Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 02, 1994, Image 122

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    DfrUncwff Farming,Saturday, April 2, 1994
HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)
The largest delegation ever of
Pennsylvania State Grangers vis
ited their federal legislators during
the annual Washington Legisla
tive Tour.
Among the issues to be dis
cussed during the recent visit with
U.S. Congressmen and Senators
were the reorganization of the
United Stales Department of Agri
culture, rural health care, amend
ments to the Clean Water Act,
expansion of coverage by the
Occupational Safety and Health
Organization (OSHA), and revi
sion of federal crop insurance
Brenda Shambaugh, Pennsyl
vania Stale Grange legislative
director, said the Washington tour
Md. Provides Tick ID Service
land Secretary of Agriculture
Robert L. Walker has announced
that the Mosquito Control Section
of the department will continue to
provide free tick identification
services at its headquarters labor
atory in Annapolis, as well as at
the regional laboratories in River
dale, Salisbury, and Leonardtown.
“Our goal is to help health care
professionals and the general
public to identify ticks that may be
carrying Lyme disease or Rocky
Mountain spotted fever,” Walker
According to Cyrus R. Lesser,
chief of the Mosquito Control
Section, 329 ticks were identified
during 1993. The most common
species found was the lone star
tick, characterized by a white dot
on its back.
This tick is a pest species, but is
not known to transmit disease.
The American dog tick, which
comprised 25-percent of the col
lection. is a vector of Rocky
Mountain spotted fever. Lyme
disease is transmitted by the
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State Grange
presented an opportunity for the
Grange to voice its position on
issues that have been developed
through the Grange’s grass-roots
policies. A summary of the issues
and Grange policy follows:
The reorganization of the
USDA came one step closer to
fruition with the approval of a sub
stitute plan by the Subcommittee
on Department Operations and
The core of the plan would
reduce the present number of
presidentially-appointed, sub-
Cabinet officers from 10 to seven
and give Secretary of Agriculture
Mike Espy some discretion to
merge separate agencies and
offices from 43 to 30. It also
requires the reduction in size of
the USDA’s staff by 7,500 over
black-legged tick in Maryland and
this species comprised 10-percent
of the 1993 collection.
Based on the number of ticks
submitted for identification, the
Coastal Plain of Maryland appears
to have the highest population of
ticks. This includes all of the East
ern Shore region, southern Mary
land, and those counties bordering
the Chesapeake Bay. Only one
tick specimen was submitted from
the mountainous Western Mary
land region.
In 1994, the Maryland Depart
ment of Agriculture again will
offer free tick identification and
information services for Maryland
residents. Information on ticks
and Lyme disease, including color
pamphlets, fact sheets and book
mark, is available on request at
no charge. Community service
organizations will be loaned VCR
tapes upon request.
Ticks to be identified should be
placed in a zip-lock plastic bag
along with the name, address and
telephone number of the donor,
Whether your problem is
subsurface water or
surface water-Contact Us.
We will be glad to give
you some suggestions on
what to do with your
particular problem. We
also work very closely
with the SCS
* in your county.
Members Visit Washington
five years with a larger reduction
coming in the Washington office
rather than the field locations.
However, Espy would be author
ized to reduce the number of field
offices through elimination or
The Grange advocates moving
food welfare programs, rural
housing and other non-farm public
service programs administered by
USDA under one agency such as
the Department of Public Welfare.
The Grange supports co-located
service centers under a 30-30-30
formula where a minimum of 30
farmers would not have to travel
more than 30 miles or need more
than 30 minutes’ dome to get to a
service center. The Grange also
backs converting the Soil Conser
vation Service (SCS) to the
date and location where collected
and type of host, whether it be
human, pet, livestock, equine, etc.
The container should be delivered
or mailed to the nearest laborat
ory. Results of the identification
will be available within two work
ing days.
“Our staff will also be available
to answer questions about tick life
cycles and offer advice on how to
avoid tick bites. However, we can
not determine if a tick carries a
disease-causing agent,” Lesser
For details on the Maryland
Department of Agriculture’s tick
identification and information
program, contact a regional Mos
quito Control Office: Annapolis
(410) 841-5870; Leonardtown
(301) 475-9123; Riverdale (301)
927-8357; or Salisbury (410)
100's of JO tractors tor
parts- All models- 1024 to
1960- Parts shipped direct
to you. Dengler Tractor Inc.
Middletown, OH
1035 NH Self-Propelled
Bale Wagon.
1066 IH turbo tractor, only
2700 hrs., dual tires; 710IH
6 bottom automatic reset
16' plow; (2) 20' hay wa
gons, 10' high, w/10 ton
cha' - ‘ /bio
cassis, w/big tires; 14’
750 MF diesel combine,
used for small grain. All
items excellent condition.
m %
National Resource Conservation
Service, but feels the function of
SCS should continue to be techni
cal with priority given to farmers.
The Grange’s interest in health
care reform dates back decades.
At the National level, the Grange
has sponsored a multiyear, politi
cal, educational, and action prog
ram called “Health Care in
The Pennsylvania State Grange
supports freedom of choice for
medical providers and facilities;
uniform fee schedules, benefits,
and eligibility requirements,
including coverage for in-home
care; health care that maintains
existing preferred or association
group health care plans; and con
tributions based on ability to pay.
The Grange opposes employer*
mandates and government
intervention except to revise cur
rent laws and regulations.
Congress is expected to rewrite
the Clean Water Act of 1972 as
emphasis shifts from point sources
of pollution to non-point sources
(NPS) such as streets, construc
tion sites, mines, logging areas,
and farms.
The Grange has joined a broad
coalition of agriculutural and agri
business organizations to form the
Clean Water Working Group and
is working with members of Con
gress and their staffs, administra
tion officals, and other interested
parties to express agriculture’s
concerns in adopting practical and
workable solutions to NFS
The Grange urges Congress to
maintain full funding of up to
$4OO million, to be spent with a
state’s matching funds, on prog
rams to provide educational and
PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047
FAX 717-733-6058
Mon., Tuea., Wed., Prl. 8 AM to 6 PM; Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM
10‘ Brillion cultimulcher,
$600; Dunham 10' culti
packer, $400; IH 10‘
springtooth harrow, $550.
1190 mower condition,
very good condition,
$5500; 656 hydro diesel,
good condition, $6OOO.
12 east iron closing wheels
for JD 7000 com planter.
12' Spring Tooth Harrow,
Used 3 Seasons, Excellent
Condition. (814)446-5807
After 4PM.
(1)3000 & (1)9000 Qal. SS
nitrogen storage tanks.
703/639-2262, after Bpm
technical assistance to address
NPS problems. Full funding, the
Grange believes must be a priority
in any Clean Water Act
Pollution control programs
must be based on voluntary,
locally-designed programs that
meet die voluntary cooperation of
farmers and landowners to use
best management practices. The
program should be administered
by a single federal agency and
must protect the rights of farmers
and landowners.
Strongly backed by the Clinton
Administration, bills to expand
the coverage of OSHA are moving
through Congress. Two bills
would place substantial new safe
ty and health burdens on employ
ers. Both bills include the creation
of safety and health committees
for employers with 11 or more
employees and written safety and
health programs to identify and
correct work place hazards,
including training and education
for all employers.
The Grange strongly opposes
the provisions that require the
committees on safety and health
when only a few employees are
involved. A farmer hiring extra
hands at harvest time would have
an administrative nightmare, espe
cially if three or four of the hands
were family members. The
Grange also opposes unrealistic
OSHA work place safety and
health regulations.
Included in the trek to the
nation’s capital will be a visit with
Espy, a congressional breakfast
with legislators, and a meeting
with Pennsylvania’s senators and
House and Senate Ag Committee
staff members.
ih THE
1520 Hesston self
unloading tandem axle
tank spreader, $2500; NH
276 w/super sweep & #7O
thrower, $3300; IH 800
6RN air planter w/dry fertil
izer & insecticide, $4500;
72 .White freightliner w/
tanoam axle, 350 Cum
mins, 13spd, $2500; JD S'
hay head, $200; McCurdy
gravity bln only, $2OO.
717/776-6833 Cumberland
54' Kools PTO driven
shaker hopper blower; 16'
3 beater #llO IH and JD
214 2-beater forage wa
gons. 717-359-4363.
16X60 Lancaster Silo w/
Patz Silo Unloader, $5OOO
But Will Talk; Übler Silage
Cart #BOB, Uke New, $BOO.
18-4x34 axle duals for 706,
$275. MF 10* 3pth chisel
plow w/gauge wheels and
operator manual, 1 owner,
$975. QM diesel engine (or
parts, good head, out of Ml
Uni. $125. (717)534-1253.
1938 JD B. Needs Tire and
Paint, $2OOO.
(717)529-6005 Weekends
1939 Oliver 70, 75% re
stored, need room for new
toy. $l4OO. 717-437-3547
1940 JD B, 4 new Dree,
fresh valve job, 4-speed
trans., stepup gear,
'RARE', nine good, $2OOO
080. 717-336-4676.
1947 Case 8C modal, ex
cellent condition, new
paint, wheel weights, beet
offer. 717/483-6247,
1947 JD A, good condition.
$1100; s', 3pt Woods rot
ary mower $350. Call after
4:3OPM, 410-396-8231
Cecil Co., MO
1947 John Deere A; John
Deere 420 crawler; BN.
215-267-2497 after 4PM.
1950 JD G, nice condition,
runs excellent.
1953 8N Ford w/rotary
mower; 1953 Oliver 77 WF.
1970 C-50 Chevrolet ser
vice truck, 11’ service
body, air compressor, lift
gate, snow plow; MiHer 200
amp DC welder, powered
by Onan motor; 10KW 3ph
generator, powered fay
Deutz diesel, taken off 7*
power pivot, 650 hrs.;
52'x8* diameter PTO grain
auger, very good condition;
Bale elevators: JO 40'
single chain; 24’ double
chain w/slats.
1971 IH 16' dump truck w/
metal bed, power steering
$950. Nl 402 hay rake w/
rubber teeth, $575. MF 26
hay rake w/steel teeth,
$425. (717)534-1253.
1971 International, 19*
steel bed, power tail gate.
5-speed, double wheels,
very good rubber, wt.
32,000, 86,760 k, $l4OO
080. 410-592-6322.
1973 Chevy COO w/16* flat
dump, 366, 54-2, 10.-00x2;
Miller AC-DC welder w/2
eye. Onan. 1984 Dodge
3509* flat dump, good con
dition. (410)329-6791.