Hyd. Ramps 1981 Int. Grain Truck Model SlBOO w/DT 466 Diesel & 16' Body w/Metal Sides JD Model BWF transport discw/wings, 17'6” w/cylinder Ford 4BT semi-mount plow, auto reset w/new IB" bottoms JD 4BT model A 2600 semi-mount plow, 18” bottoms lnt3pt4BT, 16" Auto Reset Plow, Model 450 New Brillion 12' Cult! packer Brillion 10'6” Cultimulcher, real nice w/cylinder Int. 56 2R pull corn planter New 3 pt. Fert. Spreader 3 pt. Stone Rakes 3 pt. Box Scrapers Regular & Heavy Duty 3 Pt. Scraper Blades' Heavy Front Blades New Woods Rotary Mowers 5’ to 15’ in stock at special Prices. Buy Now & Savel Large Selection of New Used & Recondit ioned Equipment & Tractors. YORK COUNTY FARM & INDUSTRIAL equipment Co.. INC Box 222 EMIGSVILLE, PA (717)'764-6412 OR (717)764-5115 ATTENTION FARMERS If you have deterlor ating concrete masonary or stone wads, have it repaired with GUNITE® For information and estimates call Martins Silo ■’ Repair (215) 445-9834 NEW ft USED TRACTOR ft COMBINE PARTS Large Selection Save 50% WE BUY & SELL FARM TOYS. Ford 9600 diesel tractor $B,OOO Ford 3000 & 4000 Oliver 1855 diesel tractor, $5,500 Farmall M w/3 pt $1,50C MF 135 gas & diesels MF 1030, 23 HP diesel tractor w/ belly mower $6,000 JD B tractor w/3pth JD 1020 diesel Case 730 gas tractor Chrysler power unit w/Rockford clutch NH 451 3 pt sickle mower MF 1030 23 HP diesel compact tractor JD AMT 626 utility vehicle. like new EQUIPMENT Brillion 4R & 6R Danish tine cultivators AC 6' snap coupler scraper blade $450 Nice, NI 17 ground driven manure spreader $995 JD 40 PTO spreader $995 Befco, Pcco & Mighty Mack gas & PTO drippers in stock Toro 8 HP snow thrower $650 11,12,14,15 & 16 foot solid wheel packers AC model 2300 16’ disc, like new $2,500 W. C. Littleton ft Son Inc. Laurel, DE 19956 1-800-842-7448 USED TRACTOR PRICE GUIDE load EDITION For over 43 years, Intertec has made a business of knowing the used equipment market. That’s why we’re able to offer you com prehensive tractor pricing, specification and loan value information. Introducing the 1993 Used Tractor Price Guide. Covering over 25 manufacturer's models from 1970-1992, this handy reference pro vides you with detailed information on engine size, transmission speeds, PTO hp, drawbar hp. shipping weight, approximate retail price when new, estimated trade-in values (high and low) and more. You'll also find special sections covering tractor serial numbers and their locations. So if you’re buying or selling a tractor... or just inter ested in.model specifications, turn to the 1994 Used Tractor Price Guide for complete reference information. 1994 editions/5.5x8" softbound/288 pages. Order No. U 5194 $9.95 Shipping and Handling $4.50 per order MC/VISA/CHECK/ C.O.D. Free Colored Livestock & Tractor Book Catalog. DIAMOND FARM BOOK PUBLISHERS Dept LFP Box 537, Bailey Settlement Rd., Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 Ph; (613) 475-1771 Fax: (613) 475-3748 unca«ttf Ffmlnfl, Saturday, April 2,19M-Dll HONU/\ PnWci E (1111 m(■ n t Engines Ikphnmmthmm’ytmCmThaL GlOO 2.2 HP $338.00 oxl2o 4HP $374.00 oxl6o 8.6 HP $393.00 0x270 6.0 HP $474.00 ox3oo 13 HP $BBO.OO ox6lo 16 HP $878.00 0x620 20 HP $OBO.OO All Units Havs "Oil A toft" Excopt 2.2 HP Postpaid Pa. Residents Add 6% Tax - Send Check With Order To: Blue Mt. Small Engine Serv. Three Sq. Hollow Rd. Newburg, PA 17240 717-423-8358 Lett Phene Ring 10 Time# r TRACTORS IMF 2675 cab, air, 24 speed ■ MF 275 diesel 28" rubber, cab I MF 235, diesel, power steering, KQQlnt & rubber " IMF 175, diesel, 28’ rubber, goocminnlng tractor | MF 135 gas, new paint, new rubber | MF 85 gas narrow front IMF 35 Gas w/power steering I Farmall Super A w/plow, cultivator. 7’ sickel bar | mower 455 DA quick attach loader Westendorf quick-attach loader. like new. will fit MF 285. ~ .■■ ■_. M■ ■ jiii EQUIPMENT NH 479 hayblne IH 510 grain drill, 7xlB JD 16 hole grain drill Farmhand mix mill 817, sharp INT 710 4x16 spring reset plow MF 880 spring reset plows: 4xlB and 4x16 MF 4 bottom, semi mount plow Athens 12' disc harrow Cultlpackers: 14', 12' and different sizes JD 10' cultimulcher 2 Brllllon 3’ pups Field cultivators, different makes & sizes some w/wings Used BrilUon cultlpadcer and cultimulcher parts New farm and corral gates MF Tractor parts Dismantling; 20, 30, 35. 40, 50, 65. 85.90, 135, 150, 165, 175, 178, 180, 283, 285, 399 4WD; 1080, 1085, 1100, 1130, 1135, 1150 w/cab, 1155,3680, MH 22.44. NH 785 skid Idr. NOLT’S EQUIPMENT 403 Centerville RdTNewvOle. PA 17241 off 81 exit 11,2 mile* Non 233 L (717) 776-6242 No Snodap Collo _ No Ont-Of-SUU Puaaoal Chock* W* Ship UPS | y—■. USED EQUIPMENT JD 7000 Conservation 4R Planter While 8600 Combine While 6100 6R Planter JD FBI 7 Drill Westfield Bxsl Auger Westfield Bx4l Auger Bush Hog 12’ Chisel Plow 3 Pt. Nl 406 Rake NH 304 Slurry Spreader NH 489 haybine (sharp) A 6R 30" Head for AC Combine JD 220 18* Disc Harrow JD 1240 Planter JD 7000 12R Com Planter JD 216 Forage Box JD 714 A Forage Box Hesston 1160 14' Windrower White 5100 6R Planter, Liquid White 288 Tractor w/Cab, Sharp! Case IH 695 Tractor, 400 Hours Whitman Combines 500 Gal. Trailer Sprayer STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Box 46 Kllngerstown, PA 717-648-2088 WE ALSO STOCK NEW VICON FERTILIZER SPREADERS
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