Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 125

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    For Sal*: Farmall A, culti
vators & plow, good condi
tion. 717059-1662.
For Sale: Vans 24* to 48*
straight & drop frame; trac
tors. single axle & twin
screw. For info call
For your small to mid-size
crawler tractor parts- all
makes and models. Call
Oengler Tractor Inc. Parts
cleaned- inspected- racked
and ready for same day
shipment. 513-423-4000/
Fox 2000 chopper, low
hours, nice, heads avail
able, $900; 2R $200; 7* hay
head, $6OO. Leb.
Glenco 7 Tooth Soil Saver,
Good Condition, $2300
080. Lancaster County.
Gravity Box and Wagon.
$5OO. (717)527-4785.
Grimm hay teddar, ground
driven, $675; Smoker 30’
elevator w/corn chute &
motor, $625; InL #llOO pull
type mower, belt driven,
$875. 610/562-4464.
Grinder Mixer, 3pt, $750; 1
row 3pt vegetable trans
planter, $300; 1 row PTO
potato digger, $2OO.
Grinder/Shredder, Hawk,
3pt hitch, like new,
717/362-4756 Fawn Twp.,
York Co.
$l5O. 410-833-9091
Hardi 300 gal. trailer
sprayer w/foam marker,
chemical mixer and 44'
booms, 2 yrs. old, $4,600.
IH 16' disc w/manual fold
wings, $1,600. IH 10' grain
drill, $1,200.
Harvester, feed bunker,
160', 8* overhead feeder
auger w/4* spreader auger,
roof braces, (5) 3-phase
motors; ready for transport
$l5OO takes a 111
Haybine self-propelled
JD2280 diesel. C/A, 12'.
crimper rolls, excellent,
$6200. 304-274-3412.
Horshoy Tobacco Plantar;
NH 56 rake; JD 20 diac.
Hesston 4600 big aquara
baler, field ready, $15,500.
Hesaton Manure Tank,
1400 gal.; Nl manure
spreader 10-ton; Dunham
chisel plow, 8-tooth w/
balance wheels.
STARTERS with 3 yr.
warranty for most domestic
tractors and select imports.
With 6 month no risk
money back guarantee.
Call Gary D. Sneath at
JD 2155 Tractor w/143
Loader, 625 Hours, Exoel
lent Condition.
(717)294-3404 Evenings.
JD 216 Forage Wagon, 3
Beaters and Roof, Very
Good Condition, 2 Like
New Tires 24.5X32.
JD 2240 tractor. $9200; JD
22 dd drill, w/grass and fer
tilizer. 814-354-2840.
JD 2440 tractor, hi-10, roll
bar canopy, nice, $B5OO.
JD 250 mid-mount sickle
bar mower w/mounting for
<JD 3020, good condition,
$950. 717/872-0755.
JD 2940 1981 model, trac
tor w/roll guard, canopy.
Best offer. 717-445-6156.
JO 2950 cab and air, low
hours. Int 784 low hours.
IHC 710, 6 bottom reset
plow. No Sunday calls.
JD 3020, gas, NF, nice
midwest tractor, 70 h.p.,
$4,500. 410-833-9091
JD 340 12' offset disc,
good condition.
JO 340 offset disc, $2500;
Brillion 15' eultipacker,
JD 375 round baler, almost
new, baled 90 boles, for
info o«M Rich,
JD 3040 Harvester, electric
controls, 2RN, 5-1/2*
pickup. 2 JD 714 A tong*
wagons, roof and roar un
load. JO 6000 aHo blower.
2 hay rack wagons, 8 ton
gears. NH 354 food grin
der, ex auger. Ml 345 oom
picker, 2RN, 8-roll b#d.
Phone 717-535-4193
JD 3pt fertilizer spinner,
1495 NH self-propelled
haybine, 1973 Ford cattle
truck w/12‘ body. Stump
Acres, York Co,
JD4OOO, ISOOhrs., original;
JD1219 MoCo; JD 336
baler; Pequea tedder; 20’
hay wagon. AH excellent.
717-899-7540 evenings.
JD 4020 0, power shift on
dash, rebuilt motor, hy
draulics, new tires, $9,000.
JD 4020 diesel, PS, dual
outlets, WF, almost new
rubber, excellent shape,
$BOOO 080.
JD 4040 turbo power shift,
open station, good condi
tion, best offer.
JO 4250 tractor, cab, air,
IS speed power shift,
sharp. 301-733-2195.
JD 4430, CAH, syncro,
good rubber, nice,
$12,800. 410-833-9091
JD 4440 tractor, cab, air,
20-8-38 tires, sharp,
$21,500. 301-733-2195.
JD 4620, PS, 20.8-38
Tires, Factory Cab and Air,
Excellent Condition.
$9500. Lancaster County,
JD 5020, Cab, Air, Excel
lent Condition. $lO,OOO
OBO; Soybean Planter At
tachment for JD 7000
Planter to Split Rows.
$2OOO. (315)252-9191 Af
ter 6PM.
JD 509 rotary mower; JD
3pt. 7-shank chisel; 3pt.
1-shank subsoiler.
JO 520, gas, nice condi
tion, PS, $3,200. Factory
3 pt. available.
JD 620, 2 cylinder, mid
west tractor, runs excel
lent, 3 pt. available,
$3,200. 410-833-9091
JO 7000 conservation,
4x3o*, liquid fertilizer, no-til
coulters, markers, monitor.
JD 724011 R com and soy
bean planter w/dry fertilizer
and cross auger fill, new
condition. 610-668-5781.
JD 'B4o* 2 cylinder earth
mover paddle scraper pan,
24 volt direct start, PS, low
hours, good tires, not den
ted or beat up, engine
starts instantly, everything
operates well. Vary nice
unit, will demonstrate.
$10,850. (513)423-4000.
Middletown, OH.
JD B, single front and, w/
cultivators, runs, best offer.
JD F 350 sxlB hyd. reset
plow $600; JD 4R corn
planter needs work $250;
Ford 4R cultivator 3-pth
$6OO 080. 610/759-1307.
JD liquid herbicide spray
attachment for banding or
broadcasting w/7000 or
7200 planter, $l5O.
JD Model 686 Snowblower
S’ Double-Auger, Like New
$2960. (301)371-5964.
JD no-W 1440 com plantar,
4R, 30’, dry fertilizer,
$1,600. (301)896-7426.
JD no-tit 1440 com planter,
4R, 30', dry fertilizer,
$l,BOO. (301)896-7426.
JD plow, 3pt, 2x14 trip
back, $350.
JD's FOR SALE: 1949 GW
w/fender; (3) unstyled A,
(1) on skefton wheels;
1941 G. engine rebuilt;
830; 730 D. 717-222-4432
Int. 400, PS, sharp, $2000;
Ford 4500 tractor loader
backhoe, Coming in; Case
1370, Coming ih; Tuffy cul
tivating tractor, Coming In;
NH 852 baler w/aulo wnu,
excellent condition, $5400;
Int. 674, as is, $4000; Ford
2000, PS, $4900; Farmall
B w/mower, $1200; JO
4020 w/cab, $6300; MF
282, $5900; MF 180 D,
nice, original, $3600; MF
165 G, sq. axle, $4900; new
loader for JD 3020, $2975;
NH 273 baler/thrower, ex
cellent, $3000; MF 85 one
owner, $2900; Ford 600,
PS, $3500; NH 282 baler
w/thrower, excellent,
$2195; NH 352 grinder
mixer, $1900; New 16’
2-axle trailers, $1495; In
gersoll 6018 loader tractor
w/48* mower, Sole price
$7995. Taneytown Farm
Equipment 410/751-1500.
Int. 440 wire tie baler, ex
cellent condition, $2OOO.
Int. 5100 grain drill w/
fertilizer & seeder, $3200;
Int. 610 grain drill w/
fertilizer & seeder, $2900.
Int. 766 tractor, good con
dition, $9,000.
Int. 986 Diesel Tractor,
good condition. $9OOO.
International 2+2 3588
tractor, $12,500; 3500 gal
Better Silt manure tank w/
eniectors, $6000; 2000
GPM Better Bilt manure
pump, $l5OO.
Int. Model 510 5-18" trip
bottom plow w/hillside
hitch, shed kept, excellent
condition, $lOOO.
215/766-0479 evenings.
JD 1240 corn plantar; Gehl
1080 disc mower condi
tioner; Lockwood Mark Vlf
potato harvester;. Haines
potato washer; 40' Haines
conveyor; 20' Haines con
veyor; other grading equip
ment. 609/259-2630,
JD 1260, 6R, no-til, corn
planter, 30*R, 71 flexlp
lanter, monitor, good oon
dition, $l,lOO.
JD 12* packer w/and trans
port, $975; Athens 9-tooth
3pt chisel plow w/gauge
wheels, $1250; Lanoo 16’
bale wagon, $1050; Ford
Jubilee tractor, $2BOO.
JD 1460 6X semi mount
plow, has hillside hitch A
separate gauge wheel,
new shares, shin pieces,
lands ides and outer wear
pads, 1 new moldboard,
complete w/cytinder, $B5O.
JD 1460 6R no-till com
planter, dry fertilizer,
$2650; Athens 12' off-set
disc. $2450; JD BWF 16’
disc, $1900; Bush Hog 13'
disc chisle plow $4BOO.
IH 1066 w/Csb $10,500
IH 856 $8,950
IH 484, $8,500
White FB 37 $8,700
IH 1486 I 966, Coming In
7) Auto Reset Plow*
7) Disc Chisels
IS) CuMimdehers
NH 520 Manure Spreader
JD 485 Tank Spreader $2150
3) IH 56 Com Plenten
3) IH 510 Grain Oris
NH 311 w/lhrowsr, Kka new
NH 315 w/lhrawsr, oxosllant
Nsw Hssston 530 $7,900
Varmssr 504 C $3,750
NH A, $4,500
Varmssr 60S F Coming In
JD 1219 Haybins $2,750
NH 474, 488, 489 Hsybinss
3 Ssts 18-4-38 Duals From
3 Ssts 18-4-34 Duals From
Beyer, PA
(412) 783-6333
IH 400 4RN com planter:
JO 350 aickte bar mower.
All shad kept.
IH 475 21' fold-up disc,
new blades. NH 852 round
baler w/auto wrap and
oiler, nice condition.
IH 6560, hydrostatic, 1900
original hours, good rub
ber, tractor wgs bought
from local high school FFA.
Truly 1 of a kind) Tractor
will be auctioned at Differ*-
bach Sale, April 8. Asking
$6,560. (302)989-1922. .
IH 674 diesel tractor
w/2250 loader. New clutch,
rebuilt brakes and trans
mission, 16.4x30 rubber,
6500 hours.
IH 720 mold board plow
sxlB, excellent condition,
12' transport cultipacker,
$3OO. (610)381-3043.
IH 806 WF diesel on 38’
rubber and (2) 9 lug hubs
for 1066 dual rubber.
Banco (717)393-6466
leave message.
PARTS; Just arrived for
parts: IHC 3514 loader/hoe
w/239 diesel engine. All
parts available.
P.O. Box 407 RT 29
Palm, PA 18070.
IH cyclone. 800 corn
planter, 6R, 30*. no-til, ex
cellent condition. Best of
fer. (301)694-8624.
IH field cultivator, pull type,
vibarshank, 12' or 18' with
Midwest leveler rake,
$9OO. (717)532-5382.
In-line bale wrappers, for
any size silage bales. Self
powered, high speed, low
maintenance. For more in
formation: Glenn Beidler.
Int. 1256, duals, cab, 1000
hours on engine Overhaul,
500 on TA, $6500; V snow
plow, $BOO. 717/862-3367.
Int. 16' spring-tooth harrow
w/carrier, $1,500.
Int. 3088 tractor, 3000
hours, good condition,
$13,500. 717/243-4796
| (Shtgston
(Jl) 717-263-4103, a o
UTI ,Inc
New Tractors
2355 N
5400 MFWD
6300 MFWD, CG
6400 CO
JD 7200 MFWD, CG
JD 3950 Harvester
JD 3970
JD 3RN head
JO 7200 6RN w/L fort.
635 15' Disc
450 10’ A 12'
JO 328
: JD 335
' JD 385
Mower Conditioners
JD 1219
JD 1460
JD 1600, 14'
JD 9301
Rotary Cutters
JD 603, 616, 403, 503
JD 1018
Loaders ft Btadas
JD 520 JD 725
Hutohmaster 12' off-set
disc, 24’ blades, Ike now,
$2500; IH 400 6R planter,
monitor, inSMtiokte, soy
bean drum, $1200; Hoof
trimming table, $1100; Far
ms! 400, $2000; Sealable
food grade barrels, $l-$5.
IH 1066, factory cab, twin
shafts 4 outlets, coming in
from midwest, $7,800.
IH 1460 combine w/
mudhog, grain loss moniter
w/like new rubber, w/963
corn head and grain head,
nice condition, $29,500.
IH 1466, cab. 4,400 hrs.,
rung .excellent, TA, radial
rubber, $7,800.
IH 1466 tractor duals. JO
214, AC silage wagons.
Gehl blower, IH 8' disc, 14'
silo/unloaders. Evenings,
IH 1586 (1977), cab, air,
heat, 20.8x38 axle mount
duals, nice condition.
$12,500. 716/243-3788.
IH 1586 duals 3200 hrs,
CAH $B,OOO. IH 1566 duals
6500 hrs, CAH $7,000. JD
8350 12’ drill, fertilizer w/
cu hi planter $6,000. IH 510
10' drill fertilizer grass
seeder, double disc,
$2,000. MF 880 plow Bxl6
on-land $2,700.
IH 18' model 4500 vibra
shank field cultivator w/
leveler bar, $2000; JD
7000 4RW liquid corn
planter, $3500; John Blue
crop sprayer $1500; 5x16
MM semi-mount plow,
$5OO. 610-683-7198.
IH 3088 fender tractor, like
new, only 1017 hours.
$17,500. Case IH 415 cuW
mulcher 12.1, Danish tines,
excellent condition,
$4,250. 14' BrUlion trans
port cultlpacker, $1,250.
(7 1 7)966- 1 6 1 0,
IH 3088 Tractor, 2500
Hours, Excellent Condi
tion, New Clutch, 18.4X38
Rubber, $13,500.
IH 315 Roller Harrow, 25'
w/notched packers, very
good condition.
r* —■ ———— -(
! USED j
IH 656 Hydro Diesel I
JO 4040, OR. 4 Post I
JO 4230 4 Post w/ I
Enclosure I
I JO 216 Flex head |
IJO 650 3 PTH Rake |
IJO 1440 w/Diy Fort. j
I (2) JO 1209 I
I JO 6758, 1150 Hrs., j
j Skid Loader ■
j IH Forage Wagon 120 .
I (2) JO 7000 4RN,
I Liquid
(2) NH 489 Haybine
NH 495 Haybine
Gehl Forage Wagon I
Badger Forage Wagon I
I NH *8 Forage Wagon |
I NH 00 100 Disc |
I JO BWF 12' Disc i
I White 5400 6R w/
I Monitor ■
j Kelly Loader Fits JO !
I 2640
I Kelly Ryan Metering J
■ Platform
Hartland Fodder Chop- J
per, Fits On A 4' I
Round Baler . I
King Kutler Rotary I
• Mower I
I Utility Vehicles i
I Used AMT 600 i
I Used AMT 622 |
I 4x2 Gator i
i -
Unotttf Firming, Saturdty, April 2,1H4-D9
JD 16A flail chopper,
$1,200. Nl 224 spreader,
tandem ax's, hydraulic en
dgate, $1,200, MF 280
chopper, $2OO. York
County. (717)228*4811.
JO 2020 (LU),s3hp diesel.
W/newer 178 quiokattach
loader, good condition,
$7BBO. 908-480-4649.
„. Schwartz fits-Ford 5000 &
JD 2040 tractor, roll bar ca- others, includes valve,
no Py- « $5500. pump & wide bucket!
301-733-2195. $1.200.410-833-9091
Krause 2413 rocMlex disc LOADER TRACTOR IH
w/new 22" x% * blades and 460, gas w/2000 loader,
bearings, excellent condi- PS > 3 PL. 53 h -P-, $3,400.
Hon. 610-298-2870. 410-833-9091
Krause Landsman 3118, MANURE SPREADER Nl
18'w/S bar spike drag and 244 tandem, ugly but
packer hitch, used very orks well, $1,250.
little, excellent condition. 410-833-9091
KUBOTA 851 OOE,2WDw/ spreader, good condition,
Bush Hog, excellent. $2,500. Manure auger,
$3,250. 410-833-9091 $7OO. (717)369-2540.
Kubota 2850 4WD tractor,
3Shp, 225 hours, glide
shift, BF 550 loader.
MF 38’ rear wheels w t
hubs, $400; axle duals for
White tractor.
MF 50 Diesel. PS, 3PI,
MP, 90% rubber, $3,800;
IH 12 ft. vibra shank,
$1,000; 16 ft. BriDion field
cultivator, $l,OOO.
MH Pony tractor; JD 60;
Farmall C; Incubator
Jamesway model 3637
type X; Farmall 300 utility
tractor for parts.
Mitts Merrill BXBOO tractor,
mounted power take-off
driven brush chipper, like
new, $2495 080.
610-777-4672. after 6PM
MM tractor parts and ser
vice. Parting out diesels,
G9OO, M 602 and GBD. Da
niel S. Glick, Jr., 360 Radc
liff Rd„ Willow Street, PA
MOWER WOODS 40, 3 pt.
w/slip clutch, excellent,
$450. 410-833-9091
3213 Black Gap Bd.
Chambersburg, PA
■ Long-life design in all versions)
■ BV4 -foot integral and pull-types...
9V4 -foot left- or right-hand-delivery
■ Hydraulic real drive available.
• 35 Percent greater penetrating
Force than John Deere 8000
Series Drills
10' $ 12' * Depth gauging Press Wheels
Available accurately gauge furrow depth
10* w/Orasa while providing good seed to
Cash soil con,acl
Rotary Cultora Utility Vahldos
JD 603, 616, 403, 503 Used AMT 600
JD 1018 Uaod AMT 622
4x2 Gator
grooming mower, used 1
year, 3rt. $l,OOO. Dwight/
Don, (717)328-3146.
New Du-AI, fils al makes 8
models, 20% off.
Martin semi-li
McCurdy Gravity Box w/
Extensions, 2708 u„ Good
Condition. (717)328-2336.
McKee 22' field cultivator,
hydraulic fold w/rolling ba
skets, $22,500. Call after
6pm, (301)334-3897.
MF 1085 diesel w/cab and
air, $8,500. JO 5x16 3pt,
semi-mount plow w/hillside
hitch, $385. JD 4020
diesel, sychro-range, WF,
1 valve, top-link, good oon
dition, $8,500.
1 - Mil White UV Film
• 20x6000
$51.92 per roll
• Skid Price - 32 Rolls
330 Glenbrook Rd.
Laola, PA 17540