Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 124
DS-ljncuHf FimUng. Saturday, April 2, 1994 308 NH Spreader, uood Condition, 1000 PTO. (610)987-6348. 3400 Ford tractor for parts, bad motor, $lOOO. 906-234-2043. 362 Ml Manure Spreader Tailgate Top Beater, 220 Bushels, Good Condition. $2750. Lancaster County. (717)336-0460. 45 HP AC Power Unit and Mastercutter 7 ft. rotary mower, both very good cond. $lOOO each 080. Amos S. Kauffman RD#2 Box 155 A, Honey Brook PA 19344. 4 Badger silage wagons with 3 beaters and roofs, shed Kept, good condition. 302/684-3464, 302/684-0125 night, Mil ton, Delaware. 5400 White 6R corn planter, dry fertilizer, field ready, $1,500. AC Dl9 gas, $2,500. MC 9' flail mower $7OO. NH 2R Snap per head, $5OO. NH 2RW chopper head, $2OO. Gleaner Al2’ reel- 2R corn head, $5OO. JD 95 less mo tor. $5OO. (215)348-5514. 574 International Diesel 52 HP Tractor, Runs and Looks Good, 60% Rubber, $5500. (717)532-3360 5 ton 2 compartment feed bin, $5OO standing. Sam Stoltzfus, 903 A Vintage RD., Christiana, PA 17509 (evenings after S:3OPM) SX JD hyd reset plow, $400; lOOgal. trailer sprayer, $150,10' Western gate, $lOO. 610/932-8196. (6) Westfalia visiontrons, excellent condition; (2) Rissler conveyors; (4) 2' circulating fans; Push feed cart; 70 cow mats. 717-249-0280. 702 Uni system w/760 harvester, 3RN, and pickup head. 6R MF cultivator. Pe quea 9’ hay teddar. 2-stage Snoco grain cleaner. 4 bot tom 16’ Case plow w/side hill hitch. 404 NH hay crusher. Little Genius inter national 2 bottom 14’ drag plow. 2 bottom 14* MR drag plow. (717)524-0372. 71 Chev. 9' Stottfus lime truck $2500; MF 33 double disc grain drill $1000; 16’ transport wing fold harrow $1500; AC 2000 6 bottom reset plow w/land hitch $l5OO All in good shape and field ready. 7' 7 244-8396 720 IH spring reset plow, good condition, field ready, $3500 Franklin Co, NO Sunday calls. 717-597-5004. 750 MF combine, repair or parts, interchangeable Mud Hog, hydrostatic, good rubber, 1500 hrs., turbo, needs block, best of fer. 410-673-7775. 78 MF SOB tractor loader, low hours, good condition, Includes: 8’ Harley power rake, 6' York rake, pallet forks, Ford 6’ 930 A mower, $B5OO Call 610-872-4600. AC 2500 centerfold disc, used last fall, disc are worn, $1100; JD 336 baler w/thrower, $2200; JD 1000 22' hydraulic fold field culti vator w/walking tandems, $l5OO. 717-534-1253. AC 333 no-till air corn planter, 4 row, dry fertilizer, insecticide, monitor, $750. 410-836-7371 after 6PM. AC 600 4R, no-till Air champ com planter, w/dry fertilizer boxes, press wheels, insecticide boxes and monitor Lancaster Co. 717-786-7143. AC 600 No-Til Corn Planter, 4RN w/John Blue Liquid Fertilizer Attach ment, Insecticide Box, $BOO. (717)530-5818. AC 6080 4 Post ROPS, 4000 Mrs., 18.4-34 New. $9450. (717)683-6802. AC 74 no-til 2R corn planter, 3pt, dry fertilizer, excellent condition. Call af ter 7pm, (304)754-8065. AC Dl4 w/new rubber & full cultivators, 3 pt., live PTO, $2,500. Case 430 utility tractor, WF, 3pt, 1300 hours, very nice. $4,500. Also JO 494 4R corn planter, $650. (908)359-5934. Case IH 1989 685 62hp, 560 hrs., dual remotes, ex cellent condition, $15,000. 2250 loader 72’ material bucket, $4,000. (717)539-2950. Case IH 265 diesel tractor offset, w/cultivators, 3pt. hitch, A-1 condition. 301-582-0325. Complanters: 2 and 3 row with John Deere Max- Emerge II units. Plateless or vacuum. 3-Point or pull type. JD 7000 com plan ters, parts, & overhauled. Liquid and dry fertilizer at tachment custom installed on planters, cultivators, etc. Pequea Planter, 561 White Horse Rd., Gap, PA 17527. Lancaster Co. 1 V< miles north of Gap on RLB97. CRAWLER LOADER IH 250, 4 in 1, VG UC, excel lent 6 cyl. engine, needs trans. work, $2,900. 410-833-9091 Cultipacker, 10' Transport $750, Also 14' Drag Fold- Up Transport 3 Point Hitch $750. (607)792-3876. Deutz DBOO6, used tractor, 85hp, mechanics special. Some engine fix-up, parts included. $2500. STAUF FER DIESEL INC. 717-738-2500. Deutz DX9O tractor/loader, . 85hp, removable cab, $10,500. 717-532-5560. Oilier Manure Tankers; Pull type or truck mounted. We buy, sell, trade, and rebuild at a fraction of new cost Call (800)523-8002 or (717)369-2691 today. Franklin County. Discontinuing farming: 1050 Badger wagon, $7,250 3950 JD forage hanrester w/7’ hay head, 2RN com head, $17,500. 600 Case IH blower, $3,950. All the above equipment has been in ser vice only about 2 years. Also have 716 JD forage wagon, $4250; square bale wagon, $800; generator, $1750, 30 head feed cart w/head locks, $1750; JD 3010 gas, $4250. No Sun day calls (301)824-2340. Dismantling for Parts: Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders Cedi for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983 Phone 304-772-3741 DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: 4-108 Perkins and Ford 3 Cyl. 201 Cid. Diesel Engines, S6SOQ Satoh and 155 Yanmar Tractor; LSS3 New Holland and 342,330, 440, Mustang Skidloaders; New and Used Parts for Kubota and Wisconsin En gines; Complete Repairs on Skidloaders Including Hydrostatic. GD Equip ment (717)859-3533. FARMALL 140, FH w/plow & disc, $1,900. 410-833-9091 FARMALL 656, gas, NF. excellent rubber, dean 1 of a kind midwest tractor, $4,250. 410-833-9091 Fans; 3 Wall, 5 Sus pended. (717)527-4785. Farmalt 340 G, NF, fast hitch, 2 remotes, TA, excel lent, $2500. 717/398-1459. Farmall 340 w/fast hitch & power steering, nice, $2475; Int. fast hitch T mower, belt driven, $375; Int. #350 10' transport disc, $875; Farmall M w/hyd., real nice, $lBOO. 610/562-4464. Farmall A, Light, Starter, Cultivator, Tires, Paint, Very Good Condition, New Woods 5' Rotary Mower, $2475 Lancaster County (717)336-2031. Farmall A completely re stored, show tractor, very sharp, $2850. 717-569-1891. 14* Haybuster Drill, no-till, like new, kept in dry. 301/473-5968. 1974 K Gleaner combine, $4600. 717/423-6208. 1981 NH 1069 bale wagon, diesel. 1,800 hours, oriqi nal tires, good, s2a*ft -1047 rebuilt rnruur and pump, good. $8,300. Roeder implement, Seneca, KS (913)336-6103. 1984 8010 AC diesel, very good condition, new radial tires on rear, cab, air and heater. 814-355-3149. Center Co. 1 JD 210 C Backhoe Loader. 717-573-2215. (2) 4' roller harrows, $2OO/ea; Rebuilt 20 Made disc w/newvblades, $800; 75 bale thrower for NH baler. KIRKWOOD RE PAIR. 717-529-3299 B-B:3OAM 25 gal. Pioneer liquid hay preservative sprayer, com plete unit, used one sea son, $250. (717)966-1307. 25HP Sathos 650 G tractor w/60’ belly mower, good condition, only 1600 hrs., $3695 080. 610-777-4672 after 6PM. 273 NH BALER w/kicker, $2,200. McCormick hay rake $950. JD 12' transport disc, new disc, $1,500. Nl 36' elevator, $525. Burling ton County, (609)267-6071. 2-91 Mobility, mdl 500, 5 Ton, Hyd. Spreaders. $4OOO Ea. Dwight @ 717-328-3145. 2 JD Conservative Plan ters, (1) 8R and (1) 4R; 4 Hay Wagons. (215)588-7940 (2) NH 256 rakes, w/ pivioting tandem hitch, very good condition. 610-298-2870. (2) Rain-flo water wheels, 18' spacing, like new, $B5/piece. (717)653-9662. (2) used 1/3 tread tractor tires, 16.9x30, $l5O. (717)235-1716. 2 used plastic tech trailer type round bale wrappers, no cut-off, $6,800. 410/658-6319 evenings. 300 gallon saddle tank spray system w/electnc pump, good codition. 610-298-2870. 30.5x32 Firestone radiais, used w/tubes. 717-288-6219. Lancaster Farming I 1 E. Main St. ■ Ephrata, Pa 17522 ■ 717*394*3047 ■ or Utltz ■ 717*929*1194 ■ FAX 717*733*9059 ■ PHONE HOURS: Mon, Tut*, Wtd. ft FH • a m. to S p.m. Thuri. 7 a.m. to S p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Frl. • ■ tn. to S p.m. Tha following catagorlaa •ro available for your m elaaaltlad advarllalng. ■ In Section D. Deadline* ■ Thuraday morning at •of | oaeh woak'a publication I*Parm Equipment I 2*Farm Eq. Wantad H Tha following ealagoriaa " ara avallabla In your ■ ealaaltlad advartlalng. In ■ Saellon C. Deadline* I Wadnasday altarnoon at S ■ of tach watk'a publication. H Equipment 3'Slloo and Unloadsrs 4'Building and Supplies s«Orein Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment ••Cattle ••Horses l> Mules 10- A Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13 Hog Eq. & Supplies 14- A Supplies 15- A Seed 16*Fartllltar 17-Planta lB»Fruita & Vagatablaa 19*Nur»ery 20« Lawn & Cardan 21*Sarvlcaa Oltarad 22*Cuatom Work 'l*Halp Wantad 23-H#tp W«nt»<- 24*Situ«llont Wanted 25-Buslneai Opporlunitltti ■ 26*Hou«ahold I 27-P»ti ■ 21-Lo»t ■ 29*Found 30-Cc ..•Computer* ■ 31- I 32- ■ 33- Vehicle* m 34- I 35- & Trailers H 36*R*al Estate | AC G w/cultivators and mounted mower, good condition, $?,800. (412)929-8545. AC Model 770, Four Row, Plate Corn Planter, Dry Fertilizer, Very Good Con-' dition. Berks. (610)562-7026 After 6PM. siobo. Air blast sprayer, Myers 2A36,6 cylinder, black dia mond, very good condition, $l,BOO. (717)432-0578. Allis Chalmer C Lights, Starter, Hydraulic, Tires, Paint, 5' Woods Rotary Mower, All Very Good. $1975. Lancaster County. (717)336-2031. Allis Chalmers B, Tires, Paint, Sheet Metal, Lights, Starter, Hydraulic, Like New, w/New 5' Woods Rot ary Mower. $2650. Lancas ter County. (717)336-2031. ANTIQUE JD TRACTORS: 1954,60;1941,D; 1943,0; 1948, M; WF for G; 1939 Formal! H. 412-548-5996 after 6PM. BATWING MOWER WOODS B-320, demo, new, $7,500. 410-833-9091 BATWING WOODS 3180 (shown at Farm Show) Make Offer. 410-633-9091 Balzer 1016 stationary conveyor box, used or 300 tons haylage. Must sell. $6,600. (717)966-1307. Barrels, 55 gal., blue plas tic, $lO/each 717/382-4756 Fawn Twp., York Co. BELTING: We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. NO Sunday calls. Befco rotary tillers, field cultivators, rakes, teddars, wood shippers, and round bale choppers. C. W. Neiderhiser Sales, (412)423-4076. BF6L 913 Deutz dieMl, re built condition, $3800; Nis san diesel SOhp, good con dition, $1400; Curtis air compressor, lOhp, good condition, $BOO. Smuckers Repair, 94 Summit Hill Drive, Strasburg, PA 17579, 717/687-8266 Bam. Brand new Miller repair portable top, $3lOO. 717-786-7363 7:30-BAM or leave message. CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609. Hphrala, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form tor Mall Box Market Ads, see Instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Address Please publish my \ starting with the i # . I enclose . Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, do Lancaster Fanning: $1,50 per ad per week additional. This nawspaper will not be responsible lor more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. DEADLII SECTION C ■ WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION 0 • THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK'S PUBLICATION Bril lion 10' CuWpecker with Sprockets, Has Center Bearing. Good Condition. (717)627-3567. Brillion Culti-Mulcher, IS', $1500; Brady Field Cultiva tor. 18V4'. $1500; (2) Plow Packers, 11', $5OO Each; (2) Plow Packer Hitches for a 720 IH 7 Bottom Plow, $lOO Each. (609)935-0348. Brillion 23' folding crows'- foot cultipacker, want TO TRADE for 23' folding solid packer. JD 210 disc 14'. (717)398-0226. Bush Hog 8-tooth 3pt chisel plow w/gauge wheels, like new, $1450; Chattanooga 12' packer w/ center bearing, $875; Qlenoo 10-tooth chisel, pull type, nice, $l7OO, Brillion 16' wing harrow, $875. 610/562-4464. Bush Hog chisel plow $9OO. NH 256 rake, $1,200. Hyd bin wagon au ger. $5OO. (717)776-5726. Bush Hog rotary mower, 3pt hitch, 6', good condi tion, $600; 18.4x38 tire, good for duals, $25. 908/735-2720 after 7pm. Cab to fit JD utility tractors. 301-733-2195. Case 1030 Comfort King, 3pth, excellent Joe Beebe, RR#4, Towanda, PA. (717)265-6536. Case 1845 skid loader, $1,000.16' oak grain body, steel runners, $550. JD 1710 mulch tiller, $5,500. Call (410)239-8234. Case 1896 100 HP. cab. air, power shift, 3132 hrs. 410-239-7054. Case 2090 CAH, 2600 hours, duals, weights, $12,000. White 5100 no-til 6R planter w/liquid fertil izer. $6,200. AC 2300 20' hydraulic fold disk $1,200. Oliver 16' Danish tooth transport harrow, $950. Noble 6R cultivator $B5O. Taylor-way 3pt 9-tooth chisel plow, $BOO. JO 8350 grain drill $2,000. MC 12' stalk chopper $BOO. Cage) 1000 gal sprayer 40* boom $2,000. Scavenger II 51666 manure spreader $1,500. Call evenings after 6PM, (717)286-1491 or leave message (717)523-7888. Case 2390 tractor, 165 hp, excellent condition, sold farm, no work for tractor, ready to go. (717)527-4785. PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. State. .Phone (. word ad limes issue. Classif' under 17 38 39 (Phone Numbers Count As One Worrit BUSH HOQ 10' pull type mo wars, complete, sat up and ready to go, $3795. Taneytown Farm ft Hard ware, 410/751-1500. BUSH HOG T w/twin tail wheels, original Bush Hog not a copy, excellent, $1,200. 410-833-9091 Bulk feeders, oak, 4xl6', $2OO each. 4xl2' $175. Brand new. (301)898-7426. Farmall A w/vacuum lift, in cludes snow blade, single plow, and cultivators, $2,000. (717)275-3069. Farmall Cub w/fasthitch, York rake, grader, blade, snow plow, excellent shape, $2500; (2) Gravely walk behind snowplows; rotary mower; cultivator, $650. 914-988-6573. Farmall Super H, cultiva tor, loader on steel wheels, $l2OO OBO; Farmall Super C, with cultivator on steel wheels, $lOOO 080. Call 610/683-5288 after 5 PM. Farmall Super M, nice con dition, $l6OO. Cumberland Co. 717/776-3872. Farm Bill Wagons w/ tongue, double tree yoke sides and standards. Made to order. 4 rubber tire cheve wheels for wagon, nylon rope and accesso ries. Christ F. Stoltzfoos, 5083 Usner Road, Kinzer, PA. Farmers = Dealers -- Your advertising pays lor itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Farm Truck; Chevrolet 1968, Series 60.366 8 Mo tor, Hoist, 2 Speed Rear, 20' Bed, Gross 33,000, Air; Mark 6 Potato Harvester, Block Wood, Model 560300206 H SN3I3; Also Thomas Harvester for Parts. (717)927-6270. Fencing Equipment for sale: Ford tractor, front mount, commercial shaver post driver, 4’ hyd. auger, S reel wire dispenser, plus extras. Summit Systems, Inc., 814/735-3293. Field Cultivator, 18' flat fold, vibrashank, $2250; IH #l4 subsoiler, 5-tooth auto reset w/ooulters, like new, $4000; Brillion cultipacker 14'. $l3OO. 717/336-6547. FLAIL MOWER JD 2SA, field ready, $7OO. 410-833-9091 HFIED ADVERTISING RATI 38c per word per week -1 or 2 times 32c per word per week - 3 or more times 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 4.18 8.36 4.56 9.12 4.94 9.88 5.32 10.64 5.70 11.40 6.08 12.16 6.46 12.92 6.84 13.68 7.72 14.44 7.60 15.20 Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1973 IH 201OA. 16' dump, 549 gas, 5+2 speed single axle, 33,000 GVW, good farm truck, $2,000. Dwight, (717)328-3145. Holland Transplanter, 4 tool bar units, will sell one or all, 15’ rubber packing wheels, good condition, serviced regularly. 717/467-2746. Horse Farmers Special! NH 512 Manure Spreader, 125 bu„ PTO, runs excel lent, $lOOO. (301)898-7426. FMC 300 gal. orchard sprayer, PTO, fiberglass tank. 301/824-7621 evenings. FORKLIFT HYSTER A 66, Perkins diesel, 4x4, 6,000 lbs., 34', $8,500. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE: 3940 JD chop per 2R narrow corn head, 5' pickup, heat, manual controls, good condition. Carroll County. (410)635-2028. 64 Ford Galaxie, 2-door coup, VB, late inspection, high milage. Make offer. Antique 1935 RC Case tractor, fair condition, $2,500 or will trade. BuckCo (215)453-1836. FOR SALE: JD 1 T wing disc w/hyd. cylinder. $2,400 080 Berks County. (717)933-8082. FOR SALE; Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade ins wel comed. New and used parts in stock, belts, bear ings, sprockets, pulleys, PTO, bolts, baler twine, etc. KIRKWOOD REPAIR, 550 Coopers DR, Kirk wood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B:3OAM. Ford 3000 diesel, nice, $4,200 firm. NH 452 disc mower, excellent, $3,100. (717)469-7351. Ford 7X plow, 18"; AC 770, air corn planter.'' 914/856-4265. Ford Disc, 3pL, Model J se ries, 6', good condition, $785. 717/656-7657. For most any combine, grain and/or corn header, or self propelled choppers. Call Larry Stalter, ‘The Combine Man' 1-800-248-2151 3 Tlnrs 10.56 11.52 12.48 13.44 14.40 15.36 16.32 17.28 18.24 19.20